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Parents tie toddler to sailboat

Posted by cfdavep 
Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 20, 2023

The article admits this is fairly common. The sprog was tied to some part of the boat and the parunts went below deck to make dinner and the sprog got free and fell off and drowned.
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 20, 2023
Great idea to leave your kid unattended while you are floating around in a body of water.

A surprising number of kyds are killed each year due to accidents where parunts are trying to restrain them. (Dr. G. had an episode like this, where a woman tried to block a kid in a playpen with the mother's approval and the kid tried to get out and strangled himself. Dr. G ruled it an accident and the daycare provider was not charged. Sadly, in my own county a woman who was a daycare provider did the same (with the mother's consent) and the prosecutor wanted to be Tough On CrimeTM and this unfortunate woman got 25 freaking years. (When parunts who leave their kids in cars get nothing, and rapists get 3 years, but I digress.)

The lesson here should be: kids are freaking annoying. They are hyper-active and creative about ways to off themselves. Once you sluice one, you are never not a parunt. You don't get to look away for twenty minutes half an hour maybe half a day Only a MinuteTM if you want your kid to stay alive. Deal with it, or don't have them.

In this situation I don't understand why one parent couldn't cook dinner while the other one stayed above deck and watched the little shits, but I'm glad it's not my problem.
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 20, 2023
They probably wanted to cook dinner in peace, in which case they should have left the sprog with a sitter or a grandparent or whoever. Kids are reeeeeeal good at finding ways to kill themselves and they can escape/maneuver around any and all child-proofing.

Also, how do we know they didn't commit a PNA? Maybe they just loosely restrained the brat in the hopes she would free herself and do what all little kids do and pursue their fatal attraction to bodies of water. Maybe they wanted to be able to cook dinner uninterrupted for the rest of their lives and the only thing preventing it was their annoying she-brat. All they gotta do is say they looked away for a second, cry some alligator tears, look upset in front of other people and they'll get away with murder.

Because it seems pretty common sense that you don't leave a brat that's barely over a year old unattended, even in your own house. Because they will run right for the thing that will hurt them the most. On a boat, they are surrounded by death. Nobody else saw them out there, so nobody knows just how securely they restrained the brat. For all anyone knows, they didn't even restrain the kid and just let her run free in the hopes she fell overboard.

But I'm sure they won't be charged with manslaughter because They're Suffered EnoughTM.
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 21, 2023
What I really don't understand is why do so many people go to such lengths to PNA?
Perhaps they are so disturbed by the lack of sleep and free time that it contorts their thinking?

There are iron gummies that would do the trick and probably lots of other simple methods. I take iron and there are warnings on every bottle. There are probably a bazillion common things around the house that would do the trick, especially for those brats that want to hover everything. No need to involve a hot car, a boat, a cruise ship, or whatever.

I'm shocked there aren't more accidental deaths of brats, no sane person could stand to watch them 24x7.
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 21, 2023
I'm shocked there aren't more accidental deaths of brats, no sane person could stand to watch them 24x7.

Honestly, this is part of the reason I never wanted kids. As infants their bodies are not yet functional, and you have to constantly be working their bodies for them to keep them from dying. As toddlers they are straight up suicidal, so you need to watch them literally 24/7 so they don’t succeed in killing themselves. Once they reach school age they begin to come up with stupid ideas that could kill them, and if they’re not clever enough to come up with their own stupid idea there will probably be a stupid idea promoted on TikTok that they will want to try. And even if the parent bans social media, the stupid idea will be brought to school by their equally stupid peers. There is no escaping it. Keeping a kid from offing itself is a 24/7 job that sounds completely exhausting.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 21, 2023
I'm shocked there aren't more accidental deaths of brats, no sane person could stand to watch them 24x7.

Honestly, this is part of the reason I never wanted kids. As infants their bodies are not yet functional, and you have to constantly be working their bodies for them to keep them from dying. As toddlers they are straight up suicidal, so you need to watch them literally 24/7 so they don’t succeed in killing themselves. Once they reach school age they begin to come up with stupid ideas that could kill them, and if they’re not clever enough to come up with their own stupid idea there will probably be a stupid idea promoted on TikTok that they will want to try. And even if the parent bans social media, the stupid idea will be brought to school by their equally stupid peers. There is no escaping it. Keeping a kid from offing itself is a 24/7 job that sounds completely exhausting.

I don't understand how you can have a firm grasp on the higher points of parenting and how dangerous kids are to themselves and yet parunts seem surprised, disillusioned and stunned when they figure out these things. As if there is some kind of opening of the heavens and then the Oracle proceeds to reveal to them the same truths you've revealed as a childfree person.

It is as if they live in a strange echo chamber which is full of a bunch of bullshit about rainbows, unicorns and butterflies until the Oracle makes itself revealed. Or perhaps they're like Adam and Eve, living in the garden of blissful ignorance until they eat from the tree of knowledge and then they realize they hate parenting and it is a huge struggle.
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 22, 2023
Was the kid wearing a flotation device? Wtf? I wouldn't leave one of my cats unattended in a potentially dangerous situation, and then parents of human kids go and do shit like this, then insist that people who "only" have pets can't possibly know what Real Love(tm) is. Fuck these people.
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 23, 2023
I know! I remember taking my dog to the beach over here for the first time. She's not hugely into going in the water but the first time she went in, I was so nervous about it I actually thought of getting her a set of water wings. I even get a bit anxious when the eagles swoop around a little too close, even though she's a very large dog (for her breed).

But there's no way anyone can compare people's love of their pets to the love that parents have for their kids, amirite?
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 23, 2023
This has the scent of kid disposal.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 23, 2023
But there's no way anyone can compare people's love of their pets to the love that parents have for their kids, amirite?

Oh, of course, there's no way. You don't know unconditional love until you breed and then carelessly lose your toddler overboard.
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 23, 2023
This has the scent of kid disposal.

I mean, they certainly didn't care one way or the other.
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 23, 2023


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Parents tie toddler to sailboat
August 26, 2023
these goddam toadlers do nothing but try and find ways to kill themselves. they don't comprehend the danger .. but nevertheless, all that is left is a hole in the ground and a few tears.

that was mom's comment to some people who did stuff that was stupid, risky, idiotic.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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