On one hand,
this is a typical article about how young people don't want to have children and the government is trying to incentivize reproduction. The usual reasons - environment, finances - are given against it, as well as the totalitarian government.
What I found interesting, aside from the fact that many people are openly declaring themselves to be #LastGeneration, is that the writer did not end the story with the usual two perspectives of childfree youth and unhappy government. They chose to speak to someone from PopulationMatters, ending the piece with the spokesperson's suggestion that the government could use this opportunity to think about shifting their economy by creating opportunities for older people.
I wonder if this marks a new trend of writers actually challenging the government's claim that reproduction is necessary for the economy, instead of simply accepting that claim and pitting it against personal autonomy. I can only hope so! The piece isn't exactly pro-CF, but it is well-rounded because it doesn't just accept natalism as a given.