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bodies in freezer- wait till you see what the state paid her to "adopt" these kids

Posted by Rose Red 
I don't like children and this made me cry! I want this bitch executed. There is NO excuse for any of this! I am glad that man found the 8 year old and got her to safety. None of these kids asked for what happened to them and the courts need to see justice done. Knowing the court, she'll get time in a state hospital and in a few years, be back on the streets again.
As I suspected, they were considered "special needs" and therefore she got a monthly check for them. In Kentucky where I live, "special needs" for the purpose of fostering/adoption means over age 2, part of a sibling group or a group of siblings, bi-racial or of African American descent, or the traditional things like mental retardation, physical handicap, or more mild problems like autism spectrum or ADHD. It's also up to the discretion of the social worker to put a "special needs" label on potentional foster or adoptive kyds when they are deemed otherwise "difficult to place", which immediately qualifies the foster/adoptive parent to receive welfare.

It's one of the newest scams in the kyd business and abuse, neglect, and exploitation is becoming more common, or either it's being more publicized. On the one hand you have shitty parents getting their kyds taken away (plenty of GROUPS of siblings in foster care), and then if that's not bad enough you have people in the foster care business for the money. Pro lifers would have us believe that there is a loving Christian couple on standby to take in ALL of the "saved baybees", when the supply of kyds awaiting adoption GREATLY outweighs the demands. From what I have seen, with few exceptions, the majority of the baybees getting good homes are the ones who are bought through private adoption agencies and they are healthy, white, infants.
$2,400 was close to what my estimate was. Years ago when I taught special ed. I remember a boy in the classroom beside of mine who was a foster child. He came to school daily in pants about 10 inches too short for him. He had terrible acne that needed to be treated by a doctor. He also had untreated dental problems and never had any school supplies. He was a foster child. His teacher had reported the foster parunts for their neglect, but nothing had been done at this point. That was my first experience with finding out just how much foster parunts recieved for each child. At that time I'm sure they were getting around $800 for him PLUS a medical card that apparently could have paid for his acne and dental situations. In my state these kids also get clothing vouchers that can be used at most stores, not just Walmart or K-mart. This kid could have been well dressed and well taken care of, but I'm sure the parunts were pocketing everything and using the vouchers to buy nice clothes for their own brats.
I'm from Baltimore, which in my opinion, is the homeland of ghetto breeder hell. Which is why I find this very disturbing and sad, but not very surprising. It's unfortunately all too common for fucktards to abuse their children to the extreme, sometimes leading to death.
What I want to know is how, for a full year, did she continue receiving payments for missing children? You mean to tell me no one, not a single social worker, relative, friend, or neighbor noticed that this idiot was two girls short?
This is just proof positive that no matter how much screaming and hollering about protecting the "churrrins", people STILL allow stupid shit like this to happen right under their noses!
In this country, with all the welfare, medical aid, and help for kids, there is NO excuse for neglect of kids such as comes to public notice. People are being paid good money for these children--they need to care properly or have them taken away promptly. I intend to report any kid I see being neglected if I know where they live at so something can be done.

The pro-birthers (let's call them by their REAL name, since they are for life only before it is born) are full of shit. These kids who are born to mothers who are hassled into giving birt even when they want to abort are often abused or neglected, or both in many cases. Most white parents, who are the ones who adopt the most, want kids of their own race...minorities should be encourage to adopt. Also part of the problem is that most caucasian teenmoos are keeping their little bastards. They should be taken away at birth and adopted out to suitable parents...you know, do a thorough investigation as was done when my parents wanted to adopt. With the bastardy rate at an all-time high, healthy babies of any race should not be at a premium.
i don't like kids either, but I had to take a couple of deep breaths to get through this horrible story. She is verging on serial killer status in my opinion. From what true crime I've read, (IANAE) it's very characteristic of female serial killers to kill in this secretive, underhanded manner as opposed to more violent means. How she could possibly sleep with the knowledge of the bodies nearby is beyond me...she is utterly amoral. Evil is another name for it.
There is a huge problem with people who take in lots of foster kids, just to get money from the state. Its been going on for years. It needs to stop. If you take a careful look at the people who are doing the foster parenting, they are usually white trash. This is a form of welfare for them - free money from the government.

One woman in my area was taking in foster kids. She solicited lots of gifts from places like toys r us, children's clothing stores, etc. She sold these things on Ebay!! The foster children never saw any of the toys and clothes intended for them. Well, she got caught and may do some jail time. However, what made me sick was a lot of her friends came to her defense and talked about what a "nice" woman she really was and should get a break. I hope she went to prison for a long time.

Also, there are stories in the news all the time about people who take in lots of foster kids who are handicapped, mentally retarded, etc. and physically and sexually abuse them.
Not the Mama Wrote:
> What I want to know is how, for a full year, did
> she continue receiving payments for missing
> children? You mean to tell me no one, not a single
> social worker, relative, friend, or neighbor
> noticed that this idiot was two girls short?
> This is just proof positive that no matter how
> much screaming and hollering about protecting the
> "churrrins", people STILL allow stupid shit like
> this to happen right under their noses!

I saw a woman, who didn't want her face shown, on the news this morning saying that she knew the adoptive mother and hadn't noticed the kids around since Thanksgiving!! Yet, she did nothing.
She's a female version of John Famolaro (the Ice Box Killer) in California, the guy who murdered Denise Huber and had her corpse in a freezer in a Ryder truck for three years. I would assume the bitch is a hopeless sociopath. That's the only way you can sleep near to something like she or Famolaro did. I guess the only good thing you can say about Famolaro is that he only killed once.
MerlynHerne Wrote:
> Most white parents, who are the ones who adopt the most, want kids of their own race...minorities should be encourage to
> adopt.

But you see, American minorities don't adopt children quite as often as caucasians do. Not that I've seen. I'd bet anything statistics would back me up on this.

There are lots of minority children available for adoption. People blame the white race for this ,and say whites should be adopting and fostering these minority kids. Just whites. They don't point the finger at any other ethnic group.

But caucasians actually do more inter-racial adoption than any other ethnic group. However, the ones who do adopt white children are called "racist". Nobody calls a black person "racist" for not adopting a white child.

I blame people who don't use birth control, and then demand that middle-class white Americans to take in all their unwanted children. Well I have news for you. The middle class white Americans can't solve this problem and can't take in all these kids. People need to start using birth control or learn to keep their legs together. And quit whining that other people are obligated to support their children.
bratBgone Wrote:

> I saw a woman, who didn't want her face shown, on
> the news this morning saying that she knew the
> adoptive mother and hadn't noticed the kids around
> since Thanksgiving!! Yet, she did nothing.

So now she steps forward and says something after the fact. Big whoop for her. I wonder if anyone who claims that everyone who isn't saddled with a brood is selfish and unsaintly has ever considered that stories like these turn up on the regular?
In Charm city this is the norm. It's also one of the reasons I'm leaving.
This goes back to the double standard vis a vis whites and blacks. Whites do it it's "racist"; if blacks do it nothing is said. I figured that whites are the largest percentage of adoptions. The middle class cannot solve this problem....but minorities need to step up to the bat and quit blaming whites for every damn thing.

I still say these teenmoo sluts need to be sterilised after the first bastard is shat out. If they wanted children later on, they need to have kept their legs shut. If it's out of wedlock, moo needs sterilisation with the possible exception of rape and incest, seeing as those are not voluntary.
In fact, minorities do adopt at far lower rates than do whites. An article about this very topic appeared several months ago in one of the newspapers I get. This has been a statistic of some concern, and I'll try to poke around the net a little later to try to find some numbers.

The irony is that blacks in general did not want whites to adopt black or mixed-race children until Congress changed the rules to say that these adoptions must be allowed. Too many black and mixed children stayed in foster care awaiting adoptions when white couples had been willing to adopt them but were prevented from doing so. Hard to see how keeping these children from being adopted by a couple of another race benefitted them, especially when no one from their own ethnic background was bothering to step up to the plate. However, anecdotal evidence says that in parts of the US, social workers still subtly discourage whites from adopting minority children.

These games are one of several reasons why so many couples adopt from overseas now.

By the way, usually adoptive parents receive nothing from the state, as the children are considered theirs legally once the adoption process ends—just as no one cuts a monthly check to a typical middle-class married couple raising their own kids just for having them. Often those who formally adopt are out big bucks for the paperwork and they never see that $$$ again. The people who make out like bandits with state money are the foster parents with temporary custody of others' kids.
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