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OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives

Posted by cfdavep 
OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 25, 2020

There is a youtube video of all these extremely pricey HUGE speedboats racing in Florida. There is this OB/GYN partway though the vid and his speed boat is called "Labor Intensive" For starters "Ewwww" a gross name for any boat, but it is obvious desperate moos over time paid for his $300,000 speedboat and, well.....I guess he is "honoring" them. The boat is at the 3:15 mark and it's probably not worth looking at.

But I wonder if this is the reason why docs make it harder for women to get tubals, as there is less money in cf women, but moos and their complications pay for the pricey hobbies. Wonder if that is a IVF boat
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 26, 2020
That's a very interesting point; OBGYNs would not be making that kind of dough in a world of CF women.

Too bad, as a woman, I have to feed that industry anyway in the maintenance and care of my own uterus. I met a new OBGYN recently trying to find one I liked, because I struggle with PMDD and wondered what my options were. She was a HUGE fucking bitch so I left the appointment after talking to her for literally less than 4 minutes. Haven't tried to find anyone since despite the fact that I am probably in premenopause.

That'll learn me to not ask my female friends for a reference!
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 26, 2020
I lucked out when I went to a Gynecologist for my chronic bleeding. He listened to his patients, and despite his having a wall covered in brats was willing to yank a uterus for something other than cancer.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 26, 2020
I can see why OB/GYNs are so reluctant to sterilize women - they would be doing something that would lose them money by removing a woman's ability to reproduce. They would never admit that to a patient, though, so they just tell the woman she's not mature enough to make such a permanent decision... even if she's 45 years old.

The thing I don't get is if they pull this shit, they're going to lose money anyway when that patient stops seeing them for good, so what difference does it make? Do they think their refusal to perform sterilization will ensure that woman will come back to them knocked up for all pre-natal appointments? And imagine how much business they'll get when word gets around that there's an OB/GYN who will sterilize childfree women.

Plus, plenty of women have multiple brats - enough to make up for any who don't have any at all. Plenty of women are also dumb and get loads of IVF rounds and fertility treatments. Sterilizing a few women seems like drops in the ocean to me.

I'm not sure how long I can remain on the pill and I cringe to think what I'm gonna do if I have to quit taking it. I'm too scared of the pain and side effects to get an IUD, I've heard negative things about Essure in the recent past, I'm sure I'm still too "immature" to get a tubal and I know almost no doctor will take out a perfectly healthy uterus.
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 27, 2020
I'm not sure how long I can remain on the pill and I cringe to think what I'm gonna do if I have to quit taking it. I'm too scared of the pain and side effects to get an IUD, I've heard negative things about Essure in the recent past, I'm sure I'm still too "immature" to get a tubal and I know almost no doctor will take out a perfectly healthy uterus.

It sounds like you may need to become a medical tourist.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 27, 2020
A bit of a tangent. Med students have to match into their residencies. They hope to get their choice but not always.

So a bit of a video about Match Day.


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 27, 2020
The thing I don't get is if they pull this shit, they're going to lose money anyway when that patient stops seeing them for good, so what difference does it make? Do they think their refusal to perform sterilization will ensure that woman will come back to them knocked up for all pre-natal appointments? And imagine how much business they'll get when word gets around that there's an OB/GYN who will sterilize childfree women..

I don't believe it is about money. I think it is a raging case of sexist paternalism. I never had any issues when I was asking about contraceptives or just going in for pap smears, but as soon as I wanted to know about sterilization, it became evident that most of these doctors don't believe in reproductive freedom.

What we need is an anti-natalist GYN who specializes in abortions and sterilization.
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 27, 2020
I'm not sure how long I can remain on the pill and I cringe to think what I'm gonna do if I have to quit taking it. I'm too scared of the pain and side effects to get an IUD, I've heard negative things about Essure in the recent past, I'm sure I'm still too "immature" to get a tubal and I know almost no doctor will take out a perfectly healthy uterus.

I don't know if you can even get Essure anymore, after all that has come out about it, and at any rate I would not suggest it.
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 27, 2020
I honestly think many docs just get off on the power trip of being able to hold life and death in their hands. There is a lot of social status in being a doc and part of it is the ego trip for many. They get off on telling women that "no, you will not be getting a tubal, doc knows best"
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 27, 2020
I honestly think many docs just get off on the power trip of being able to hold life and death in their hands. There is a lot of social status in being a doc and part of it is the ego trip for many. They get off on telling women that "no, you will not be getting a tubal, doc knows best"

I heard many become doctors for the money but if that is the case, why not be a stockbroker? You will make a lot of money, you don't need science classes, you probably will not be sleep deprived, you get to wear a suit and it's not gross and bloody. It's just me but I just don't get why be a doctor.
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 28, 2020
mr. neptune
I honestly think many docs just get off on the power trip of being able to hold life and death in their hands. There is a lot of social status in being a doc and part of it is the ego trip for many. They get off on telling women that "no, you will not be getting a tubal, doc knows best"

I heard many become doctors for the money but if that is the case, why not be a stockbroker? You will make a lot of money, you don't need science classes, you probably will not be sleep deprived, you get to wear a suit and it's not gross and bloody. It's just me but I just don't get why be a doctor.

I agree. What about finance, management consulting or law for the money? And no gore.
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 28, 2020
A bit of a tangent. Med students have to match into their residencies. They hope to get their choice but not always.

So a bit of a video about Match Day.


I didn't realize they have a formal match day. The entire med school experience and residencies sound like utter hell to me.
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
November 29, 2020
freya, Chicago Med had one or two episodes regarding 'match day'. not in the med profession so not a clue. this was my first introduction to it.
I'm probably lucky my whackamoo didn't pressure me in the direction of med school. I value my sleep too much and I don't function well enough without it.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
December 01, 2020
freya, Chicago Med had one or two episodes regarding 'match day'. not in the med profession so not a clue. this was my first introduction to it.
I'm probably lucky my whackamoo didn't pressure me in the direction of med school. I value my sleep too much and I don't function well enough without it.

Match day doesn't sound fun. What happens if you end up with your last choice or no match?
It is also nice to not have to deal with the highest risk patients during a pandemic for months or years on end!
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
December 02, 2020
mr. neptune
I honestly think many docs just get off on the power trip of being able to hold life and death in their hands. There is a lot of social status in being a doc and part of it is the ego trip for many. They get off on telling women that "no, you will not be getting a tubal, doc knows best"

I heard many become doctors for the money but if that is the case, why not be a stockbroker? You will make a lot of money, you don't need science classes, you probably will not be sleep deprived, you get to wear a suit and it's not gross and bloody. It's just me but I just don't get why be a doctor.

To be a stock broker (I assume you refer to a brokerage firm) you have to have a bunch of licenses and a very decent starting capital. To be a financial advisor, you will need at least 2 licenses just to be able to invest for others. To be something like a fund manager or a portfolio manager, you also need a lot of education. World of finance is easier than medical field but it is not super easy. In most cases, you get paid commission based on the performance. Working long hours is very common. Stress levels are high. Job loss is common if performance is weak. I know a few people who work on Wall Street as well as Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
December 07, 2020
To be a stock broker (I assume you refer to a brokerage firm) you have to have a bunch of licenses and a very decent starting capital. To be a financial advisor, you will need at least 2 licenses just to be able to invest for others. To be something like a fund manager or a portfolio manager, you also need a lot of education. World of finance is easier than medical field but it is not super easy. In most cases, you get paid commission based on the performance. Working long hours is very common. Stress levels are high. Job loss is common if performance is weak. I know a few people who work on Wall Street as well as Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

While it sounds better than the medical field it doesn't sound at all enticing. Though a friend's ex-husband happily retired at 30 (!!!!!!!!!!) after a very short career in finance. He worked in securities trading. Bought only used reliable cars, lived wayyyy below his means and worked a night job at the beginning of his career cleaning buildings to pay off his student loans ASAP. His ex-wife is a total spendthrift (bought a new car the day she received a raise) who went on to marry another spendthrift.
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
December 08, 2020
I admit to being a bit spendy on electronics, but I cheap out in other areas of my existence aka clothes. I live within my means which is about 1500 a month.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
December 12, 2020
Denitists make more money than most doctors with maybe the exception of Ob/Gyns.

I think the best way to find out is this:

Compare the number of Jaguars your local Ob/Gyn owns to the number of Jaguars your dentist owns.
Re: OB/GYNs and the desperate moos that pay for their lives
December 16, 2020
Denitists make more money than most doctors with maybe the exception of Ob/Gyns.

I think the best way to find out is this:

Compare the number of Jaguars your local Ob/Gyn owns to the number of Jaguars your dentist owns.

I have had both in my family. I would say that OBGYN definitely makes more but the expense of premiums for insurance that they have to carry is definitely higher for an OBGYN. Dentist, while making less, is left with a little more by the time all of the expenses are covered. In both cases these doctors were women, so there were no Jaguars or anything similar. LOL
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