But I thought all children were miracles and gifts from God?
July 24, 2018

This is a youtube series where they lure child predators to a hotel room (no its not Chris hansen from dateline)....

This episode stuck out to me as a special sneuxflayke all grown up. This winner is 28 years old, no job, lives in moms basement playing world of warcraft all day and (according to the decoy) had poor hygiene.

Anyway his mother found what she believed to be child porn on his computer and contacted these people for help. So a young looking 20 something poses as a 12 year old and he shows up to the motel room to meet her (thinking her parents are out) and tries to rape her, the guys who run this channel pull him off then this "miracle from God's" mother comes out.

Mom did do the right thing in this instance by kicking him out and destroying his computer, then this 28 year old cries like a little bitch over his laptop being destroyed. However, based on his behavior it looks like this is the first time in this special sneuflaykes life that hes been told "no" and i strongly doubt this is his first time trying to harm a child. Faces are blurred in this video but the mom looks and sounds like shes not much older than her perp son, so im guessing she was a teen moo.

My point(s) being, this world wouldve been way better off if that kid had been aborted (yes lurking pro liars I'm looking at u), and this is how undisciplined little shits can turn out. While she did the right thing at the end of this video by kicking him out, I can tell she catered to his every whim up til this point plus as soon as she saw kiddie porn she shouldve contacted the police, not a youtube channel, but she was probably still in denial about the whole thing.

And yes there's a good chance these series are fake, but even if they are pricks like this do actually exist sad smiley
Re: But I thought all children were miracles and gifts from God?
July 24, 2018
It reminds me of the old cartoons, where one of the characters, I can't remember which one, would say, "He was somebody's baby once!" Could it have been Witch Hazel?

Anyhow, I'm sure that most moos don't suspect that their loaves will grow into dangerous sex offenders. It's the spin of the wheel.

This cow should have actually gone to the cops. Does she think that public shaming on YouTube will actually help him? Nothing helps sex offenders. The only thing that we as a society can do is to lock them up.
Re: But I thought all children were miracles and gifts from God?
July 24, 2018
The right thing isn't kicking him out and destroying his laptop, it is informing the police so that people can be protected from him.
Re: But I thought all children were miracles and gifts from God?
July 24, 2018
The right thing isn't kicking him out and destroying his laptop, it is informing the police so that people can be protected from him.

From my understanding at the end of the video it was typed that his hardrive was submitted to the authorities
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