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So much for moos supporting their gang-banging bastards.

Posted by Anonymous User 
LONG BEACH, Calif. — A Long Beach mother who drove her teenage son and his friends to a fatal fight with a rival gang has been convicted of second-degree murder.

A Los Angeles County Superior Court jury returned the verdict against 31-year-old Eva Daley on Monday.

Her 17-year-old co-defendant, Heriberto Garcia, was charged as an adult and convicted of second-degree murder for the June 2007 stabbing death of 13-year-old Jose Cano.

The jury found true special allegations that the defendants committed the crime for the benefit of a criminal gang.

31 years old with a teenage son. Do the arithmetic. Nothing but a stooopid welfare teen government whore.
Re: So much for moos supporting their gang-banging bastards.
October 07, 2008
Well, at least one less gang-banger on the planetsmiling smiley. This is exactly what I expect from ghetto trash. Wonder if she dressed him in a little gang-banger outfit when he was a baybee. This is another really good reason to be extremely selective about giving welfare. I don't feel sorry for anyone in this mess. Moo is in prison (where she belongs), teen gangsta idiot is in prison (where he belongs) as well, and gangbanger son is in gangsta hell. All around a satisfactory outcome.
Re: So much for moos supporting their gang-banging bastards.
October 07, 2008
13. this is unconscionable.
Re: So much for moos supporting their gang-banging bastards.
October 07, 2008
It is, but that's life amongst the ghetto trash. And remember Snowflake was already in a gang, so he was no innocent. However, you have to question the maternal instinct of a moo who would drive her kyd to a gang fight. I'm not surprised, however--I saw lots of this kind of bullshit when I made housecalls with my da.
I am sure if one does a sufficient internet search you will find all sorts of stuff supporting 'don't snitch' mindset that is increasingly pervading the ghetto mentality.
No offense, but I'm beginning to think some of these folk are willingly painting themselves into a corner,whining because they are stuck in the corner, blaming everyone else for them being in the corner, and when offered a way out of the corner, proceed to build a brick wall around their corner...and start whining all over again. What amazes me ... wait, I'm not so amazed. Most of this 'no-snitch' movement comes from the mootards of these criminal bastards they have sprogged on the backs of the taxpayers.. So, now not only do these particular moos use the run of the mill boring excuses for their incompetence, now they are resorting to pc, diveristy, and tolerance garbage to cover their shit.
Re: So much for moos supporting their gang-banging bastards.
October 07, 2008
two cents ¢¢ Wrote:
> I am sure if one does a sufficient internet search
> you will find all sorts of stuff supporting 'don't
> snitch' mindset that is increasingly pervading the
> ghetto mentality.
> No offense, but I'm beginning to think some of
> these folk are willingly painting themselves into
> a corner,whining because they are stuck in the
> corner, blaming everyone else for them being in
> the corner, and when offered a way out of the
> corner, proceed to build a brick wall around their
> corner...and start whining all over again. What
> amazes me ... wait, I'm not so amazed. Most of
> this 'no-snitch' movement comes from the mootards
> of these criminal bastards they have sprogged on
> the backs of the taxpayers.. So, now not only do
> these particular moos use the run of the mill
> boring excuses for their incompetence, now they
> are resorting to pc, diveristy, and tolerance
> garbage to cover their shit.
> haaa

i don't understand how they can be proponents of don't snitch when they're getting shot on their very doorsteps. Do they like living this way?
Ah RR, that is where the insanity starts....
Schizophrenia comes to mind.
However, this nation will probably be one big ghetto/barrio in about 20 years.
Re: So much for moos supporting their gang-banging bastards.
October 07, 2008
2040. We will be a minority. Can we start getting the free money now?
two cents ¢¢ Wrote:
> this nation will probably be one big
> ghetto/barrio in about 20 years.

two cents - truer words have never been said!! :yr
Re: So much for moos supporting their gang-banging bastards.
October 07, 2008
I'm not surprised since it seems that everyone besides Europeans are being let in. I've been saying this for years and I dread the day these Turd Werld asshats are the majority. I hope and pray I am dead or living in rural Scotland!
Re: So much for moos supporting their gang-banging bastards.
October 07, 2008
At one time I was interested in the sociology and psychology of gang members, so I did a little research and quickly lost interest when I realized by reading THEIR OWN ACCOUNTS from those who had gotten out, were locked up for life , or currently active in gangs, that this lifestyle is basically a choice. While I realize that their various excuses for initially joining do have some merit, those reasons are not anything which can't be overcome by common sense, average intelligence, some guts, and a small amount of personal initiative. The following are the most common excuses that I remember that gang members used, and some basic common sense on how they could GET THE FUCK OUT, IF they really wanted to get out, like so many claim that they do.

1)They make $$$$$$ so they can support their welfare famblees and some of them who are middle men drug traffickers or sellers make THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS a DAY.
Instead of continuing to dwell in the dangerous ghettos under constant fear of their extended famblee getting killed, with security bars on their doors and windows, expensive security systems, etc......Why not take some of that MASSIVE income and FUCKING MOVE their famblees to the suburbs or to a neighboring city? Even if THEY choose to stay "in the hood", their famblees could be safe. It would be cheaper to support their famblees outside of gang territory as they wouldn't have to pay off gangsters for "protection" or spend so much money on security measures.
2)They claim that they join gangs for their and their famblee's safety.
AGAIN, why don't they take some of that drug money and MOVE? Do they not understand that there are literally MILLIONS of safer places where they could move? A single wide trailer on 5 acres in a rural area would be safe and better in comparison to a 2 bedroom dump in the ghetto, and they have PLENTY of money to do it too. The very act of living in the ghetto, when they CLEARLY can afford to move out, puts their famblee in the MOST danger. They could always stay and send the famblee money, much like illegal Mexicans do.
3) They claim that once you are in a gang that you can never get out.
This is absolutely NOT TRUE. Unspoken "gang law" is that if a member moves away to another area in an effort to "get out", and they are on "good terms" when they leave, so to speak, then the only reason any gangster ever comes after them is if they join a rival gang in another area. Why don't they stop buying gold chains, the expensive gangster clothes, the pin wheel silver rims, the boom boxes and amps so big they fill up entire trunks, etc.....and use that money to MOVE????
4)It' just their culture and it's expected of them.
SO WHAT? Pre civil war slavery was a "culture" too, as was the Ward and June Cleaver lifestlyes, Puritanical culture, hippie "culture", etc.......but people managed to break away from THOSE cultures and often at the risking of their own lives, so why is being a ghetto ganster so different? People in my monkey sphere "expected" me to get married and raise a famblee, but I broke away from that and I know of NO culture more difficult to NOT follow than that lifescript.
5)When you first get jumped into a gang and kill someone as an initiation, "It's nothing personal, it's just business".
I have seen and heard that excuse quite often and it sickens and angers me more than ANY of the other excuses put together. As far as I am concerned, the second they take that first life in order to join the ranks of some ridiculously sick fraternity of sorts, then they have made a conscious choice of which path their lives would take. It's at this point when they can still back out, choose not to participate, explore other options, etc.......Other than being shunned by local gangsters and losing their respect (LIKE WHO GIVES A FUCK if they don't have a criminal's blessing???) they will be left alone. There are big brother programs and volunteers at every YMCA, rec and community center "in the hood", scholarship programs, as well as plenty of churches willing to help them and to assist them to GET OUT of the ghetto, gangs etc.........BTW, NOTHING could be more "personal" than taking someone's life at random, "just business" MY ASS.
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