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Constantly guilted into overtime by childed people.

Posted by marco polo 
Constantly guilted into overtime by childed people.
August 22, 2023
I just have to get this off my chest. I am constantly being guilted into overtime I don't want, by people who have children. "We have families to feed, so we have to work overtime!"

"I kept my dick in my pants SO THAT I DON'T HAVE TO." That line inevitably offends them, and I try to keep it in check and 99.99% of the time I succed in that, but I can only take so much. I don't like working long hours. I can work 6 or even 7 days a week more or less fine, even sometimes multiple weeks in a row but good lord HOW MANY TIMES can I explain that I am an INTROVERT and every hour past the 6th gets exponentially harder because it is difficult and unpleasant to keep the mask up for that long. It is what it is, I don't talk about my being child free AT ALL because frankly it's not a topic of interest. I talk about labor issues, science stuff, projects I'm working on. You know, things that are INTERESTING to me.

Don't want to rant on about it for an hour but I get so burned out with having to justify the life I chose to people who chose differently and for some reason just can't live and let live. Freaking GOODNESS it wears me out.

Thanks for listening, I just needed to vent.
Re: Constantly guilted into overtime by childed people.
August 23, 2023
oh, and they have all those "code" topics of conversation. to "show us up" as bitter lonely single or just childfree folks. Like "oh, honey, what do YOU have planned for the weekend?" Or "Did you have a great Christmas?" Always the implication that you could never have such a blissful, cozy weekend or holiday without the darling Sprogs clamoring around. No, mine was NICE AND QUIET, and I watched a movie that was NOT a screechy animated thing, or I read a book and listened to some nice music that didn't involve screechy little voices (again),or cooked some good food that didn't involve chicken nuggets in the microwave,etc etc
Re: Constantly guilted into overtime by childed people.
August 23, 2023
Everyone has bitter moments. I love being single, and that doesn't cause me to be bitter. I also enjoy dating but only when the relationship is better than being single. Otherwise, what is the point?

But, the life script tm tells them that any person not married with children by a certain age is bitter and jealous.
They really believe that nonsense. It is sad because it completely promotes codependency even if a relationship is unhealthy. I've even heard people say they'd rather be miserable with someone than miserable alone. If you're miserable alone you can actively change what is making you miserable. Also, learning to enjoy being alone is key to being happy in life so you can walk away from a relationship if you're mistreated. If you're miserable with someone else there may not be anything you can do to change the situation even if you spend all of your free time and energy trying to improve it. Both of you have to be willing to put the effort in.

I had a co-worker genuinely concerned when he asked if I had a valentine on Valentine's Day and I said no. He seriously thought all women who don't have a valentine go into some kind of drunken stupor and start drunk dialing men because they can't handle it. It bugged me as a teenager but not enough for me to seek chemical relief.

I feel much worse for women/men who have a significant other and are ignored on Valentine's Day or only treated well on holidays. It doesn't have to be commercial, as long as it is thoughtful and deliberate. But it is more about the day-to-day treatment anyways.

I don't understand the screechy voices on TV or movies. Does that really appeal to kids? It is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
Re: Constantly guilted into overtime by childed people.
August 23, 2023
marco polo
I just have to get this off my chest. I am constantly being guilted into overtime I don't want, by people who have children. "We have families to feed, so we have to work overtime!"

"I kept my dick in my pants SO THAT I DON'T HAVE TO." That line inevitably offends them, and I try to keep it in check and 99.99% of the time I succed in that, but I can only take so much.

Thanks for listening, I just needed to vent.

If someone is going to chide you for your life choices then they're opening the flood gates for you to chide them for their life choices. It is funny how only parunts think they have the right to be offended for someone questioning their life choices. Vent deserved!
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