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1176 Illegal Immigrants

Posted by Anonymous User 
Lady War-Dog
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 07, 2006
Another SoCal resident chiming in here. Honestly, if you folks have never lived in an area infested with illegals than you have NO IDEA how bad it really is. Why just at my apartment complex alone I have experienced:

1) 4 break-ins into my car

2) Hispanics (and ONLY the Hispanics) parking in the red zones and next to the fire hydrants, as well as in the middle of the complex roadways. And of course, if you ask them to move you get the shrug and "No hablo ingles" when you know damn well they DO speak English.

3) That damn Mexican polka music played at 3 AM on a weeknight

4) Little Hispanic children who think it's funny to shut off the emergency water line to my apartment while Mamacita just stands there and does nothing

5) At least 5 arrests for assualt, all Hispanic males

6) Little Hispanic children setting off dozens of illegal fireworks in between the buildings, causing a HUGE fire hazard and their parents ENCOURAGING this

7) 3 accidents with Hispanics fleeing the scene before police arrive

8) Encounters where the Hispanics blatantly violate the apartment complex's policies and when called out on it have the attitude of "the rules don't apply to me, gringa"

I could go on...

Now before anyone starts calling me a racist or a xenophobe, you should know 2 things:

A) My husband is a LEGAL 3rd generation Mexican American. His grandparents came to the US LEGALLY, jumping through all of the LEGAL hoops to get here, filing the paperwork, etc. And FYI: Legal immigrants HATE illegals with a passion. As my FIL says, "My dad did all the right things to get here--what makes them so fucking special?"

cool smiley I heartily support LEGAL immigration; if you do all the things you're supposed to do to get here, welcome to the US, I'm glad you're here. I also acknowledge that the current system we have is broken and really needs to be fixed. I believe that we should levy huge fines against businesses that hire illegals (to the point where it would be really detrimental to hire an illegal over a legal resident), make it easier to get a guest worker visa and/or become a US citizen (reduced wait time & beauracracy), and a have a better fortified and patrolled border. I believe that all of these factors would help in cutting down on folks sneaking across the border.

--Lady War-Dog
Water Lily
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 07, 2006
Good point, Lady War-Dog, I couldn't agree more. Very good points.
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 07, 2006
3) That damn Mexican polka music played at 3 AM on a weeknight

4) Little Hispanic children who think it's funny to shut off the emergency water line to my apartment while Mamacita just stands there and does nothing

5) At least 5 arrests for assualt, all Hispanic males

6) Little Hispanic children setting off dozens of illegal fireworks in between the buildings, causing a HUGE fire hazard and their parents ENCOURAGING this

7) 3 accidents with Hispanics fleeing the scene before police arrive

8) Encounters where the Hispanics blatantly violate the apartment complex's policies and when called out on it have the attitude of "the rules don't apply to me, gringa"

I hate to say it but I had the same experience. Experience #3 almost totalled out a car that I had to pay to be repaired since the Hispanics did flee the sceneof the accident.

Experience #4) I had to go to the condo association and complain to get the owner of the next-door unit to evict the Tijuana illegals who played music at 3am and broke beer bottles in the street. When my former husband talked to the "neighobrs" about this issue before going to the board, the replie was honestly this, "This is what we do in Tijuana!" No lie!

Anyone who has a problem with how I feel about this issue is welcome to move to my old neighborhood. I wonder how welcoming the naysayers would be once they had to share the experience. It is so easy to judge our feelings on this matter if the fingerpointers never have had to live among these people.

My ex-husband, by the way, is from Argentina who came over here legally with his family - who all became citizens.
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 07, 2006
At least, we can discuss this issue and disagree without getting nasty with each other...
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 09, 2006
I'm not in Cali so I haven't had to live near illegals but I have a good sense of what you all are talking about. To give you all a parallel from my experience, I'm sure you've heard people going on and on about how important college education is, how it creates new jobs and educates people and stuff. Right. Fine, in theory. But have the people who go on about how important education is ever lived next to a college? I have, and the behavior I've seen would shock you. These college students aren't like regular people -- they party loudly at all hours of the night, leave bottles and shopping carts and who-knows-what-else on my lawn, and dominate local restaurants with their pompous loud talk about the "nature of the self" or some other nonsense. So to all of those who think that our colleges and universities should be kept open (and government funded!!!) I urge you to live near a college like I have and see if you don't change your tune. It's an eye-opener, for sure!
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 09, 2006
I did some courier work for a time. I was contracted to the now-defunct Airborne to deliver in the university area a few years ago. The apartments near the college were littered with bottles and other debirs just as you mentioned, BD. Most of the apartments were filthy when the college student answered the door. I don't know what else to say...except that many of these parents are really paying for a four-year summer camp experience. Sad to say but in my area, many college grads end up selling cars after they graduate. The degrees are impressive but there are not a lot of jobs for those degrees.
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 09, 2006
Good point. Are they really so good for the economy if they don't even get jobs? Even the illegals get jobs! I say, deport the whole lot of them -- immigrants and college students.
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 09, 2006
I've had that same experience! When I briefly lived in Northridge, I was one block from the college, and had students living on one side, illegals on the other. Pure hell.
At this same apt. complex, I complained once about the Hispanic children playing in the pool, alone, after midnight. Having no idea that these were the maintenance man's kids. My apt. was entered while I was at work, and vandalized. The man let his kids in there, and they splashed Cool- Aid all over the walls, carpet, etc. Red Cool- Aid. When I called the mgr. & cops, they refused to do a damn thing, even though it was obvious that they entered by key, since there was no sign of forceful entry. A neighbor saw the whole thing, and told the mgr. He fired the maintenance guy, but refused to evict him, as well. All I recieved in terms of compensation was to be allowed to break my lease without penalty. None of my personal stuff was affected, but they tried to cost me money for "trashing" the place. I moved a few weeks later.
I know what you mean India, when you said "That's how we do it in Tijuana." I've heard the same damn thing. It's pointless to explain that they aren't in TJ, anymore, because you just get that vacant look. Then, they go back to blasting the Norteno, Mariachi, etc., and smashing their cerveza bottles. Legal immigrants do not behave that way. They appreciate the opportunities they've earned in this country, illegals expect it. That's the difference.
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 09, 2006
Sprogless, I have more than noticed how illegal aliens' kids are so worse when it comes to behaviour. Similar things happened in my own neighbourhood. Mamacita and Papi often encouraged such rotten actions from their sprogs. I see things in stores and other public places all of the time.

In my old condo, there was the issue of these kids in the pool after hours alone. My then-husband wanted to complain. I reminded him of what happened to others for complaining. My response was that I did not care if the kids drowned. I know that is not nice but I refuse to get involved. I am sure the breeders would be suing for American dollars if someone did intervene if one of the kids had trouble in the pool and the life-saving techniques did not work or the kids were disabled.

I used to act so self-righteous when my grandmother would complain about illegal aliens and how they are ruining this country. I went on with the blah-blahs of, "How could you be so racist? We all come from other lands..." It took me living in the "real world" outside of my mother and stepfather's calm neighborhood in Tiburon, CA to see how things really are...
Lady War-Dog
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 10, 2006
Amen, India! I was exactly like you; "how can you say such things about the illegals, we're all from somewhere else!" Easy to say when you are living in Ohio and there is a teeny-tiny illegal immigrant population; not so easy to say when you live in the middle of a HUGE illegal immigrant population and see their behavior.

And I agree with whoever said that illegals have an entitlement attitude and the legals do not. As I said before, the illegals seem to feel that NONE of the laws apply to them, not just the immigration laws. Legals worked hard to get here and learned the laws, customs, common language, etc. of their new home, which is what you should do. If I was going to move to France, you'd better believe that I would learn to speak French and study French laws and social customs before I got there just so I wouldn't get into trouble. Know what I mean?

Like India said, you're not in freaking TJ anymore, you're in America, and you'd better damn well learn to assimulate to American culture if you want the gringos to treat you with respect. My Irish ancestors did it (with huge obstacles in front of them, do some research on Irish American history), so can you.

--Lady War-Dog
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 10, 2006
Being public servants, which is another way of saying, being rather poor, my husband and I bought our first house in a small neighborhood eight years ago. It was a great situation, close to both of our jobs, with relatively quiet, considerate neighbors. We knew when we bought our home that one section of our neighborhood that was undeveloped would eventually have homes in the $300K+ range built in it. This didn't bother us because we thought it would increase the value of our property, considering our home was in the $100K range. Three years ago they built the remaining houses in our development. They WERE absolutely beautiful, until their occupants moved in. Of the 20 or so homes they built, 18 of them are filled with hispanic immigrants that I'm sure are not all legal. Some of the houses must have 25 people living in them. You can only imagine how many vehicles are parked in and around their yards. A huge problem is they have what seems like millions of children, and all of the boys have those little mini motorcycles that are so damn loud. They don't watch their kids at all. One Saturday morning I was up really early and found 3 little Mexi-sprogs in my front yard, yelling "el gatto!(sp?)" at my cat in the window!(I'm one of those mean people that doesn't want kids in my yard!) They were in their pajamas and looked to be between the ages of 18 mos. to 3 years old. They were running around all over the place, including the road. I called the police to come try to find which house they belonged in. It took about an hour, but they finally found the sprogs' owners. The kids had let themselves out while their parents were sleeping. The parents were probably just recovering from their LOUD fiesta the night before. Unfortunately, housing in our area has become so expensive that we can't afford to move right now, but soon as we can we are out of here!
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 10, 2006
Sherz, that sucks big time. Those people move into an area and faster than you can say "bean burrito" the property value plummets to an all-time low. But our illustrious government chooses to leave things the way they are. After all, the senators, governors, and our fabulous prez don't have to worry about those people moving into their multi-million dollar neighborhoods, so why should they concern themselves with the immigration problems? None of this stuff ever affects one facet of their lives which is why we, the working class, are stuck with their ridiculous rules, plans, and decisions, leaving illegals into this country to breed on the taxpayer dollar, pay no taxes, work under the table, and crud up our once-nice neighborhoods.

The area I am originally from is starting to feel the sting of these types of people. Up there, housing is inexpensive and nice little homes that were once owned by clean elderly people are now being bought cheaply by these parasites and the neighborhoods are going downhill, one by one.
Lady War-Dog
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 10, 2006
Hey KidFree, you just gave me an idea...

What if a bunch of us pooled our money together and bought one of those nice, multi-million $ homes where the Congresscritters live? Then we head out to Sherz's neighborhood and tell her lovely neighbors that we bought them that nice house free of charge. Go ahead! Move right in! And bring your cousin Jorge and his family from TJ too! The more the merrier!

I think, after having Sherz's neighbors living next door for about 3 months, we'd see our Congresscritters do something about illegal immigration but quick.

--Lady War-Dog
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 10, 2006
Lady War Dog said:
Go ahead! Move right in! And bring your cousin Jorge and his family from TJ too! The more the merrier!

Illegals ALWAYS have a cousin who needs a job! I cracked up when I read that, it's something DH & I have been joking about for years!
Sherz, we have a neighborhood like that, too. Five or six families pitch in and qualify for home loans, allowing them to infest even the most upscale developments. It's a slap in the face to everyone that worked hard to get themselves a nice home. I feel for you. That really sucks.
Anonymous User
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 10, 2006
Just to stir the 'pot' a tad more...
Remember that girl who was given a lung (think it was lung) transplant, hospital made a colossol boo-boo and the lungs came from a completely different blood type. girl died.
well, guess what. illegal girl of illegal moo that had jumped ahead of a long line of citizens waiting for that pair of lungs.
I doubt moo was working, however after being here at least 2 years, all she could do was yammer in Spanish.
Illegal immigrants cost Arizonans $700 per person per year.
English is the language of advancement: most foreign nations actually recognize this and educate their own citizens accordingly. This nation seems to be the only one that doesn't 'get' this aspect. So, who are the true racists and bigots? The ones who demand that they learn English or the ones who insist they be taught in their native tongue.
Of course, this does not apply to true minorities such as Czechs, Outer Mongolians, and the multitudinous Indian dialects. They have to actually learn the language with little help.
A minority is a group of people with enough numbers to vote themselves such status and the victim 'perks' that go with it.
Anonymous User
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 10, 2006
Oh, and one final 'two cents'...
If people are going to breed like cockroaches, then they shouldn't complain when they are treated like cockroaches.
The illegals are recreating the cesspools they claim to be escaping.
so they are trying to support families. What everyone overlooks is the families are 9, 10, 11 + more potential illegal aliens back home. Yes, they are hard working but the resources of this country, much less the planet are not infinite.
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 11, 2006
Don't even get me started on the illegals who slipped into this country to get that transplant for the teenage girl. I am sure the illegal breeders got all sorts of "compensation" from the doctor's and hospital's insurance company as well as all sorts of social goodies. Yet, many of our own people cannot go to the doctor because of no insurance or bankrupt themselves in the event of serious illness. Only in America! Any other country would tell the border crossers to go "eff themselves"!

I also don't understand how these people make the same miserable conditions for themselves here as they do at home with all of of this breeding. The newspaper has the wish lists every holiday season. Last year hosted photos and stories of illegals who came over here yet the "family" is on their fifth child. Many Americans scream that socialism is akin to evil communism yet our nation is so socialist to those breeders.

Here is a link to an interesting-sounding book:
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 11, 2006
We don't ever have to worry about the nice working class people choosing to be childfree and thus, putting the economic state of the country and population at risk, the illegals will take care of that for us! We work to pay for them! Of course they are bleating in the streets, but you can bet your sweet asses if welfare were not an option in the US, we wouldn't have 1/10th the slime moving into this country that we do have.

America! Land of Welfare! Everyone Welcome!
Anonymous User
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 11, 2006
trouble is, of course, only the 'pro immigrunts' are out demonstrating.
amazing how these 'poor moneyless people' have the time and resources to do this..
this, in a sense, is the result of over population. ultimately, if this land were very very sparesly populated a) we would not need the amounts of labor b) space wouldn't be a problem
it goes right back to the root problem of excessive sprogging.
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 11, 2006
It is true that no one would be trying to sneak into the US if we were not the Land of the Free: free housing, free medical care, free welfare, free education etc. --- all for illegals paid for by the taxpayer.

All of the protesting from these illegals reminds me years ago of welfare mothers having protests over welfare caps. If these women had enough time to start trouble in the streets to keep her "entitlement" bennies, they had more than enough time to work every single day.

The prediction is that the people from Mexico and Central America are going to be the majority in this country with the way they breed. These people have ruined their own countries and come here to wreck ours. I feel at times that I need my passport when I go to parts of my state.
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 11, 2006
A question- Where is La Migra? All of these illegals closing down streets for their "Protests," yet not an immigration official in sight.
These illegals get welfare because whan they ask who the father is, the moomacita says he's in Meh-hee-co. Shit, I say send moomacita & her crotchburrito to Mexico for a familia reunion. And don't give her jack shit.
Re: 1176 Illegal Immigrants
April 11, 2006
Great idea about the mansion! If they can fit 25 family members in a 4 bdrm. house in my neighborhood, just imagine how many amigos could fit in a mega casa like that!! If it weren't for the illegals how would the wealthy save money on nannies, landscapers, and other servant staff?
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