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Brats at Casinos

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Brats at Casinos
October 08, 2008
My husband and I went to our local riverboat casino last night, as we do about twice a month. After playing the slots for a while, we went to the buffet for dinner. It was around 10pm, and lo and behold, there was a screaching brat there. It was about 4 or 5 years old, and every time 400 pound duh got up from the table to get more slop, it screamed after him, like he was leaving it forever. He probably wished he could.

Every time we go to the casino buffet, there seems to be at least one table of idiots with at least one shithead in tow, usually more. Usually, it is the middle of the day on the weekends which is bad enough, but this time really floored me with it being 10 o'clock at night. It is extremely pathetic that adults can't even go to a casino resort anymore, without these little bastards screaming, running around like crack monkeys, or both. There is absolutely NOTHING there for kyds, no kyd freindly shops, no kyd friendly restaurants, no nothing. They have NO business being there. Thank gawd they are still not allowed in the actual casino, but if the moos had their way, they would be. I don't think anyone under 21 should be allowed anywhere on the premises. I find it totally assinine that these morons want to turn the casinos into Chuck E Cheese, along with everything else they have ruined. I'd like to send a nasty email to the casino, but I know it would get me nowhere.
Re: Brats at Casinos
October 08, 2008
Make you want to gather about 75 child free folks and raid little Johnny's birthday at Chuck E. Cheese or go to the park and raid their playground.
Anonymous User
Re: Brats at Casinos
October 08, 2008
Reminds me of being in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve 1998... A good story coming up.....

I was single, dressed to the nines, half drunk and winning at a blackjack table... when what to my wandering eye did appear, but a Keanu Reeves look-a-like, holding a beer! He sat down to place bet, and my night turned into one to NEVER forget!

Ahhh, but I digress..

Anyway, long story short, we started doing tequila shots, flirting, and just all around having A LOT of fun. So, wouldn't you know it, the breeders start walking through the casino with their strollers and kids in tow to see the midnight fireworks outside (this was at Luxor). It was really crowded and my chair is now CONSTANTLY being bumped by fucking strollers. IN LAS VEGAS AT A BACKJACK TABLE. Is there NOWHERE sacred?

So, two breeders stand behind us (with their kid and stroller) and the duh is trying to watch and possibly place a bet. Well, me and my new "friend" are really whooping it up, kinda hanging all over each other, and were nice enough (or drunk enough) to order the duh a shot. So, I tell my Keanu guy to do a body shot off of my decolletage and the duh, who has probably never had a fun night in his fucking life, says something like "can I do that, too?" Right then is when I really got bumped hard by the jealous fat-ass moo's stroller.

I was SOOO irked that I stood up, turned around while half-standing on my barstool chair said loudly, "WHY AM I getting bumped repeatedly by fucking STROLLERS late at night on New Year's Eve in Fucking LAS VEGAS!?...this is SIN CITY, and for ADULTS to gamble, drink, smoke and swear... shouldn't all these idiots be at Disneyland?"

They walked away...I can at at least hope that my actions and words caused a fight between them! Sucked to be that guy!

Needless to say, I had a night to remember...and pictures and the left behind toothbrush to prove it. Thanks for the memories....
Re: Brats at Casinos
October 08, 2008
LMAO great story, S&paycheck!

I have never been to a casino but between the drinks and the games I am surprised anyone under 18 is even allowed in the designated gaming area.
Re: Brats at Casinos
October 08, 2008
I loved that Las Vegas story. The wistful question from the duh was so mournful and bleak and revealed so much. Ha!
Re: Brats at Casinos
October 09, 2008
That was GREAT, spermandapaycheck! Yeah, I bet it sucked to be that duh.
I too want to know why the fuck are the casinos letting the breeders with spawn in a fucking casino? It was one place adults could go without all the breederific bullshit. This keeps up, the breeders are going to want to make it kyd-friendly. Casinos are not kyd-friendly nor should they be. Get over it!

Note to breeders: keep your fucking spawn out of the casino! If you can't afford/don't want to get a sitter, too bad. Parhunthood requires sacrifices. Sucks to be moo and duh.
Re: Brats at Casinos
October 09, 2008
I can just see the scene now. Mouth breathing, dirty, poorly-dressed, greasy hair, saddled with loaves and strollers, wandering throught the casino without a clue as to how they even got there. They probably just came from the buffet.

I knew Las Vegas was headed for a downward spiral back in 1993 when I was out there. The Excalibur was one of the first hotel/resorts to do the whole famblee-pandering thing and the place was LOADED with breeders. I see it caught on, just like a deadly disease.
Anonymous User
Re: Brats at Casinos
October 09, 2008
Yep, Excalibur started it (no coincidence that Luxor is the next one over, I believe). After witnessing the families, I refuse to stay on that side of the strip. I was just there in June and the other casinos aren't nearly as bad...still more centered around drinking, gambling, etc.

Also, just for your info., "clubbing" seems to be the new thing out there. LOTS of 21-year olds dressed up to go hit the clubs...they really don't gamble. They're basically trying to emulate Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan's nightlife that they see on T.V. I don't knock 'em, at least they're having fun....and I figure if they're having that kind of fun and traveling.... maybe, just MAYBE, they'll WAIT a while to sprog.

Sorry, back to the kid issue. There were a few kids by the pools, but they had their own, so it wasn't bad. The old downtown would be my first choice...almost no kids, more "old school" gamblers and ADULT tourists!

I just don't understand why one would want to be in VEGAS with kids in the first place. Talk about being teased. Watching others have adult fun while I couldn't would be torture for me.
Anonymous User
Re: Brats at Casinos
October 09, 2008
Parunts are nuts. Dh and I went to Atlantic City for a four day getaway a few years ago. It was after Labor Day, but still very warm. We stayed a the Tropicana because someone from DH's work gave him a travel voucher they weren't going to use, making our stay really cheap. I was very surprised by the number of famblees with small children there. Because the weather was still nice they seemed to be staying there mainly to go to the beach. I know they've cleaned that area up some, but it's always been generally yucky, and not really a place for kids. They didn't venture into the casinos, but they were in the restaurants disturbing the peace of being in an adult area. There are so few places that breeders don't invade.
Anonymous User
Re: Brats at Casinos
October 09, 2008
Does anyone remember from quite a few years back that poor kid who was murdered in a casinos bathroom? I passed this casino once or twice on the few occasions my ex and I had a drop (driving semi) somewhere in Utah and the next down in Los Angelos. We came down 15 and passed thru Vegas. The casino in question was near the california line and (if I remember correctly) had some sort of little tram that ran back and forth on an overpass.

Long story short: divorced couple (probably both trailer trash) and duh has the hapless kid for the weekend. Duh is so busy gambling that he ignores the time the day care closed (or something along that order.. I really don't remember the exact story) but the kid ended up being murdered. Both fucktards blamed the casino, but the real perp was the duh and secondly the moo for allowing a piece of shit like the tard she spread and sprogged with. The perp was eventually caught and I don't remember how the case panned out.

update: good scrip on this..
Re: Brats at Casinos
October 09, 2008
I used to live about a four hour drive from the Gulf of Mexico, so I was a frequent flyer at Biloxi casinos and there were ALWAYS kyds in there. They were not allowed on any gambling floors due to state and gaming laws, but they bombarded restaurants, shops, and were up and down the hallways and aisles at all hours of the fucking day and night. They even had a childcare center which was basically a huge cage where they offered casino/hotel guests FREE childcare while they gambled. "The Cage" closed at about 11pm and I can not TELL you how many times they would page parents, "Mrs Shitkowsy, could you please come and retrieve Snotley from the childcare center?" They would make announcements for an HOUR after it closed and then the casino security started casing the floors looking for parents. I have seen MANY a moomie argue with security, "Just let me play this $20 and I'll be right up!", or a duddy say, "Let me place this last bet and I'll be right there, have you looked for his mother yet? I am winning!!!!"

If they claim to be "winning", security will stand there indefinately and wait, because they know if they start losing when they come back to the table after they get the kyd situated somewhere else, then they will blame the casino and raise hell (I have seen that happen as well)It FLOORS me that a CASINO would offer a childcare center, but nearly all of the big casinos like The Grand have those. If it isn't the guests, it's the locals dragging kyds in there to eat. Then there's the ones that security have to pry away from mee maw who is letting a toddler sit on her lap while she plays a slot machine. I have seen PLENTY of those whores get upset because Snotley can't sit on Meemaw's lap. Kyds do NOT belong on ANY casinos premises, in the restrooms, on the floors, in the shops OR the restaurants, PERIOD.
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