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Talk about being desperate for dick

Posted by antisprog 
Talk about being desperate for dick
June 29, 2023
On reddit there is a subreddit called r/sexoffendersupport which is Mostly filled with chomos and rapists bitching about how the consequences of their actions having consequences.
While some of the posters are desperate women (Mostly moos) sticking by their mayunn and insisting he's really a good man (and letting him around their children) , even after he was caught with 10tb of cp or actually raping someone.

in particular https://www.reddit.com/user/Weight-Slow/submitted/

Question for people who are restricted from parks…
What do you do for healthy outdoor activities?

I’m at a complete loss. I’ve always been an outdoorsy person, a hiker, etc… but my guy can’t do any of those things. I can’t handle being holed up watching TV all the time.

Any ideas/suggestions?

I cannot imagine being desperate enought to stay with someone who is not only a sex offender but who presence prevents me from going to a fucking park.

How do/did you tell your kids? Friends?

do you think you would've been able to 'reform' without legal repercussions/consequences?

For those of you with kids
We are not in the US. We have 4 kids, and my husbands crime was child voyeurism not CP. He avoided jail but child safety are giving us hell right now because I am fighting to keep us all together and they're over reacting. Other than that, he registers contact as required and I am always there if he's around kids and he has backed way off anyway. He'd used to kick balls around with our kids in a group but doesn't do any of that now. We don't have laws around where he can/can't go besides no contact with victims, who live far away anyway. So far he's allowed at school events, but we're in a precarious position with CPS so that could change.


Battling child services over my husbands conviction. It just is never ending, we've been through so much and I've worked hard to hold it together so to be judged as at risk of failing to protect my kids from my ""high risk"" husband.... They just don't care. His psych reports say LOW RISK but they have their opinions. So, frustrated and so so over all this! But can't give up because my family are it. I don't want my kids abused but I also don't want them losing their dad or worst case being removed (he would move out before that happened). We're not in the US and seeking legal advice.

Waaah CPS doesn't like the fact i let my pedo hubby around my kids. Of course she is a hardcore christian and hubby is a clergy member
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
June 30, 2023
clueless cunts, aren't they.

if you stop and think about it though, people with kiddie 'problems' would have a problem trying to find therapy. don't get me wrong, I have little sympathy for them.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
June 30, 2023
In a relationship with an SO
m struggling with all of this myself. My partner (who is not my daughter’s father) was just sentenced to 5 years probation and the registry. I’ve had suicidal thoughts myself as I have a public job and have to keep everything secret. But what I know for sure is that my partner is a great dad to his daughter AND mine, and has been in therapy weekly since the arrest 3 years ago (no jail). He has been cleared to live with us and go to parks with us as long as I am present. I want to try my best to keep our little family together. My ex husband is of course beyond livid (I understand why) but I am taking it one day at a time. This group has been a great resource for me. From what I gather, not all kids of SOs are bullied. Every situation is different. Of course, my optimism waxes and wanes with the hour. But I really want to try.

Poor pedos

Yes and no
Often the stings are set up on adult sites and with adult profiles, once the chat starts they then say they are a minor. So yes we should have walked away, we should have stopped the convo. We made the choice not to, but not all of us were out looking for a minor and if not for the sting would not have been talking to a minor and would not have committed the crime. Just remember not all situations are black and white.

Will my fiancé’s conviction show up on my criminal checks? I am a teacher dating a pedo

Looking to get serious with a female (x teacher) who is a sex offender

Careers I am considering: being a counselor for children, being a public school counselor, or working with a youth group home. Basically.... I want to work with kids but I am marrying a convicted Sexx Offender

Its the slutty rape victims fault! Not mine for being a rapist

So i’m a Partner to an RSO that’s got a for life registry condition for sexually abusing a minor. Probation is up in 2 years and we’ll be hitting our very early thirties then. I know i have a biological clock for kids, Is it okay if i have kids with him? - writer of the post: PupJayceColt

Waah my pervert BF betrayed me even after i supported his worthless assbawling
despearate bitch
Completely Lost

Hi all,

I have posted here previously about my boyfriend, he is currently locked up in CA for CP possession. I am back with a more personal question.

Some background: I have been with my bf for 5 years, we have had a few run ins with him looking at cam girls, sexting someone we both know, and then this cp charge. I have his phone, and in a moment of weakness looked at his text messages. Mostly harmless, but there was one message of him reaching out to an escort service in October.

After seeing this message, I looked into his blocked messages and there are DOZENS of them. Some giving prices, some saying hello, some saying "Okay I'll meet you".

Needless to say, I am shattered. I have carried this man through this time in our lives as best as one can. Putting endless amounts of money on his books, putting enough money on the phone to talk an hour or so every single night, holding down our bills and apartment, paying his credit card etc.

My question to you is: in your opinion, is it better for me to tell him I know these things now, or should I continue to hold him down until he is home and then have the conversation with him? I truly love him, but this is the last straw for me, I cannot put my health and wellbeing at risk. I cannot look past this. I know that addiction plays into all of this, but I don't know that I am strong enough to rebuild from what I've seen. He's due to be released in July, potentially June if he gets an early kick. I don't want to make it worse for him there, he's lost so much already.

I want to continue to support him and give him the love he needs to make it out of this, but is that unfair to him? To hold onto this relationship ending information until he's home? I am truly lost. He is my best friend, I've built a whole life with him, and to see that he's been doing this for so long is just heart breaking.

Thank you in advance for your input.

playing a violin
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
June 30, 2023
Jeebus, this is a whole new level of doormat behavior that I was unaware of.

I guess it only goes to show, no matter what a piece of scum a man is, some dumb woman somewhere will be desperate enough to fuck him.

I just can't with these excuses:


There are some hard core sex offenders out there, the true repeat offenders, but let us get real, they are the exception to the rule. Teachers that got caught up with one of their students probably fall into the category of just making a mistake. Being x teachers, they made a significant effort to get their degree, their certificate, and then everything blew up in their face. Probably no one is more sorry than they are for what they did.

Right, just like priests.

In one of those threads, there is a woman who wrote her husband was "just' into voyerism and wasn't a child predator." It was common up until the 1970's and even the 1980's for people to think "Peeping Toms" and other voyeristic behaviors not particularly dangerous. (And yanno, "boys will be boys.")

But as more criminals were studied, it's now common knowledge that a lot of sexual predators start off with voyerism. The Golden State Killer started off as a peeping Tom, then became a rapist, then became a rapist/murderer. And child sexual predation has a VERY HIGH rate of recidivism.

And Jeebus, imagine being the father in this situation. One of these dumbass Moos weighed in about telling people her fiance was a RSO, and she's warning people to not say anything about it. She is such a VICTIM who continues to allow this man to be around her 11 year old daughter.


Hello - I’ve had some experience in this area as my fiancé is also on the list for one count of CM and it was also a long time ago.

When things got serious I decided to tell my friends. This was a BIG MISTAKE for me. It spread like wildfire through my peer group and one of them called CPS. They launched an entire investigation (I should mention here that I have a daughter who is now almost 11, 8 at that time, and I have a VERY controlling narcissistic ex who used all of this to his advantage). This investigation lasted over a year and cost around $10k in lawyer fees all around. I was charged with neglect and it was ultimately dropped. My fiancé was arrested for registry violation for staying the night at my apartment and not registering there. He could not be around my daughter at all throughout this whole disaster and my ex was fighting hard to keep him away from our kid. Everything was ultimately dropped and my fiancé can be around my daughter but it has to be supervised by me. It’s really all back to normal except that I have been completely ostracized.

My “friends” claim that I make “bad decisions” and they cannot trust me. According to the only one who still talks to me - the others feel that I have poor judgment. I deeply regret ever telling anyone about it. I made other poor decisions at that time too not knowing just how much people hate RSOs. It was surprising to me. I should mention that I have a PhD and my friends are highly educated, mostly liberal/progressive/granola folks who preach about “acceptance” and “kindness”. As long as you’re not an RSO I guess. Just be ready for even the friends that you ‘think’ are the most open minded, might be the ones who shut you out the hardest.

She sounds like an educated idiot. And I feel really sorry for her ex-husband. I could totally understand it if he wanted to take a gun to this guy and his ex-wife for putting his daughter in danger, and watching the courts do NOTHING about it.

How on EARTH did it end up the Moo is supposed to supervise the boyfriend, when it's already been shown her judgement is shit?

I want to TAKE A SHOWER after reading all this shit. These women need to be bitch-slapped to within an inch of their lives.
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
July 02, 2023
The educated idiot was actually shocked that her liberal/hippie/progressive friends hated child sex abusers and one called CPS.

According to her if you are all about kindness and compassion that needs to be extended to people who abuse and traumatise others for life and that one should just let it go. She is also shocked that her now ex friends see her as the peice of self centered crap she is and dumped her ass.
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
July 02, 2023
I want to make snarky responses to these comments, but I honestly don’t even know where to start. What in the Kentucky Fried Fuck is wrong with these women?!?

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
July 02, 2023
I was reading another one over on Reddit where a woman was talking about her husband's family. This woman had a kid, and the husband's sister was married to a RSO who had been arrested again. Grandma and the SIL were protecting the guy in the husband's family and still inviting the RSO to events. The woman and her husband were going to these events but ignoring the RSO. The woman's husband said he still wanted to have contact with this guy's kids (two pre-teen boys) and the whole topic became a raging debate.

A lot of people made the very good point that this woman and her husband should cut off Grandma and the SIL because they both lacked judgement. And by hanging around them, the kid may get the idea these people could be trusted.

Having been in this situation myself, I think it makes a lot of sense. The older I get, the more I think enablers are just as bad as the criminals themselves.
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
July 02, 2023
I was reading another one over on Reddit where a woman was talking about her husband's family. This woman had a kid, and the husband's sister was married to a RSO who had been arrested again. Grandma and the SIL were protecting the guy in the husband's family and still inviting the RSO to events. The woman and her husband were going to these events but ignoring the RSO. The woman's husband said he still wanted to have contact with this guy's kids (two pre-teen boys) and the whole topic became a raging debate.

A lot of people made the very good point that this woman and her husband should cut off Grandma and the SIL because they both lacked judgement. And by hanging around them, the kid may get the idea these people could be trusted.

Having been in this situation myself, I think it makes a lot of sense. The older I get, the more I think enablers are just as bad as the criminals themselves.

These enablers go way past desperate and straight into disgusting and depraved.

Pretty much, I met my wife literally a week after getting out of prison. Told her during our third date.

She has a son, the only concerns ever were how would it impact his life, not any risks or anything else.

This quote really scared me. Moo cared so little about her sons safety that she continued to date a guy literally a week out of jail even after he told her he was a sex offender. JFC. Dude probably gave the bint a sob story. Either that or the bint was just super sayain desperate for dick. (Is having dick in one's life really that effing important?)

These are the bints that look the other way when hubby/bf is diddling their kids. And people accuse childfree folks of being a danger to children.

EDIT: I've heard of bleeding hearts but this is just ridiculous https://imgur.com/a/bDhcRTE
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
July 03, 2023
I want to make snarky responses to these comments, but I honestly don’t even know where to start. What in the Kentucky Fried Fuck is wrong with these women?!?

Stealing "Kentucky fried fuck"!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
July 03, 2023
News articles about these type of desperate cunts:



bint in a relationship with a pedo husband, argues that laws against possession of CP should be abolished.

Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
July 03, 2023
From the Inside Edition article:


She said she previously held the idea that once you were a child molester you are always a child molester, but she realized Jerry’s story is different. She said Jerry owns up to his mistake. She added that he was young and it took him a while to realize that what he did was wrong.

“His story was the story of someone who should have said no to someone who was a little too young,” Melissa said. “He doesn’t like what he did. It took him a long time to understand that what he did was wrong because she was willing and he was willing. He was the adult. He should have said, 'this isn’t something you shouldn’t be doing at this age.' He didn’t make that decision and he hates it.”

This dude was arrested five times. One of them was for cheating on his previous wife with a fifteen year old. I don’t feel bad for these women, I really don’t. They deserve every ounce of the ridicule and hatred they receive. I do however, weep for their children.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
July 04, 2023
From the Inside Edition article:


She said she previously held the idea that once you were a child molester you are always a child molester, but she realized Jerry’s story is different. She said Jerry owns up to his mistake. She added that he was young and it took him a while to realize that what he did was wrong.

“His story was the story of someone who should have said no to someone who was a little too young,” Melissa said. “He doesn’t like what he did. It took him a long time to understand that what he did was wrong because she was willing and he was willing. He was the adult. He should have said, 'this isn’t something you shouldn’t be doing at this age.' He didn’t make that decision and he hates it.”

This dude was arrested five times. One of them was for cheating on his previous wife with a fifteen year old. I don’t feel bad for these women, I really don’t. They deserve every ounce of the ridicule and hatred they receive. I do however, weep for their children.

JFC what a stupid, desperate bint. They're type of people who would write marriage proposals to Ted Bundy and visit him in prison. They'll do anything for a warm dick..

I hope that CPS intervenes for their kid's sake.

toronto star

During a private counselling session with a couple of newlyweds Fedoroff asks how she’s holding up. He works with couples because offenders whose spouses stick by them tend to do better in treatment.

“It’s obviously stressful and tough,” she says, noting her husband is slated to be sentenced soon. “But our marriage has grown stronger.”

While they were engaged, he was charged with flashing and masturbating in public. She bailed him out and went ahead with the wedding.

Her husband pipes up, “For her not to turn away ... I don’t know where I’d be without her support and love.”

When asked by a Star reporter why she stayed with him, the wife explains: “I love him, of course. Everyone makes mistakes. I just thought, ‘This isn’t him and I can help him.’”

She was lucky enough to find out her BF was a pervert before marrying him, but instead doubled down ant married him, even after he proved that he couldn't be trusted.
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
July 08, 2023
All of this just supports what we CF people all know: the whole "parenting makes you a better person/you won't know love until you breed" social brainwashing is complete and utter bullshit.
Re: Talk about being desperate for dick
July 17, 2023
Anyone and I mean ANYONE who can be romantic with someone who sexually batters a child or even another adult is just as bad as the offender and get no sympathy from me. They deserve every second of misery that they get from being with someone who's capable of that.
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