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Tired of breeders' delusions

Posted by kittehpeoples 
Tired of breeders' delusions
November 05, 2023
From reddit:


my autistic six year old, had started biting...to get sent home early.... We've tried medicating him...(the doctor) thinks an anti-psychotic may work better which is a little terrifying to hear...I don't know what to do. The school has admitted that they're lost with him. They are moving him to self contained where he is the only student, but if anything it just makes him worse. I don't even think theres any advice to give. Maybe I'm venting. I am just so tired. My friend has a daughter in the same classroom and all she tells me about is how scary he is at school. I don't know what to do with him.
Friend thinks I need to homeschool until his behaviour is "fixed" but I feel like that will make him worse. Agh. When I got pregnant all people ever told me was how amazing kids are. I feel lied to lol.

Okay, the child sounds like a nightmare for everyone around him, but the mother sounds downright punchable. Antipsychotics may help? Fucking drug the little crotch goblin and get all your lives back, including his.

And feeling "lied to"...that in particular just burns me. How many times have we discussed that in this sub? Breeders think they're going to have some kind of Norman Rockwell painting for a life, and instead they're tired, or they're broke, or dad hides from his responsibilities because he needs time to relax/doesn't want his life to actually change, or mom's body will never be the same, or like this woman, their kid isn't 100% perfect and healthy.

Are there seriously adults in the world who don't know that parenting (done right) is hard? That children are expensive? That pregnancy takes a toll on the body? That being engaged in a child's life means your life will be different? And most of all, that there's a non-zero chance that your child will be physically or mentally challenged in some way?

If people look at all that and decide to have kids anyway, well, they're idiots, but it's their choice. But the people like this woman who whine like it never occurred to them that their kid might be some kind of a challenge...they deserve what they're getting, I guess. I just do not and will never buy the "I had no idea it could happen to me" whinge. I agree that as a society we don't talk enough about the downsides of parenthood, but it's not like disabilities (physical and mental) are freaking secrets. Having a child is rolling the dice, and anyone who doesn't acknowledge that is a moron.
Re: Tired of breeders' delusions
November 06, 2023
They never get it. "It won't happen to me!". And then when it does happen, "why me? why my child?". Well why not? You knew how life was when you decided to sprog.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Tired of breeders' delusions
November 06, 2023
Well why not?

Exactly. More of them need to ask this question beforehand.
Re: Tired of breeders' delusions
November 06, 2023
Even the breeders who can afford multiple nannies still feel tired and like they can't relax. And this is for healthy bratz.

There are lots of dumb high-risk things a person can do, better to opt out of these because they are high risk for a reason. Pignasty is definitely towards the top of the list for women. And while it isn't a high risk at all for men for the first nine months, the physical, mental and emotional demands can be just as high for men once the "blessed event" has occurred.

It seems like the vast majority of moos and duhs are surprised by what a pignasty/raizing brats entails.

I think some go overboard with the baybee always comes first approach and could probably lower it about ten notches. One the brat is clean, changed, has eaten, been burped and is breathing it can probably be left alone for a couple of hours. Not every cry means a need, even baybeez can be manipulators. Run white noise generators everywhere.
But that doesn't stop them from having to deal with the persistent crap from a helpless being who is a functional idiot until at least 10 years old, if not 18 or even older.

I still don't understand the issue with putting a baybee on an IV drip for food. Check it to see if it needs to be changed every 3 hours or so. Check it right before you go to sleep. Then you sleep 8 hours and wake up and check it again. You can hold it whenever. I bet the stomach of a baybee would expand quickly if it received a constant drip of food.
Re: Tired of breeders' delusions
November 06, 2023
They never get it. "It won't happen to me!". And then when it does happen, "why me? why my child?". Well why not? You knew how life was when you decided to sprog.

And then they spend the next 18 years thinking back to how easy and great their lives were prior to sluicing. Why not just keep living a great life and skip the drudgery?
Re: Tired of breeders' delusions
November 06, 2023
Not that we CFs ever wanted any part of doing the grunt work involved w/ brats, but I only think 'modern' 'have it all' while you 'worship the at the alter of the child' parenting is truly hard bcz they make it hard.

It's hardly modern anymore bcz it's been going on for a good 20-25 yrs now. This over-involvement w/ brats has made their lives unbearable in my opinion.

Also as we discussed many times over the years on here, if they didn't try to have it all, and buy it all, and give their kids the top of the line everything including education, they'd have it a bit ez'r. (I find it hilarious how much time/money/effort/worry sending the last gen to top of the line colleges went on among my age-grade peers and now most their bratz have done not too much w/ their lives. Even if they are mature adults w/ jobs, IDK, none of them are rocket scientists or brain surgeons as they say, so IMO they coulda went to a community college, local state college, somewhere cheaper and still have gotten those jobs)

And, all that parental luv didnt rub off on these Bratleys and Bratlinas bcz now they seem to be the most CF gen ever...so far.

I think some moos even have seen the frustrating life of past moos but they convince themselves they are better than that, and they are so smart they will overcome all that. I've actually questioned pals about this and I said, "you thought you knew better, didn't you?" and they actually admitted this. But all you have to do this think of a typical boring day...Youre working 8 hours, commuting, racing to the day care, then it's cook right away, baths, bedtime and then probably more clean up and organizing for the next day; older kids....well u moved to the burbs so now u know youre gonna taxi them around to everything all weekend and after work. Does that alone even sound like life to have? Fuck that. What ARE they thinking?

But I do wish my friends and acquaintances thought it out more and didnt get deluded by having kids, bcz we all coulda enjoyed adult life together more. Their personalities all changed for the worse for the most part. So far, most of my pals do not have married kids or grandkids, so at least I'm not dealing w/ that when I see them. Worshipping your own kid is one thing, grandparents are worst.winking smiley
Re: Tired of breeders' delusions
November 07, 2023
There's a huge thing breeders and wanna-breeders need to consider: if they aren't okay with the possibility that their child may be sick, mental or disabled, they should not have kids. Because while there can be genetic components involved or shit the Moo does wrong during pregnasty, sometimes there's no rhyme or reason and a kid is fucked in spite of doing everything "right."

Who cares if it's "terrifying" that the child needs anti-psychotics? What's the alternative? Letting him continue to assault school staff and stay in isolation that makes his behavior worse? He's going to get expelled eventually because he'll become too dangerous to deal with. Medicate his mentally unstable ass so he can be more bearable - not just for the sake of the parents, but the kid's sake too. Anti-psychotics might give him more of a semblance of a normal childhood instead of letting him be a wild animal with no friends.

And if he's a bitey fucker in school, you know he's much worse at home and Moo tolerates it because autism. As if being an autistic brat means he shouldn't be disciplined. That's another thing tard wranglers need to get through their fucking heads: mental illness does not mean no boundaries/discipline/rules. So many breeders of awtards think it's fine to let their child become an absolute demon and do nothing about it because of the brat's "condition." Just because the little bastard is on the spectrum doesn't mean he shouldn't still get his ass smacked for misbehaving.
Re: Tired of breeders' delusions
November 15, 2023
as horrid as it sounds I do think there is support for 'justifiable...'

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Tired of breeders' delusions
November 18, 2023
There's a huge thing breeders and wanna-breeders need to consider: if they aren't okay with the possibility that their child may be sick, mental or disabled, they should not have kids. Because while there can be genetic components involved or shit the Moo does wrong during pregnasty, sometimes there's no rhyme or reason and a kid is fucked in spite of doing everything "right."

Who cares if it's "terrifying" that the child needs anti-psychotics? What's the alternative? Letting him continue to assault school staff and stay in isolation that makes his behavior worse? He's going to get expelled eventually because he'll become too dangerous to deal with. Medicate his mentally unstable ass so he can be more bearable - not just for the sake of the parents, but the kid's sake too. Anti-psychotics might give him more of a semblance of a normal childhood instead of letting him be a wild animal with no friends.

And if he's a bitey fucker in school, you know he's much worse at home and Moo tolerates it because autism. As if being an autistic brat means he shouldn't be disciplined. That's another thing tard wranglers need to get through their fucking heads: mental illness does not mean no boundaries/discipline/rules. So many breeders of awtards think it's fine to let their child become an absolute demon and do nothing about it because of the brat's "condition." Just because the little bastard is on the spectrum doesn't mean he shouldn't still get his ass smacked for misbehaving.

It’s “terrifying” because admitting the kid needs anti-psychotics means admitting that they bred a fucked up kid. Turns out their DNA isn’t as mint as they thought it was.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Tired of breeders' delusions
November 20, 2023
It’s “terrifying” because admitting the kid needs anti-psychotics means admitting that they bred a fucked up kid. Turns out their DNA isn’t as mint as they thought it was.

Breeders: I don't want to adopt, it's important that my Bratleighs/Breighdons share my DNA or I can't love them!

Their DNA: beating with a lol hammer
Re: Tired of breeders' delusions
November 20, 2023
Also as we discussed many times over the years on here, if they didn't try to have it all, and buy it all, and give their kids the top of the line everything including education, they'd have it a bit ez'r. (I find it hilarious how much time/money/effort/worry sending the last gen to top of the line colleges went on among my age-grade peers and now most their bratz have done not too much w/ their lives. Even if they are mature adults w/ jobs, IDK, none of them are rocket scientists or brain surgeons as they say, so IMO they coulda went to a community college, local state college, somewhere cheaper and still have gotten those jobs)

Some of it may come from clueless 18- and 19-year-olds who sluice thinking they know everything. But if they can make it to their early-mid twenties they will have ample opportunity to obtain clues.

The top-of-the-line education annoys me. The reason those Ivy League schools want the rich kids are for their endowments, so they can continue to grow them. This is why aside from being rich and a legacy it is very difficult to get into an Ivy League school. You could be absolutely brilliant and middle class and the average rich kid who is a legacy will be let in first. Because. Legacy. It is 100% about money or not pissing off people who have money but have average kids. You don't let their kid into an Ivy where all his friends are then all his friends end up pissed off and also the kid's parents are pissed. It hurts endowment potential. Ivy doesn't let in a middle class kid? The kid and parents are pissed off, they're middle class and it ends there.

And if kid/parents aren't smart enough to figure out this is the way it works then their kid has no business at the school, period.

Most jobs do not require a top-of-the-line education. And many people with doctorates are making crap wages, so don't tell me a higher degree is justified in cost either.

I know some parents who think their kids have to have it all. And the parents are always in debt from this train of thought. It never occurs to them to lower their standards. I've known rich kids that didn't have it as good today as some of these middle-class kids do. Difference is, if you're already rich all you have to do is not spend the principle. If you're middle-class you have to build the principle or you will always be broke.
I shudder thinking about how these parents with their insane expectations expect to retire. My guess is they plan to work until they collapse in the office and are hauled out on a stretcher.

But I do wish my friends and acquaintances thought it out more and didnt get deluded by having kids, bcz we all coulda enjoyed adult life together more. Their personalities all changed for the worse for the most part. So far, most of my pals do not have married kids or grandkids, so at least I'm not dealing w/ that when I see them. Worshipping your own kid is one thing, grandparents are worst.winking smiley

Me too, so many were so eager to breed and now it is their life. And when their kids move out/go to school/whatever, within a few years they will be expected to be grandparents. Today a grandparent is expected to be actively involved in all facets of their grandchildren's lives. It is a never-ending cycle. If you parent today you're expected to give a huge shit about anything and everything, no matter how trivial. And same goes for grandparents.

When I was a kid most grandparents were visited a few times of the year if they lived within a few hours and once a year if they lived out of state. Now the parents try to demand the grandparents that are out of state move to their state so they can have free childcare, etc. and maximum involvement for that village they manufactured in their own mind.
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