Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 05, 2022 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 3,665 |
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 05, 2022 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 12,457 |
They believe in biological determinism, which means they don't think your gender can differ from what you were assigned at birth
Behaving differently from society's expectations is fine, but that doesn't give you the right to use opposite sex spaces and it doesn't make you a "pregnant man." Funny how the same people who insisted that men can be pregnant have put that idea aside now to call this act a threat to women.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,372 |
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2,210 |
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 3,665 |
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 3,665 |
I smell a rat with this leak for other reasons.
It might not be the actual final draft reflecting the final decision. I'll believe this is the actual decision when I see the final decision. Not until.
This leak could also be a big hoax by some trolls. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen something like this.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,204 |
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 3,665 |
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2,210 |
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2,476 |
Biden is reminding people to engage in "peaceful protests" at this time too. Bullshit, we're talking about taking away a major right from half the population and paving the way to remove even more of those rights.
Peaceful protests don't do shit - mark my words, there will be crime and vandalism, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the justices responsible for this gets murdered for their decision. I'm glad the fuckers were doxxed and they deserve whatever they get.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 3,665 |
Peaceful protests don't do shit - mark my words, there will be crime and vandalism, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the justices responsible for this gets murdered for their decision. I'm glad the fuckers were doxxed and they deserve whatever they get.
They absolutely do.
A pizza bombing would be appropriate! Hundreds of pizzas arrive at their house, very annoying LOL!
Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 2,733 |
"The law defines an unborn child as a human being from the moment of conception and in every stage of its biological development," Lindgren says. “So conception, zygote, morula, embryo and fetus is how the law defines an unborn child.”
Therefore, emergency contraception, such as the Plan B pill, would be considered an abortifacient. But so, too, says Lindgren, would intrauterine devices, a form of contraception used by more than 8 percent of American women. In addition to their use as daily contraception, IUDs can be used as emergency contraception.
"If a human being begins at the moment of conception, the result will be that forms of contraception will be criminalized under this law," Lindgren says. "The argument is that, with those forms of birth control, the egg gets fertilized, and the birth control method prevents it from implanting into the uterus."
Lindgren says there is precedent for contraceptives to be legally classified as abortifacients from the 2014 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 06, 2022 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,204 |
Biden is reminding people to engage in "peaceful protests" at this time too. Bullshit, we're talking about taking away a major right from half the population and paving the way to remove even more of those rights.
I agree with you, but Biden isn't Trump. He can't advocate for violence and murder and get away with it.Quote
Peaceful protests don't do shit - mark my words, there will be crime and vandalism, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the justices responsible for this gets murdered for their decision. I'm glad the fuckers were doxxed and they deserve whatever they get.
They absolutely do.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2,476 |
Peaceful protests don't do shit - mark my words, there will be crime and vandalism, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the justices responsible for this gets murdered for their decision. I'm glad the fuckers were doxxed and they deserve whatever they get.Quote
They absolutely do.
Looks like you're right! I honestly figured violence got more done than non-violence because physically fighting for a cause would make a bigger impression, but I had to go find out to be sure. It really does look like, statistically, non-violent protests have a much higher success rate than violent protests - like twice as high. I always figured stuff like writing letters, standing around with signs and signing petitions was just useless bullshit that made people feel like they were fighting for a cause, but those actions never truly mattered. But if it works, it works! So I was mistaken.![]()
However, I would not judge anyone who commits acts of violence against these women-hating fuckers. They can't fuck over half the population of the country and expect no consequences to befall them. They made it personal by screwing with reproductive, gender and health/medical rights in one swoop.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 3,454 |
It's very scary to think about who leaked this and how much danger he/she may be in.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2,210 |
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 129 |
They believe in biological determinism, which means they don't think your gender can differ from what you were assigned at birth
Behaving differently from society's expectations is fine, but that doesn't give you the right to use opposite sex spaces and it doesn't make you a "pregnant man." Funny how the same people who insisted that men can be pregnant have put that idea aside now to call this act a threat to women.
I think it is moronic for people who claim to have body dysphoria to wallow in biological functions (like pregnancy) that are tied to a particular biological sex, but it in no way affects me personally if people want to be idiots.
I have zero interest in gatekeeping who is and who isn't a woman. After all, if the far right had its way, women who don't want children would be considered unnatural - not real women. As far as I'm concerned, trans women are women. I have no objection to sharing spaces with them. Predators are distinguished by their actions, not on the basis of belonging to a vilified group (be it trans people, gays, Muslims, etc).
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2,476 |
The LA Right to Lifers are oppsing what that state wants to do. It maybe starting to backfire
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2,476 |
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 129 |
Peaceful protests don't do shit - mark my words, there will be crime and vandalism, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the justices responsible for this gets murdered for their decision. I'm glad the fuckers were doxxed and they deserve whatever they get.
They absolutely do.
A pizza bombing would be appropriate! Hundreds of pizzas arrive at their house, very annoying LOL!
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 3,665 |
Peaceful protests don't do shit - mark my words, there will be crime and vandalism, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the justices responsible for this gets murdered for their decision. I'm glad the fuckers were doxxed and they deserve whatever they get.
They absolutely do.
A pizza bombing would be appropriate! Hundreds of pizzas arrive at their house, very annoying LOL!
Then tell them they can't throw the pizzas away because they're edible. They should be allowed to give them to others but throwing them away is a sinful waste of food.
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 129 |
Some guy is selling the identiies of women who aborted. I think the fallout from this will be even worse than imagined. I am thinking men will murder women who have aborted and it will be considered self-defence of the fetus, no prison sentence.
This country may be headed to Saudi Arabian status
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 129 |
Peaceful protests don't do shit - mark my words, there will be crime and vandalism, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the justices responsible for this gets murdered for their decision. I'm glad the fuckers were doxxed and they deserve whatever they get.
They absolutely do.
A pizza bombing would be appropriate! Hundreds of pizzas arrive at their house, very annoying LOL!
Then tell them they can't throw the pizzas away because they're edible. They should be allowed to give them to others but throwing them away is a sinful waste of food.
And they have to pay for them!
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 3,665 |
Peaceful protests don't do shit - mark my words, there will be crime and vandalism, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the justices responsible for this gets murdered for their decision. I'm glad the fuckers were doxxed and they deserve whatever they get.
They absolutely do.
A pizza bombing would be appropriate! Hundreds of pizzas arrive at their house, very annoying LOL!
Then tell them they can't throw the pizzas away because they're edible. They should be allowed to give them to others but throwing them away is a sinful waste of food.
And they have to pay for them!
Life isn't fair, actions have consequences, and all those pizzas are part of God's plan!
Re: Forced Birthers Want A Nationwide Ban May 07, 2022 | Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 2,210 |