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I moved to a rich area for my kids, and now I'm in debt

Posted by yurble 
I moved to a rich area for my kids, and now I'm in debt
June 29, 2023
As part of a series to highlight the rising cost of living, this piece fails to arouse sympathy from the very start, as it is titled I moved to a well-off area to give my kids a better chance, but now we're deep in debt.

The general rule of thumb is that unless you are so poor you have no alternative, you should ensure your housing costs are well within your means. Of course, if your personal safety or health is at risk, you might spend more, but of course the motivation is "to give my kids a better life." Having security that the bills will be paid sounds to me like a better life than feeling like the poor country mouse next to your peers, who will leave you as a social outcast, but what do I know? Oh wait, I guess I did call it, because "No one wants their kids to feel left out, for other kids to pick on them for not having the newest things. Or them seeing things on social media and setting their own expectations as high as the well-off kids there."

As usual, the aspirational dreams are paired with a complete lack of the fundamental requirements for the rich life: low-paid work, no partner, disabled kid, and a list of mental health problems. "Working as a carer on minimum wage, in addition to being a single parent...With looking after my disabled son and being limited in my hours at work..." and "I suffer from PTSD, anxiety and depression."

I'm actually sympathetic to the idea that quality education is worthwhile, and I don't think there should be large disparities between schools. But by fleeing to a rich neighborhood, she's essentially given up on all the others in equally impoverished situations. Why is she more deserving of sympathy or support - because she decided to live outside of her means to achieve the goal, instead of trying to improve things more generally?
Re: I moved to a rich area for my kids, and now I'm in debt
June 29, 2023
This cow lost any of my sympathy when she shit out her defective brat.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: I moved to a rich area for my kids, and now I'm in debt
June 29, 2023
She is a single mahm and makes minimum wage, yet she sluiced numerous times. Why?
She has PTSD, anxiety and depression, yet she still decided to sluice. Did she think the stress of brats would make her rich and take away her mental conditions?
Let me guess, she had absolutely no skills and decided to bring multiple kids into a crummy relationship. It goes south and now she is a welfare moo.
Oh wait, it is the victim mentality!

Had I known the cost of living was going to rise so high and that I would struggle to provide the essentials, I may not have moved to such an affluent area.

When I made minimum wage I couldn't afford a shack, let alone living in an affluent area. I was an adult I understood this reality. Is this moo smoking something? Oh and she doesn't work full time because she has a disabled brat. How delusional is she to think she could live anywhere? I mean I guess technically she could live anywhere....out of a tent. Or her car. But our minimum wage moo has lofty ambitions. And if she is going to move for the childrun's education (her claim) then there are moderately priced areas with good schools. I think there is more to this story, she probably moved to an expensive area hoping for more freebies courtesy of the taxpayers. Or perhaps she was husband hunting in the affluent area.

Instead of dwelling on this:
"No one wants their kids to feel left out, for other kids to pick on them for not having the newest things. Or them seeing things on social media and setting their own expectations as high as the well-off kids there."

How about demonstrating some delayed gratification for her brats instead of wallowing in self pity? Come up with a plan to do better than minimum wage and execute it. Then again, she can kiss those freebies goodbye if she does this. Better to just stay a victim and whine about it.

I have done everything I can to ensure my kids have the best chances in life, and a good education.

This is the first time I've ever heard anyone claim that working part time making minimum wage is her doing everything she can to give her brats the best chances in life.

They have no idea how bad things are getting right now.

I'm pretty sure the brats are fully aware of how poor they are. They live in a wealthy area and have eyesight. Even if they are dull, they can figure this out.

Will they earn enough money to live? Will they ever be able to afford their own home?

They can do training in high school (likely paid for partially or completely if they have good grades) and make more than minimum wage while still in high school. All they have to do is the opposite of what she did. At least there is a good chance they'll receive 100% need-based college. If they can learn delayed gratification, they may have a chance to earn enough money to live and own a home. But if she badgers them to sluice or tries to get them to support her in her old age then they may end up as bad off as she is.

I wonder how many other women in the wealthy area that she babbled on and on about her problems too, she is totally the type that always has to one up and be the biggest victim with the biggest sob story.
Re: I moved to a rich area for my kids, and now I'm in debt
June 29, 2023
I feel bad for her kids, because there is no way that they don’t know they are the poor kids on the block.

Apparently “doing everything she can” doesn’t involve choosing a decent man to breed with. If she was a widow I assume she would be shouting that from the rooftops for extra pity points, so it’s pretty likely that the sperm donor bailed because he didn’t feel like dealing with the defecto, as is common with those types of men.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: I moved to a rich area for my kids, and now I'm in debt
June 30, 2023
My pal did this, moved to one of the richest suburbs in USA, but lives in the one and only apartment complex in the town, with divorced dads and shit. She is at least a white collar worker but the ladies that live in this 'burb do not work, and live a certain lifestyle. Have all high end cars and purses etc. She wanted her kid to grow up that way so she would make friends there and be that way in the future. But sure, kyd isnt living the lifestyle while other kyds have lavish homes and bedrooms and yards, and she has a dinghy apartment w/ no yard and just a parking lot. I really dont see the point. Live middle class, and thrive in middle class. I dont think my friend made any good friends among the parents either, and I know she tried. So she goes to her apt, and has no social life there. She even said the burb wasn't friendly to me once.

I think I even told this friend, I didnt know that was gonna work with her kyd, becuz one of my best friends grew up in area the same way. Parents moved there 'for the schools', but was HVAC guy. Sure they had a home and food on the table, but she said she always always always felt less than, and didnt have many friends. The teens had brand new corvettes, designer clothes, huge parties for events, she had nothing, not the clothes or the toys. And, IDK what was so special about the schools as I went to schools in the city and at our work at least, my vocabulary and understanding of how things connect and work was much better than hers and she was a decent worker but just didnt know stuff, she never went to college, nor did her brothers, so I dont see how education was important to the parents. My parents didnt give me a choice in not going to college. While she was certainly not dumb, her education didnt materialize in reality. One can usually tell if others are well read, without even putting on airs. She married a blue collar worker and she's been doing grunt work in an office her whole life. This didnt stop my original friend above from doing this. We will see what happens w/ her daughter which I'm sure will start college in a few yrs.

Parunts always seem to be misguided in their choices more often than not, especially when it comes to wealth IMO.
Re: I moved to a rich area for my kids, and now I'm in debt
June 30, 2023
told this story a while back...might bear repeating. this particular welfare brood sow had no aspirations beyond breeding (despite being a CF carrier). the sperm donor was a drug dealer. apparently they kept the transactions out of the court (because it would have attracted our attention). inevitably he was caught, tried, and convicted. his sentence was about a year and he was given time off for 'good behaviour'and put on probation .. one of the provisions of the probation was he could not live with the baby mama.

Of course, they both ignored this. While he was incarcerated, we sold the trailer park, bought a semi tractor and started driving cross country. We were home for only a day or two each week and missed a lot of the stuff that went on. He either couldn't keep away from his 'side job' or he had made enemies and his buddies/work associates came into the court and tried to shoot him. They didn't kill him but did send him to the hospital.

Not long after this, I was talking to some of the other residents, and the baby mama sow comes waddling over and joins the convo. She didn't waste time and started complaining that there should be security because 'blah blah blah' her sperm donor got shot. I just looked her in the eye and said 'a) we don't own the park anymore in case you didn't notice. b) people who live in gated communities with security usually work hard at jobs in order to be able to afford it.' she turned and waddled off without anything further. I was going to add that why should she drag her sperm donors drug habit and business into a secure area, put everyone at risk.. security is to keep people like her and company out in the first place...

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: I moved to a rich area for my kids, and now I'm in debt
July 22, 2023
IDK how she's managed to hang on as long as she has considering. I don't have brats (obviously) I have a humble cottage style home in a nice, quiet town and earn quite a bit more than minimum wage and I struggle sometimes. I haven't always been able to do full hours because I'm dealing with my own health problems but I still continue to work and things are getting a bit better now. As long as I don't have another setback with my health it should be fine.

If I had to look after and pay for kids, or if my house was in an "affluent" (I read this as snobby) neighborhood, I'd have been gone a long time ago. Combine the two together and it'd be curtains for me.

I don't know why some parents think that material goods are more important than a loving, healthy upbringing with a parent (or two) who isn't riddled with stress and guilt. Priorities.
Re: I moved to a rich area for my kids, and now I'm in debt
July 22, 2023
Parenting is not viable, even with two parents healthy happy children cannot be raised. People need to grow a clue and get sterilized ASAP!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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