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Family of 11 now homeless in Australia

Posted by cfdavep 
Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
February 23, 2022

With the homeless crisis getting worse this family of 11 is in real trouble or they will be until the tax payer takes over. I found the story on reddit/CF a while back. In the article moo said that "no baybee should be born homeless" and that during her ninth pignasty she was told by a doc that she needed to be on bed rest. She complained that it was hard to do that as beds tend to be in houses and apartments which they can't afford. No mention of the fact that these breeders......have NINE..... FREAKING...SPROGS
No connection was made between that and poverty of course.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
February 23, 2022

With the homeless crisis getting worse this family of 11 is in real trouble or they will be until the tax payer takes over. I found the story on reddit/CF a while back. In the article moo said that "no baybee should be born homeless" and that during her ninth pignasty she was told by a doc that she needed to be on bed rest. She complained that it was hard to do that as beds tend to be in houses and apartments which they can't afford. No mention of the fact that these breeders......have NINE..... FREAKING...SPROGS
No connection was made between that and poverty of course.

This cunt wants everyone ELSE to pick up the tab.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
February 23, 2022
Right, no baby should be born homeless, but babies don't just teleport into empty uteri. The Moo has to fuck someone and then choose to stay pregnant in order for that to happen. Abortion in Australia is legal up to 24 weeks, so this bitch had six months to get the clump sucked out and she chose not to.

“I have never been so scared in my life for myself and my family - this baby shouldn’t have to grow up in an environment like this.”

So then, and hear me out, DON'T KEEP THE FUCKING BABY. If you care about the kid and truly believe it "shouldn't have to grow up in an environment like this," you would give it up for adoption so someone else can give it a good life. Fucking take care of your other kids, moron. The two oldest ones are being kept at relatives' homes, meanwhile the youngest ones are missing school constantly. For fuck's sake, do not intentionally birth this loaf into homelessness. It sounds like they got dealt a really shitty hand with the loss of their home, but how can she possibly expect to raise a healthy infant when they don't know where they'll sleep next or eat next? Aren't eight kids enough? Why does she need another one?

Doesn't Australia have child services? Why are these kids allowed to stay with these parents when they have no home, no money, no food and no stability? Why isn't anyone removing these kids?

“The government needs to do more - I have seen so many other families like us. There are families sleeping in streets and in parks like we are. It is a pandemic.”

No, the government does plenty. You need to quit having kids you can't afford. Maybe the government should implement a catch-neuter-release program for serial breeders, like we do with stray cats. Obviously they can't be trusted to not get pregnant in crappy circumstances.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
February 24, 2022
"No baybee should be born homeless." Translated from Moo-Speak to English: "I'm an irresponsible idiot who doesn't understand that birth control is a thing. Give me a free house please!"
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
February 26, 2022
I wonder if any of these huge famblees she sees when looking at properties has put together that having more brats than you can afford means fighting like hell to find affordable housing? shrug

Who in their right mind would want to rent out anything to someone with 11 brats? I knew a famblee with 9 brats and to say they destroyed the house they owned would be an understatement, it was a mess on the best days and always smelled putrid. But at least they owned the house!
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
February 26, 2022
You make a good point, freya. I'm sure every broke-ass family with a shitload of brats thinks they are the only ones who need free/cheap everything, not realizing that waiting lists for affordable houseing can be YEARS long.

Generally speaking, a rental house or apartment only allows two people per bedroom for safety reasons, so to house the McAssholes in this story properly, they would need a six-bedroom home. I don't think apartments are that large, so their only option is a house. I have a feeling Moo would just conveniently hide a bunch of her brats to get a smaller, cheaper home anyway and then just cram them 3-4 to a room or stick her least favorite kids in the attic or garage.

And like you said, nobody's gonna rent to that hot mess of a family because they know no security deposit will cover the damage those kids do to the house. Five hundred bucks isn't worth it when the brats do $8,000 in damage. Probably the only way they will own a house is if someone hands them one for free on a platter, all paid for. I don't know if GoFundMe is a thing down under, but that would likely be their best best. I know people will throw money at these assholes if they just stick their hands out.

Makes me wonder what bridges have been burned that only two of the eleven members of this family have been allowed to live with other relatives. I'm sure no one has room for almost a dozen extra people in their home, but why were only two offered warm beds in relatives' homes and not the others?
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
February 28, 2022
This is just so irresponsible it makes me sick! How can anyone breed so many kids without considering how difficult it will be to find housing for the all? I don't know of any rentals that are affordable even with 2 bedrooms now, let alone 6. They practically need a mansion handed to them just to live.
I think child protective services should get involved and make sure her kids are properly housed with someone else. It sounds cruel, but unless someone basically gives them a huge house for little to no money, I can't see how she's going to find any place that will work.

I do feel sorry for the kids in this situation. If she just learned about how to keep from getting knocked up so much, they wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
February 28, 2022
I do feel sorry for the kids in this situation. If she just learned about how to keep from getting knocked up so much, they wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.

That is, if she's not hyper-fertile. If she is, she needs to have her tubes tied.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
February 28, 2022
I do feel sorry for the kids in this situation. If she just learned about how to keep from getting knocked up so much, they wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.

That is, if she's not hyper-fertile. If she is, she needs to have her tubes tied.

Even if she was hyper-fertile, there are plenty of options for women to keep them from turning into a vagina clown car. If she had half a brain she would've gotten fixed after one or two. Eleven is too many.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
February 28, 2022
I do feel sorry for the kids in this situation. If she just learned about how to keep from getting knocked up so much, they wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.

That is, if she's not hyper-fertile. If she is, she needs to have her tubes tied.

Even if she was hyper-fertile, there are plenty of options for women to keep them from turning into a vagina clown car. If she had half a brain she would've gotten fixed after one or two. Eleven is too many.

In Australia that is so, but many women in the USA can't get the help they need.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 01, 2022
I do feel sorry for the kids in this situation. If she just learned about how to keep from getting knocked up so much, they wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.

That is, if she's not hyper-fertile. If she is, she needs to have her tubes tied.

Even if she was hyper-fertile, there are plenty of options for women to keep them from turning into a vagina clown car. If she had half a brain she would've gotten fixed after one or two. Eleven is too many.

In Australia that is so, but many women in the USA can't get the help they need.

Considering this woman is in Australia, I don't know what women in the US have to do with it. It's especially bad because she can get help but hasn't and now has 11 kids she can't house.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 01, 2022

Considering this woman is in Australia, I don't know what women in the US have to do with it. It's especially bad because she can get help but hasn't and now has 11 kids she can't house.

In Australia, she has no excuse for her BS.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 01, 2022
the problem is these fuck trophy worshipping doctors won't sterilize women who want it. I can understand being hesitant when someone is in their teens or early 20's (unless they have a bad genetic issue and realize what they would be imposing on a child) but once they hit 30? these morons are snooty and condescending. someone on reddit went so far as to look up medical ethics and these holier than thou doctors are actually violating the written medical code they have. the redditer copy and pasted it and gave the reference.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 01, 2022
Several friends in my social circle got sterilized no questions asked. The difference is, they had at least one kid. The mom in question could have got one after the third kid easily.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 01, 2022
That's the bitch of it. Most doctors won't sterilize a woman unless she's reproduced at least once because she Might Change Her MindTM because she's Just A Woman Who Doesn't Know What She WantsTM. Because for some reason, if a woman wants kids, it's the right choice, but if she doesn't want kids, it's the wrong choice. Funny how that works, especially given the very high number of women who very clearly regret having kids and wish their kids didn't exist. 14-year-old wants to have a baby? Okey-dokey! 35-year-old grown-ass woman with no brats wants her tubes tied? Silly little girl, you just need to grow up and have some kids! Makes me fucking sick.

I wish you could sue a medical provider for refusing to provide treatment like this. I bet a lot of motherfuckers in white coats would either get out of the practice or shut their faces real fast if it was a choice between sterilizing female patients or getting hit with a malpractice suit. If she regrets it, that's her problem, not the doctor's.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 02, 2022
a lot of these docs sure seem to demonstrate hypocritical thinking as well as sexist. males tend to have less difficulty in obtaining a vasectomy than a woman the same age... or even older. there is a ted talk to that effect

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 04, 2022
The right to choose needs to include choosing NOT to breed. Unfortunately it's largely about "when" and the idea of "never" is not considered.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 04, 2022

35-year-old grown-ass woman with no brats wants her tubes tied? Silly little girl, you just need to grow up and have some kids! Makes me fucking sick.

Got into a memorable discussion with a doctor one time on that subject when she told me no AND her staff was giving me a ration of shit when I wanted to start the clock on the consent form***. I was like, excuse me, I am a 36 year old professional with a master's degree, and I get the third degree? Would I get this same grilling if I said a wanted a baybee? I'm asking for my life to STAY THE SAME without kids. Having a kid is a bigger decision that not having a kid.

Plus, it wasn't as if she was a new doctor--I'd been consistently saying for two years that I wanted a tubal ligation.


Ironically I finally got a tubal ligation from a very Catholic doctor who herself was desperately trying (and failing) to have a kid. She came from a family of nine kids. She saw how sick the Pill made me and saw I had other health problems that made not Breeding a wise decision.

Some doctors get it, but unfortunately not enough.

**I was unfortunate enough to live in the ONLY state in the Union that specifically has a 30-day sterilization waiting period ONLY for people with no children.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 04, 2022

35-year-old grown-ass woman with no brats wants her tubes tied? Silly little girl, you just need to grow up and have some kids! Makes me fucking sick.

Got into a memorable discussion with a doctor one time on that subject when she told me no AND her staff was giving me a ration of shit when I wanted to start the clock on the consent form***. I was like, excuse me, I am a 36 year old professional with a master's degree, and I get the third degree? Would I get this same grilling if I said a wanted a baybee? I'm asking for my life to STAY THE SAME without kids. Having a kid is a bigger decision that not having a kid.

Plus, it wasn't as if she was a new doctor--I'd been consistently saying for two years that I wanted a tubal ligation.


Ironically I finally got a tubal ligation from a very Catholic doctor who herself was desperately trying (and failing) to have a kid. She came from a family of nine kids. She saw how sick the Pill made me and saw I had other health problems that made not Breeding a wise decision.

Some doctors get it, but unfortunately not enough.

**I was unfortunate enough to live in the ONLY state in the Union that specifically has a 30-day sterilization waiting period ONLY for people with no children.

Many doctors would happilly see you dead if you don't want children.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 05, 2022
crazy, over in reddit there are plenty of posts from people, usually women, with SEVERE health problems. physical, mental or a combination of both who have the sense to realize this and choose not to impose this on a child. And they STILL get pushback and flack from medicos who are so dumbfuck that they refuse. Severe issues where a hysterectomy would make life better for the sufferer and these doctors torture these women because of an IMAGINARY UNWANTED CHILD. If contracts hadn't been so shredded in courts it might actually be easier. But people in general don't want to be held to contracts. and so it goes

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 05, 2022
Bell_flower, believe it or not, the National Women's Health Network (NWHN) still advocates a 30–day waiting period for sterilizations. In the 1980s it got the federal government to impose one on Medicaid recipients seeking tubal ligations, and looks as though that's still the rule.

NWHN has pushed this because of past abuses with forced sterilization. Problem is, those abuses took place several decades back and we have the opposite problem now.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 05, 2022
Maybe any members in Oz can confirm this, but I suspect this family had so many children to get the baby bonus the Australian government offered until several years ago. The time frame for the older children would be right. The bonus got to Aus$5,000 per child before it was discontinued. Yes, I'd say some people are stupid enough that they'd have babies for a big payment.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 06, 2022
k-man, I also think moo and duh, moo mostlyl are missing a few marbles

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Family of 11 now homeless in Australia
March 07, 2022
“Bell_flower, believe it or not, the National Women's Health Network (NWHN) still advocates a 30–day waiting period for sterilizations. In the 1980s it got the federal government to impose one on Medicaid recipients seeking tubal ligations, and looks as though that's still the rule.”

While I think waiting periods are kind of stupid, I do understand they are designed to protect stupid people from themselves. At least in that instance it was applied equally to ALL people.

Way back when this happened to me and I was discussing it on a forum, some idiot chimed in and said.” This was designed to protect welfare mothers from being sterilized against their will.” I was like um no, read it again…any MOTHER could be sterilized immediately with no waiting period. Only someone who never adopted or birthed a child is subject to the waiting period in my glorious Nanny State.

Because we all secretly want to have them and we need 30 days to reconsider. using a flamethrower

the world 'fail' on flames

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