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Are all the psycho moos on reddit?

Posted by kittehpeoples 
Are all the psycho moos on reddit?
November 15, 2023
Moo extols the virtues of "extended breastfeeding" but says her husband is weirded out that she's still nursing their 6-year-old son. Dad complains it's fucking up their kid and interfering with their sex life, and this is her response:

Enmeshed Moo
I think my husband is quite selfish to think of himself and his own pleasure when I’m nourishing our son.

All I can say is eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Re: Are all the psycho moos on reddit?
November 15, 2023
I wonder exactly what the Dud said. I wonder (but I also don't want to know) how it's messing with their sex life. Maybe she's co-sleeping with a six year old and allowing him to nurse on demand? Gross I don't even want to go there. pouring bleach on a brain

Maybe the Dud means: Watching you nurse a sentient six year old, who is old enough to ask for food, who has teeth to chew food, and who is perfectly capable of walking himself to the refrigerator and making himself a peanut butter sandwich, is so sick and disturbing that I will forever have a noodle in my pants when I think of you and all the weird shit you insist on doing in the name of smothering Moo martyr-hood.

How is this not inappropriate sexual abuse at this point? The kid is six freaking years old.

ETA: But to answer your original question, yes Reddit is full of psycho Moos and psycho people in general.
Re: Are all the psycho moos on reddit?
November 15, 2023
I have a uncle whose wife let her son have the breast until he was 11 or 12. There was talk that she had sex with him and this is a middle class couple.

The son is 33 today and is an unemployed alcoholic who is still living with them waiting for their death to take the $$$, paid of house and land. They have enough for him to live off investments for the rest of his life if he is smart, but who knows
Re: Are all the psycho moos on reddit?
November 16, 2023
Maybe the Dud means: Watching you nurse a sentient six year old, who is old enough to ask for food, who has teeth to chew food, and who is perfectly capable of walking himself to the refrigerator and making himself a peanut butter sandwich, is so sick and disturbing that I will forever have a noodle in my pants when I think of you and all the weird shit you insist on doing in the name of smothering Moo martyr-hood.

"I'd like to snuggle up to my wife but our first-grader is in the way, sucking on her tits." Definite mood killer.

This woman also said she let her other child "self-wean," and the girl stopped at two years old. Someone in the comments suggested yeah, she stopped sooner because she was getting crowded out by the first-grader. pouring bleach on a brain
Re: Are all the psycho moos on reddit?
November 16, 2023
I have a uncle whose wife let her son have the breast until he was 11 or 12. There was talk that she had sex with him and this is a middle class couple.

Re: Are all the psycho moos on reddit?
November 16, 2023

Are all the psycho moos on reddit?

Reddit is a cesspool, so the answer to your question is YES.

What exactly is the point of extended breastfeeding? Surely it's not done for the benefit of the child - any child with teeth is too old to be sucking on Mommy's tits. My guess is it's either lazy Moos who refuse to wean, Moos who crave their child being dependent on them and/or Moos who are secretly getting off to regular stimulation of their breasts/nipples.

Let us also not forget the closet pedos who engage in "dry nursing" where they just let their kids suck their tits long after their milk has dried up because it "brings the child comfort." Mmhmm sure, it's for the child's enjoyment.

And when exactly does Moo plan to kick the kid off the teat? Before high school? Before college? Is she going to come in and give him nummies in his dorm room because studying for finals is too hard? He's not going to be able to have friends over when he has to nurse, and if he does, the kids are going to make fun of him and call him a baby. Poor kid won't have any friends. At six years old, Moo can nourish her son with solid fucking food - he doesn't need boob juice when he's old enough to be in kindergarten.

Duh isn't being selfish or a perv - it's probably just disgusting to him to see a child that can talk and eat food continuing to suckle, even if it's his own. He was probably hoping to enjoy his wife's knockers as a sexual organ again (especially if they got bigger during pignasty), but he can't with the image of a six-year-old latched onto them. And he's definitely right that this extended tit-feeding horse shit will damage the kid psychologically. It can make kids more dependent and needy. Weaning isn't easy or fun, but it's one of those things parents have to do to nudge their child slowly toward independence.

I'm sure Moo will also moan about how her husband doesn't touch her anymore too. Well sure it's kinda hard to have a roll in the hay with a six-year-old in the way! Though I have heard more than one person online discuss how they manage to have sex while simultaneously nursing a child in the same bed. I have to hope that the people who do this aren't fucking over top of a kindergartener because Moo can't take her tit out of its mouth for 20 minutes.
Re: Are all the psycho moos on reddit?
November 16, 2023
I have a uncle whose wife let her son have the breast until he was 11 or 12. There was talk that she had sex with him and this is a middle class couple.




Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Are all the psycho moos on reddit?
November 16, 2023
I have to hope that the people who do this aren't fucking over top of a kindergartener because Moo can't take her tit out of its mouth for 20 minutes.

pouring bleach on a brain pouring bleach on a brain pouring bleach on a brain two faces puking
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