"Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 12, 2023


"I was talking to Adam Sandler a while back, and he said, 'Every day you wait is a day they don’t get to have you in their life.' The younger you have kids, the more time they get to have with you. It’s wild. Having kids is incredible. The things you normally take for granted in life are new.

As they grow up, it becomes more about connecting with them as individuals and what makes them unique. The softness of their hearts. How their minds work. How they’re the same as you. How they’re different," he added.

In the same way that being a father changes the kind of actor you are, it can definitely change the kinds of roles you want to be involved in," he said. "I've found myself wanting to do more PG movies. I see a lot because my kids want to watch them, and to be honest, some of them are bad. And I’m sitting there thinking, this is terrible. So, at the same time as wanting to make movies that would entertain my kids, I’m also thinking about creating movies that are merciful on the parents."

Yeah my guess is he doesn't do a lot of actual parenting and instead leaves the shit work to the baby-mamas. Yeah sure, don't wait to create an entirely new human being! Don't wait until you're finacially stable, emotionally healthy (like getting necessary therapy for any trauma that you could take out on your kids), physically healthy or mentally healthy (which some people will never be due to several factors). Nope, just have some brats! Breed young so you can be a parent for longer! Never mind young people are struggling more and more to take care of themselves, many of whom can't even do that. I'm sure this dick shit doesn't have to worry about money or wondering if he'll get to eat on a given day or having to choose between paying the electric bill, paying rent, or feeding his kids.

Some people will never be financially, mentally or physically well enough to have kids and rather than having them anyway like fucking morons, it's best that they acknowledge they are not in an ideal position to reproduce and move on.

Clearly this guy doesn't do a lot of parenting if he thinks kids have soft hearts. That makes it sound like they have empathy or selflessness when they are the precise opposite. They are selfish, shrieking gremlins who are extraordinarily needy even if they are perfectly healthy and normal. I'll bet if he gave birth, wrecked his whole body, lost a few months of sleep tending to a screaming infant at night and had to try for 3 hours straight multiple times a day to make the brats eat half a teaspoon of food that they puke back up anyway, he'd be singing a different tune.

I mean if having brats makes him want to do more kid-friendly movies so his kids can see him in more things, that's fine, I can understand that. But the rest of his so-called "reasoning" is horse shit and he obviously does not live in reality.

The comments are pretty much all calling him out on his stupidity, in regard to both not waiting to have kids and the implication that life is not meaningful without breeding. Not to mention that not all parents are good parents, so it wouldn't so much be a matter of enjoying the kids for longer as it would be the kids suffering with a terrible parent for longer.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 13, 2023
If you look at this guy, he bred with wife #1, left her, and he's now married to Maria and Arnold Schwarzenegger's daughter and she cranked out two kids with him.

Guys who are serial marriers and serial breeders who wax on about the wonder of kids seem pretty hypocritical to me. If you are such a great faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaather, why don't you stick around to raise your brats in an intact family?

Instead these idiots just keep making kids with NextWife, and they act as if it's the greatest thing Evar. And the children from previous relationships go to the back of the couch. (Looking at you, actor Geezer Breeders like Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino.)
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 14, 2023
If you look at this guy, he bred with wife #1, left her

And the kid has (or at least had) some serious medical issues, too. What a piece of crap.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 14, 2023


"I was talking to Adam Sandler a while back, and he said, 'Every day you wait is a day they don’t get to have you in their life.' The younger you have kids, the more time they get to have with you. It’s wild. Having kids is incredible. The things you normally take for granted in life are new.

As they grow up, it becomes more about connecting with them as individuals and what makes them unique. The softness of their hearts. How their minds work. How they’re the same as you. How they’re different," he added.

In the same way that being a father changes the kind of actor you are, it can definitely change the kinds of roles you want to be involved in," he said. "I've found myself wanting to do more PG movies. I see a lot because my kids want to watch them, and to be honest, some of them are bad. And I’m sitting there thinking, this is terrible. So, at the same time as wanting to make movies that would entertain my kids, I’m also thinking about creating movies that are merciful on the parents."

Yeah my guess is he doesn't do a lot of actual parenting and instead leaves the shit work to the baby-mamas. Yeah sure, don't wait to create an entirely new human being! Don't wait until you're finacially stable, emotionally healthy (like getting necessary therapy for any trauma that you could take out on your kids), physically healthy or mentally healthy (which some people will never be due to several factors). Nope, just have some brats! Breed young so you can be a parent for longer! Never mind young people are struggling more and more to take care of themselves, many of whom can't even do that. I'm sure this dick shit doesn't have to worry about money or wondering if he'll get to eat on a given day or having to choose between paying the electric bill, paying rent, or feeding his kids.

The only people who talk like this are either successful actors/celebrities, people with trust funds or politicians. This guy is a famous actor who married a trust fund baybee. Successful actors/celebrities and trust fund baybeez can breed like pigs and pass off baybeez to the help. They can afford all the help they would ever desire and money isn't an object. Politicians talk like this to pander to breeders for votes, same for actors who want to keep their popularity intact or build up a fan base so they can shill whatever to their "fan base" once their acting/celebrity career dries up. In some famblees trust fund baybeez have sluicing as a prerequisite to unlocking their trust funds. I've known trust fund baybees that have adopted because they weren't fertile to unlock the cash prizes. What could possibly go wrong with forcing a sluice in order to receive a big cash prize?

There are some people who are not particularly wealthy or celebrities who will also talk like this on social media because they're hoping to shill something to a fairly insignificant fan base in hopes of growing it into something significant. They'll also mimic this bullshit because they are hopeless wannabees.

It is interesting how pretty much all of these people say exactly the same things about parunting. Might make you suspect they are following some kind of bullshit script or something. The reality is much much more jaded.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 14, 2023
I agree that he's a rich piece of shit who's paying someone else to raise his kid, but let's also remember that he rehomed his elderly cat when he and his wife decided to "start trying" for a child. So he's a piece of shit for that, too.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 14, 2023
What a shit!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 18, 2023
I agree that he's a rich piece of shit who's paying someone else to raise his kid, but let's also remember that he rehomed his elderly cat when he and his wife decided to "start trying" for a child. So he's a piece of shit for that, too.

that's horrible. he can afford whatever the cat needs (i.e. sitters, vet visits). Why get rid of the cat?

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 18, 2023
I agree that he's a rich piece of shit who's paying someone else to raise his kid, but let's also remember that he rehomed his elderly cat when he and his wife decided to "start trying" for a child. So he's a piece of shit for that, too.

that's horrible. he can afford whatever the cat needs (i.e. sitters, vet visits). Why get rid of the cat?

Elderly cats can be bothersome and need a lot of care, something breeders aren't willing to provide.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 19, 2023
I agree that he's a rich piece of shit who's paying someone else to raise his kid, but let's also remember that he rehomed his elderly cat when he and his wife decided to "start trying" for a child. So he's a piece of shit for that, too.

that's horrible. he can afford whatever the cat needs (i.e. sitters, vet visits). Why get rid of the cat?

Because older pets are much too inconvenient for breeders to deal with. Honestly, it was probably a good thing because the alternatives could have been having the cat put down or keeping it and neglecting it because the loaf required attention.

But it goes to show what a piece of garbage he is for treating a pet like nothing more than a possession that can be thrown out when it loses its appeal or becomes too much work. I hope when he becomes old and inconvenient, his kids will rehome him too.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 20, 2023
But it goes to show what a piece of garbage he is for treating a pet like nothing more than a possession that can be thrown out when it loses its appeal or becomes too much work. I hope when he becomes old and inconvenient, his kids will rehome him too.

Oh, we can dream!
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 20, 2023
I agree that he's a rich piece of shit who's paying someone else to raise his kid, but let's also remember that he rehomed his elderly cat when he and his wife decided to "start trying" for a child. So he's a piece of shit for that, too.

That is disgusting. It isn't as if he couldn't afford expensive treatments for the cat.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 20, 2023

That is disgusting. It isn't as if he couldn't afford expensive treatments for the cat.

Certain forms of vet care can be pricey, such as my cat's bladder stones that were so bad his penis needed amputation to get him able to urinate in comfort.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 20, 2023

That is disgusting. It isn't as if he couldn't afford expensive treatments for the cat.

Certain forms of vet care can be pricey, such as my cat's bladder stones that were so bad his penis needed amputation to get him able to urinate in comfort.

This is sad, I feel bad for kitty. But Pratt could have afforded any surgery for his former cat.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 21, 2023

Elderly cats can be bothersome and need a lot of care, something breeders aren't willing to provide.


Certain forms of vet care can be pricey, such as my cat's bladder stones that were so bad his penis needed amputation to get him able to urinate in comfort.

All true, but not at all applicable to this situation. Pratt could have afforded the care for this cat. Also, no mention the cat was sick, just that he got rid of it before the loaf even got there.

Just look around on Facebook. MANY people routinely get rid of their pets because "new baby" or "impending baybee" or "new husband doesn't like cat." There are solutions to these problems, such as, get rid of the husband because I guarantee he's a piece of shit unless there are genuine allergies involved OR spend the time to teach your kids to co-exist with the animal.

Repeat: people like this are pieces of shit.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 21, 2023
All true, but not at all applicable to this situation. Pratt could have afforded the care for this cat. Also, no mention the cat was sick, just that he got rid of it before the loaf even got there.

Just look around on Facebook. MANY people routinely get rid of their pets because "new baby" or "impending baybee" or "new husband doesn't like cat." There are solutions to these problems, such as, get rid of the husband because I guarantee he's a piece of shit unless there are genuine allergies involved OR spend the time to teach your kids to co-exist with the animal.

Repeat: people like this are pieces of shit.

Good point. Rehoming a pet just because is worse than it becoming sick and not being able to afford treatments or having a pet who has to be put down so that it doesn't suffer. I've seen people who were in this position and they all felt terrible and were visibly heartbroken about it.

One woman I saw was hysterical that her two dogs were adopted out because she was very ill and could no longer care for them. It was very obvious she would have done anything to keep her pets. Literally everyone who witnessed her bringing in her pets to surrender them was in tears.

And I'll take your word for it on Facebook. I don't want to see that crap. I feel so bad for the pets.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 22, 2023
People are just lazy and they don't want to deal with caring for an elderly pet or trying to teach their kids how to handle pets gently. It's easier for them to just throw the pet out like trash. Like yes, it's not easy, but surely after that pet gave you many years of companionship, you owe them a comfortable end of their life. Not to mention the stress it probably puts on an older pet to not only go to a whole new home/shelter, but to be around completely unfamiliar people.

I know more than one person who has it written into their wills that any pets that are alive at the time of the owners' passing are to be euthanized and buried with them. I guess because they don't want to rehome the pets and don't want anyone else to have them? I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, you don't have to worry about rehoming the pets with someone who sees it as nothing more than an object or who doesn't care about them as much. On the other hand, it seems unfair to kill an animal that might be perfectly healthy just because its owner is gone.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 22, 2023
People are just lazy and they don't want to deal with caring for an elderly pet or trying to teach their kids how to handle pets gently. It's easier for them to just throw the pet out like trash. Like yes, it's not easy, but surely after that pet gave you many years of companionship, you owe them a comfortable end of their life. Not to mention the stress it probably puts on an older pet to not only go to a whole new home/shelter, but to be around completely unfamiliar people.

Yes yes yes yes yes. This x a million.

I know more than one person who has it written into their wills that any pets that are alive at the time of the owners' passing are to be euthanized and buried with them. I guess because they don't want to rehome the pets and don't want anyone else to have them? I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, you don't have to worry about rehoming the pets with someone who sees it as nothing more than an object or who doesn't care about them as much. On the other hand, it seems unfair to kill an animal that might be perfectly healthy just because its owner is gone.

I got one of my cats (gone many years now, sadly) this way. The cat was healthy, but she and her owner were both elderly. Her owner was a lovely old woman who had requested the cat be euthanized when she died, but when the time came, her son couldn't bring himself to do it. The thing was, he couldn't keep the cat because his own elderly dog didn't like her. He had a sibling, but they hated the cat (or at least intensely disliked her, and apparently the cat was none too fond of them, either). The son reached out to a mutual friend who asked me if I could take her. Fortunately I was in a position to take in another senior cat, but if I couldn't, then what would he have done? He could *not* keep her. Sending her to a shelter would have been cruelty. His mother wanted the cat buried with her, and now he couldn't do that, either. He and the cat were both lucky that there was someone willing to take on a cantankerous old cat.

So I get what you're saying, the animal doesn't deserve to die just because their owner is gone, but at least in some circumstances, the owner might know best about not leaving the animal behind. Either way, it's a sad situation and I don't envy anyone having to make that decision. And even after the experience with this old cat, I'm with you, Cambion...it's complicated.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 23, 2023
@kittehpeoples that does sound like a really sticky situation. And you're right, the son was very lucky to have asked you to take in the cat at a time when you were able to do so. It sounds like he at least cared enough about the cat to attempt to rehome it because in that situation, a lot of people would probably toss the cat outside to fend for itself because rehoming a pet takes effort.

I can only imagine how heartbreaking it would be to surrender a pet because you are unable to care for them anymore. I don't know if I could bring myself to put my cat down (assuming I had one at the time) just because I was about to die, but then how do I know I can trust someone else to care for them as well as I did?

If they were unable to find a person to take the cat in who would show it plenty of affection and tend to its needs, the next best thing would have to be a no-kill shelter, and those are often full.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
June 23, 2023
@kittehpeoples that does sound like a really sticky situation. And you're right, the son was very lucky to have asked you to take in the cat at a time when you were able to do so. It sounds like he at least cared enough about the cat to attempt to rehome it because in that situation, a lot of people would probably toss the cat outside to fend for itself because rehoming a pet takes effort.

I can only imagine how heartbreaking it would be to surrender a pet because you are unable to care for them anymore. I don't know if I could bring myself to put my cat down (assuming I had one at the time) just because I was about to die, but then how do I know I can trust someone else to care for them as well as I did?

If they were unable to find a person to take the cat in who would show it plenty of affection and tend to its needs, the next best thing would have to be a no-kill shelter, and those are often full.

Oh, he adored the cat. That's why he couldn't bring himself to put her to sleep. But his dog hated her. It was a terrible situation and I'm glad for all of us that I could take her, but it does make me understand how asking to have your animal euthanized upon your own death can be a viable request. I hope I don't have to make that call, myself, and I have people around me I would trust with my pets, but if I didn't...I don't know what I'd do.
Re: "Don't wait to have kids!" says Chris Pratt
July 27, 2023
News flash, Chris Pratt: not every man wants to be a father in the first place, and even if a guy does want that, he could die and/or go to prison before his children become adults (in which case, your whole "counting days theory" goes out the window).
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