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"Momcation"? Wtf?

Posted by kittehpeoples 
"Momcation"? Wtf?
May 27, 2023
I'm researching a possible upcoming trip for Mr. Kittehpeoples and I, and came across this term for the first time. You all might already be familiar with it, it may already have been discussed here, but I had to do a quick search to confirm that it meant what I thought it meant. It does. And it does not surprise me that I, as a CF person, immediately intuited that it was all about getting the fuck away from your own children because you need a break from being around your Perfect Little Blessings who taught you What Real Love Is....

Just another example of the dichotomy between what they tell us ("You'll regret not having kids, you don't know unconditional love until you have kids") and how they really feel ("If I don't get a break from these little shits, I'm going to burn the house down").
Re: "Momcation"? Wtf?
May 28, 2023
The most entitled people are typically the most unhappy ones. A good amount of parunts fit this description to a T. They're also black holes of need, because giving in to the entitlement only results in greater entitlement.

I can guess what momcation means. I'd bet that mahms all over the internet will be the first to say they are "entitled" to a momcation 'cuz parunting is sooo hard. Springing flesh fruit out of their loins doesn't entitle them to anything but around 18 years taking care of the loin fruit.
Re: "Momcation"? Wtf?
May 28, 2023
"But it's alllllllllllll worth it".

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: "Momcation"? Wtf?
May 28, 2023
Considering how much they all bitch about how broke they are (because many of them are single income households and won't quit breeding), I'm surprised any of them can even afford a "momcation."

When you can't stand your kids to the point you need to take a vacation by yourself away from them for dog knows how long, that's pretty telling exactly how worthwhile parenthood truly is. Because I have never felt like I need a vacation to get away from people I like.

Meanwhile, I looked up "dadcations" and didn't get nearly as many results. Apparenty helping Duhs escape their godawful families isn't as popular. Probably because when Duhs want to get the fuck away from their nagging bitch wives and screaming bastard kids, they just leave. Leave for a weekend fishing trip or stay out drinking all night or put on noise-cancelling headphones for a 15-hour online gaming binge with the boys.

According to this article, momcations are good for the Moo's family so they can learn how to deal with life without her and become less reliant on her.


Except for the whole thing where these women breed with complete losers and when she gets home a week later, she will find nobody has run the vacuum or wiped down a single counter and every dish in the house is dirty and waiting for her in the sink. Nobody has clean clothes because nobody did the laundry, the bank account is drained because they ordered out for every meal every day because nobody wanted to cook. The house pets are dying because nobody remembered to feed or water them. Nobody walked the dogs or cleaned the cat boxes, so there is urine and feces throughout the house. The kids stayed home the whole week because Duh didn't make them go to school and they are behind on their work. Nobody has bathed and they smell like a bus stop full of hobos. Duh let all the kids stay up way past their bedtimes, so if any of the kids are young and have sleep schedules, they will be completely fucked up. Moo's makeup is completely ruined because Duh let them play with it to keep them away from him. There will likely have been at least one ER visit because the brats were left unsupervised and sustained injuries or ate something toxic that required a stomach pump.

So sure, take that momcation, but there will be hell to pay when you get back.
Re: "Momcation"? Wtf?
May 28, 2023
Apparenty helping Duhs escape their godawful families isn't as popular. Probably because when Duhs want to get the fuck away from their nagging bitch wives and screaming bastard kids, they just leave. Leave for a weekend fishing trip or stay out drinking all night or put on noise-cancelling headphones for a 15-hour online gaming binge with the boys.

I think you hit the nail on the head there. Men wanting to get away from the ol' ball and chain and the brats is a trope to be laughed about. Slap him on the back in sympathy and hand him a beer. But a woman wanting to get away from the husband and kids? Break out the tar and feathers!

I hate kids. I don't want to be around them, and I can absolutely understand needing to get the fuck away from them. But the hypocrisy drives me up the wall, along with the fact that society (and breeders in particular) work very hard to sell children as the be all and end all of the human experience...and then the people who buy into that wind up trapped in lives that they have to literally escape just to keep their sanity.
Re: "Momcation"? Wtf?
June 03, 2023
I would hardly say that my parents were good parents, but taking a vacation separate from the kids is something that even they never did. Sometimes they’d do a weekend away and we would be packed off to Grandma’s house for Friday to Sunday, but nothing longer than that. And certainly never a week away from each other. They at least understood that being parents meant that they had to bring their kids along when they planned stuff.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: "Momcation"? Wtf?
June 06, 2023
This is a common thread in marketing I've noticed. And, it is always always for "mawms" and never duhds. Here's a little quote from Harrelson's Own CBD website, poor grammar included. (becuz both the topic and the grammar, I refuse to buy the product. It has been up for years like that.)

Life gets crazy,
especially for Mom’s
See how this Mom deals with the everyday challenges of a hectic life.

So, in other words, you need a socially (hidden) acceptable way to stay calm with the people you luv so much and swear to god are the apples of your eye! Mawms have it sooo hard wearing their yoga pants, crocs and tshirts all day and taxiing around the lil angels to one sporting activity to another. Then, coming home to UberEats 5 days a week, or frozen pizzas and nuggets. Sweating it out, without a boss breathing down their necks! When I see the ad, all I can think of is, how much CBD is needed everyday to deal with all the joy you created in your house?
Re: "Momcation"? Wtf?
June 06, 2023
I consume a lot of CBD. I'm brat free, a sufferer of extreme fibromyalgia. Fibro is an unseen disease many dismiss as Snowflakiness.

CBD is consumed by a lot of people with hidden diseases that aren't readily apparent, and some sufferers can be parents as well.rusty chainsaw


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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