Why does anyone teach anymore?
August 05, 2023

The stories here are quite the read concerning administration and what the teachers go through now. What will these kids be as adults, I can't imagine.
Re: Why does anyone teach anymore?
August 06, 2023
I think many people who teach go into teaching with starry-eyed visions of helping nurture the intellects of young people and helping them grow into proper educated adults. The problem is most of these kids are feral monsters raised by breeders who don't care at all or who care about the wrong things. The parents always side with their widdle poopsies no matter what and administration is often useless, so teachers can't actually do anything with these fucking kids to make them learn or prevent them from ruining the education of the other students.

On top of that, a lot of these kids grow up with no discipline, no boundaries and not once being told no, so they're unleased on teachers and they're incredibly violent, disruptive, and disobedient. Kids have easy access to guns because their parents have easy access to guns, so the threat of getting shot by a student is a very real threat on a daily basis. Let us also not forget the constant threat of mainstreaming because parents don't want their precious herpaderps in the tard class.

You could not pay me enough to teach. There is zero support, parents aren't held accountable for their own kids anymore, kids are insanely violent with no repercussions to fear, teachers have no protections in any sense whatsoever, and teachers are expected to do and put up with more and more with less and less. The breeders will be in the shit when absolutely nobody wants to teach anymore and parents are forced to home-school. But I'm sure the reason everyone claims for the "teacher shortage" will be "nobody wants to work anymore!" rather than "we have made it unbearable for people to work for us!"
Re: Why does anyone teach anymore?
August 06, 2023
It is one of the only careers a fundie womban can have that is guaranteed not to threaten her husband. And there are lots of fundies out there. The only acceptable careers I was presented with were: moo, nurse, teacher or secretary. I can only think of one or two women I met the entire time I was in the church that didn't have one of these careers. One of my neighbors worked as a restaurant manager and you'd think she sold drugs, with all the references my famblee made to her chosen career and what greedy yuppies her husband and her were. And, they stopped at ONE brat!

Most of the women majoring in education were husband hunting for high-net-worth men in my college. I had a male friend who majored in education (was one of the only men) and he told me all about the drama. They were also almost all bleach blondes and in sororities if that tells you anything. Many were groomed from the time they were children to join a sorority. I'm not kidding.

Honestly, I'm kind of surprised a nurse was considered acceptable because it is a hard science (fundies are against any hard science) and I'd guess they'd expect me to have stopped as an LPN and start up the breeding factory. When I was growing up it was thought that nurses did much of what CNAs now do, so it was mostly bedpans and nothing technical. I'm not sure how accurate this was, but traditional thoughts die hard and slow. And if there was more to it, the women doing this that were fundies were keeping their mouths shut and good for them for doing that.

The industry has changed much since then. Besides, a nurse can earn enough to support an entire family and that is a big no-no for the fundie womenfolk. Becoming a RN or dog forbid a NP or PA would have never been allowed. Too much science and schooling and we don't want to threaten the mayynn with our impressive credentials, now do we? A womban who is a nurse may just figure out there is absolutely nothing wrong with an abortion and fundies can't have that.

For the non-fundies I'm guessing at a certain point teaching becomes a sunken cost fallacy. They'll likely earn more than the fundies who love the south and the central US. Teachers on the west coast earn nearly six figures in some locations. They also may have a union and a guaranteed retirement after so many years. I'm guessing many love teaching and likely hate most other aspects of it.

I knew a woman who decided to go into teaching in her late 30's and earned a second Master's so she could teach (her husband paid for it). She thought she would command some kind of instant respect and the kids would be in awe of her. She loves an audience more than anyone I've ever met and is the most shameless attention whore ever. She doesn't possess an iota of humility or charisma and from a distance it is actually pretty entertaining to see her desperation. Well, she was disillusioned to say the least and quit teaching in the middle of her student teaching. Couldn't hack it. Two Master's degrees and has never worked a full-time job.
Re: Why does anyone teach anymore?
August 08, 2023
Honestly, I'm kind of surprised a nurse was considered acceptable because it is a hard science

I assume because stupid people think nursing is just mommying with a uniform, which likely made it an "acceptable" job for a woman. I think a lot of single Moos try to major in nursing because that's what they think the job will be too. As in, "I already wipe butts and clean puke at home, may as well get paid for it!" and then they give up when they learn there's a LOT more to it than that. Like trying to wrestle an IV into a belligerent, violent patient only for them to yank it back out because it's not for morphine and then shit on the floor in retaliation while trying to shank the staff with a nail file that they ate earlier and horked back up.
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