Kids who can run in strollers
September 26, 2019
I went down to the local new age store for the crystals and stones. A moo was in there and had a SUV stroller and it looked empty, I then saw a kid walking around the store who decided to buy a little item and ran around afterward. I assumed that there was another kid in the stroller, much younger. Then the running kid goes over to the stroller, gets in, gets covered up and moo pushes her out in the rain while talking to her about her dance lessons that would be starting.

How are running, item buying kids still in strollers?? It was kinda creepy that the kid disappeared in there, went quiet and still like back to infancy or something, like she went back to bed in public. I wonder if this is what helps to cause future obesity or maybe the moo just needs to feel she still has an infant so when the kid gets lazy the SUV stroller is there. The whole scene seems so weird.
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 26, 2019
I think it's laziness on the parents' parts, since it would be easier to drive the kid in a stroller rather than having to chase them all over the damned place. I don't like kids in grocery stores, but at least when they're in a stroller they're 'contained'. The only thing I have to worry about then is some distracted moo bashing into me with the damned thing.
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 26, 2019
I have an acquaintance who did this, but she carried her 7 year old daughter with her, because daughter was too lazy to walk.

It's a culture of putting The Almighty Child on a pedestal, because we live in childcentric times, where abuse is assumed if the child isn't in absolute comfort at all times of the day. To me it's an extension of the Everybody Gets A Trophy mindset, but instead it's Every Child Shall Want For Nothing, even if it kills everybody else in the process.
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 26, 2019
I mean, I guess there's an upside: if a kid is strapped into a stroller, it can't take off and get lost or run over. Sounds like parents just wanting to keep their kids infantilized and helpless for as long as possible so they can feel like true mommies forever. Because I'll bet fathers don't do this shit.

I wonder if they'll start making even larger strollers for older kids, like 9 years old and up. I wouldn't be surprised if Moos began intentionally not teaching their kids how to walk so they can be even more dependent.
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 27, 2019
I think it basically boils down to laziness on the part of the breeders. At some point, the kid will get tired (from all that extra running around). And then it will walk slowly and lag and whine. And on this point, I can understand, little kids are slow and it must be annoying to walk at their pace.They don't want to deal with that, so they bring the stroller for when the kid gets tired.

Of course what they are doing is teaching their child that there is no need to persevere, whenever things get tiring, or boring, someone else will step in. They are teaching the child to be lazy and dependent.
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 27, 2019
I think it basically boils down to laziness on the part of the breeders. At some point, the kid will get tired (from all that extra running around). And then it will walk slowly and lag and whine. And on this point, I can understand, little kids are slow and it must be annoying to walk at their pace.They don't want to deal with that, so they bring the stroller for when the kid gets tired.

Of course what they are doing is teaching their child that there is no need to persevere, whenever things get tiring, or boring, someone else will step in. They are teaching the child to be lazy and dependent.

A 3-year-old child who is forced to wander aimlessly behind an idiot Moo who just wants to shop for hours in a store is being pushed past any perseverance it could have demonstrated. These moos have no regard for the limitations these children have.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 27, 2019
I know a woman who boobfed her kid until he was 13 or 14, he is now 29 and an alcoholic, lives with his parents as they are trying to prevent him from overdosing as he might if he lives alone.
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 27, 2019
I have been out with my own mother, who was pretty much Old School all the way, and we have seen kids that are 4-5 years old in strollers, being wheeled around like the small deities they are. She rolls her eyes and a rant usually follows about these dumbass New Age parents coddling their brats. Yes, bring along a stroller*** for younger kids and let them use it if it's truly a long distance, however, kids also have A LOT of energy, moreso than adults. Making them walk would wear their asses out so they would be less likely to get into mischief.

*** a basic stroller, please, not a fucking SUV stroller. Have some courtesy to the people around you.
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 27, 2019

*** a basic stroller, please, not a fucking SUV stroller. Have some courtesy to the people around you.

I don't even remember the stroller my mother used.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 27, 2019
That woman who boobfed her kid til he was 14 is HUGELY into the new age stuff, to the point where she tried to do Reiki on a diseased feral cat. She is one of those new agers who doesn't want to be rational also, as if a smokey quartz could cure cancer. The new age stores seem to attract moos who don't want to see themselves as no longer "with it" after they sprogged, white bread, church going, moo van driving where you can't tell one from the other.

The new age stuff makes in them feel edgy and in control
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 28, 2019
Per my mom, I never had a stroller.

Moos use them for carts, and drink holders for the whole family. God forbid we don't have our perpetual drink holders and snack holders. God forbid if moo has a little discomfort for several minutes carrying a small child. My otherwise PNB friend was stating she was pushing a 130 pounds while on vacation or something, why? Becuz she had one of those strollers where the old kid can stand on a platform between the handles, and behind the sitting kid. And, even tho she always claimed her kids ate fruits and vegs without a fight (they probably did) her son was a hefty boy throughout his life, so there was the 100 lbs. I decided against asking her why she didn't let her son walk. I also didnt bring up I wasn't 100 lbs till I was like in 8th grade even tho I was 5'9" tall.

When I was young, you never even saw all those huge stroller parking areas in the zoo exhibits. But a zoo type situation was when you most saw a stroller being used, except new moos in the 'hood getting some air w/ a newborn. Now moos can't be seen w/o a SUV to the SUV stroller, to some other carrying device. The brats feet never touch the ground. Also, I think they let them ride in carts now WAY WAY too old becuz brat wants to stare at phone instead of have a normal life of seeing the inside of a store and conversing w/ moo. I will admit there is much less whining now then there was in the past tho.
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 28, 2019
Moos use them for carts, and drink holders for the whole family. God forbid we don't have our perpetual drink holders and snack holders. God forbid if moo has a little discomfort for several minutes carrying a small child. My otherwise PNB friend was stating she was pushing a 130 pounds while on vacation or something, why? Becuz she had one of those strollers where the old kid can stand on a platform between the handles, and behind the sitting kid. And, even tho she always claimed her kids ate fruits and vegs without a fight (they probably did) her son was a hefty boy throughout his life, so there was the 100 lbs. I decided against asking her why she didn't let her son walk. I also didnt bring up I wasn't 100 lbs till I was like in 8th grade even tho I was 5'9" tall.

There are situations where it is dangerous to have a free-range brat. Earth is much more crowded, and there is a LOT more traffic, and some of that traffic is NOT paying attention to what is on the road with them.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Kids who can run in strollers
September 29, 2019
There are situations where it is dangerous to have a free-range brat. Earth is much more crowded, and there is a LOT more traffic, and some of that traffic is NOT paying attention to what is on the road with them.

That's what those leashes are for. The kids should walk, but be kept under control.
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