"Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 08, 2018
Many parts of the earth could actually become inhabitable within a few decades. WTF people!? Reason #683926648264 to not have kids. But, good news though! This article gets the fact that we are part of the SOLUTION, not the problem! Let's keep up the good work!

Hothouse Earth

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 08, 2018
It's been an utter mystery to me for a long time why people continue to breed with the known effects of climate change on the horizon. The last few years we have seen fits of wacky weather and this summer there has been a very observable effect. And yet still people choose to have babies, or talk about doing so in the future. Absolute proof that we are not a logical species.

Facts like this make me feel misanthropic.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 08, 2018
Yet just yesterday, I saw a pregnant woman receive "congratulations" from another woman in a cafeteria. Congratulations for what? Having unprotected sex and destroying the environment? Someday, I am not going to be able to bite my tongue over that. Maybe when pregnant women get shunned there might not be so many babies.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 08, 2018
I found this summer to be REALLY hot and humid in upstate NY and it is still going on. People who have lived all of their lives here have said it is the worst they have seen.

People just deny that humans have anything to do with climate change so they can live guilt free in their insulated worlds and claim that this summer was just an unusally hot one. We are thinking of getting central air for the house for next year as the heat was too much this summer. Quite a cost because of breeders
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 09, 2018
It's been an utter mystery to me for a long time why people continue to breed with the known effects of climate change on the horizon.

Well that's the thing, a LOT of people just pretend like climate change is a myth, or they'll say that the climate changes naturally and human behavior has absolutely nothing to do with it. Or the ones who do understand climate change figure that by the time the earth becomes a gigantic steaming ball of shit, they themselves will be dead and so why should they care? Which is true, I think the estimates suggest that things will get bad around the year 2100, a year when a vast majority of children alive today will be dead and all the current adults will be long gone. So why would today's parents worry about something that is a bit over 80 years away? Never mind that it would be their children and grandchildren who have to deal with the fallout.

Speaking of those estimates, I'm hearing now that they are no longer accurate because it was recently discovered that plastic emits methane as it decomposes, which is contributing considerably to the climate changing.

I don't foresee anything changing, and I'm glad I'll be gone once the shit really hits the fan. But the thing is I don't have to give a shit because I'm already doing the best possible thing for the environment by not creating another unnecessary life. You know no one will try to curb birth rates because that would be meeeeeeean, so people will just go about their lives like normal and when it's 120 degrees in the Arctic, then everyone will be bitching at the scientists and politicians to fix things because the heat is uncomfortable.

Maybe we should just focus on inventing a super hardcore personal air conditioner. That might actually be achievable.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 10, 2018
Here's an article about having fewer children due to climate change.


I, like many philosophers, believe that it’s morally better to make people happy than to make happy people. Those who exist already have needs and wants, and protecting and providing for them is motivated by respect for human life. It is not a harm to someone not to be created.

In fact, I would argue that it is more “anti-life” to prioritize creating new life over caring for, or even not harming, those who already exist.

Of course the author has a child. Of course.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 10, 2018
Here's an article about having fewer children due to climate change.


I, like many philosophers, believe that it’s morally better to make people happy than to make happy people. Those who exist already have needs and wants, and protecting and providing for them is motivated by respect for human life. It is not a harm to someone not to be created.

In fact, I would argue that it is more “anti-life” to prioritize creating new life over caring for, or even not harming, those who already exist.

Of course the author has a child. Of course.

He calls himself a philosopher? He needs to learn critical thinking skills. He just said making existing people happy is more important than creating new ones, yet he had a kid.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 10, 2018
He calls himself a philosopher? He needs to learn critical thinking skills. He just said making existing people happy is more important than creating new ones, yet he had a kid.

I think he is correct, but a hypocrite.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 11, 2018
He calls himself a philosopher? He needs to learn critical thinking skills. He just said making existing people happy is more important than creating new ones, yet he had a kid.

I think he is correct, but a hypocrite.

Hindsight is 20/20. He could have had a child forever ago. Is his child 10 years old and he's just learning this through introspection recently or did the stick JUST turn pink? I feel that this question would shed the most light on the situation.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 11, 2018
I found this summer to be REALLY hot and humid in upstate NY and it is still going on. People who have lived all of their lives here have said it is the worst they have seen.

Same thing in New England. I fee like we've been living in the mid-Atlantic. If you get A/C, check into the mini-duct split systems. We did that years ago and it's divine. Also serves as backup heat in winter.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 11, 2018
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 11, 2018
Interesting VHEMT article

If you look at the comments, there is a lot of philosophy "goo" (I don't know what to call it, I never had philosophy class
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 12, 2018
I was watching the American news about the whole Trump fiasco about a couple of months ago, and they showed a video clip of a senator holding a snowball in the House, arguing that there's no such thing as global warming, because hey, snowball. He was an avid trump supporter.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 12, 2018
I was watching the American news about the whole Trump fiasco about a couple of months ago, and they showed a video clip of a senator holding a snowball in the House, arguing that there's no such thing as global warming, because hey, snowball. He was an avid trump supporter.

And how do you argue with that? I mean honestly, how do you explain something to someone that stupid?

Of course, my theory is that most politicians know damn well that global warming is real, but they're making money off of denying it. And the general population who think it's a hoax are so undereducated that you could explain it to them all day long and they'd never understand it.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 12, 2018
Or there are the ones who don't really care about climate change because dawG will come get them (read: Rapture) so they'll miss all the bad times anyway.
Re: "Hothouse Earth" Scenario?? eye popping smiley
August 12, 2018
Or there are the ones who don't really care about climate change because dawG will come get them (read: Rapture) so they'll miss all the bad times anyway.

Even scarier. They're completely beyond reason.
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