Re: Bode Miller gets gofundme
July 31, 2018
Someone on the comments said the divorce rate is REALLY high when something like this happens as parents look to blame each other. In this case it was the moo that looked away for many seconds.

Also most yahoo commenters are hollaring the moo has suffered enough
Re: Bode Miller gets gofundme
July 31, 2018
Here is the GoFundme, where Over 30 grand has been raised.

Why are people giving this wealthy family money?

In the weepy interview there is no mention of what they will do with this money. If they want to raise awareness, they need to declare 100% of the money will go to charity and what this "foundation" will do.
Re: Bode Miller gets gofundme
July 31, 2018

Another woman got involved with him in 2012 and was knocked up within 6 weeks of meeting him just before the break up, i.e an oops knowing who he was and the court battle got weird over where the moo was allowed to live. Bodie really didn't want this other woman to have that particular kid, but then started fighting for custody of it after it was born. I guess he was interested after "it got here"

The Miller's need to donate that gofundme $$$$ to charity if only for PR reasons
Re: Bode Miller gets gofundme
July 31, 2018
Here is the GoFundme, where Over 30 grand has been raised.
Why are people giving this wealthy family money?

My hypothesis is that people LOVE to give famous wealthy people money and material objects. I say this because lots of people have to be buying those magazines, watching the reality shows/movies to keep those people popular. But if they see you (you meaning NOT a wealthy famous person) with something they can't afford (a car, in a better house, or even looking more put together than they do) then the horns come out. Maybe it is the local one-up man ship they perceive that they cannot handle? Perhaps they like to brag about giving to GFM on social media?

I've been reading a blog recently by financial samurai and he advises anyone who earns two or more times the median income to hide all evidence that they earn more than the median. He also says that most people (except I'm guessing the super wealthy) aren't able to play the Buffet game of paying only 11% of their money to taxes and that is a myth perpetuated to make the middle class hate the wealthy. But there seems to be some sort of weird loophole people have for the ultra-wealthy...maybe it is because they are so far removed from reality....celebrities drive around in Bentleys and fly in jets and people watch them, buy their crap, etc.

About 8 years ago I worked at a Mercedes dealership. One day one of the sales people and I went to lunch in what would be the equivalent of a new AMG S65 ($230,000) and from the time we got out of the car we received the worst mean mugs you could imagine and we were in a wealthy area where Mercedes were more common than Hondas! After this happened a few times I realized it was because of the car. Then it became entertaining. So, we would do this at least once a week and enjoy the pig faces.
Re: Bode Miller gets gofundme
August 01, 2018
My husband and I bought Ingrid a few months ago, Mercedes Benz, and she's an awesome little car. She's a Daimler Benz, and she goes like stink. Really luxurious interior, beautiful looking on the outside, really grips the road. My aunt didn't want us to get a Mercedes, and tried every which way to get us not to buy one. Now, she's all pissed off because we have one, and I'm suspecting that's the reason why she won't have much to do with us. She bought herself an overpriced Honda SUV, and now she's on the hook with the dealership for the payments. We bought our car with Debit. She's all ours.

I don't really notice people giving us the stink-eye on the road, but I do notice a lot of people in my area have Mercedes. I never noticed it before we bought Ingrid.

I don't regret the purchase. If people think I'm some sort of snobby asshole because we own a supposed 'status' car, then so be it. It speaks to their own insecurity.

I'm considering whether or not to buy a "Fuck your stick figure family" sticker to put on her. I think THAT on a Mercedes would piss people off, haha.
Re: Bode Miller gets gofundme
August 03, 2018
Is it just me, or does Bode look inbred?

He reminds me of Jim Bob Duggar, almost a look-alike.

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