Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
October 17, 2023
Dude retired in 2009 and claims he was one of the first to retire early.
Not so fast, I've known more than one person who did this in the 1990's!
Tell me about how you invented the internet next.

Anyways, he is now claiming his return to work is so that he can save $1.5 million in college for his two brats.
I don't even know what to say to this. Somewhere in the ballpark of 95%+ of people would probably kill to have $1.5 million saved for retirement.
Hell, I bet over 80% of people would kill to have half of that at $750K saved for retirement. I've never heard of anyone expecting to have $1.5 million saved for college.

It sounds like humble bragging, which seems to be what he has done best since having brats. Always shoehorning them into every conversation. Letting his audience know that they would be better off having brats earlier in life. Most of them would be better off not having kids, period or waiting for several more years with their significant other to make sure they're in for the long haul. And in the same post humble-bragging and whining about how much brats cost.

And to add insult to injury, here he is talking about how life is not worth living if you don't have someone to share it with:

obnoxious ass
If you haven't found someone you want to be with or more, I suggest spending more time on relationships. Money is only a means to an end. Life is not worth living if you don't have someone you love to spend it with!

Really, so all of us single/divorced people are living worthless lives because some shmuck who can't live on $200K+ a year says so? It just hits too close to the argument of "life is not worth living if you don't reproduce!" or "life is not worth living if you don't (do as I do!)".

I have one for him "life is not living if you aren't capable of making your own meals" and while it may not be true most people would be better off putting effort into making their own meals instead of eating out, saving $1.5 million for college or finding someone else to be with so they aren't living a worthless life. Anyone can learn to make their own meals. If his wife and him (who have both stayed home with their brats for the last 5+ years) would learn to cook they could save tens of thousands of dollars annually which could then go into that college fund.

Saving $1.5 million just for college is something only a few people can do. And finding someone else to be with and have a great relationship with is for a very small audience. Most people end up divorced or stay married because of necessity. Most people are not blissfully in love for 15+ years later with each other. Half the people out there are fundamentally incompatible at the base level; lots of couples have one person who wants brats and the other who doesn't.

Something tells me he isn't just going back to work to save a bazillion dollars for college for his brats. Too much talking about how wonderful it is to be in a relationship and about the brats makes me think his marriage is on the rocks.

Somewhere in a recent article (I think it was the comments) he was talking about getting a job in AI (after no work experience of note since 2009) and wanting to make at least $200K. He is deluded. Stick to best sellers on finances and your blog, dude.

I'm done and unsubscribing to this jerk.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
October 23, 2023
all due respect, I spend it on my self, support to the chap who maintains the page my chatroom is on, and an animal charity

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
October 25, 2023
all due respect, I spend it on my self, support to the chap who maintains the page my chatroom is on, and an animal charity

That sounds much better, more interesting and much healthier than his crap. I unsubscribed to his click bait.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
October 25, 2023
I read this guy off and on for years. The article does have a lot of humble bragging. He has real estate investments and some are in Hawaii or the Bay Area? Out of reach unless you are a 1%er now.

Both their loaves had both parents staying home during their formative years. That's a luxury ordinary people cannot afford.

He was single when he accumulated his wealth then he became a Geezer Breeder and OF COURSE his (presumably younger) wife is not interested in working--that was probably part of the plan when she snagged him. She may have to put up with him for 20 years but when he dies, guess where those assets are going?


If I had the freedom some workers have today, I would have worked for at least five more years. Back then, I had to sneak away to take a 15-minute nap in my car! Today, you can play pickleball for 1.5 hours during the weekday and then take a half-an-hour nap after if you want.

As an efficient person, I'm sure I can get eight hours of work done in four hours or less. So long as I'm not encumbered with meetings, I have no doubt work will be more manageable.

Brag much?

People with high paying jobs remote jobs don't have a lot of freedom. They are chained to their computer or phone. If you have a remote job that is high paying, you will likely be expected to be chained to your computer or phone 24/7. Yeah, maybe you can take a half hour nap after work, which will be hard to do with two brats incidentally, but you can rest assured those people are logging on after hours and working.

He hasn't worked in 14 years and he sounds pretty clueless in general. He thinks he can waltz into a high paying job after having been out of the workforce for 14 years. Plus, there is his age to consider. Age discrimination is a very real thing.


Well, I love basketball so I've decided to apply for a job as the video coordinator for the Golden State Warriors. Although the job only pays $40,000 a year, I get to be around the coaching staff and the players. Fingers crossed! I feel like I've got good analytical insights to share with the team. Matchups intrigue me and so does the ability to build winning teams. Besides, the NBA needs more Asian diversity!

What does this Yutz know about being a video coordinator when he's been a writer for years?

Not to mention, plum jobs like that are coveted. They usually go to younger people who are connected to the team somehow. I realize he says he's writing in jest but he sounds like Shauna.

Good luck with all that.

tldr on the article: brats are expensive and they can cost you your financial security. You'd think a financial expert would know that.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
October 26, 2023
Why doesn't he just sell some of his properties and use that to help finance his kid? At his age he should know that you can't have it all. Oh well. That was a stupid decision to make a kid at his age and he's still in a much better position financially than other people. He needs to STFU and stop whining. He has options to make it easier on himself but I guess he doesn't want to make sacrifices that comes with having a kid. Or maybe he should pressure his wife into getting a job.

I haven't read the article because I know it will infuriate me. He doesn't know how good he has it and there are people out there struggling and he goes ahead and does this. My give-a-fuck meter is at a negative 5.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
October 26, 2023
I’m the article he seems pretty resentful at the thought he would have to give up anything, despite his desperate attempts to convince everyone that he’s ecstatic over having brats.

And it sound like he just wants to get out of the house.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
October 29, 2023
I read this guy off and on for years. The article does have a lot of humble bragging. He has real estate investments and some are in Hawaii or the Bay Area? Out of reach unless you are a 1%er now.

Both their loaves had both parents staying home during their formative years. That's a luxury ordinary people cannot afford.

tldr on the article: brats are expensive and they can cost you your financial security. You'd think a financial expert would know that.

He has talked about taking care of his parents as they age and blah blah blah about Asian duty and also questioned on his blog whether others planned to take care of their parents. A few planned to but most people need to work until they are at least 65 if not older. There is another element of privilege for someone who can quit working at an early age, such as having a spouse to take care of them or a huge amount of money in savings. It is just one more example of the ridiculous expectations he has.

There is also the huge amount of spending they do because both refuse to cook, so meals are either ready-made or are take-out. I think his food spending was well over $30K a year. I was stunned when I saw what they spent on food.

I have to wonder with two spouses not working or making any meals, what are they doing with their time? I know they have two brats but they aren't doing lots of things other people have to out of necessity. And I would bet they have a housekeeper too but I don't recall him mentioning this.

The only other people I've known who expect to live like this are very wealthy and none of them are retired, so they work long hours and need help out of necessity.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
October 29, 2023
I’m the article he seems pretty resentful at the thought he would have to give up anything, despite his desperate attempts to convince everyone that he’s ecstatic over having brats.

And it sound like he just wants to get out of the house.

I think so too, he just does it in a way that is a little passive aggressive and when someone calls him on it he plays it off as a "what if" and acts like he may not be serious about it. With being a financial expert, he should have been able to have figured out the required finances behind all his choices. He wants everything and should have at least $15 million saved to achieve this goal, if not more.

I can somewhat estimate my future finances and I'm definitely not a financial expert! It is easy, save as much as you can when you can and have no regrets. If it isn't enough at least I gave it 100% effort. And don't let the experts or anyone else make you feel bad if you can't save. If you can't save, you can't save.

Some of these FIRE people who retire early and aren't going to have a pension, Social Security or similar concern me. If they're retiring at 40 or 45 they likely will have very little Social Security (based on top 35 years of working) so how will they account for inflation if their nest egg value drops? If a few down years in the market is enough to erode their confidence I think they're in a financially precarious position. Plus they need money to last for at least 40 years. Ouch.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
October 29, 2023
Why doesn't he just sell some of his properties and use that to help finance his kid? At his age he should know that you can't have it all. Oh well. That was a stupid decision to make a kid at his age and he's still in a much better position financially than other people. He needs to STFU and stop whining. He has options to make it easier on himself but I guess he doesn't want to make sacrifices that comes with having a kid. Or maybe he should pressure his wife into getting a job.

I haven't read the article because I know it will infuriate me. He doesn't know how good he has it and there are people out there struggling and he goes ahead and does this. My give-a-fuck meter is at a negative 5.

He has tons of options even though he hasn't worked in 14 years. While I understand wanting to leave a high stress career he does have the tendency of infuriating me because he literally expects to be able to afford everything his heart desires. He easily has it better than over 99% of people.

He also tries to show why a family earning $500K is struggling. No, they are not struggling they are very good at figuring out how to spend it all. Struggling means not making enough to pay for necessities (basic food needed for sustenance, rent for a basic place, utilities, basic transportation, basic clothing, health insurance, minimum student loan payments). Having little to no retirement or emergency savings.

And let's be honest, a family earning $500K or more and claim to be "struggling" are highly likely to have brats. It is the "right": private schools, summer camps, college, vacations, etc.

Like him, they can't have everything and need to make choices. Thinking you "deserve" something can become a slippery slope. Anyone who isn't extremely wealthy has to make choices and plenty of extremely wealthy families have seen the money eroded in three generations or less.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
October 29, 2023

There is also the huge amount of spending they do because both refuse to cook, so meals are either ready-made or are take-out. I think his food spending was well over $30K a year. I was stunned when I saw what they spent on food.

I know someone right now who is on the verge of losing his residence due to being broke, and this person regularly uses GrubHub and Instacart and the like. This person is mobile, does not live in a big city, has a car and five grocery stores within 5 miles of his home where parking is not an issue.

And this guy expects to have people pay him for financial advice when he cannot figure out how to eat for less than $30k per year? Buy an Instapot already. I myself am not particularly enamored of cooking but there's no excuse with all the gadgets. What a maroon.


He also tries to show why a family earning $500K is struggling. No, they are not struggling they are very good at figuring out how to spend it all.

using a flamethrower
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
November 07, 2023
$30,000 on food alone? I'm sorry but WTF are they eating already? That's more than some people earn in a year. Well I guess this guy's reality check has arrived.

Reminds me of something I overheard my aunt telling some guy on the phone who wanted to overcharge her for a service she was inquiring about. "Mr. Weisselberg says the check is in the mail." RIP Auntie, you were sharp until the very end!
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
December 28, 2023
I’m the article he seems pretty resentful at the thought he would have to give up anything, despite his desperate attempts to convince everyone that he’s ecstatic over having brats.

And it sound like he just wants to get out of the house.

I think so too, he just does it in a way that is a little passive aggressive and when someone calls him on it he plays it off as a "what if" and acts like he may not be serious about it. With being a financial expert, he should have been able to have figured out the required finances behind all his choices. He wants everything and should have at least $15 million saved to achieve this goal, if not more.

I can somewhat estimate my future finances and I'm definitely not a financial expert! It is easy, save as much as you can when you can and have no regrets. If it isn't enough at least I gave it 100% effort. And don't let the experts or anyone else make you feel bad if you can't save. If you can't save, you can't save.

Some of these FIRE people who retire early and aren't going to have a pension, Social Security or similar concern me. If they're retiring at 40 or 45 they likely will have very little Social Security (based on top 35 years of working) so how will they account for inflation if their nest egg value drops? If a few down years in the market is enough to erode their confidence I think they're in a financially precarious position. Plus they need money to last for at least 40 years. Ouch.

I predict a lot of these FIRE people will be working at Walmart and/or living out their cars in 15-20 years.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
December 28, 2023
Duhs will die in debt for the most part.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
January 03, 2024
I predict a lot of these FIRE people will be working at Walmart and/or living out their cars in 15-20 years.

Either that or in a van down by the river. I don't know where this expression originated from but I've seen it repeatedly recently.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
January 03, 2024
I remember it from an SNL skit where Chris Farley played a motivational speaker who actually was very miserable because he lived in a van down by the river. It was funny as hell.

RIP Chris Farley. You were hilarious and your comedy is sorely missed!
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
January 03, 2024
I think it may be The Bruce Springteen song "Down By the River"
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
January 03, 2024
Hmm...I thought Down By the River was Neil Young. Something I have to check into.
Re: Retired duh whining about returning to work because brats
January 03, 2024
'down on the corner, out on the street, the number 10 bus just ran over my feet'

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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