Anonymous User
Today in the paper
July 27, 2005
So, she drops six kids and blatting about expenses.. that is nothing new..
About 10 years ago, some infertile moo had a child with fertility drugs.. just one sprog.
Not being content with the one healthy sprog, she had to go blatting "I wanna nother one"...
Goes thru the same fertility drug routine again. This time the moo has 7 babies, about 3 which die upon birth, .. Oh man, I forget how many lived, died, whatever. Ultimately I think she ended up with 2 kids and one severely disabled child.
She sued the clinic claliming they hadn't told her about the side effects, namely multiple fetus'.
Yeah, right. THEY told her. the moo just didn't want to listen: all that mattered that she get 'with sprog'.
Now, the normal children will be short changed because moo will be devoting majority of time to the disabled child.
stupid moos.
BTW, she lost the lawsuit...

two cents ΒΆΒΆ
Re: Today in the paper
July 27, 2005
I'm happy the bitch lost the frivolous lawsuit!
Anonymous User
Re: Today in the paper
July 28, 2005
Our culture is so toxic. It is all about consumerism, and this relates to why women feel the need to reproduce. This push to have kids comes from many corners not the least being the medias need to sell more crap. Women and men and children have lower qualities of life all to get some feel good moment from some stranger as to how wonderful it is to be pregnant or a dad or mom or whatever stage in child rearing. Society must raise todays' daughters and sons to see the value in making the world a better place to live- not seeing the value in making another being just to say " how cute". The madness must stop- instead people that choose not to reproduce are the bad guys- even though we have our heads on straight. But since we won't be making another mouth that will need clothes and food and a car and a house and be another slave to work in the fields of corp. america- we must be selfish. So I say to that oh so shelfish mom- would you want to live the life your daughter has to live now and forever. I don't care how hard it is for you- it will never equal the misery of this child. Don't feed me some bull about how special they are and how they add to the world. Can you say social security for life- thanks to me and all the cf tax payers. So the next time you spead eagle for the turkey baster- ask- " can I pay for this mistake!!!!!! If the answer is no- keep them closed please.
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