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How to raise an autard

Posted by ladybug2203 
Re: How to raise an autard
May 31, 2020
The local newspaper had an article on Cambion's question about what dentists have to do to work on autards. They have to use sedation for even the simplest dental work.

This explains why you see so many autards with bad/ugly teeth. They're just too much of a hassle for routine dental work. The same would be true for other medical procedures. There's a backlash in state legislatures about it now, but autards are normally not allowed to receive organ transplants because of this issue and their inability to care for themselves and follow medical protocols after a transplant.

That raises questions about this case with the kid from China in the other thread. He's probably already a handful at any medical facility.

I imagine even administering sedation is a hassle. The simple task of putting a mask on a flapper to administer nitrous and telling them to breathe most likely results in a meltdown for any number of reasons, and good luck keeping a mask strapped to the awtard's head when they decide to go into rage mode. Most handlers of autistic brats feel they can wash their hands of their responsibilities when the child is dumped on someone else too, so good luck trying to get Moo to help wrangle the fucker.

This case study describes a hulkatard that wouldn't even go into the dental office and then proceeded to resist every sedation given to him save for sub-musocal and I have no idea why this wasn't resisted too - I assume pure luck. He was also prone to not holding still, involuntary movements and had classic retard strength and had to be physically restrained during the procedure too.

This is an article on how parents and doctors can survive an awtard medical visit. It includes such things as pestering the staff to see if the doctor is ready to see them yet to minimize wait time, doing a practice visit with the awtard, role-playing with medical tools, and practicing relaxation techniques. I imagine these things all do precisely jack shit because awtards are highly unpredictable and even with practice visits and thorough explanations, they could still easily melt down over dumb shit like a blue door when the tard hates blue.

And from the same site, this one says to discuss individual accommodations for the awtard, using distractions, discussing prior negative experiences so this next one can be made more bearable, having a backup plan if the awtard still melts down, have doctors explain every single thing they do before they do it, and using rewards to support the awtard through the visit and/or testing.

Even when you do all that bullshit, you never know what will set them off on a given day, even if the parents know their triggers and work to avoid them. Tardley may decide that day that he doesn't like how an ear exam feels when he tolerated it at every other visit and clock the provider in the mouth. I'm pretty sure awtard breeders take their little flaptards to the hospital for one reason only: to get an autism diagnosis for a crazy check and nothing else. I don't blame them when all that crap up there is what has to be done to survive a fucking office visit.

And to be honest, I'm kind of glad to hear that (presumably severely) autistic people are not eligible for organ transplantation. I know there are plenty of autistic people who can take care of themselves more or less, but the ones with toddler-like brains that are violent and require constant care don't need to be getting organs. Not when there are sane, independent people who have actual lives who would use and appreciate a transplant more than an awtard who will throw tantrums, shit themselves and punch group home staff for the rest of their lives.
Re: How to raise an autard
May 31, 2020
Remember, I said he's huge.

How come they're practically always so huge? It can't just be junk food.
Re: How to raise an autard
June 01, 2020
The local newspaper had an article on Cambion's question about what dentists have to do to work on autards. They have to use sedation for even the simplest dental work.

This explains why you see so many autards with bad/ugly teeth. They're just too much of a hassle for routine dental work. The same would be true for other medical procedures. There's a backlash in state legislatures about it now, but autards are normally not allowed to receive organ transplants because of this issue and their inability to care for themselves and follow medical protocols after a transplant.

That raises questions about this case with the kid from China in the other thread. He's probably already a handful at any medical facility.

I imagine even administering sedation is a hassle. The simple task of putting a mask on a flapper to administer nitrous and telling them to breathe most likely results in a meltdown for any number of reasons, and good luck keeping a mask strapped to the awtard's head when they decide to go into rage mode. Most handlers of autistic brats feel they can wash their hands of their responsibilities when the child is dumped on someone else too, so good luck trying to get Moo to help wrangle the fucker.

This case study describes a hulkatard that wouldn't even go into the dental office and then proceeded to resist every sedation given to him save for sub-musocal and I have no idea why this wasn't resisted too - I assume pure luck. He was also prone to not holding still, involuntary movements and had classic retard strength and had to be physically restrained during the procedure too.

This is an article on how parents and doctors can survive an awtard medical visit. It includes such things as pestering the staff to see if the doctor is ready to see them yet to minimize wait time, doing a practice visit with the awtard, role-playing with medical tools, and practicing relaxation techniques. I imagine these things all do precisely jack shit because awtards are highly unpredictable and even with practice visits and thorough explanations, they could still easily melt down over dumb shit like a blue door when the tard hates blue.

And from the same site, this one says to discuss individual accommodations for the awtard, using distractions, discussing prior negative experiences so this next one can be made more bearable, having a backup plan if the awtard still melts down, have doctors explain every single thing they do before they do it, and using rewards to support the awtard through the visit and/or testing.

Even when you do all that bullshit, you never know what will set them off on a given day, even if the parents know their triggers and work to avoid them. Tardley may decide that day that he doesn't like how an ear exam feels when he tolerated it at every other visit and clock the provider in the mouth. I'm pretty sure awtard breeders take their little flaptards to the hospital for one reason only: to get an autism diagnosis for a crazy check and nothing else. I don't blame them when all that crap up there is what has to be done to survive a fucking office visit.

And to be honest, I'm kind of glad to hear that (presumably severely) autistic people are not eligible for organ transplantation. I know there are plenty of autistic people who can take care of themselves more or less, but the ones with toddler-like brains that are violent and require constant care don't need to be getting organs. Not when there are sane, independent people who have actual lives who would use and appreciate a transplant more than an awtard who will throw tantrums, shit themselves and punch group home staff for the rest of their lives.

Autards are very much like wild, dangerous animals in a medical environment, so some veterinary skills may be needed to wrangle Tardley into position, put it out, then do whatever fucking procedure you need to do.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: How to raise an autard
June 01, 2020
Remember, I said he's huge.

How come they're practically always so huge? It can't just be junk food.

I think it is due to hormones. Their hormones are as fucked as the rest of their bodies.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: How to raise an autard
June 01, 2020
And this is more of the reality that disability advocates like to shove under the rug. What do you do with a person with a mental disability who rejects even taking vitamins, cannot handle a simple dental cleaning, and is unable to sit still for more than a couple of minutes at a time who has cancer or needs an organ transplant? The lot of them would scream about ethics and eugenics, but not actually apply logic to the situation. How do you keep up post-transplant maintenance for somebody who can’t advocate for themselves? How do you look for the signs of rejection when the person can’t self-report? How do you deal with fighting somebody multiple times a day every single day to get them to take the immunosuppressive anti-rejection medications? The ethical argument is do we reject the candidate and let palliative care be the only option or do we let them have the transplant and a precious organ go to waste because the recipient rejects all attempts at maintenance?

How about cancer treatments where you’re stuck in a recliner with a needle in your arm for three hours multiple days a week for a six-week cycle? You can’t give them sedatives because that would react with the chemotherapy drugs. The medical staff does not have the time or manpower to have several people to supervise one patient to keep them in the chair. Is it really worse ethically to let somebody die of a treatable cancer because they’re unable to handle the treatment?

It’s easy to sit there and say that the mentally disabled are people deserving of all the care that normal people get, but when the transplant list is long and there are only so many kidneys to go around, is it actually more ethical to say that the neurotypical person who can keep up with post-transplant maintenance gets to die in deference to a mentally disabled person who is going to do everything to avoid taking the many medications and be unable to recognize the signs of rejection and therefore not report to anybody until it’s too late and now an organ is trashed?

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: How to raise an autard
June 01, 2020
quote: Autards are very much like wild, dangerous animals in a medical environment, so some veterinary skills may be needed to wrangle Tardley into position, put it out, then do whatever fucking procedure you need to do.

somehow, the minute I read this a tranq gun comes to mind

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: How to raise an autard
June 01, 2020
quote: Autards are very much like wild, dangerous animals in a medical environment, so some veterinary skills may be needed to wrangle Tardley into position, put it out, then do whatever fucking procedure you need to do.

somehow, the minute I read this a tranq gun comes to mind



Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: How to raise an autard
June 03, 2020
I work in a LTC and we have a severely mentally ill woman who has been thrown out of every place she has gone. She steals, destroys her room with her 2 roommates. She severely attention seeking, she has injured people. And basically acts like a toddler, and expects everyone to cater to her whims. I told a nurse that if I were her POA, who is a sibling. I would buy out a cruise ship if she died to celebrate, because "nobody" deserves to be stuck with that kind of baggage.

She is useless and I think it's a huge waste of time and resources, to keep someone like her alive. I think funds wasted on her every month would be better to be given to her sibling for years wasted. Or to someone who actually would contribute to a productive society.

It disgusts me that so many bleeding hearts want to keep every one of these useless flappers alive. Even when they have no quality of life, just because they think life is "beautiful". Rather than actually stepping their spit-shined designer shoes into a medical facility and seeing what really is involved in actual care of these deviants.

I am so tired of seeing someone useless like her, have more lasting value. Than say a CF doctor candidate or a nursing student, even a cashier or wait staff. But until all these forced-everything idiots are voted out we will have to endure.
Re: How to raise an autard
June 03, 2020

I am so tired of seeing someone useless like her, have more lasting value. Than say a CF doctor candidate or a nursing student, even a cashier or wait staff. But until all these forced-everything idiots are voted out we will have to endure.

While the GOP propped up by their Russian backers remain in power this will be the case. The USA government is a perverted joke, punishing those who can contribute and rubbing the Tards in our faces.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: How to raise an autard
September 26, 2020
Totally my life except for number 3 and some modifications to 4-6, plus I avoided most beatings by hiding or keeping my distance.
My Duh expects everyone else in the family to keep my autard brother quiet while he does his phone calls, but he can’t do it himself and would tell us to go somewhere else in that situation. I rarely get to make phone calls in the house and I also rarely got to leave the house because breeder dad couldn’t be with him for more than an hour. Meanwhile he could go out for his hobbies and vacations whenever he wanted.
Both parents often tell me I’m responsible for tard brother when they die, but not with a daily reminder.
Breeder dad always has time for his iPad games whenever he’s home, but he yaps to my mom and me about how busy he is.
The real kicker? Duh had the retard genes and didn’t tell my PNB mother before he asked her to copy his precious genes.
Re: How to raise an autard
September 27, 2020
Totally my life except for number 3 and some modifications to 4-6, plus I avoided most beatings by hiding or keeping my distance.
My Duh expects everyone else in the family to keep my autard brother quiet while he does his phone calls, but he can’t do it himself and would tell us to go somewhere else in that situation. I rarely get to make phone calls in the house and I also rarely got to leave the house because breeder dad couldn’t be with him for more than an hour. Meanwhile he could go out for his hobbies and vacations whenever he wanted.
Both parents often tell me I’m responsible for tard brother when they die, but not with a daily reminder.
Breeder dad always has time for his iPad games whenever he’s home, but he yaps to my mom and me about how busy he is.
The real kicker? Duh had the retard genes and didn’t tell my PNB mother before he asked her to copy his precious genes.

Ive got a destructive and violent autistic sister, if you ever feel like venting or trading war stories DM me
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