Parents using bleach to "cure" their kids' autism
May 28, 2019

So apparently this is a thing that's actually been happening. The not-so-proud parents of awtards somehow came up with the idea of feeding their autistic brats bleach to "cure" them of their autism.

Some parents credit turpentine or their children’s own urine as the secret miracle drug for reversing autism. One of the most sought-after chemicals is chlorine dioxide — a compound that the Food and Drug Administration warns amounts to industrial bleach, and doctors say can cause permanent harm. Parents still give it to their children orally, through enemas, and in baths. Proponents of chlorine dioxide profit off these parents’ fears and hopes by selling books about the supposed “cure,” marketing the chemicals and posting how-to videos.

Mmm boy, nothing like a shot of turpentine to clear up that pesky autism! WTF turpentine is godawful shit, I used to clean my brushes in painting class with it! Meanwhile, other parents force-feed their kids bleach or do bleach enemas. I can't imagine how much that has to hurt when it hits mucous membranes. And wow, people who make fucking chlorine dioxide are actually encouraging this behavior because it makes them money.

The worst part is the comments, which suggest that the children’s adverse reactions are just proof that the chlorine dioxide is working, Eaton and Seigler said.

The kid can't be a proper tard when they're in pain, puking and generally feeling like shit from being fed bleach, and someone who believes that bleach will cure autism is the exact type of person who would also believe it's an effective remedy. Though I will say I'm impressed that they managed to get anything into either end of a screaming flapping autistic child.

“My son is constantly making a gasping sound,” posted one Kansas mother who claimed to treat her adult son with chlorine dioxide, according to screenshots shared by Eaton and Seigler. “He won’t open his mouth,” a Canadian mom wrote of her 2-year-old’s unwillingness to drink the chlorine dioxide. “He screams. Spits. Flips over.”

Gee I wonder why a child (or anyone) would refuse to chug bleach! And good lord, the kid is gasping? Odds are that's painful throat/esophageal damage, but it's also very very possible he aspirated some of the bleach getting forced down his throat and it damaged his lungs too. I think this falls into medical emergency territory, but of course Moo won't take her child to the ER because then she'd have to explain that she's been feeding her child bleach to cure his autism and most likely have the kid taken away and get arrested herself.

Butbutbut, I thought autism was a blessing! Why ever would you want to cure it?

I suppose if you think about it, this method is actually effective. Consistent consumption of bleach will definitely cure autism when it inevitably kills the child. Can't have autism if you're dead, I guess. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, it sounds like most of the CPS reports made about these lunatics aren't followed up on, so these poor kids will keep on getting subjected to bleach enemas until further notice.
Re: Parents using bleach to "cure" their kids' autism
May 29, 2019
Like with vaccines, they'd rather have dead kids than autistic ones.

And the two year autism diagnosed that early? I thought it had a later onset, hence the profiteers being able to convince people vaccines were the cause. My guess is she's got a typical out of control 2 year old and wants to quiet him the fuck down.
Re: Parents using bleach to "cure" their kids' autism
May 29, 2019
Like with vaccines, they'd rather have dead kids than autistic ones.

And the two year autism diagnosed that early? I thought it had a later onset, hence the profiteers being able to convince people vaccines were the cause. My guess is she's got a typical out of control 2 year old and wants to quiet him the fuck down.

I agree, she is probably upset that her kid is out of control when so and so (lies and claims) she/he has a perfectly behaved kid at the same age. I don't think it would be obvious at two. From what I understand many two year olds aren't potty-trained and some aren't verbal yet. Probably plenty of two year olds who don't care about walking, talking, etc. and it has nothing to do with autism. Plenty of two year olds are just gigantic baybees. If they're still like that at three or four then maybe it becomes a problem.
Re: Parents using bleach to "cure" their kids' autism
May 29, 2019
I don't think autism can be officially diagnosed that young. My guess is parents with autistic toddlers have diagnosed them with Dr. Google instead of just admitting they have hyperactive brats because simple bad behavior is the parents' fault, but autism is something they can't help.

People fucking drink bleach to commit suicide sometimes, and it's a horrible way to go too. Also didn't realize at first, but the gasping bleached awtard was an adult in his parents' care, not a child, so vulnerable adults are being harmed too, not just kids.

I'm sorry, I know child protective services in any country are hugely overworked and understaffed, but these people have publicly admitted to deliberately poisoning their children. How are more of these kids not being taken away? How can they not be identified on social media?
Re: Parents using bleach to "cure" their kids' autism
June 02, 2019
Diagnosing anyone at that age with autism, means that the loaf must be so severely defected, that it's damned obvious. At that age, anyone severely affected by autism, is highly likely to also be severely retarded.

Granted autism is grossly overdiagnosed, and mostly are self-diagnosis, but there are those that are genuinely autistic that can be diagnosed at that age, and from my experience, are defected beyond repair, with multiple issues, including being a severe retard. Unfortunately, being that screwed up, they're going to need around the clock care, and usually end up being dumped in homes, when the parents give up.

No amount of bleach is going to cure that level of fucked-up-ness.
Re: Parents using bleach to "cure" their kids' autism
June 02, 2019
It is flat-out abuse, and anybody who does this to their kid should have the kid taken away.
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