Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 15, 2018
Because welfare moos want to know....
Re: Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 16, 2018
Jesus Jumped Up Christ! Whole foods is not appropriate for WIC!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 16, 2018
Um, so I looked at some of her posts. Total breeder train wreck: about to have #4 at 24 years old, first one at 18; has a husband who works construction but wrote a whiny post that he takes a nap when he gets home and she wouldn't have been a SAHM if she knew she would be taking care of kids 100% of the time.
Why doesn't it hurt to be stupid?

And apparently she was also considering buying a doppler device so she could listen to the fetus' heartbeat. If she already has three kids shouldn't she be taking care of their needs instead of buying a luxury item she will be using for less than a year? Or better yet spend that money on some condoms.

As an added bonus she posted that she was diagnosed with herpes when she was first pregnant. I'm not judging but wondering where she got it or whether her husband brought it home and wouldn't you be looking at that ?

What a way to fuck your life up for the next 18+ years.
Re: Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 16, 2018
Oh God. I just read the thread. That's a few minutes of my life I'll never get back. I've always been under the impression if you can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em. Not only on food stamps, but wants to shop at an upscale grocery store.
Re: Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 16, 2018
What's next? Using their welfare money to order from Neiman Marcus?

They should be grateful that they can leech from the public trough just for shitting out a loaf. Now they demand we pay for the designer version of bennies, too?

We need to stop paying people to breed.
Re: Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 16, 2018
As I was pondering this thread, I was thinking that WIC is a special program that you can get IN ADDITION to food stamps. It's just for "women, infants and children" hence the title.

It is. And SNAP = food stamps.

I went looking and found a CHARMING blog from a mentally ill woman who chose to breed and is a "proud welfare Mama." She explains it. I'm not going to put the reference because non-CF people may troll her blog and say we are doing it. By all appearances we have a healthy readership of non-CF people who read this site and do stuff like that.

Long timers on this board know that we have a no-trolling policy. Don't be an asshole. Point and laugh here but the mods don't need more angry Moos to ban.

Selected quotes, emphasis mine.

"First, it’s important to understand that WIC is a special kind of “welfare” program. The acronym is for Women Infants and Children. It’s the most basic of safety nets, in that the purpose of WIC is to make sure that pregnant women, infants and very young children receive very basic nutrition (milk, eggs, bread) for low-income families. You can qualify for WIC if your income is below a certain amount. Other WIC requirements include: living in the area of the office you’re applying through, and a few other things. The most important thing about WIC, though, and what makes it such a basic safety net, is that you don’t need to prove that you’re a US citizen or a documented immigrant to qualify, meaning that the US government realizes that the most very basic nutrition for pregnant women and children under five-years-old is good for society at large. Or, if you are cynical, it is cheaper to provide basic nutritional assistance for the most vulnerable population than to provide health care after they show up in our emergency rooms."

Yes, it's "good for society at large" to give food handouts to people who shouldn't have bred in the first place.

More explanation:

"WIC benefits include a book of “checks,” or vouchers, for specific foods, to be used at specific stores, while SNAP provides money for food in general, at a variety of stores and even, in some states, restaurants. WIC checks are so complicated to use that my husband and I have never managed, between the two of us, to make it through the checkout process at a grocery store without encountering some sort of problem. Right brand, wrong type of bread–“Yes, you did get the 12 grain bread last time, but that was in December. Now, it’s a new year and we only allow the Whole Wheat from that brand.” If we don’t get everything that’s been printed on the check, or if the store is simply out of stock, then we are out of luck. Nothing organic is allowed. Keep in mind that we are over-educated, native English speakers, and we have a really hard time navigating this process. When my therapist asked me why WIC made me feel angry, infantalized and humiliated, I showed her the booklet explaining which foods we are and are not allowed to get. She made several mistakes trying to understand the first two pages."

ETA: I'm not opposed to having a societal safety net. What's infuriating to me is the discrimination in benefits toward single childless or childfree people. Agencies should be bending over backward to assist single/childless/childfree people because: 1. they are smart enough to have avoided breeding; 2. they are more likely to use the help to improve themselves and actually pay back into the system some day, unlike serial breeding critters who beget generation upon generation of future welfare parasites.

And if you are undocumented, you need to be shown the border and you don't get anything. It's not heartless--it's economics. And I'll also add that I believe society has an obligation to assist the sick, disabled and elderly and those who cannot work. These are not chosen conditions like breeding.

If I ran the world, people without children, the disabled and sick would be first in line. (Followed by the elderly who are no longer capable of working.) Have a kid you cannot afford or are here undocumented, and you get nothing. And birth control and abortion would be free. And while I do have a Libertarian leaning in some of my personal politics, I depart from them when they start spouting that nonsense that Government shouldn't "fund personal choices" or "pay people to fuck," i.e fund birth control or abortion.

We have 7+ billion people on this rock. It should be evident to anyone who has a brain that humans fuck, many times without thinking.
Humans have fucked since the beginning of time and will continue to fuck until the end of time, regardless of how many parameters society wants to put on fucking. Remove the moral judgments and just pay for the contraception. If you want to get your panties in a wad because you think it's "paying people to fuck," think of it this way: You are paying to remove a future felon from society. Because the last thing we need is shitty parents and more unwanted kids.
Re: Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 16, 2018
More explanation:

"WIC benefits include a book of “checks,” or vouchers, for specific foods, to be used at specific stores, while SNAP provides money for food in general, at a variety of stores and even, in some states, restaurants. WIC checks are so complicated to use that my husband and I have never managed, between the two of us, to make it through the checkout process at a grocery store without encountering some sort of problem. Right brand, wrong type of bread–“Yes, you did get the 12 grain bread last time, but that was in December. Now, it’s a new year and we only allow the Whole Wheat from that brand.” If we don’t get everything that’s been printed on the check, or if the store is simply out of stock, then we are out of luck. Nothing organic is allowed. Keep in mind that we are over-educated, native English speakers, and we have a really hard time navigating this process. When my therapist asked me why WIC made me feel angry, infantalized and humiliated, I showed her the booklet explaining which foods we are and are not allowed to get. She made several mistakes trying to understand the first two pages."

Or those who have WIC can just look for 15 seconds in the store sections they qualify for as all the WIC items are clearly marked WIC approved and have been for years in WA, KS and OK at least. Stores have worked out the confusion for them.

ETA: I'm not opposed to having a societal safety net. What's infuriating to me is the discrimination in benefits toward single childless or childfree people. Agencies should be bending over backward to assist single/childless/childfree people because: 1. they are smart enough to have avoided breeding; 2. they are more likely to use the help to improve themselves and actually pay back into the system some day, unlike serial breeding critters who beget generation upon generation of future welfare parasites.

And if you are undocumented, you need to be shown the border and you don't get anything. It's not heartless--it's economics. And I'll also add that I believe society has an obligation to assist the sick, disabled and elderly and those who cannot work. These are not chosen conditions like breeding.

If I ran the world, people without children, the disabled and sick would be first in line. (Followed by the elderly who are no longer capable of working.) Have a kid you cannot afford or are here undocumented, and you get nothing. And birth control and abortion would be free. And while I do have a Libertarian leaning in some of my personal politics, I depart from them when they start spouting that nonsense that Government shouldn't "fund personal choices" or "pay people to fuck," i.e fund birth control or abortion.

We have 7+ billion people on this rock. It should be evident to anyone who has a brain that humans fuck, many times without thinking.
Humans have fucked since the beginning of time and will continue to fuck until the end of time, regardless of how many parameters society wants to put on fucking. Remove the moral judgments and just pay for the contraception. If you want to get your panties in a wad because you think it's "paying people to fuck," think of it this way: You are paying to remove a future felon from society. Because the last thing we need is shitty parents and more unwanted kids.
I completely agree with you on this!
Re: Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 16, 2018
There are 1.35 million results for an internet search on "Does Whole Foods accept WIC?" in yahoo.
Apparently lots of people on WIC want to think they can afford Whole Foods. I recall being truly poor (childless and not eligible for any assistance) and just wanting an extra $10-15 a week to spend to cover more groceries. My, how times have changed and standards have risen for the "government acknowledged poor, who all have kids."

And one person wants to know "Can i use SNAP card for whole foods online witj delivery?"
Re: Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 17, 2018

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 17, 2018
And while I do have a Libertarian leaning in some of my personal politics, I depart from them when they start spouting that nonsense that Government shouldn't "fund personal choices" or "pay people to fuck," i.e fund birth control or abortion.

We have 7+ billion people on this rock. It should be evident to anyone who has a brain that humans fuck, many times without thinking.
Humans have fucked since the beginning of time and will continue to fuck until the end of time, regardless of how many parameters society wants to put on fucking. Remove the moral judgments and just pay for the contraception. If you want to get your panties in a wad because you think it's "paying people to fuck," think of it this way: You are paying to remove a future felon from society. Because the last thing we need is shitty parents and more unwanted kids.

Outstanding ^^^^
Re: Does Whole Foods accept WIC?
September 17, 2018

Or those who have WIC can just look for 15 seconds in the store sections they qualify for as all the WIC items are clearly marked WIC approved and have been for years in WA, KS and OK at least. Stores have worked out the confusion for them.

My parents live in Kansas, where they have 10 percent sales tax in some places to cover the many litters of the bible beaters.

You can't go walk down any aisle of any grocery store without seeing "WIC Approved" in big bold letters for the stupid breeders multiple times on any random aisle.

There was a story in few years ago in KS about a welfare king and queen to 11 sprogs, who physically and sexually abused the one sprog born out of wedlock during an affair, until the boy died, at which point they literally fed him to a pig. Recently, the home went up for sale - they'd been renting a 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home with a full game room and a swimming pool, thanks to the combined efforts of welfare / SNAP / WIC abuse. The home WOULD be selling for close to half a million - but, per the haunting of the dead 7 year old boy, they'd take $350k today. Anyhow, my parents live in a modest $150k house, haven't received child tax credits for 17 years, have never collected a dime of welare / WIC / SNAP in their lives, and if they miss one mortagage payment - JUST ONE - they're out on their asses, and the state of KS doesn't give two shits.

BUT....the couple with 11 off a single janitors salary....can afford to rent a half million dollars home....with a game room and swimming pool....and never have to worry about misses a payment...since my parents are paying them to live there...and kill their own kids.

The story literally ran hundreds of time until they were convicted to life in prison but....never once, ever, EVER - did it mention their "safety net" afforded them a half million dollar home with a game room and swimming pool.
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