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Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban

Posted by Peace 
Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 02, 2022
Forced birthers are already working now to try to get a nationwide abortion ban for the future. While it won't happen now, they're hoping that if Congress and POTUS flip red, they will be able to get this shit passed in a few years. If this does happen, we all know they won't stop with banning abortion. They'll come after birth control next.

These bastards won't be happy until women are barefoot, pregnant and dependant on a man. I would ask what's next? Stripping a woman's voting rights, education and property rights? But I don't want to give those rat bastards any other ideas.

using a flamethrower mob with pitchforks chasing another censored bar angrily flogging with a whip angry flipping off

https://archive.ph/FpBBz <----WaPo article I ran through archive so you can read it behind the paywall.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 02, 2022
I think this country is trying hard to head back to the 17th century and the way it is going it may be there in about ten years
My DH said it is all to get the white male back in power and everyone else gets to be property.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022

For the first time in my life I imagined that Mexico is a better place than here. People are saying that Mexico is going to be making $$$ dealing with the fallout from this and abortion will only be a thing for those who can travel.

cf/reddit has blown up with many wanting to get sterilized, one would think they would have prepared long before this.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022
Overturning Roe is enough of a travesty by itself, but I've seen discussions already speculating on what they're going to aim for next...gay marriage is a strong front runner for the next right they strip away.

A handful of lunatic zealots has us pointed backwards to the 1950s. Or worse. I swear, these assholes would revoke voting rights for everyone except themselves and reinstate slavery if they thought they could get away with it.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022

Anti-choicers love IVF regardless of embryo destruction, as the women persuing it are persuing motherhood which the conservatives want them to be doing and if they are not into motherhood then the anti abortion movement is there to try and force it.

I guess it is like the conservatives hating the trans people. To them you are supposed to live out your bio gender at any cost.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022
my guess is these folk are going to make sterilization, especially for women, even harder. powers that be want baby cannon fodder

a few months back I commented on someones post.. someone else said I had posted a truth bomb...now I wish I could remember what I said because it seems it was similar to what is going on...but I have no idea.. gehhh

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.

Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022
I was watching some clips from the confirmation hearings of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, about their responses to questions about Roe v. Wade. They all lied. And Senator Collins (who voted for them despite being supposedly pro-choice) now feels she was lied to? Is she the only senator who naively believed that trio's nonsense about Roe being settled law?

Some of the laws being proposed in Red states (not necessarily passed as of now) are getting scarier and scarier: allowing private citizens in no-abortion states to sue abortion providers in other states if they perform abortions on no-abortion state women who go out-of-state; prosecuting those same women if they go out-of-state to get an abortion; banning medical abortions (i.e. getting abortion pills through the mail).

Reminds me of a line from the movie, "Back to School." In it, Rodney Dangerfield jokes about how tough his school was, "After they sacked the [other team's] quarterback, they went after his family!"

And how can the pro-choicers vote out any of these people when those same Red states are suppressing the vote of those who would oppose them, from voter ID rules to vote-by-mail restrictions to gerrymandering?
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022
Looks like they got their way. angry smiley And I'm sure everyone will wonder what's wrong with the country when there's an absolute fucking avalanche of abandoned and dead infants in the near future.


Though I have learned that this does not mean that abortion is banned across the board, which is what I originally thought. It will remain legal in certain states (blue states, I think). I'm sick to my stomach for women in other states, but I'm also breathing a sigh of relief at the same time knowing Pennsyltucky will not be following suit - the governor came right out and said this is some disgusting ass-backwards shit and PA will not be playing along. I'm glad to see not all male politicians are women-hating assholes.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022
cf/reddit has blown up with many wanting to get sterilized, one would think they would have prepared long before this.

I saw this coming in 2014 and got a hysterectomy.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022
Looks like they got their way. angry smiley And I'm sure everyone will wonder what's wrong with the country when there's an absolute fucking avalanche of abandoned and dead infants in the near future.

I'm betting there are going to be mass graves for those unwanted children and infants. Ireland is finding dozens of mass graves full of dead children. Hell, veterinary medicine can be easily used to snuff unwanted lives. Carfentanil is an effective drug for mass killings for one. A teaspoon of the stuff can cause a massive overdose in a child.



Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022
The fundiwack far right truly believes that the punishment from Adam and Eve from eating from the Garden of Knowledge is that men have to work for the rest of their lives in order to eat/support a famblee and women have to have brats and childberth is painful. Only one thing would make them happier than seeing women being restored to their rightful position below the family pet and above the female brats and below (required) the male brats. And that one thing is outlawing abortion. Depending on the zealousness of the wack, some do not believe in birth control of any kind (and are typically miserable with 4+ kids by the age of 25) and OF COURSE that means no one else should be allowed birth control either.

The main problem with this type of thinking is that they can't just keep insular with their crazy beliefs, they have to demand everyone else do the same. And that is why I have issues with most organized religion (or any other group that can't keep their crazy beliefs insular).

If a man/woman doesn't agree with the above their only other option is to not have heterosexual sex, ever.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022
my guess is these folk are going to make sterilization, especially for women, even harder. powers that be want baby cannon fodder

a few months back I commented on someones post.. someone else said I had posted a truth bomb...now I wish I could remember what I said because it seems it was similar to what is going on...but I have no idea.. gehhh

Searched on truth bomb: http://www.refugees.bratfree.com/read.php?2,441133,441145#msg-441145
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022

If a man/woman doesn't agree with the above their only other option is to not have heterosexual sex, ever.

That's no protection against some male deciding to rape you, this is the case if you're a woman or a 10-year-old child who started their period. Children will not get an exemption from this law.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022

If a man/woman doesn't agree with the above their only other option is to not have heterosexual sex, ever.

That's no protection against some male deciding to rape you, this is the case if you're a woman or a 10-year-old child who started their period. Children will not get an exemption from this law.

They don't really care about this, all they care about is baybee born. It was meant for the rape victim to have the brat. Or worse, the rape victim baited the man and brought it upon herself.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 03, 2022

If a man/woman doesn't agree with the above their only other option is to not have heterosexual sex, ever.

That's no protection against some male deciding to rape you, this is the case if you're a woman or a 10-year-old child who started their period. Children will not get an exemption from this law.

They don't really care about this, all they care about is baybee born. It was meant for the rape victim to have the brat. Or worse, the rape victim baited the man and brought it upon herself.



Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 04, 2022
If you ask me, it's about fucking time we banned religion, since these religious assholes can't keep their beliefs to themselves. I'd like for their rights to get stomped on a little, so they can experience what it is actually like to be on the receiving end of persecution.

The Supreme Court decision is just the start, and contraceptives aren't the end. They believe in biological determinism, which means they don't think your gender can differ from what you were assigned at birth, that homosexuality exists, or that women have the right to reproductive freedom. Many of them also think there is a racial hierarchy, again biologically determined. Basically, they are coming for everyone who doesn't fit their narrow definition of good, and meanwhile the so-called opposition is doing fuck all, despite ostensibly controlling the house, the senate, and the presidency.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 04, 2022

If a man/woman doesn't agree with the above their only other option is to not have heterosexual sex, ever.

Exactly... you hope.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 04, 2022
My dh thinks there is a chance that it may backfire on them politically, but I doubt it. On cf reddit someone posted that some people are telling women to "just move to a blue state" where rights are safe. After it goes to the states they will start in on a nationwide ban.

My spouse and I are thinking of moving back to Canada now after over 20 years here, retiring there as this country is becoming bone chillingly unhinged. The North East where we are is safe for now from the madness.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 04, 2022
If you ask me, it's about fucking time we banned religion, since these religious assholes can't keep their beliefs to themselves. I'd like for their rights to get stomped on a little, so they can experience what it is actually like to be on the receiving end of persecution.

The Supreme Court decision is just the start, and contraceptives aren't the end. They believe in biological determinism, which means they don't think your gender can differ from what you were assigned at birth, that homosexuality exists, or that women have the right to reproductive freedom. Many of them also think there is a racial hierarchy, again biologically determined. Basically, they are coming for everyone who doesn't fit their narrow definition of good, and meanwhile the so-called opposition is doing fuck all, despite ostensibly controlling the house, the senate, and the presidency.

What is more, some red states are saying no abortion/removal of ectopic pregnancy and to death for the woman. She will be allowed to die, not even given painkiller "because that's bad for babby".


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 05, 2022
They believe in biological determinism, which means they don't think your gender can differ from what you were assigned at birth

Behaving differently from society's expectations is fine, but that doesn't give you the right to use opposite sex spaces and it doesn't make you a "pregnant man." Funny how the same people who insisted that men can be pregnant have put that idea aside now to call this act a threat to women.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 05, 2022
As if the 2020s weren't bad enough. God I hope this shit doesn't stay permanent. I'm sorry if this is sexist and I promise I'm not a man-hater, but I don't think anyone in politics with a penis should have any say over women's reproductive rights.

But if we're outlawing abortion, can we also outlaw male-specific things like Viagra and treatment of male cancers? Erections are not essential to existence - people always blame women for "spreading their legs" who get abortions, but heyyyy they don't reproduce asexually! No more little blue pills for those old waspy motherfuckers who want to stick it in someone! Let's outlaw erections too while we're at it! Men are half responsible for the need for abortions, so every man gets chemically castrated! And if a man has prostate cancer or penile cancer, wellllllp too bad! Guess he'll just have to die, just like women with ectopic pregnancies. Serves him right for being a man and having male anatomy!

Sounds fucking ridiculous, doesn't it? So doesn't banning abortion. Nobody gets an abortion because it's fun - yes some women use it as a form of contraception, but that's their choice. It's a heartbreaking decision for some women to make who want to have kids. I hope every single one of those jizzbags who voted to end Roe v. Wade gets killed by a steamroller and reincarnated as a colostomy bag.

Banning abortion sounds an awful lot like these people in power want to take financial responsibility for the babies they "save," doesn't it? Sounds that way to me. Any unwanted baby born from now on in the US should receive child support from the Supreme Court members who voted in favor of the ban - not just one of them, but ALL of them should pay for every single baby that would have been aborted. Maybe when they're paying several million bucks a month for all these kids, they'll reconsider their decision. That, or they should all be required to adopt multiple children - since they wanted those kids alive so badly, that means they want to be those kids' parents!

Something else about all this that I just love is the Supreme Court is pissed off that the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked before they could announce it officially. Awww, the poor widdle fucks got hurty fee-fees because someone ruined their big surprise. Dicks. angry smiley
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 05, 2022
I would watch for challenges to the Griswold and Lawrence SCOTUS decisions. Griswold first established a right to privacy and served as the foundation for the Lawrence decision (banning anti-sodomy laws and paving the way for same-sex marriage, the Obergefell decision) in 2003. The tactics will be the same: a state passes a law which directly contradicts a so-called "settled law" with the goal of getting that case before the SCOTUS so it can get overturned, claiming it was "wrongly decided."

I surely don't trust Justice Alito, who said that won't happen. He and his fellow right-wing clowns said Roe was "settled law," lying before the Senate Judiciary Committee during their confirmation hearings.

Senator Collins, who now is upset she got duped by those liars (Gorsuch, Alito, Kavanaugh, Barrett), was the only senator who actually believed their lies. The Dems knew they were lying but couldn't do anything about it. The other Republicans knew they were lying which is why they voted for them anyway.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 05, 2022
It's very scary to think about who leaked this and how much danger he/she may be in.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 05, 2022
They believe in biological determinism, which means they don't think your gender can differ from what you were assigned at birth

Behaving differently from society's expectations is fine, but that doesn't give you the right to use opposite sex spaces and it doesn't make you a "pregnant man." Funny how the same people who insisted that men can be pregnant have put that idea aside now to call this act a threat to women.
I think this is the major reason I see a lot of female Democrats on some sites thinking about voting for a Republican instead of a Democrat. Using these terms 'female assigned at birth,' 'birthing bodies' and 'front holes,' 'uterus havers' and and implying that if you are not stereotypically female you must be the opposite sex, and more, is what is getting the Democrats in trouble. Telling women they have no right to their own terms or refer to female common experiences like menstruation and uteri and breasts while also telling them they must adhere to 1950s stereotypes to be 'real women' is not progressive, it is retrogressive and demeaning.

It's the same level of dehumanizing as Republicans wanting to force women to have no agency over their own bodies so they can force women to be pregnant and give birth.

Unfortunately it's becomes a 'rock and a hard place' situation, do you want people who will allow men entertaining a fetish to have access to your bathrooms, to vulnerable women in prisons, your sports, women's shelters and rape centers and erase and mutilate biological or physiological terms used to describe your own body and female experiences? While also demanding that you adhere to 1950s stereotypes to be a 'real' woman?

Or do you want people who will eliminate your bodily autonomy, give you less rights then a corpse, ensure you can't remove a pregnancy even if it threatens to kill you, and ensures that your rapist's family can sue you for eliminating a pregnancy by rape, and set up a bounty system to ensure other people (and potentially doctors) don't dare aid you and dare cause or abet a miscarriage or termination even if you travel outside of the state?

Both are dehumanizing to women, both treat them as mere bodies and sub-humans whose rights are optional and up for debate, not something inherent to them as human beings.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban
May 05, 2022

Some guy is selling the identiies of women who aborted. I think the fallout from this will be even worse than imagined. I am thinking men will murder women who have aborted and it will be considered self-defence of the fetus, no prison sentence.

This country may be headed to Saudi Arabian status
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