"Free" meals during school closures
March 24, 2020
I'm sure it's the same all over the country, but all of this handwringing over continuing the free feeding programs for brats during the school closures is making me ILL. Schools are delivering the meals door to door as well as having meal pick-up available. Yes, many people are losing jobs right now, but how many of these loser parents would bother to feed their OWN FUCKING KIDS anyway? Our school district actually has NO RESTRICTIONS on who can get free food...you don't even have to be a student in the district. Of course they've been running out of food and have been demanding more "for the chylllldrunnn." Let's just continue to reward irresponsibility instead of maybe just trying to teach people to be more self-sufficient and plan for emergencies on their own? I hate what this country has become, a bunch of damn takers.

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
March 24, 2020
Crab cake, when we were growing up people fed their own kids. Again, when this stop? I mean, you breed em you feed em.
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
March 24, 2020
I'm probably not old enough yet to have a "back in my day" rant, but yeah, when I was a brat a couple decades ago, I'm pretty sure it would warrant a visit from Social Services if a parent couldn't afford to feed their kids at least twice a day. Why the fuck is it the school's responsibility to feed all these kids, and why the fuck can't the parents feed them?

This should warrant close inspection of the parents' spending habits to see where exactly their money is going, especially if they're on some kind of government assistance. If it's discovered that Moo is blowing money on manicures and phones, or doing that thing where they buy someone else's groceries with their food stamps in exchange for money with which to buy stupid shit, then they get to attend mandatory parenting and budgeting classes. Failure to comply means they get fined, maybe jailed for a brief time, and lose their kids, which means they also lose a good chunk of their benefits too.

But of course this won't happen because everyone is willing to bend over backwards for the poor children, not seeming to understand that breeders will depend on this generosity and then bitch when this privilege (not right) is taken away. Consider all the moaning that went on when schools attempted to limit poor kids to a peanut butter sandwich for lunch due to unpaid cafeteria debts, because apparently the poor darlings just can't function without a hot meal! If schools said no more fucking free food for dumbasses, there would be so much mooing and lowing that it would probably register on the Richter scale.
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
March 24, 2020
Didn't it seem like every school district in the country was dithering on shutting down schools because the kids would starve. I mean here this is likely the biggest public health hazard of our lives and many doctors have suggested kids are likely to be infected and transmit the virus, but school cannot be shut down because it's where kids are fed. Even if that's true, why are there now schools giving out food to anyone under 18? Nobody should profit here. Worse case scenario is the school fed a finite number of kids and continues to feed the same kids. If the school fed 500 students breakfast and lunch, keep doing it for those 500 kids. The school should not become a free cafeteria for kids they weren't feeding before.
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
March 24, 2020
The problem was for those kids born before 2008, their parents were never able to get back on their feet after the crash because 1) jobs that they could get were of low paying low quality 2) Inflation only applied to expenses, income did not go up. Not every parent was able to get an abortion when needed when the GOP has literally rendered abortion all but illegal, and even birth control was blocked by right-wing nut jobs working the pharmacy.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
March 27, 2020
I'm sure it's the same all over the country, but all of this handwringing over continuing the free feeding programs for brats during the school closures is making me ILL. Schools are delivering the meals door to door as well as having meal pick-up available.

Schools in our area closed before nonessential businesses, so the free food was being doled out before layoffs began.
If the food situation for these families is as dire as reported, why don't we hear/read about kids dying of starvation every August? Are they fed year-round?
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
March 27, 2020
I'm sure it's the same all over the country, but all of this handwringing over continuing the free feeding programs for brats during the school closures is making me ILL. Schools are delivering the meals door to door as well as having meal pick-up available.

Schools in our area closed before nonessential businesses, so the free food was being doled out before layoffs began.
If the food situation for these families is as dire as reported, why don't we hear/read about kids dying of starvation every August? Are they fed year-round?

It is not that they are fed year-round, it is that we don't know how long this crisis will last. A child can last a month without appropriate nutrition such as living on potatoes, however, a year can start to cause serious problems. Yes, I can see this situation lasting a year, especially how the GOP has fucked up response and that there are no tests for those in need.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
March 28, 2020
Schools in our area closed before nonessential businesses, so the free food was being doled out before layoffs began.
If the food situation for these families is as dire as reported, why don't we hear/read about kids dying of starvation every August? Are they fed year-round?

I can't speak for other states/districts, but in my area, schools do continue feeding students breakfast and lunch through the summer for free and will even send them home with backpacks stuffed full of food on weekends when school is in session.
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
March 28, 2020
whatever we think of the welfare bints, the welfare in the trailer park my ex and I ran, they were able to feed their little bastards with what they got from gubmint. didn't have to rely on the skewls to do that.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 11, 2020
whatever we think of the welfare bints, the welfare in the trailer park my ex and I ran, they were able to feed their little bastards with what they got from gubmint. didn't have to rely on the skewls to do that.

This is what chaps my ass about it. These loser breeders already get food stamps, oh excuse me SNAP, and sometimes WIC in addition to all the other handouts they get. It just encourages them to continue in their lifestyle...where exactly is the motivation to improve and become self-sufficient? It also sets a horrible example for the kids...all they learn is "schools/government hands stuff out for free" as opposed to when I was a kid in the Dark Ages (60s and 70s) when being on food stamps was a source of shame and something people usually wanted to get off of as soon as possible.

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 11, 2020
whatever we think of the welfare bints, the welfare in the trailer park my ex and I ran, they were able to feed their little bastards with what they got from gubmint. didn't have to rely on the skewls to do that.

This is what chaps my ass about it. These loser breeders already get food stamps, oh excuse me SNAP, and sometimes WIC in addition to all the other handouts they get. It just encourages them to continue in their lifestyle...where exactly is the motivation to improve and become self-sufficient? It also sets a horrible example for the kids...all they learn is "schools/government hands stuff out for free" as opposed to when I was a kid in the Dark Ages (60s and 70s) when being on food stamps was a source of shame and something people usually wanted to get off of as soon as possible.

My mother spent my entire childhood qualifying but refusing to accept food stamps.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 11, 2020
all they learn is "schools/government hands stuff out for free" as opposed to when I was a kid in the Dark Ages (60s and 70s) when being on food stamps was a source of shame and something people usually wanted to get off of as soon as possible.

I think the word in bold is something that has gone extinct, which is why precisely no one is ashamed of anything anymore. It's why people dress and act the way they do at Walmart. It's why breeders are loud and proud about being on the dole. It's probably why we have the fat acceptance and "healthy at every size" movements. It's why people are the way they are on Instagram and Tiktok and all other social platforms where they act like morons.

Nobody is ashamed of their appearance or behavior and things that used to be a source of shame are sometimes even encouraged and celebrated now.

Being too fucking broke to feed your own child should be a source of shame, and I think I would be much more willing to accept their plight if they had the sense to be ashamed of providing the most basic care to the kids they chose to have. Obviously I would never judge someone for falling on temporary hard times and needing a hand either, which is what welfare/SNAP is supposed to be for. But it's the entitlement and even pride these people display that makes me have zero sympathy.

Unfortunately, denying breeders and their spawn free food will only punish the kids because breeders don't give a single fuck if their kids go hungry.
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 14, 2020
I wonder, don't these people have any extra food in their houses at all? It's been about 3 weeks and earlier on, people were lining up in our area for free food boxes in relatively new cars with the line over a mile long. We often had Campbell's soups and beans and Rice a Roni and box potatoes and while it is high in sodium it's better than being hungry. If people can afford cars they can't afford a few cans of nonperishable food? Are the breeders cupboards that bare? Oh, wait, my bad, extra food requires planning, and if people can't do family planning, I guess they can't do ANY planning.
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 14, 2020
Duplicate post embarrassed face


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 14, 2020
mr. neptune
I wonder, don't these people have any extra food in their houses at all? It's been about 3 weeks and earlier on, people were lining up in our area for free food boxes in relatively new cars with the line over a mile long. We often had Campbell's soups and beans and Rice a Roni and box potatoes and while it is high in sodium it's better than being hungry. If people can afford cars they can't afford a few cans of nonperishable food? Are the breeders cupboards that bare? Oh, wait, my bad, extra food requires planning, and if people can't do family planning, I guess they can't do ANY planning.

When I was a teen we were very food insecure. The car wasn't a luxury, as there was no public transportation where we lived, and you absolutely could not bike or walk to work. If you did not work, you could meet none of your needs. The parents bought cars on the dirt-cheap, very often only paying $400 but that was only after the old car DIED. Several of their cars met spectacular ends, such as the engine blowing up. Sometimes, we got a car 'free' after performing a service for the car's former owner.

As for the matter of food, that was the last thing fitted into the budget, as food can be obtained sometimes by non-monetary means. That often meant doing odd jobs. The rent, electricity, and gas were not negotiable in any way. 'Free' food boxes were the source of last resort for food. However, as my parents aged and became sicker, they were no longer able to trade things for things and would have to seek out food boxes.

As an adult, I had to move out on my own as I would not fit in with my parents, their cats, and dog in a 20 foot RV and apartment rent began to spiral out of control. I lived very often with roommates, however, when I didn't have a roommate I would need a food box as bills literally ate every cent of my $600 a month SSI. The average rent was $450.

Both of my parents (mother & stepfather) worked, and both were middle class when I was born. Their poverty is a direct result of 'Reganomics' which took the resources from the poor and gave it to the rich.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 14, 2020
So why isn't CPS getting called on these parents? Not just the ones that suddenly can't afford food because of the quarantine-- the ones who rely on the school system to feed their kids on a regular basis. The kids that only eat when they're at school. Why are those people allowed to keep those children? Why is that okay?
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 14, 2020
mr. neptune
I wonder, don't these people have any extra food in their houses at all? It's been about 3 weeks and earlier on, people were lining up in our area for free food boxes in relatively new cars with the line over a mile long. We often had Campbell's soups and beans and Rice a Roni and box potatoes and while it is high in sodium it's better than being hungry. If people can afford cars they can't afford a few cans of nonperishable food? Are the breeders cupboards that bare? Oh, wait, my bad, extra food requires planning, and if people can't do family planning, I guess they can't do ANY planning.

When I was a teen we were very food insecure. The car wasn't a luxury, as there was no public transportation where we lived, and you absolutely could not bike or walk to work. If you did not work, you could meet none of your needs. The parents bought cars on the dirt-cheap, very often only paying $400 but that was only after the old car DIED. Several of their cars met spectacular ends, such as the engine blowing up. Sometimes, we got a car 'free' after performing a service for the car's former owner.

There's a huge difference between a car for transport, and a relatively new car like mr. neptune described. And that is often one of the reasons middle-class people are one month away from bankruptcy: they "have" to have a new cellphone, new car, new TV, and so on. If they had their priorities in order, they'd purchase used cars - as you described your parents doing, and which my parents also did, albeit because they were frugal rather than poor - and set aside money for emergencies. If you have a new car and are financially insecure, you are failing at adulting.
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 14, 2020
There's a huge difference between a car for transport, and a relatively new car like mr. neptune described. And that is often one of the reasons middle-class people are one month away from bankruptcy: they "have" to have a new cellphone, new car, new TV, and so on. If they had their priorities in order, they'd purchase used cars - as you described your parents doing, and which my parents also did, albeit because they were frugal rather than poor - and set aside money for emergencies. If you have a new car and are financially insecure, you are failing at adulting.

Exactly. I didn't think I was the only one who noticed this about the long food lines seen on the national news lately. On one, the reporter was talking to a guy in the line driving a late model Cadillac sedan, for fuck's sake. We've all heard the statistic saying that something like 60% (I can't remember the exact number but it was high) of people can't absorb a $400 emergency. OF COURSE there are some who are in dire straits by no fault of their own, but it's almost certain they're in a small minority. And government programs like "free" school meals only enables irresponsibility. IMO.

And I did not grow up rich by any means, quite the opposite. My parents probably could have qualified for assistance (this was back in the 60s and 70s) but as far as I know they never did. They both grew up during the Depression and WW2, my mom in Germany. She knew real poverty and knew how to stretch a dollar. We never went hungry, but we lived in a tiny crackerbox with one bathroom, got a few new school clothes every other year only because we outgrew the old ones, and had nothing name brand. We even shared bathwater if you can believe that. My brother and I NEVER got the reduced or free school lunches (they were a thing even back then). So I guess my perspective, like everyone's, is framed by how my parents did it, which is in stark contrast to a LOT of today's breeders who are looking for a handout at every turn.

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 14, 2020
Crazyzits I did not mean to be uncaring or make you feel bad about your situation. What I meant is that today there was a line up for a food bank that went for over a mile. On the news, the reporter interviewed some of the people lined up and it was always "i've got 2 little ones" or "I got 6 kids" or "We've got 4 at home". They never showed one elderly or single person in the lineup. Why do couples who may be already "food insecure" having kids? But people have kids knowing someone will "bail them out" with food. It was almost as if some people semi-brag about being in such a situation.

I also wonder, when women have 2 or 3 kids do the doctors, especially the OB/GYNs ever recommend to women that they be sterilized with an operation (or their husband be neutered)? Are big families at all necessary?
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 14, 2020
mr. neptune
Crazyzits I did not mean to be uncaring or make you feel bad about your situation. What I meant is that today there was a line up for a food bank that went for over a mile. On the news, the reporter interviewed some of the people lined up and it was always "i've got 2 little ones" or "I got 6 kids" or "We've got 4 at home". They never showed one elderly or single person in the lineup. Why do couples who may be already "food insecure" having kids? But people have kids knowing someone will "bail them out" with food. It was almost as if some people semi-brag about being in such a situation.

I also wonder, when women have 2 or 3 kids do the doctors, especially the OB/GYNs ever recommend to women that they be sterilized with an operation (or their husband be neutered)? Are big families at all necessary?

I did not take your comments to be mean or even provoking. That is why you got a long answer. I do think that a lot of parents had their entire lives turned upside down, lost jobs, or for whatever reason found themselves without a functioning means to meet their needs because of the Covid-19 mess. Many of these breeders grew up in households that offered no supplementary education to the dismal joke that is the public school education they (may or may not) have gotten. Therefore, many of these people are incapable of basic thought.

I am inclined to agree with you about the breeders who have brat after brat after brat. My parents were PNB and my mother stopped at two, one being an adopted SPED toadler.

As for the large families, many women are hyper fertile, and they cannot get doctors to address that problem if they could afford to go to a doctor at all. This board is full of complaints about the difficulty of getting sterilized for women and how patriarchal doctors deny them the procedures they need to prevent pregnancy. This is a problem even for those who have had kids. They cannot find a doctor willing to do so because the gubment wants lots of cannon fodder for endless wars. Even long term birth control is out of reach for many women.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 14, 2020
So why isn't CPS getting called on these parents? Not just the ones that suddenly can't afford food because of the quarantine-- the ones who rely on the school system to feed their kids on a regular basis. The kids that only eat when they're at school. Why are those people allowed to keep those children? Why is that okay?

The primary reason why CPS isn't called on 'hungry children' is that they are beyond strapped looking after children who are boiled alive, beaten with belts within an inch of their lives, and raped.

There are legitimate reasons for parents to not be able to feed their children. Many of these are 'sandwich' parents who are looking after sickly elderly parents and their school-age children. The elderly parents most often rely on Medicare for their extensive medical needs with huge fees and deductibles. Those fees and deductibles can blow through a budget faster than a furnace can blow through a snowball. Those elderly may have had a pension or other retirement program that went poof in 2008. The healthy children we see may have a tard sibling, although, in my opinion, that is less legitimate of a reason to need food.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 15, 2020

As for the large families, many women are hyper fertile, and they cannot get doctors to address that problem if they could afford to go to a doctor at all. This board is full of complaints about the difficulty of getting sterilized for women and how patriarchal doctors deny them the procedures they need to prevent pregnancy. This is a problem even for those who have had kids. They cannot find a doctor willing to do so because the gubment wants lots of cannon fodder for endless wars. Even long term birth control is out of reach for many women.

In this case, I feel that if the husband truly cared about his wife and her health with not having too many kids, then he would arrange to get a vasectomy. This situation happened to my sister who is married to the loud smelly doctor I mentioned here before, Jupy. After being rejected by doctors, she asked him about getting a vasectomy and he refused. She finally did get an operation after telling the doctor "even if Christ wanted me to have his child, I would refuse!" I still think less of him since he would not do it. Of course, he's a doctor, he's tough, he is playing golf, and he refuses to help out in New York and so what a selfish doctor. i guess a lot of husbands are like that. I'm not married, so help me to understand this situation.
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 15, 2020
There are legitimate reasons for parents to not be able to feed their children.

Agree to disagree, I guess. If you can't assure you can take care of children, you shouldn't have children. Yes, I recognize circumstances can change, but if you're letting your children starve on a regular basis, you're an unfit parent. Period.
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 15, 2020
mr. neptune

As for the large families, many women are hyper fertile, and they cannot get doctors to address that problem if they could afford to go to a doctor at all. This board is full of complaints about the difficulty of getting sterilized for women and how patriarchal doctors deny them the procedures they need to prevent pregnancy. This is a problem even for those who have had kids. They cannot find a doctor willing to do so because the gubment wants lots of cannon fodder for endless wars. Even long term birth control is out of reach for many women.

In this case, I feel that if the husband truly cared about his wife and her health with not having too many kids, then he would arrange to get a vasectomy. This situation happened to my sister who is married to the loud smelly doctor I mentioned here before, Jupy. After being rejected by doctors, she asked him about getting a vasectomy and he refused. She finally did get an operation after telling the doctor "even if Christ wanted me to have his child, I would refuse!" I still think less of him since he would not do it. Of course, he's a doctor, he's tough, he is playing golf, and he refuses to help out in New York and so what a selfish doctor. i guess a lot of husbands are like that. I'm not married, so help me to understand this situation.

Many men find themselves in the same boat as women regarding doctors refusing to perform vasectomies. This website has a story about a man who was refused a vasectomy and was then oopsed by a breeder. Many doctors consider the only reasonable life for human beings to be parenthood, even if they can't afford it or aren't suitable.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Free" meals during school closures
April 20, 2020
There's a huge difference between a car for transport, and a relatively new car like mr. neptune described. And that is often one of the reasons middle-class people are one month away from bankruptcy: they "have" to have a new cellphone, new car, new TV, and so on. If they had their priorities in order, they'd purchase used cars - as you described your parents doing, and which my parents also did, albeit because they were frugal rather than poor - and set aside money for emergencies. If you have a new car and are financially insecure, you are failing at adulting.

Exactly. I didn't think I was the only one who noticed this about the long food lines seen on the national news lately. On one, the reporter was talking to a guy in the line driving a late model Cadillac sedan, for fuck's sake. We've all heard the statistic saying that something like 60% (I can't remember the exact number but it was high) of people can't absorb a $400 emergency. OF COURSE there are some who are in dire straits by no fault of their own, but it's almost certain they're in a small minority. And government programs like "free" school meals only enables irresponsibility. IMO.

And I did not grow up rich by any means, quite the opposite. My parents probably could have qualified for assistance (this was back in the 60s and 70s) but as far as I know they never did. They both grew up during the Depression and WW2, my mom in Germany. She knew real poverty and knew how to stretch a dollar. We never went hungry, but we lived in a tiny crackerbox with one bathroom, got a few new school clothes every other year only because we outgrew the old ones, and had nothing name brand. We even shared bathwater if you can believe that. My brother and I NEVER got the reduced or free school lunches (they were a thing even back then). So I guess my perspective, like everyone's, is framed by how my parents did it, which is in stark contrast to a LOT of today's breeders who are looking for a handout at every turn.

I don't know what the verification in this particular instance is but to receive benefits from the state a family/person has to go through a verification process and the amount of assets they can own (per family or per single parent) is very low. If they own a newer car then to qualify for benefits they would have to sell it, live off the proceeds and once that (and all other assets) were exhausted they could then apply.

This doesn't stop massive jerks from trying and some will put all assets under another family member's name (outside immediate) to get benefits. There was a story a few years ago of a famblee living in a McMansion (worth over 2 million) who did just this. I don't care where you live, owning a 2 million dollar house isn't poor. That is wealthy from any perspective.

A person who owns a late model Cadillac isn't poor. It is people like this that give the poor a bad rap. It makes me angry that they are taking food away from a person who is either poor or perhaps a little better off than poor but just lost their job.

And the media has their place in this too, why interview the person in the late model Cadillac other than to piss people off watching the news? You know there are hundreds of thousands of people watching that who aren't poor yet couldn't afford a Cadillac.

I can't help but think people who arrive to unrestricted food lines in their late model cars are just lazy asses who don't want to cook or buy food for their famblees.

And the no restrictions on who can obtain food? Guess that explains why so many charities and food banks are begging for money to support school aged children. With all the people who don't need help claiming any food they can get the poor are being left out.
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