Why are people so fucking stupid? I argued with someone on Facebook months ago that said the world isn’t overpopulated, just some countries. I told him that the world can hold a finite number of people, and it doesn’t matter where they are they’re still hurting the planet. My analogy was that a house with 500 people in it is still crowded, it doesn’t matter if they’re in different rooms. They just now wrote back saying that the world isn’t overpopulated because “visas and immigration are a thing.” What the actual fuck is that even supposed to mean? It just makes no sense whatsoever. If someone has ten kids and sends them to ten different countries, that’s still DECUPLING your carbon footprint.

It was also implied that I’m “ethnocentric,” because I don’t want people preserving their cultures. Um, no. First of all, culture can be preserved in a number of ways. If you take a kid from country X, raise them in country Y, to hold the values and social norms of country Y, to speak the language of country Y, I don’t care if he’s black, brown, white, or blue he still belongs more to country Y than country X. Culture is more a social thing than a genetic one. Look at the US for instance. My high school best friend was born in Mexico and raised in the United States. Her family was very traditionally oriented, believing in a nuclear family unit and her parents had kids. But she herself was childfree. She could still speak Spanish, loved traditional Mexican food, and visited Mexico periodically. She embraced the parts of her culture she liked and rejected others {the idea that a nuclear family is the way to go}. So let’s not get racial and cultural lines mixed up. Also, even if someone wants their nuclear family to be racially homogenous, you can still do that with adoption. There is no reason, none whatsoever, why you can’t “preserve your culture,” by adopting a child from your native country. I also object to the idea that I’M the one being insensitive because I advocate for adoption. This person is the one being insensitive if they think “preserving the culture,” is more important than giving kids loving homes.
If you want to preserve your culture, cool, I want to preserve mine too {not by having kids obviously, by speaking my native language, visiting home when I can}. If you don’t want to preserve your culture, that’s cool too. In the future it won’t make a difference anyway, if something else doesn’t end us andromeda will. But don’t act like having a bunch of kids is “preserving your culture” and don’t fucking call me ethnocentric for caring about the planet. There won’t BE a culture to preserve when the Amazon’s in ashes and people are dying of thirst.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: The world isn’t overpopulated because immigration is a thing
September 13, 2019
People who are immigrating or support them see concerns of the environmental impact of overpopulation as a legit reason to curb it and if someone is for unchecked immigration they will be offended because it can be used as a rational argument to slow down the numbers.

This is interesting:

Re: The world isn’t overpopulated because immigration is a thing
September 13, 2019
I believe there needs to be a moratorium on breeding and an end to the Human species, as it is a blight. I also believe in suicide if you can't take care of yourself.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
People who are immigrating or support them see concerns of the environmental impact of overpopulation as a legit reason to curb it and if someone is for unchecked immigration they will be offended because it can be used as a rational argument to slow down the numbers.

This is interesting:


That is an interesting article. I have noticed that, that whites are told not to have kids but no one else is, because that would be racist. I also hate how the tweets turned into a conservative v. liberal debate. I have feelings on both sides {ex, pro 2a, pro choice} and it bothers me when the “other side,” can’t seem to see sensibly.

Instead of arguing over just whites not having kids, or over “eugenics” or if the government should lean right or left, please for the love of all that is good can’t people just agree to ZERO POPULATION GROWTH? Just for like 15 years, please. Political differences are all fine and well but it’s not going to amount to jack if either side gets their way and has their preferred government on a dead planet.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: The world isn’t overpopulated because immigration is a thing
September 14, 2019
That's what I kind of noticed too. Whites are told not to breed, but non-whites get told none of this because they're afraid it would be considered 'racist.'

I can get why they would be afraid, but in many places, the areas the people live on can't support a huge population. They would out-crowd and compete with the plants and animals that are keeping their particular area afloat and livable. Is it worse telling a bunch of people that overpopulation will vastly reduce the quality of life for them and their existing kids, and risk making their particular part of the world unlivable and inhospitable to that human life, or is it worse NOT doing so, out of a fear of 'being racist' and almost certainly ensuring that scenario?
Re: The world isn’t overpopulated because immigration is a thing
September 14, 2019
Overpopulation is an issue for everyone. In developing countries, it's often sheer numbers that are straining the resources. In developed countries, people are just consuming a lot more, so even if birth rates are lower, there is still not enough. Everyone is part of the problem, and those who choose to reproduce are the most responsible of all.
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