"I hate all kids except my own because DNA"
July 26, 2023
I don't like other people's babies/kids

inpig breeder
I don’t like other babies/children
Hi moms! Looking for non judgemental replies please. I’m currently 38 weeks and 5 days. (Hoping baby will come soon)

Anyways, I’ve always noticed throughout my adult life (I’m also a teacher btw) that I’ve never particularly “ liked” babies or childrengrinning smileyand when I mean “like” I think I mean -I do like teaching children and it’s super rewarding I do love my job!! but have always seen children in a controlled professional classroom context and have build a professional distance from them. As fellow teachers will also understand this -that our students are not our friends. And I only like to teach grade 2 and grade 3. When I do see my students outside the classroom, I honestly run the other way sad smiley but I’ve never gushed over or loved children /babies.

My partner’s brother just had a baby last year and every time I see my nephew, I don’t have any particular interest in my one year old nephew. I don’t have an urge to hold him etc. He is cute but sometimes I find him annoying sometimes honestly and more interested in his development then gushing over him and kissing him etc and I think this is true for babies and children in general.

I know I will love my own child and I chose to have my child through IVF. (So a tough journey but feeling blessed) But just wondering if any other moms also feel the same about other children and babies?

I was thinking could it be because I’ve been a primary teacher for more than 20 years and have learnt to build a professional distance from children in general?

For those who aren’t even teachers and I guess just moms in general- are we really expected to love /like other babies/children?

(Note: I am also a 43 year old first time mom)

Thanks for any non judgemental responses.
This response sums it all up:
narc moo
My baby, love her to pieces. Anyone else's baby? Trash


I hate everything about children but it's different when it's your own. I totally love my kids
can you be a good mom if you hate kids?

I hateeeeeeee children. Hate them. I find them so annoying and gross. I have a 3 month old and I love her to death. She is so amazing. I never thought I’d like being a mom but I do love it. It’s a great feeling - you’ll like your own kid. I promise!
Re: "I hate all kids except my own because DNA"
July 26, 2023
Excuse me, I have to go grab the eyeballs that have rolled across the room.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "I hate all kids except my own because DNA"
July 26, 2023

I know I will love my own child and I chose to have my child through IVF.

How does she know that? There's no way to know how she will feel about her child. Post-partum depression might make her want to stuff her baby in a pillowcase and slam it against a tree.

It's also not the first time I've heard the "I hate everyone else's kids but mine" crap. It seems like a common trend among breeders. However, I hate when they spout their shit at undecided people, like loving your kid just because it's yours when you hate every other child is a universal experience. If you hate kids, there is absolutely no guarantee that you will love one you give birth to. There are people who adore kids who absolutely hate their own too. There are also people who hate kids, breed, and then hate their own kids too.

But then maybe the ones who don't fawn and gush over brats will be more likely to be better parents than the ones who treat their brats like they're Christ reincarnate. Because the people who adore kids before breeding might be more likely to spoil their own kids, whereas people who hate them may be more likely to do things like set boundaries and carry out punishments for bad behavior.

The moo-to-be asking if she could still be a good mother if she hates kids says this:


But the thing is, I really dislike kids. I know it’s not their fault, but they’re so loud and demanding. I just find it awful to be around them. Like, every moment I spend around my friends kids I’m just desperate to get away.

The other day, some friends visited with their 3 young children, aged 1-3, and they were so relentless in their yelling and demands for attention that I literally had a quiet panic attack alone in the garden. I just couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that I’m pregnant and that’ll soon be me getting yelled at 24/7.

So many of my friends seem to genuinely enjoy the company of children, it’s got me wondering whether I’ve just made a big mistake here. Maybe I’m just not cut out to be a mom?

If loud noise, constant demands, and constand need for attention gives you panic attacks, then yes, I'd say you done fucked up because all children are like that. Yours won't be special and be a perfectly behaved angel that sleeps all night and never cries just because it's yours.


Kids are gross and stupid and disgusting.. OTHER peoples kids. My kid is amazing and talented and cute

You're biased because it's your kid. Moo may not see it, but I promise her that her little darling is also gross, stupid and disgusting. Also, do these Moos all realize they are all basically insulting one another's kids by saying everyone else's kids suck except their own? I'm surprised no arguments have broken out.

It's still not a chance I'd ever be willing to take. I cannot stand kids - I would absolutely be one of those nuts that shakes their baby to death because it won't shut the fuck up. I'm not that much of a gambler that I'd be willing to make a whole new person on the off chance it might be the exception to my dislikes.
Re: "I hate all kids except my own because DNA"
July 27, 2023
Honestly the whole "I hate everybody else's kids but mine" thing is one of the most narcissistic things I have ever heard (and that is saying a whole lot). It just shows that breeders are narcissists that only "love"(and I use that term loosely) the kid because they see it as a mini-me extension of themselves. Like sharing DNA makes them special. No wonder they will waste thousands of dollars on IVF just to get one.
Re: "I hate all kids except my own because DNA"
July 27, 2023
Can you imagine hearing someone say "I hate dogs, they're furry, gross and bark. I hate everything about dogs. But I have/want to have a dog of my own. I will love my dog when I get one". Everyone would call them out in a heartbeat
Re: "I hate all kids except my own because DNA"
July 27, 2023
Does that woman even know that her nephews and nieces more than likely share DNA with her (like probably around 25 percent)? Because If that IS the case (provided her sister is ACTUALLY her sister biologically and also provided the little ones were NOT adopted), she probably should "change her tune" (because if I were the sister of this woman, I would slap her so hard, she would see stars for a week).
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