Hilarious drama-ex hub sells kids clothes when they visit
August 16, 2022
Ex partner sells kids clothes when he has kids over for his weekend. I just wanted to share this with you. This is how parunts care for their bundles of joy, by selling their clothes. Thank god I never had kids and gotta divorce, the stories you hear are never ending.


I (30 F) my ex-husband (31m). Got divorced 5 yrs ago. During our divorce we owned a old single wide mobile home (1973). On a large piece of land that is zoned for a trailer park. He wanted the new truck and our savings. I wanted the old trailer and the land.

My ex and I have 2 girls (8&7). Since my divorce. I slowly started buying old single wides and restoring them. Turning it into a business. I love it.

My girls go to their dads and AP apartment every other weekend. I started noticing their clothes, electronics, toys were not coming home. At first I thought their dad was just keeping a few outfits there for them. However, my 8 yr. old got upset when she was packing. I asked her what was wrong. She told me her dad takes her clothes and sells them on line. That she doesn’t want to take her favorite shirt over there.

I immediately called my ex. I asked him to return our daughters clothes. Not wanting to throw my daughter under the bus. I blamed it on them not having enough for school. He played dumb. He said he got rid of the clothes that were too small. I pointed out that the jeans our (7 yr.) had were brand new. He then said that it was only fair he got some cash because he owned the trailer and land. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be doing this good.

I was pissed. I took my daughters down to the dollar store and bought cheap shirts. To a thrift store and bought cheap shorts. We had a “girls” tie dye night. Hot pink every thing. Each made 5 shirts and 5 bottoms. I let our girls design and decorate them. My girls loved it.

The following week Ex sends the girls home. I could tell he is mad but, he didn’t say anything. The clothes were not returned. No fear I knew this would be a issue. We made extras. When the girls went back they were wearing tie dye.

They were with their dad for a hour before he called and demanded different clothes. I kindly told him that our daughters love those clothes (they really really love tie dye). Ex get even angrier and said his parents have a major family party and the girls can’t wear pink tie dye. I told him that he should go buy other clothes if he didn’t want them to wear it. He called me an A for being petty. AITA? Edited to add. Thank you so much for all the comments. Here are some things to clarify.

AP stands for Affair partner

owned is past tense. My ex is not on the land deed or the title to my trailer.

sadly this is a true story. I am sorry for those who don’t believe it. At the same time my heart goes out to those who shared your similar stories. Thank you for the love and support
Re: Hilarious drama-ex hub sells kids clothes when they visit
August 17, 2022
Wow, imagine being that fucking broke and desperate that you have to steal your own kids' clothes and sell them. Moo should probably stop sending her kids to her ex's house because selling his daughters' clothes is a short jump away from selling their used underwear to pervs.

He could probably steal and sell the tie-dye clothes on Etsy if he had a brain. They would probably count as handmade. He could probably make it into something profitable by making the girls tie-dye things at his home and selling the items as "made with love by my little princesses" and lie about the proceeds going toward college funds and people would eat that shit up in a hot minute.
Re: Hilarious drama-ex hub sells kids clothes when they visit
August 17, 2022
if ego dick prick offered to give up rights and the kids don't want to see him (I'll bet they want nothing to do with dickyboy) and he can do what he wants. but he is too dickprick ego invested in annoying the ex. sux to be him. that is what someone gets when they worship their shriveled dick

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Hilarious drama-ex hub sells kids clothes when they visit
August 17, 2022
The courts attempt to do everything in the interest of the brat. I hadn't understood why but this is a clear example of it. Someone has to act like an adult and often it is only one parunt capable of doing so and sometimes it is neither of the parunts. The divorced parunts often get into some kind of sick twisted game where at least one of them cannot stand it if the other one seems to have any kind of gain or do well for themselves.

I've heard of financially comfortable people playing these same games, one specific instance where two kids are sent to the dad's house in the same outfit every week even though dad pays for health insurance plus $2400 a month in brat support plus half of any daycare expenses. She also refused to pay for any of their activities (which she was supposed to do as the primary parent) so their dad had to pay for activities in addition to all the court mandated support. He wanted them to have a good life but it was very expensive for him. And mahm let one of her sons wear the same outfit for years even when it was a couple of inches too short in the sleeves and the legs. So the dad bought them clothes that they wore when they stayed with him and nothing he bought ever went back to her house. Both of the parents in this situation make six figure incomes and when they divorced (2008) each was awarded around $200K in equity from their house plus their 401K/retirement accounts were also split. The ex-wife has her new husband stay at home with the kids because he can easily do so on her income plus the $2400 in support each month. I don't know if the ex-wife sold the clothes in this instance, but I wouldn't put anything past her.

All this drama makes me very happy to be child-free because even parents with the best intentions are often held back by either their ex-spouse or their brats.
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