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Bawing in Rhode Island about "shaming children" who owe lunch money and making them eat jelly sandwiches

Posted by Cambion 

I know, we've seen this shit before: breeders have their kids eat lunch at school every damn day, they don't pay for it, the school feeds them the "poor lunch," and the parents throw shitfits about how their kids shouldn't be "shamed" with the subpar sandwiches (and also fruit and milk) meals when the paying kids get the "good" food. These kids get sunbutter-and-jelly sandwiches since every fucking brat is allergic to nuts now and you can't even get a PB&J anymore. Personally, I don't like sunbutter, so I know I'd be pissed if that was what I had to look forward to.

Well, for starters, this wouldn't even be a thing if so many parents weren't skipping out on their kids' lunch balances. You know a decent chunk of them do this, if not the majority of them. Must be they don't get enough welfare bennies to pack a lunch for their kids either, or they don't feel like doing any actual parenting because they're too busy screaming on Facebook about why other people aren't doing their jobs for them.

"This is absolutely awful. Our schools shouldn't be in the business of shaming children," one person wrote beneath the Facebook announcement.

Schools aren't in the business of shaming your dumplings, but they are in the business of staying open. All you ever hear about is schools never having enough money for stuff and cutting all kinds of programs, and believe it or not, it does cost money to serve your brats cafeteria slop, both for the food and the people who prepare it. I know a lot of these Moos are used to getting free money and food and shit, but schools don't work that way. If anything, the parents are shaming the kids by not giving them adequate funds to eat.

I'd LOVE to know their excuses for not giving their kids money to eat too. What possible excuse could these people have for neglecting their kids' most basic needs? And hey guess what? If you can't afford to feed both yourself and your kid, guess who goes without? If you don't completely suck as a parent, it's not your kid who goes to bed hungry. My guess is they can afford to pay just fine, they just don't because why pay for meals they can get for free? It's not like the electric bill where they cut you off if you don't pay. And it's not like the school is telling the kids to fuck off - they feed them still because they don't want the kids to go hungry. The breeders are just butthurt that their bastards don't get warm food.

Other breeder
"Just give the kids lunch. ... we cant spring for a chicken patty for a hungry kid? What if this is their only meal of the day?" another commenter to the post asked.

Well sure, that sounds great, and I'm sure they'd do just that if it was a couple kids whose accounts were in the red. It wouldn't be any big loss, but the problem is a LOT of kids are doing this shit, so to "just give the kids lunch" and "just spring for a chicken patty" for possibly hundreds of fucking kids will add up to an actual large loss. And if it's the kids' only meal of the day, then that should not only warrant a call to CPS, but the kid should be fucking grateful they're getting the jelly sandwich. Beggars can't be choosers, after all.

The sunflower butter and jelly sandwich is an option on the regular lunch menu that many students opt for anyway, Bachus said.

So it can't be that gross if kids who pay their lunch bill on time voluntarily choose it. What's the fucking problem, then? I guarantee you anything the sandwich, fruit and milk are loads healthier and closer to real food than the fried/processed warm shit the paying students eat.

Warwick Public Schools, meanwhile, refused a $4,000 donation offered to them from a local restaurant owner, Angelica Penta. "I have met with Warwick twice and the second time I left in tears after they refused to take a $4,000 check," she wrote on Facebook.

I'm glad they refused the check. That's precisely what the cheap-ass breeders are banking on: someone feeling sorry for their poor starving pweshuses and paying off the bill out of total kindness so their brats can have "normal" food again and they can run up another huge balance for "free" meals. The school said it refused the donation because it didn't want to have to pick and choose which students "deserved" to have their balances forgiven, implying that the lunch debt is higher than $4,000.

I wonder how many of these Moos have brand new cellphones, manicures, professionally done hair, designer shoes and bags, smoke, wear pounds of makeup and are huge overfed fatasses. Must be nice to afford only luxuries and not necessities. eye rolling smiley
Let me get this straight, deadbeat loser breeders are complaining about the FREE FOOD provided to their crotchfruit, because they can't pay for the tab for the regular food. The entitlement just burns!!

Here's a revolutionary idea to all the whinging breeders; MAKE THEM LUNCHES TO TAKE FROM HOME!!!trout slap.

or a better idea is cutting off all free food, and when junior repeatedly comes to school hungry, report these 'parents of the year' nominees to the local child welfare authorities, as you can be sure that crotchfruit not getting meals, would be the least of their family issues.
"This is absolutely awful. Our schools shouldn't be in the business of shaming children," one person wrote beneath the Facebook announcement.

Then maybe parents should be in the business of feeding their own damn kids.
Well, like the old saying goes, "Beggars can't be choosers."
Let me get this straight, deadbeat loser breeders are complaining about the FREE FOOD provided to their crotchfruit, because they can't pay for the tab for the regular food. The entitlement just burns!!

Here's a revolutionary idea to all the whinging breeders; MAKE THEM LUNCHES TO TAKE FROM HOME!!!trout slap.

or a better idea is cutting off all free food, and when junior repeatedly comes to school hungry, report these 'parents of the year' nominees to the local child welfare authorities, as you can be sure that crotchfruit not getting meals, would be the least of their family issues.

You can't expect the bizzy, bizzy mommy of today to have time for things like feeding her own children! That's someone else's job! Mommy's job ended the moment she crapped out the loaf and once she got that done with, her duties as a parent have been divided among as many outside parties as possible. Why should she spend time and money packing her own child a lunch every day when the school district can just feed them for her? If they want to be greedy and ask for money owed, those brave momma bears aren't the least bit shy about putting those pesky schools in their place either. eye rolling smiley

I get why the schools won't cut the kids off from food entirely. It's not the kids' faults their parents suck, but the kids will be the ones who suffer by not being allowed to eat. Breeders have nothing to lose by not ponying up for brat chow, but they have everything to gain by shaming the schools for taking food out of their darlings' mouths. Some schools go so far as to send students home with bags of free food to get them through the weekend! How do they not have enough food?!

I wonder what would happen if the school suspended the kids until their balances were paid. Frame it like a health concern. Oh, WELL, since the school lunches are too pricey for your tight budget, we wouldn't want your child to go without food all day long every day or for you to become destitute from a chicken patty, so we think it's best they stay at home with you where they can be fed adequately.

If breeders had to put up with their fucking kids all damn day instead of dumping them at school, I bet they'd suddenly find money to pay their kids' balances, but only after a considerable amount of screaming about discrimination, highway robbery, threats of violence, slander in the media, and so forth.
I wanted to post this story, but It just gets me mad.

On twitter one twatter said something like, "the whole point of school lunch is to give poor students a good meal" I had to control myself, b/c you get in a 280 character vortex there. So, I just moved on, but I so wanted to say The POINT of lunch is for the students(no matter their economic status) to eat. Plus, they weren't sitting there hungry, they were still getting a cold sandwich" When push comes to shove....how different is the cruddy chicken nuggets with cookies and applesauce a "good" meal, and a cold sandwich a "bad" meal?

I mean, what else can the Govt/taxpayers pay for? My hub was reading an article this sunday where it discussed medicaid coverage. One woman HAD a job at a tire company. SHE QUIT HER JOB and didnt get a new one, and "became" a stay at home mom (no mention of a dad, so I will only assume there is none). She was on medicaid for herself for *two* years, but at three months the medicaid for her baby didnt come thru yet. So, she went to a doctor for follow up care for the baby, she didnt pay. They told her that they couldnt treat the baby anymore without payment. Finding a place close to home that would was hard. The article goes on, something like, "I sat down in the waiting room, and I felt like a terrible parent that I couldn't pay the bill." UM, so you 'feel' like a *good* parent when you quit your job, have a baby on purpose w/o any income and OTHER PEOPLE AND THE GOVT pay your bills?????How does that work? How does welfare make you a good parent? They need to be taken away.

Ultimately, she said she took her daughter to the health department for vaccinations and paid out of pocket. So, she musta got a discounted amount thru the govt/taxpayers, and paid a nominal fee.

I want to see how many accidental babies or poor babies there would be in this country if someone wasnt getting money to NOT work, get free money for food, free WIC foods, 10 dollar internet, Obama phone, free medical care, free education, free activities, they want free pre-school now, discounted daycare at the park district, electric and gas heat coverage, government affordable housing and who knows what else....while they have time to find a dick to get fucked with(hey,free entertainment), so they can have yet another kid for taxpayers to cover. Then they resent the people who pay for them and their lifestyle. I dont care if they seem poor after awhile, because they literally CHOSE this lifestyle.

I wonder how many of these Moos have brand new cellphones, manicures, professionally done hair, designer shoes and bags, smoke, wear pounds of makeup and are huge overfed fatasses. Must be nice to afford only luxuries and not necessities. eye rolling smiley

I know, I'm getting into it now on twitter b/c someone chimed in when I was chatting w/ a friend on there. Bleeding hearts that think eating a cold sandwich is some how "suffering" b/c their parents are dolts. They can't resist telling me off when I say the Govt cant pay for everyone's problems all the time.

Then, people always have some true life sob story of a person they knew..blah blah blah...but what I do see w/ my own two eyes is girls under 25 w/ no man, no education, that have more than one kid, a McDonalds type job or no job, but have food stamps and medical card, affordable housing, whatever else is available to them....but are sitting next to me at the nail salon getting their gel nails w/ fancy nail polish designs on it, tapping on their damn phones w/ their nail and talking on the top of their lungs about their Great America outing. I worked in an office and later people who had kids outta wedlock, I found out got special discounts on their utilities, kids have the food stamps, medicaid, but would come in with those braided styles on top of their heads that I then learned from the news cost over one thousand dollars. In the meantime, (my choice) I'm getting my hair cut at BoRics when they had them around here. If you go to a low income 'hood around here, there are a zillion Flammin' hot Cheetos bags on the ground, so u know where the food stamps are going. All u see in these areas are storefront churches, NAIL SALONS ON EVERY BLOCK, and convenience stores w/ the Cheetos in them. There are many nail salons in the rich 'burbs too, but not every block, across the street from each other and all four corners.exploding face

I dont want to get in fights w/ friends and strangers on social media, but I certainly havent seen a public school kid that looks even close to malnourished, quite the opposite. When you see old photos of orphans eating charity food, or whatever during the 30s, they are so thin, their skulls look big. They look like they need a sandwich. In fact, I read somewhere that a lettuce sandwich was a NORMAL school lunch to provide back then.But today, they dont want sad sack kids be looked down upon for eating a cold sandwich becuz their parents didn't pay. I mean, kids are gonna have problems someday in their lives, but eating a sandwich vs a crappy chicken patty will not be their biggest obstacle.
Shame used to be a huge motivator, especially when it came to finances. You're so fucking broke that you need other people's hard earned money to live? Keep that shit under wraps and try a hell of a lot harder to get off it NOW before the neighbors start talking. Now it's like a badge of honor to get as much free government money as possible.

In any decently run world, if you're too fuckin' poor to feed your own child, that would get your ass motivated to find ways to make sure your kid doesn't go hungry and get made fun of for being the poor kid, which might mean sacrificing stuff for yourself to make sure you can afford to feed them every day. Now, it's everyone else's job to take care of a child - everyone's job except for the parents, it seems, though they're very quick to stick their hand out for credit for doing the hardest job in the world.

If you're that ashamed of your kid having to eat the poor lunch, then, oh I don't know, fucking give them MONEY so they can eat the "normal" lunch? Or send them to school with a sack of actual food? Even if you can't fucking cook, what's wrong with a salad or a sandwich, a cheese stick and some apple slices? It's nothing but greed and laziness. Moos don't want to part with their money (which is typically either their husbands' money or the taxpayers' money) and they don't want to have to do a goddamn thing in regard to child care, so they'll just let the school do it because they know the school won't allow any kid to go hungry.

I remember in grade school if I forgot to order or pack a lunch, what happened was if someone was sick that day, I could have the food they ordered. If not, well, tough shit, I went hungry until I got home and then I didn't forget my lunch again for a good long time. Would it be better for these Moos if their kids got nothing at all to eat?
My mother and I were dead broke when I was a kid, and there was no school lunch program at the time. She also worked, but she was a single mother and had to fully support me. She always had a lunch bag packed for me with a sandwich, piece of fruit, and a couple of cookies or granola bars in there. It wasn't ever a problem, and she made it a priority.

That was the seventies, though, and people had to take responsibility for feeding their kids. Now, breeders feel entitled to making their kids everyone's responsibility.
The thing is the commentators think ANY embarrassment is "suffering" and the equivalent of some torture chamber for a child.

It is just an extension of the snowplow parenting that's going on....where we have to smooth over any obstacle no matter how small for the kids not to feel bad or have a problem the parents actually caused. Reading the comments, they just skated over that the kids WERE eating actually, but you would think they were sitting there with a glass of tepid water, looking on while everyone else was eating steak.

PLUS, the sandwich they were getting IS on the menu...it is not a default loser sandwich. They were also getting a veg, fruit and milk. For free of course. But when it comes to kids, we have to have a knee jerk reaction. I swear, people musta hated their childhoods, becuz I think they are just reliving every negative thing with their own kids or these sad sap articles.
Hey, I've got a stupid question.

Why can't the sandwich become the everyday lunch for all the students, paying or not? There's nothing etched in stone anywhere that says school lunches must be cooked; after all, the authorities can give some students an uncooked meal now, right? Think of the money savings: no fuel used for cooking, fewer lunch staffers, etc. I packed a sandwich every day and didn't expect a hot meal for lunch.

But note one trend that is underway: some school systems are prohibiting children from bringing lunches from home. The excuse is that some parents are packing "junk" such as potato chips and Twinkies for their kids to eat, and we also have to worry about the snowflakes who are allergic to peanuts if some kid next to them at the lunch table has a PB&J from home. Don't underestimate the authoritarian tendencies of school systems.
Hey, I've got a stupid question.

Why can't the sandwich become the everyday lunch for all the students, paying or not? There's nothing etched in stone anywhere that says school lunches must be cooked; after all, the authorities can give some students an uncooked meal now, right? Think of the money savings: no fuel used for cooking, fewer lunch staffers, etc. I packed a sandwich every day and didn't expect a hot meal for lunch.

Ohh because the dumplings just can't properly function without a hot meal! Like do you ever hear about people who go for so long without a hot meal and how that means they're poor and malnourished? I don't know why good food must always be hot, but that seems to be the implication.

But no, breeders wouldn't want everyone to get the same cold sandwich because then the ones who do pay for their brats to eat would be screaming about how their kids deserve better food than the poor kids because they pay money. They only want equality when other people's kids are better off than theirs, but if their kids are already on top, then they don't want anybody evening the playing field. I'm sure they'd liken it to prison and being fed the same thing every day.

Meanwhile, I doubt the kids fucking care. Most of them probably go outside at recess and eat bugs and dog turds, so this whole thing about the quality of the cafeteria food is a waste of time. I mean yeah, I'd get sick of eating the same fucking sandwich every day because my mom's a cheapskate, but how come some kids haven't figured out how to trade lunches? Like your buddy wants the jelly sandwich and you want the chicken-flavored nuggets, then you get the free sandwich and your pal gets the "chicken" and you trade when you sit down? Or is there a rule forbidding this and the school is going to take the hot food away from the poor kid?

And yeah, I've also heard about some schools banning packed lunches to reduce junk food consumption and allergen exposure, which is fucking stupid. Just because kids aren't allowed to eat garbage in school doesn't mean they won't go right home and eat it, and seriously, peanut allergies are tremendously exaggerated. Kids won't die if they look at a peanut, contrary to what their parents might claim. And if they will, they don't belong in school. They belong in a sterile bubble, far away from any other human life form.

I'm so glad I'm not a kid growing up today.
No moos or duhs are arguing that their brats should be getting a free salad or something with nutritious value.
Doubting that chicken flavored goo makes it much over the mark for human food grade in the first place. Brats would be better off hungry than eating chicken flavored goo.

Plus we all know these moos and duhs are stuffing their kids with oreos, potato chips, lunchables, pizza and other crap at every turn because moo and duh are bizzy. When those foods were considered junk food and only given out as a treat there weren't overweight pre-diabetic kids that are being set up to be overweight for life by their bizzy parunts. That junk makes kids hungry all the time and then they eat 3,500 calories a day and wonder why they are overweight. I have a friend who is on permanent medication that makes him hungry all the time and he wouldn't wish the weight issues on anyone. How can stuffing a kid with junk be seen as anything but child abuse?

And how dumb and dependent can a kid be to show up to school without a lunch if over the age of six in the first place? It doesn't take any skill to throw leftovers in a container along with one of those portable ice things. Or meat and cheese. Or make something simple, like a sandwich. Or some ready made junk food crap parunts are so fond of feeding their brats. These dependent kids are in for a world of hurt once they become 18.


So apparently the CEO of Chobani yogurt has decided to be charitable and pay off a bulk of the lunch debt for this district after the story went national.

Ready for this? The total lunch debt of this school is $77,000. So that $4,000 check that was offered before wouldn't have even put a fucking dent in it. Oh, and apparently because of all the bitching about the poor brats getting jelly sandwiches resulted in the school reversing the decision, so now the non-paying kids get hot lunch like the paying kids again.

Boy nothing like backpedaling. If you don't stick to your guns, these fucking cheap-ass breeders will never learn. How's about we make all lunch free and give everybody the same fucking jelly sandwich and if the parents don't like it, they can home-school the little shits? Only an American breeder would complain about free fucking food for their kids.

Moron CEO
As a parent, news of #WarwickPublicSchools breaks my heart. every child should have access to natural, nutritious & delicious food, so @Chobani is doing our small part to help pay this debt

business must do its part.. our responsibility as members of community. who will join us?

School cafeteria food is neither natural, nutritious nor delicious. It's processed slop. Not that I blame them because they need to make a shitload of food for as cheap as possible and it's just not feasible to have real food with real nutritional value every single day. And it's not the responsibility of this man or any other business to pay for these delinquent brats either. Shame on him and every other company taking part in this for doing nothing but teaching asshole parents that someone else will always foot the bill.

I sure hope he's willing to pay off the school's balance every year from now on, or that he's willing to pony up when 500 other school districts inevitably contact him begging for money to pay off their own lunch debts.

Only an American breeder would complain about free fucking food for their kids.

Not just American breeders, the British breeders bitch about it too.


Note the face full of make up and professionally done hair of this breeder, mooing about her kids getting a jam (aka jelly) sandwich and an apple when she ran into arrears with the school.

Meanwhile, the school had this to say:-


we cannot afford to let a child have a free dinner if they are not entitled to one and nor is this fair to our other parents. Our policy is that once a child or family owe £10 or over, the child will not be given a dinner.

"On these occasions (which are rare) governors decided that children would be given bread and butter/jam and a drink instead. This was deemed to be the kindest option, whilst still being fair to all parents.

She's not the first, and won't be the last, British breeder to moan about the free food given to their kids when they've "forgotten" to top up their kid's lunch account - it's a popular topic in UK newspapers for some reason.
When I was in school in the 80's there was a cafeteria, that you bought lunch at or brown bagged it and I always took a sandwich and drink from home. I don't think I ever had a "hot meal" at school. You get in at 8:15am and on the bus home at 2:45pm. You would think they could make the 6 hours without food if they had to.
I still think not allowing kids to bring bagged lunches from home is horse shit. I know it's to protect the allergic brats, but if they're that fucking allergic to peanuts that being in the same building as one will kill them, then I say let the fuckers die. If they're immune systems are so shot to shit, they won't make it to adulthood anyway. And they won't put the allergy brats in a separate area because segregation/discrimination, so let's just punish everybody else instead by making it so nobody can bring in their own food to prevent allergen exposure!

Mandatory hot lunches force the parents to buy the school's slop, and yeah, if money's tight, that shit can get expensive in a hurry and I don't think it's right to make the parents choose between buying overpriced "food" and letting their kid go hungry (or I guess making them eat the same fuckin' sandwich every single day). I guarantee school slop is more expensive now than when I was still a student too. I wonder if there are parents in that district who would like to send their kids to school with homemade lunches to save money and can't because of stupid bullshit rules like "no outside food." That's what I'd be bitching about if I were these breeders. I am willing to play devil's advocate for a moment because I realize some of the parents might be indebted to the school to try and make a statement... but I'd wager a majority are just too speshul to cough up food money.

Just for the hell of it, I went to the district's site to check out their lunch prices. (www.warwickschools.org/parents-students/school-lunches/ if anyone is interested). The normal lunch is $2.60 per day for the elementary lunch, or $3.00 for the secondary lunch. The poor lunch is 30-40 cents, but you have to qualify for it. I have a feeling the parents whose bratlings are the furthest in lunch debt are too rich for the reduced lunches, but too cheap to pony up for the hot lunches. And since the school decided to not give the delinquent kids jelly sandwiches anymore because of all the backlash, there is now zero incentive for the not-poor-enough breeders to pay for food.

So there are four weeks in the average month and 20 of those days (give or take) are spent in school. $2.60 per day times 20 days comes up to $52 per month. Kids go to school 9 or so months out of the year, right? Multiply $52 by 9 months and that comes up to just under $470 a year for the grade schoolers and $540 a year for the secondary kids, maybe a bit less to take things like snow days and holidays into account.

And for what? "Nutritious" food like chicken patties, burgers, whatever the fuck walking tacos are, popcorn chicken, corn dogs, and pizza. Oh sure, there's plenty of produce available (which is also available with the poor punch), but I have a feeling it goes largely untouched because fruits and vegetables aren't as yum-yum in the tum-tum as fried shit for the snowflakes. To be fair, I did also see a couple of healthier options like salads, hummus, vegetable wraps and turkey subs, but oh, those are COLD lunches and are therefore INFERIOR by default. This whole thing is about the poor starving malnourished darlings who have to eat third-world sandwiches.

Why the fuck would you pay for that when you know the school will give your kid free food? Looking at most of the lunch menus, I'd say the damn jelly sandwich + fruit/veg lunch is the healthiest thing you can get.
here's a link to a good post in reddits antinatalist forum:


"1 in 5 American children live in poverty..."

'Who's fault is that??'

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
In 1979, my hot lunch was 50 cents. So the above prices are SUPER CHEAP in today's dollars. And, these people reproducing can't afford this? Maybe their kids should be taken away? I know it is extreme, but WTH? Can't they be given special public school food stamps that can solely be used for that?
Like I mentioned in my wall of text, I guarantee the ones who are in the red are breeders who make too much to qualify for the poor lunch and since their darlings are The FutureTM, well they shouldn't be expected to actually PAY to feed their little cancer curers, so they just don't.

I'd like to add that many schools not only serve breakfast, but some districts (including the ones where I live) will send kids home with backpacks full of food to last them through the weekend. I would love to know what these breeders are blowing money on that they can't afford to feed their fucking kids. Considering how many are obese, clearly they're not starving.

My guess is these assholes can easily afford to pay for these lunches, they just choose not to because they have no incentive to do so. They know the school will feed the delinquent kids right along with the paying ones, so why bother paying when you don't need to? The parents won't give a single fuck right up until the after-school and sports programs get cut to pay for the lunch debt. Then there will be screaming because the whole reason Moo makes Junior go to fingerpainting, swimming, soccer, hockey, band, and tennis every week is to keep him away from her as long as possible.
In the school I used to teach at the ones who were in the red were usually the ones on the reduced lunch program. Guess they were pissy that it wasn’t free, since pretty much everything else was for them.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
In the school I used to teach at the ones who were in the red were usually the ones on the reduced lunch program. Guess they were pissy that it wasn’t free, since pretty much everything else was for them.

In my experience, I got the most grief from giving away items or experiences for free or really cheap.
It seems to attract the entitled cheap people in droves.
Here's the thing though: if the kid is embarrassed or put out by eating the poor kids' meal, it's not the school's fault...it's the parents' fault! You should've paid the bill or packed them a lunch, period. Why should other kids pay for the more expensive meal if yours don't? Talk about laziness & entitlement. Whatever happened to dignity & pride? People have no shame at all anymore, just demanding free shit like it's owed to them!

I have zero problem with individuals who utilize welfare & social services--none of us asked to be born into this world, have disabilities, be unemployed or anything like that. But people who make the CHOICE to have children & expect taxpayers to pay their way can go straight to hell. Having kids is 100% a choice and an expensive one at that. Kids deserve better, society deserves better & its high time our gov't stops incentivizing this kind of behavior by rewarding poor parents with tax credits, Medicaid (in my state you can ONLY get Medicaid if you have kids or are pregnant), TANF & other financial kickbacks.

Sorry but I'm so over it. I have a family member who teaches in an incredibly poor school district & she's seen some shit. Sometimes uses her own $$$ to buy snacks so the kids will have food to take home after school.
trance formation usa
Here's the thing though: if the kid is embarrassed or put out by eating the poor kids' meal, it's not the school's fault...it's the parents' fault! You should've paid the bill or packed them a lunch, period.

Very true, but most parents seem to think that absolutely nothing is their fault in regard to their children's care. They gave birth, their job is done, so if Junior is starving, cold, naked, and dumb, it's always someone else's fault - usually the school they go to. Junior's hungry? It's the school's job to feed the kids, and also feed them first-class gourmet food for free. Junior's cold in winter? The school should buy him a coat, which Mommy will likely sell for cigarette money. Junior has crappy clothes? Someone should buy him some, but not Mommy - maybe a relative can be guilted into buying him clothes if he's dressed in rags long enough. Junior's flunking everything? His teacher sucks, get better teachers. Junior needs school supplies? The teacher should buy them since they're just overpaid babysitters (NOT how I feel personally about teachers, but this seems to be how breeders feel). Junior's sick? Oh just send him to school anyway and don't answer the phone when the school says to come pick him up because he has meningitis, then bitch about how horrible and anti-children the school is when they threaten to call CPS if you don't take the kid to the hospital. Junior's a rotten little asshole in school? The teacher must have done something to provoke it. Don't you DARE punish my baybee or I'll come in and break your neck!

Apparently being a parent absolves a person of all possible blame and responsibility.

Due to social "acceptance" the school is now letting the futuur lil' debtors have the lunch of their choice and at the same time learn a valuable lesson - there are rewards for not paying owed money. Perhaps the district could go one further and give each lil' debtor a credit type card (with the socially acceptable of no credit limit so as not to discriminate) to use for their lunches. Perhaps they could hang up a plaque in the cafeteria which reads "there is such thing as a free lunch" to try to convince the lil' debtors that the funding for this program operates from an vortex in outer space.

There is no incentive for anyone to pay for lunch now. Wonder how long it will be before the district is insolvent because of this.

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