Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
October 24, 2018

This has been out there all day. Duh told moo NOT to upload the pic of their kid as no one showed up at the pizza party due to fears of how it would affect the kid emotionally which is actually a thought a parent who cares would have.

Moo takes pic anyway and upload and the father does rush to the location to help him celebrate, by the time he gets there the kid seems over it. Moo also says she is shocked she still has to pay for the set up even though no one showed up as if a business will give a refund if you rent their space and end up alone twiddling your thumbs.
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
October 24, 2018
Could be he's one of those geeky kids who gets pretty much shunned by his classmates.

Or maybe he's a raging asshole nobody wants to be around.

With a moo who can't understand why she has to pay for the reservation she made even if her party didn't go the way she wanted, I'm guessing asshole.
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
October 24, 2018
I always post a photo on FB and talk to Fox TV news when I don't want attention. Doesn't everyone?
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
October 25, 2018
You know, I'm shocked that someone has to pay for services they ordered even if they don't consume it. By rights, CF people shouldn't have to pay for extra "children's" bedrooms in their homes, since children are never going to use those rooms! Breeders are always saying we shouldn't have that space, so it's time we were reimbursed for it.
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
October 25, 2018
Or maybe the other parents didn't want to participate in a gift grab for some kid their kid barely knows. Or their little sneauflaykes can't be exposed to gluten/dairy/tomatoes/etc.

Why does a six year old need a party in a restaurant anyway? Whatever happened to cake and ice cream and maybe a few games in the back yard with the kid, siblings, and a few neighbor kids?
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
October 25, 2018
If people RSVP'd yes and then didn't bother to show...that's a dick move that's becoming far too common these days, regardless of whether kids are involved. If no one RSVP'd at all, then you send out a note to all parents stating that because you don't know how many people to count for, the kid is just having a family-only birthday celebration...and change the plans accordingly. I'd never go forward without knowing roughly how many people will show, especially an event involving a deposit and other $$.

As for the pizza place charging for the set-up...yep, not surprised. They set aside that space that could have been used for other paying customers. They have to offset the cost of the plates, napkins, and food that are clearly shown in the picture.
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
October 26, 2018
So does every kid have a birthday party inviting the whole class these days? WTF. I like birthdays being for families and close friends.
I’m sorry for the kid but why does she think she shouldn’t have to pay just because it wasn’t all used? Production costs are a thing. Somebody picked the tomatoes that went into that sauce, then put them on a truck. Someone else drove that truck to a factory where it was prepped and turned into pizza sauce, you guessed it, by more workers. That sauce was then distributed by another truck driver to the local restaurant, where it was turned into a pizza by a restraunt worker. Same goes for the cheese and dough. Someone, somewhere, had a hand in that pizza, whether they milked a cow, processed the milk, cut the wheat, turned it into flour, etc. All of these people need to be paid for the work that they ALREADY DID, whether or not moo thinks she should pay. {Yes, I know the profits from the pizza go to the restraunt, and all these people are paid by their own bosses at their own rates, but still.}

I have a question for moo. If I offer you a job baking cupcakes, and then tell you AFTER you’ve already baked them that I don’t want them and won’t be eating them, should I still pay you? Why?

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
October 29, 2018
why does she think she shouldn’t have to pay just because it wasn’t all used? Production costs are a thing. Somebody picked the tomatoes that went into that sauce, then put them on a truck. Someone else drove that truck to a factory where it was prepped and turned into pizza sauce, you guessed it, by more workers. That sauce was then distributed by another truck driver to the local restaurant, where it was turned into a pizza by a restraunt worker. Same goes for the cheese and dough. Someone, somewhere, had a hand in that pizza, whether they milked a cow, processed the milk, cut the wheat, turned it into flour, etc. All of these people need to be paid for the work that they ALREADY DID, whether or not moo thinks she should pay. {Yes, I know the profits from the pizza go to the restraunt, and all these people are paid by their own bosses at their own rates, but still.}

Breeders think people without kids have endless free time, their goals will never be as important as cranking more out, and the government can just print more money. They think raising their own kids they chose to create is harder than getting up at 6AM 5 days a week and doing something that pays money because it actually benefits someone else besides their own egos. And they have to nerve to bitch about how the child tax credits and WIC and all the rest of the perks they get don't cover 100 percent of their bills 100 percent of the time.

I would be curious to see the high school economics grades received by people that are currently welfare breeders. I’d wager there’s a correlation between a poor understanding of economics and a belief that breeders should live for free.

Dear lurking welfare breeders, for the system to work there have to be more workers than people getting welfare. If everyone tried to live for free NOBODY would becsuse the pool would dry up in approximately 6 hours.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
October 30, 2018
So does every kid have a birthday party inviting the whole class these days? WTF. I like birthdays being for families and close friends.

So do I.( And if it's a kid's birthday, I prefer that I'm not there) Kid birthday parties started spiraling out of control about 15-20 years ago, with most parties involving tons of kids, intricate themes, expensive favors, and often an outside-the-home party hosting service.

Part of the bulge in guest lists is that a lot of elementary teachers have rules about excluding kids. My opinion: that's fine if it's a party happening on-site...bringing brownies for only the kids you like on your birthday would be a dick move. But I give no fucks about whether my students invite the whole class. I do tell them not to take up class time with your invites...or by talking about them. I tell them to put the envelopes in those kids' mail boxes and go on with their day. It usually works fine. I've also urged them to hand them out after school, on the way to the bus, etc. But as I understand it, I'm in the minority amongst elementary school teachers for this approach nowadays.

The "you must invite the whole class" thing has made more work for parents...but they're the ones who clamored for the "don't leave out anyone" practice.
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
October 31, 2018
If I had a kid, he or she wouldn't get a birthday party featuring anything but other members of his or her family IF AT ALL.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
November 01, 2018
This speaks more about the cruelty of the mother than anything else. The internet never forgets; years from now he will still be the kid who threw a party no one attended. This reeks of exploitation of the child's sad day.
Re: Moo uploads pic of rejected 6 yr old son at pizza joint
November 04, 2018 feelings are similar to yours. I think I had like two birthday parties with friends during my entire childhood. Birthdays were fun events with presents and cake and the birthday kid's favorite dinner, and all three of us were pretty content with that. I see reason for parents to buy into the "have a birthday party every year for every kid" thing.
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