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Seen on GMA yesterday

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
I happened to be watching GMA the other day when the segment that my mom wanted to see (economic tips on how to cut back).
Needless to say, nothing applied to us (save that we can cut back on our trips out). What annoyed me primarily was the 'famblees' (and there WAS THE FARKING OBLIGATORY CROTCH DROPPINGS IN EACH!!!) could AFFORD to cut back, pinch pennies.
Why the hell didn't they go to the working poor, who live paycheck to paycheck and tell them how they can pinch pennies? Some of them pinch a penny so hard they scream... And back to the damn famblees... Good God, if we go through a total meltdown, we are going to hear the whining whining whining of these breeders about how their snots and brats are deprived... (The great depression and sour times do depress birth rates, but the lesson does not remain 'taught'.)
My mom is getting tired of listening to me going on about little bastards. At least I have here to vent. Of course, a lot of what I say also happens to hit home with her as well (which accounts for why she doesn't like what I have to say many times).
Sometimes she sounds like a breeder 'people just have kids, period. It just comes along with getting married.' To which I replied "and you just proved my point that PEOPLE DONT' THINK!!!" ...But, I repeat myself, she doesn't want to hear me anymore.
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
But 2 cent, babies are a RIGHT!
Anonymous User
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> But 2 cent, babies are a RIGHT!

so is an abortion :smoke
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
Not if the religious wrong has its way. I know! Parents can just hatch the loaves and kill them! May as well say that since the RW doesn't give a shit about the loaf once it's hatched.eye rolling smileyangry flipping off
Anonymous User
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
Yes, I probably got sidetracked by the loafs but, for petes sake.. what about folk living paycheck to paycheck and sans loafs..
Anonymous User
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
Two cents: You KNOW this is going to be a sensitive subject with your own MOTHER for crying out loud! She grew up in a different time and place. It's all about how you approach the subject. After all, isn't the goal to reach people towards our plight? I shared with my mom last week some hard facts regarding what me and my husband pay towards taxes versus what what those with children pay, whose benefits we will never reap or even be able to tap into. She was enlightened and agreed we are unfairly raped for our hard-earned money with no hope of ever reaping any of the benefits. Only those with kids can dip their golden cup into the fountain of the never-ending tax spring, kept full of course courtesy of me and you.

Get some numbers together and then present them to her with a non-confrontational but confident attitude, she may have a different outlook then smiling smiley
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
8 makes too much sense. grumble, grumble. "The Baby Boon" is a good source for this info.
Anonymous User
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
str8six Wrote:
> Two cents: You KNOW this is going to be a
> sensitive subject with your own MOTHER for crying
> out loud! She grew up in a different time and
> place. It's all about how you approach the
> subject. After all, isn't the goal to reach
> people towards our plight? I shared with my mom
> last week some hard facts regarding what me and my
> husband pay towards taxes versus what what those
> with children pay, whose benefits we will never
> reap or even be able to tap into. She was
> enlightened and agreed we are unfairly raped for
> our hard-earned money with no hope of ever reaping
> any of the benefits. Only those with kids can dip
> their golden cup into the fountain of the
> never-ending tax spring, kept full of course
> courtesy of me and you.
> Get some numbers together and then present them to
> her with a non-confrontational but confident
> attitude, she may have a different outlook then smiling smiley

I doubt it. She seems to think kiddies neeeeed the help.
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
EVERYBODY is pinching pennies these days. I have a single friend who lives alone and she is pinching pennies.

Why the fucking FUCK does it have to be portrayed that the only ones who matter are BREEDERS WITH FAMBLEES????????
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
Because it's supposed to make you cry to think any widdle-kiddies are going to NOT get 157 christmas prezzies each this year. You're supposed to be wiping a tear from your eye by the end of the segment and thinking 'gosh and golly, GMA really... ya know... touches my haaaart'.


Think I speak for everyone else on the board in saying the widdle-kiddies angle just grates on the nerves of people with an ounce of sense and a grain of perspective.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Anonymous User
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> EVERYBODY is pinching pennies these days. I have
> a single friend who lives alone and she is
> pinching pennies.
> Why the fucking FUCK does it have to be portrayed
> that the only ones who matter are BREEDERS WITH
> FAMBLEES????????

Yey! Some else who loves the word 'fuck' almost as much as I do!! Yey yey, I love pancakes!! :bal

Seriously though, I couldn't agree more KFLL, we're ALL pinching pennies, probably more so than those who have children because we're already getting FUCKED by the government, and now even more so. They get NONE, 0 - ZERO fucking sympathy from me. When they're begging their local 7-11 (do those exist anymore)? for old sandwiches and digging rotten food out of dumpsters to feed their kids, I'll be throwing a venison shoulder on the smoker outside with a freezer full of it in the 2nd refrigerator on my back porch! - fuck 'em! :smoke
(sorry vegans and vegetarians, no offense meant)...
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> 8 makes too much sense. grumble, grumble. "The
> Baby Boon" is a good source for this info.

My first thought, too. There is a great passage in that book (which I recently read and talked about in another thread) which highlights the huge difference in taxes paid by the CF versus the childed even if their household incomes are the same.
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
Exactly. And it's even worse when you're single, 'cause you don't have anyone to split all the bills with.
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
I saw an ad today on TV that was for some sort of insurance supplement, I think, but the subject matter of the commercial really disturbed me. It was a woman on there telling about how insurance companies ( or hers at least) wouldn't "approve" to pay for individual STERILE CATHETERS so she had to wash and boil the same one over and over and reuse it. It caused her many urinary tract infections until she finally found a company willing to approve sterile caths for her to drain her own urine. I thought to myself, "How much can a single, plastic, disposal piss tube cost in comparison to the hundreds of THOUSANDS that insurance companies shell out for pregnancies, births, and then the brat itself for every fucking runny nose and ear ache for EIGHTEEN YEARS?"

We have private insurance companies and medicaid paying out MILLIONS to keep retard babies alive, treat kyds with no faces and two heads, etc......but here is a young woman who is most likely paralyzed from an illness or accident and needs a urine catheter, but yet she is forced to BOIL the same one every day? There is something VERY wrong when millions go toward useless, worthless, space taking kyds, but a productive adult's quality of life is put on the back burner over a cost that couldn't even begin to compare with the cost of even ONE "special delivery". I don't give a damn if the whores get any more welfare money to regurgitate down their little chirplings' mouths. I think that there are enough churches in most any given area that can set up covered dish meal donations in their communities and let the whores go to the trough there. They don't spend that money on their kyds anyway a great deal of the time, so fuck them.
Anonymous User
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
September 30, 2008
GMA is a breeder's paradise. I try my best to avoid it. So many shows pander to breeders and so often they're not even breeders in really bad situations. I hate Dr. Phil. So many times he has guests on, who are upper middle class to upper class, whining about their horrible situations. They have troubled kids, or they've fucked up their financial situation from spending beyond their means, and spoiling the fuck out of their brats. What does Phil do? He pays to send little snotly to the best treatment facility in the country, or calls in Suze Ormann to advise them in their financial crisis. The majority of people he helps are living in kick ass homes, with medical insurance, and assets of some kind. These are all people who could fork out the bucks to help themselves. I've never seen him have a CF person on his show being handed free counseling, vacations because they need a break, or free treatment for addiction. I am sooooo sick of breeder pleasing!!!
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
October 01, 2008
I went to a concert the other evening. When the main act came on, I found that I was surrounded by people with Iphones. Now, if you've got the spare cash lying around to spend 600 bux on such a toy, and another 100 plus bux a month for service (at least that's what it was the last time I checked) your finances must be in pretty good fucking order.

So what I feel when people complain about fambiles and their "hardships" during this economic crisis is a big old "FUUUUUUCCCKKK YOOOOUU!!" If you have a roof over your head, you're doing alright. If you can afford to eat even 2 squares a day, you're doing pretty alright. If you can afford to drive your vehicle from point a to point b, you're okay.

I've heard this compared to the great depression, and it's nowhere close....like, not even in the same city. Firstly, it's not raining assholes on Wall Street, though I wish for all the world it would. Secondly, most people, even the ones who've been foreclosed on, aren't starving to death in a bread line. Thirdly, there are no bread lines. Fourth, most of these people who are having economic problems could solve them simply by NOT SPENDING MONEY THEY DON'T HAVE. What? Can't get a line of credit because of the economic fuckery? The horror...you'll have to put off that vacation, not buy a plasma tv, or not buy your children every fuck thing they want...wow, yea, that totally compares to the great depression.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Seen on GMA yesterday
October 01, 2008
I can't get over people acting like this is anywhere NEAR similar to the time period after the 1929 stock market crash. These people have NO idea. My grandmothers, both knocking on the door to being 90, just roll their eyes when people compare now to then. They made clothes out of flour bags, either grew/raised their own food or they didn't eat, orderd ONE pair of shoes out of a catalogue once a year, and had to rinse out the same pair of underclothing every fucking day. The middle class people living during that time period often didn't even have a radio much less a telephone. Some didn't even have electricity, running water, or indoor plumbing. My grandmother says they went to town once a month on a fucking HORSE AND BUGGY to get things like flour, cornmeal, sugar, etc.... Then about the time they all got "back to normal", WW2 happened and then there were food,gas, and other rations, so even IF you could afford it, you couldn't get it.

No, we are no where NEAR the 1930's type depression and when people say this it just shows their pure ignorance.Maybe they need to watch the first season of The Waltons and get an idea of what a REAL depression is like. These days, if duddy came home at Christmas, after having worked out of town on the railroad for six months due to no local jobs, (like John Walton did in the pilot) and brought each one of them ONE present, and shitty ones at that, can you IMAGINE the stink those little bastards would make? They sure wouldn't sit around the fireplace and Thank God that duddy made it home safely, SANS a trunkload of presents. Kids living through the depression were lucky to get ANY food at Christmas, much less regular meals the rest of the year, and thought a stick of licorice, a candy cane, or a shiny red apple was a real prize.

The little bastards of today probably have more forgotten toys in their toy boxes, closest, and under their beds from ONE christmas, than a whole town of kyds got during the entire depression for ALL of their Santa Claus. These fat bastards today also probably have MORE FOOD in their refrigerators and cabinets then kyds of the depression had for a whole winter, yet they have the nerve to whine, "There's NOTHING here to eat".
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