One Way to Boost Fertility: Babysit Other People’s Kids
July 09, 2018
This article title is cruel to the childless: it isn't really about helping them increase fertility, it is about helping the fertile myrtiles out so they will sluice more.

Then there is this, quoted directly: "And the data shows that parents are overwhelmed. Throughout the United States, parents spend an average of nearly 5 hours per week per child providing for the direct, physical needs of their children under age 5."

Guess I don't see how 5 hours is an enormous amount of time to invest in offspring each week. Seems like a fairly insignificant amount of time. Used to receive email alert notifications of plenty of moos liking and posting at least this much a week on FB. Several hundred of those in a day and I disabled the alerts. Hell, some of them are high scorers on those games on FB so you know they are dedicating more than 5 hours a week to FB. More like 5 hours of FB a day.

There is a bit of fire and brimstone thrown in towards all those childless that are too selfish to babysit a neighbor's kid for at least 1.3 overnights a month. It is a moral imperative, bleats the author.

The silver lining is (if this article is true) is to avoid babysitting at all costs to keep the birthrate down.
Re: One Way to Boost Fertility: Babysit Other People’s Kids
July 09, 2018
I can't wait until we're forced by law to provide free baby sitting services for the 'overworked' Moos and Duhs.
Re: One Way to Boost Fertility: Babysit Other People’s Kids
July 09, 2018
The whole thing is based on the assumption that lots of children are a societal and economic good. Someone hasn’t heard of climate change or automation. He also thinks that since we all needed care as children that we owe it to someone else. I wonder if his kids realize that every time he feeds them they are wracking up debt in his mind.
Re: One Way to Boost Fertility: Babysit Other People’s Kids
July 09, 2018

"And the data shows that parents are overwhelmed. Throughout the United States, parents spend an average of nearly 5 hours per week per child providing for the direct, physical needs of their children under age 5."

OH NOES, parents actually have to spend time raising the kids they chose to have?! What fuckery is this?! You mean raising kids requires EFFORT?! And five hours sounds like a piddly amount of time. Frankly, I'd say that parents who only spend five hours a week dealing with their preschool-aged children are neglecting them.

Babysitting other people's brats is also a great way to increase childfreedom. I knew I didn't want kids ever since I was a kid myself, but when I was forced to babysit, it made me dislike kids even more and I didn't think that was possible.

I don't know about anyone else, but the link didn't work for me.
Re: One Way to Boost Fertility: Babysit Other People’s Kids
July 09, 2018
The author is Lyman Stone. Here is his Facebook profile:

After reading his screed, why am I not surprised by what I see on his timeline?
Re: One Way to Boost Fertility: Babysit Other People’s Kids
July 10, 2018
When I get some say in other people's choices, then I will accept responsibility for the outcome. But it still doesn't mean babysitting, because if it was up to me, people would stop breeding.
Re: One Way to Boost Fertility: Babysit Other People’s Kids
July 10, 2018
Why on EARTH would a CF person want to loafsit? Don't breeders have a lot of moo friends they can ask to loafsit little Sneauflayke for them once in awhile? Even a CL person would probably not want to do this, because it would hurt their poor little feelings.

And...five hours? On average, I spend way more time than that interacting with my pets.
Re: One Way to Boost Fertility: Babysit Other People’s Kids
July 10, 2018
If a family is planning another kid and decides against it based on me babysitting one time at their house I would do it if they lived locally. But we are talking about permanent sterilization here. And people aren't going to change their minds about having a baby because I offer to babysit! Maybe we could get famous people to make this offer! hysterical laughter
Re: One Way to Boost Fertility: Babysit Other People’s Kids
July 10, 2018
Not to mention, why would you want someone who doesn't have and/or doesn't want/like kids watching your kids? Wouldn't you want someone who at least likes them or has them to do that job? I sure wouldn't want someone who hates cats to cat-sit for me, so what exactly would be accomplished by making a CF or CL person brat-sit?

I'm guessing it's because they figure since we don't have kids, we're just sitting around twiddling our thumbs shivering with anticipation and hoping they give us the tremendous pleasure of minding their kids.
Re: One Way to Boost Fertility: Babysit Other People’s Kids
July 10, 2018
Not to mention, why would you want someone who doesn't have and/or doesn't want/like kids watching your kids? Wouldn't you want someone who at least likes them or has them to do that job? I sure wouldn't want someone who hates cats to cat-sit for me, so what exactly would be accomplished by making a CF or CL person brat-sit?

I'm guessing it's because they figure since we don't have kids, we're just sitting around twiddling our thumbs shivering with anticipation and hoping they give us the tremendous pleasure of minding their kids.

Nope, wouldn't hire anyone to do any job if they admitted to hating it. They'd either do a bad job, commit a series of no shows or quit as soon as they received a better offer. And isn't parenting and by virtue babysitting TMIJITW?

I haven't seen his timeline (FB link isn't working for me) but he posts everywhere and anywhere which makes me doubt he has kids, if he did he'd lose at least 5 hours a week. He really pushes kids and tries to site so many reasons why they are so great. Perhaps he is armchair preaching at the people and doesn't have any kids and is clueless.
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