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Moron has kids she doesn't want to keep her may-unn, things end exactly how you think

Posted by Cambion 

Nothing special in the link except pictures and comments from others, but I will copy/paste the important text here.


“This is my confession. Before I met my husband, I told him I do not want to have children. I never wanted to have children. My entire life, I was like I don’t want them. I love kids. They’re so sweet. They’re cute, they’re fun. I have 17 nieces and nephews. That’s enough. I love being an auntie. And when we got together, I didn’t feel this maternal thing, like I wanted to have kids. It just never was there. But he was like “it’s a deal breaker”, so I said here, listen to this, if you want to have kids, here’s my compromise. I will have the kids, right? But I will never give up my career or my way of life for our kids. I’ll take care of them and love them, obviously. But I wasn’t going to be a stay-at-home mom. And I have an expectation of the way I want my kids raised. And I told him I don’t want them to be raised by other people, you know, I want them to be raised by mom and dad.”

“I mean when I’m at work, I come home and then I get to spend time with my kids. But that would mean that he would be assuming the responsibilities as a stay-at-home father, which means grocery shopping, cleaning, taking care of the kids, running them back and forth wherever they need to go, taking them to their appointments. Okay. So I went back to work in October and quickly he showed me he couldn’t manage it. And I was like, I told you from the beginning, I didn’t want to have kids because I didn’t want this burden because it’s a lot. And he told me he wanted that, that’s what he wanted. I said I’ll make sure I make enough money that you don’t need to work. So now he couldn’t even cope with that. So then I hired a nanny and I’ll say, here you can take a couple of days a week or she’ll just help you around the house with the kids.”

“He couldn’t cope with a nanny being in the house with him, okay. He’s basically disappearing. And this girl was like, where is he? Like he’s nowhere to be found. Basically, this nanny had to leave one night. She left and left our front door open and my kids were outside and he was locked in our bedroom and the kids are running around outside at night. I was livid. I was fucking livid when I got home. I was seriously so fucking angry. I mean, just, he’s such a fuckingg dirtbag, I was like you could have fucking killed our kids. Like, you’re so lucky that nothing happened to them. So yeah, very quickly after that I was like, you need to get the fuck out, you’re done. So I just find it really unfair that now this man knows all this about me, it was made very clear and somehow I’ve still been left with both of our kids and he’s not offering any support whatsoever to take care of these kids. And I’m just like, men are such shits. And then this is why we end up so bitter and resentful against them. Because they’re fucking assholes.”

Aaaaaand this is why you don't have kids for someone else when you don't want them. It never ends well.

The wanna-breeder will promise you the sun, moon and stars and will swear they'll do every single thing for those kids, and when they arrive, the wanna-breeder nopes right out. I've used this comparison before, but a wanna-breeder asking for brats from a clearly CF partner is like little kids begging their parents for a dog. They will promise from the bottoms of their hearts that they'll do EVERYTHING for that dog and Mom and Dad won't even know it's there, they just have to go buy one and bring it home.

Dog gets home, the kids enjoy playing with it, but all those promises they made have disappeared. They just want to have a cute doggy to play with, they don't want to walk it or clean up after it or groom it because that's boooooring. If it's a puppy, it will eventually no longer be cute to the brats and they'll lose interest entirely, meaning the parents wind up doing all the work because they don't want to neglect the dog and be charged with animal cruelty. They can't just refuse to feed it and care for it to "force" their kids to deal with it because the kids don't give a damn if the dog is suffering or dies. Meanwhile, the dog doesn't get the attention it deserves because it's simply being tolerated by that point and receives the bare minimum. Then when it acts up, it will probably get abused or abandoned because the parents just see it as another burden.

The difference is you can rehome an unwanted dog without much issue. It's not as easy to rehome an unwanted kid. For fuck's sake, people need to get that it is NOT a compromise when the person who doesn't want kids has them for the person who does. That is not a compromise - that is a sacrifice. And nobody - absolutely fucking NOBODY - is worth that big of a sacrifice. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but so many fucking dumbfucks see brats as some kind of a bargaining chip in their relationships and precisely none of these people who cave to pressure from their partner/spouse wind up happy.
Bed. Made. Lie.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
This woman really did the stupidest thing--she lied to herself, all for the Almighty Dick and to be married. It truly would have been easier to dump this guy and endure the social stigma of not having children. (sidenote: Who gives a fuck what people think? It's your life, not theirs.)

Isn't it obvious that the woman gets the brunt of this child-rearing proposition? I figured that out when I was nine years old. When I was 12, the song "Having My Baby" by Paul Anka was popular. I remember hearing it and thinking it was creepy. Lyrics here. I also found it sexist/disgusting that the guy in the song says, "you're having MY baby," not "you're having our baby." Even when I was 12 I could figure out the creepy vibe, like the woman is a piece of property.

Any woman who has a baby just because the man wants it is a complete idiot.
hell yeah, remember that song and thinking similar... but then that is what sways a lot of these empty headed little girls out there..

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
They deserve what they get!. Dumb cunts.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
I don't remember the Paul Anka song because I was 4 years old at the time. But I heard it on some radio show when I was a teenager. The DJ talked about the controversy then played the song. I remember thinking it was weird she was having his baby because she's "a woman in love". I have never understood that mindset. If you love someone don't you want to avoid doing anything that has a high chance of fucking up the relationship? Even then it was known having kids decreases marital happiness. But maybe a lot of the general public didn't know that, and this is still true today.
Men will pressure women who don't want kids into having kids because that's the goal: to yoke a free woman and clip her wings. That's all dude wanted; he wanted to make sure she couldn't walk away from him freely and if she does leave him, she's stuck with kids she didn't want in the first place and be chained to him forever.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Yep, prolife means pro property.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
I remember thinking it was weird she was having his baby because she's "a woman in love". I have never understood that mindset. If you love someone don't you want to avoid doing anything that has a high chance of fucking up the relationship? Even then it was known having kids decreases marital happiness.

I think we agree on this but are in the tiny minority. Most people figure this out after fucking up a relationship, feel guilty for blaming the brat(s) and succeed in taking it out on both the brats and their partner regardless. And oftentimes they wake up, remove the rose-colored glasses and realize their partner is quite different than he/she was prior to brats. And all those partner quirks become intolerable.

I'd add in there is an element of wanting something they cannot have/the unknown and anyone who has the time and energy to be "a woman in love" certainly doesn't have brats yet. Then there is the absolute bullshit of a biological clock AKA guilt about having recreational sex without an end product of misery. And there was likely some brainwashing when growing up that the only way to be a legitimate adult is to have brats, it seems to be universal worldwide to push this on the next generation.
paragon schnitzophonic
Men will pressure women who don't want kids into having kids because that's the goal: to yoke a free woman and clip her wings. That's all dude wanted; he wanted to make sure she couldn't walk away from him freely and if she does leave him, she's stuck with kids she didn't want in the first place and be chained to him forever.

It has been my experience that the overwhelming majority of men do this and quadruple the odds of this happening if she is strong and bratfree.
paragon schnitzophonic
Men will pressure women who don't want kids into having kids because that's the goal: to yoke a free woman and clip her wings. That's all dude wanted; he wanted to make sure she couldn't walk away from him freely and if she does leave him, she's stuck with kids she didn't want in the first place and be chained to him forever.

It has been my experience that the overwhelming majority of men do this and quadruple the odds of this happening if she is strong and bratfree.

Yep, I've noticed that too. Nothing makes (most) guys get more huffy and breederific than a woman who won't let them impregnate her. They take is as some kind of offense to them, like they think it's specifically their sperm she doesn't want knocking her up and it hurts their delicate masculinity. Even when I was in high school and still with my idiot ex, when he learned I didn't want kids, he had all the excuses for why I should have them anyway. Things like, "We could combine our names and name the child after us (like "Brangelina")," or "We can just make my mom raise it because she loves kids (since she did such a good job raising him)" and, "Well since you want no kids and I want lots, we can just have one and call it even (no we can't because any number divided by zero is still zero." We were only like 16/17 years old too. Man I can't even figure out why adults want kids - in my mind, kids are what happen when you get lazy with birth control, they aren't something you do on purpose. Why would a teenage guy want kids? Isn't that the last thing most of them want?

He got his come-uppance, though. He stuck it in crazy many years after we broke up and she mindfucked him with a constant back-and-forth of "I aborted your son" and "LOL not really I'm still pregnant teehee" for months because she knew he wanted a kid really badly (she was never pregnant, by the way). Then when he finally bred, he got two girls. I know for a fact he only wanted a son to name it after himself, so that warmed my cold dead heart.
Nice case of karma coming for a visit.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
I had an ex say to me one time, as we were breaking up, "you're not willing to have my baybee."

No shit, Sherlock. I had a tubal ligation. I'm not willing to have anyone's baybee, and you should have taken note of that when we first got together.
"I want what I want and you don't matter" is the mantra of these male wannabreeds.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
I love how it never occurs to these guys who try to pressure unwilling women into having kids that making someone who doesn't want kids have them is not a good idea from any angle. Like how could that possibly have a good outcome for the child when the person who is most likely going to be the primary caregiver doesn't even want them to exist? Wouldn't it be better to have a child with someone who wants a child? Having kids you don't want will breed a whole lot of resentment, bitterness and anger and a kid doesn't deserve that because they don't ask to be born.

But that would require these wanna-breeder men to actually care about the child they are helping create. Typically, all they care about is spreading their seed and perpetuating their genes because they figure the woman will raise the brat, so having kids is "easy" for the man. I wonder how many of them would still want brats if they would be expected to be the stay-at-home parent instead of the woman. I'd wager a lot of them figure raising a kid is no different from raising a plant or a cat, but give them a month of doing 100 percent of the parenting. They'd either be begging to give the kid away or the kid would be horribly neglected.

I think some of these men try to talk CF women into breeding out of laziness. They already secured a woman and they don't feel like starting the search all over again for a more compatible partner, so they'd rather just try to make the one that's there reproduce because it's easier for them. I mean come on, there are TONS of women out there who want nothing more than to get up the duff, why make the one percent do the one thing they don't want to do ever?
I think a lot of guys, and people in general, just don't know what to do with themselves when they have abundant free time. They believe that the only way to keep from being bored and lonely is to breed. Plus knocking up a woman means she can't leave you so easily.
Plus knocking up a woman means she can't leave you so easily.

Ketchup hit the nail on the head.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
I think a lot of guys, and people in general, just don't know what to do with themselves when they have abundant free time. They believe that the only way to keep from being bored and lonely is to breed. Plus knocking up a woman means she can't leave you so easily.

Then they yearn for that free time if they choose to breed because they have absolutely no free time once they have a brat. At least, that's how it is for the women. For a lot of Duhs, life doesn't change much because they don't do an equal share of parenting most of the time.

I think one of the most important things a person can learn - especially at an early age - is how to entertain themselves and how to enjoy their own company. That way, when they get older, they won't have to be completely dependent on someone else to be happy. Because that kind of dependence can lead to someone staying in an abusive or unhealthy/toxic relationship (romantic, platonic, or professional) because they're too afraid of being alone. Or breeding with incompatible partners because they'd rather be with someone and miserable than alone and miserable.
These men want kids because being a duhd is easy social capital for them. They can spend an hour with the kid every weekend and society will worship them for being a good father. Meanwhile, the woman they knocked up is stuck with 99.9% of the cuntwork.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Avoid these cocksuckers for all your worth.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat

The wanna-breeder will promise you the sun, moon and stars and will swear they'll do every single thing for those kids, and when they arrive, the wanna-breeder nopes right out.

They will tell whatever you want to hear in order to get a sprog they can put their last names on and then they nope right out. They might be still there physically but they will not do the dirty work of raising the kid. I know i am preaching to the choir but never give someone a brat unless you want to have a kid.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
This woman really did the stupidest thing--she lied to herself, all for the Almighty Dick and to be married. It truly would have been easier to dump this guy and endure the social stigma of not having children. (sidenote: Who gives a fuck what people think? It's your life, not theirs.)

Isn't it obvious that the woman gets the brunt of this child-rearing proposition? I figured that out when I was nine years old. When I was 12, the song "Having My Baby" by Paul Anka was popular. I remember hearing it and thinking it was creepy. Lyrics here. I also found it sexist/disgusting that the guy in the song says, "you're having MY baby," not "you're having our baby." Even when I was 12 I could figure out the creepy vibe, like the woman is a piece of property.

Any woman who has a baby just because the man wants it is a complete idiot.

I've never heard that song before and it sounds like I am not missing out on much.

I've known since I was a little girl that women end up doing most of the dirty work when it comes to raising kids. Any woman who lets a man talk her into shitting out a kid she doesn't want is a fool. These men will tell you whatever you want to hear and then be running after some 20 year old after you've wrecked your body crappnig out his ugly kids. No thanks.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
I've known since I was a little girl that women end up doing most of the dirty work when it comes to raising kids. Any woman who lets a man talk her into shitting out a kid she doesn't want is a fool. These men will tell you whatever you want to hear and then be running after some 20 year old after you've wrecked your body crappnig out his ugly kids. No thanks.

I can't help but think a woman has to be extremely naive or stupid or rich (and can hire lots of help) to have brats. How can any woman live to 18 or 20 and not be aware of what a shitshow parunting is for the female?

I can't help but think a woman has to be extremely naive or stupid or rich (and can hire lots of help) to have brats. How can any woman live to 18 or 20 and not be aware of what a shitshow parunting is for the female?

There are women out there who've had no exposure to young children at all.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat

I can't help but think a woman has to be extremely naive or stupid or rich (and can hire lots of help) to have brats. How can any woman live to 18 or 20 and not be aware of what a shitshow parunting is for the female?

There are women out there who've had no exposure to young children at all.

i don't know about that. they might not have direct experience but you're not telling me they haven't seen what their own mother's and aunts go through or seen it with their friends or acquaintances or even seen screeching brats in the grocery store. I am an only child and the youngest cousin and even I knew what bullshit child-rearing is for the female unless you can pay a nanny to raise it. Women need to open their eyes and stop being brainwashed by the overly sweet chocolate and sappy cards every May.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
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