This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 03, 2023

According to the article there can't be THAT many CF women, although, at least, she does admit that a minority of CF women just do not have the moo gene. She says that being CF is pretty much always an offshoot of our endless adolesent culture and sense of entitlement.

She then goes on about how raising brats is more "meaningful" than banging some strange guy in Bali which makes it obvious that she sees cf women as the types who want to laze around in the day, party at night and bang random dudes
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 04, 2023
The Bali thing sounds fun! I'm CF and don't travel or fuck randos in other countries. I don't party. I work, care for my home, pay the bills, cook, and do everything moos do except raise brats.

Moos seem to have this vision in their minds of what it's like to be bratless and it's usually some wild fantasy of what they're missing out on.

I hate to disappoint them but my life is pretty quiet.

I'm glad that some of the commenters on the article put this ass in her place.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 04, 2023
The Bali thing sounds fun!

Traveling the world definitely sounds better than having kids and *not* traveling the world. Why do these idiots always hold up travel and expanding your horizons as such shallow endeavors?
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 04, 2023
Not so much anymore, but when I was in my 20's any breeder friend who had a weekend off or went through a divorce would want to hang out with me, thinking I must be some kind of party animal. I guess they thought that anyone childfree was exactly that.

I wasn't and worked a job and owned a business during my late twenties. My idea of partying was having two drinks out with friends on a rare occasion, it was likely my birthday and someone else was probably paying. I've been "drunk" exactly one time in my life and it was by accident. I went to a couple of clubs in my late teen years and rarely went in my twenties, it was too expensive, too loud and just not my scene.

However, if I had to choose between having brats and getting wasted, I'd chose getting wasted.

And Bali does sound like fun, I wouldn't want to take that away from anyone!
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 05, 2023
The CF mirage? WTF is that supposed to mean? And young women are being "tricked out of" motherhood?

Wouldn't it a better argument to say women are being tricked into motherhood, with all the emphasis on removing bodily autonomy? That's what Fundies want, right? Tell women falsehoods and make them feel guilty about making choices about their bodies?

She's spouting the same old cliches. Either you are having kids and living a wholesome life, or you are a CF slut that is sleeping with a different guy every week and having abortions several times a year, yanno, because you are not responsible and you just h8 da bebbies.


Maybe that weekend in Bali drinking Mai Tai’s and fucking some random dude in a hotel room pales in comparison to watching your children grow, and become people you’re proud of.

Is there bitterness under that tone? No guarantee you won't birth a 'tard. No guarantee you'll raise a functional person. No guarantee Baby Daddy won't take a hike.

And from the looks of Reddit, it seems like there is a lot of shit you have to slog through and a lot of mind-numbing boredom and repetition to get to the end. Years of shit work.

Nah, I'll take my quiet home and peaceful life, thankyouverymuch.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 05, 2023
IKR? I've been CF since I can remember (at least since elementary school when I realized how much I didn't like being around the other kids) and now I feel like I've been shortchanged now.

I should be out on a white beach somewhere getting fanned with palm leaves by some hot, young, tanned stud, drinking mai tais and sunning myself like an alligator in a string bikini.

I'm CF but have experienced none of these things. The horror....The HORROR! XD

It isn't a mirage. It's a decision just like any other decision in life. Maybe more and more young people are waking up to the fact that being a moo isn't all it's cracked up to be. There is more pushback against the moo propaganda posted online and it's allowing women to think more critically about what they want to do with their lives. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, it should be celebrated.

Why is it I feel so much more betrayed when a woman writes these nonsense articles? It's one thing for some idiot man to write them, but I find it so much more offensive when it comes from a woman. Add extra points if the woman claims that she used to be chidfree until she "changed her mind". Then I'm really pissed off.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 06, 2023
Women are constantly tricked into motherhood...

  • there will be a village
  • you'll love them when they get here
  • you can still have a career and be a present mother
  • you can get your pre-pregnancy body back if you just exercise enough
  • it's safe, nobody becomes disabled or dies from childbirth anymore
  • you'll still have a social life
  • if you eat right and take your vitamins, you can ensure your baby is healthy
  • your children will be little miniatures of you in appearance and behavior
  • endless Kodak moments(TM)
  • you'll never find a partner who doesn't want kids
  • you'll finally know what Real Love is
  • your children will love you unconditionally
  • your children will take care of you when you get old

    and the biggest one
  • parenthood is a partnership and your husband/partner will help 50/50

Which ones did I miss?
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 06, 2023
Good list! Now that women aren't being tricked so easily into it, the political goons are coming out and trying to force moohood on us.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 06, 2023
@kittehpeoples: don't forget "it's aaaaaaaall worth it!"
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 06, 2023

sign 'you rock' Thank you

I know my mother told me "your menstrual cramps will be better after you have a baybee!"

I asked my ob-gyn at the time, and she said this can be true if you deliver vaginally.

My mother admitted to me later that while her cramps were better after a baybee, they changed to feeling as if everything was going to fall out.

Sign me up, NOT!

The Pill and/or an ablation is a more sure thing.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 06, 2023

Maybe that weekend in Bali drinking Mai Tai’s and fucking some random dude in a hotel room pales in comparison to watching your children grow, and become people you’re proud of.

That’s a strangely specific example. Almost like she’s talking about someone she know she knows…and is jealous of.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 06, 2023
The mirage bullshit starts early! They put you with peers and force the social contract du jour down your throat. And most peers/adults will aggressively defend the social contracts.

And I hate it when adults use that condescending manipulative tone with children to try to get them to do something/convince them of something. Most of the time kids are smarter than that but they also realize who has the power in the situation.

You'd think by the time people reach adulthood they would realize they've been sold a pack of lies repeatedly and the only way to win is to evaluate any social contract carefully with a high level of skepticism.

It was really disturbing to see vivacious men and women I knew reach their 20's and turn into breeding zombies, with no personality or hint of their former light. And boring as all they could talk about are baybeez and brats.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 06, 2023
I know my mother told me "your menstrual cramps will be better after you have a baybee!"

I asked my ob-gyn at the time, and she said this can be true if you deliver vaginally.

I think it is more about not being able to feel much below the waist due to all sorts of damage caused to the body through inpig.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 07, 2023
I think they build up this wild steamy fantasy of what CF people actually do because they want to be us. THEY want to be the ones fucking hot tanned randos on the beach, THEY want to be traveling to exotic destinations first-class at the spur of the moment, THEY want to go to all the wild parties until dawn and get so fucked up drunk that they pass out in the front yard and wake up at 2pm.

They don't get that it's not necessarily the lack of brats that can allow someone to live that life, or that all CF people are not like that at all. Because if someone with kids wants to go out for a night on the town and life wildly and carefree, then they'll find a way. It could mean leaving their child all alone in a hotel room for hours at a time, abandoning them with relatives and never coming back, or even committing a PNA and fleeing the country.

Because I personally have no desire to be a wild thing. I'm an introvert who is perfectly content staying at home most of the time. If I do go out (for non-essential reasons like gas or groceries), it's because I want to go to a thrift store or visit people I care about.

You know how people say you shouldn't shelter your kids because when they finally get away from you and go to college or move out or whatever, they're much more likely to go absolutely hog wild with parties, booze, drugs, sex and general risky behaviors? I think the same logic applies to parents, especially the ones who breed young. Their brats are like tiny helicopter parents to them that stifle them at every second and they're itching to just go do stuff, but they can't.


Here’s the thing. Becoming a parent can be a jail sentence. But usually, only if you treat it as such. There’s a heavy focus on the idea that you need to live it up before you have kids, somehow implying you’ll stop enjoying life, afterward. I mean, if you’re going into motherhood with that notion, obviously you won’t have a good time.

Well that's probably because a lot of people go and have kids for the wrong reasons, before they're ready to have them, or they breed with assholes. So yes, parenthood will feel like a jail sentence to those people. And from what I've seen, most parents DO stop enjoying life after breeding because their entire lives become about their kids. They become more like roommates with their spouses. Everything must revolve around the brats, and everything requires significant effort to coordinate with brats in the picture. Even people who really, really want to have kids often find out after having them that parenting blows and if they could go back and do it over again, they would not breed.


Unfortunately, a lot of young women are being taken in by this intense insinuation that motherhood is terrible, and something to be avoided at all costs. In a world where you can be anything, how dare you aim so low as raising a child?

That's because motherhood is terrible. If it was wonderful, there wouldn't be so many stories from parents bitching about how awful it is. I'm convinced that having a mental illness is a requirement for parenthood because what sane person wants to deal with a shrieking bastard 24/7/365? I can't say I disagree with the second part either. Of all the things you could do or aspire to do, why pick the one thing that living things have been doing since the dawn of time? I'll tell you why: it's easy to do. Not raising kids, but acquiring a child. Getting pregnant isn't terribly hard to do, and if it is, there are ways to do it anyway. It's very easy to have a child, so dumb people also believe that it must also be very easy to raise a child too. Then they learn the hard way it's anything but easy and fuck their kids up with their horrible parenting.


But then, you’ve got all these young women who’ve been brainwashed into thinking motherhood is a mistake

Are you kidding me? If anything, women are brainwashed into thinking motherhood is a worthwhile, fulfilling life choice! Why do you think people pester women about getting pregnant and the second they do, those same people (often parents themselves) will go, "Welcome to hell, LOL!" Women have been brainwashed and forced into breeding for fucking AGES and now dumb fucks like this Moo are mad that women are getting smart and not listening to the brainwashing and are refusing to "know their place" as broodmares.

I'm all for bucking tradition in any way, shape or form, and anyone - especially any woman because women are pressured a lot more to breed - should be praised and admired for knowing what is expected of them from society's standpoint in terms of reproduction and choosing to live their lives the way they want.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 10, 2023
either side will think the other one is brainwashed. the cf ultimately have the higher moral ground but the mud wallowing breeders can't see past the shit in their eyes and brains to understand this. they just want everyone down in the pile of dung along with them

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 14, 2023
Lol. Has this person ever met CF people in real life? That sounds like a stereotype of the incel "ready to settle down now" memes.

Breeders these days just pop them out and shove screens in front of their faces all day to shut them up. Raising kids as little emotional support pets who never leave the nest. Yeah, I'm really missing out.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 15, 2023
The "banging some random dude in Bali" example is very oddly specific. And very telling about her fantasies and/or hangups. I am not into banging randos.. But I really couldn't care less if other people are.

I can't imagine being that bitter or insecure. If you like parenting that much and your are so good at it, fuck off and talk with other parents, because they clearly need help. Leave the cf out of it.
Re: This moo thinks society is going too far with "The CF Mirage"
December 15, 2023
Ahhh but they can't leave the CF alone. Who else will be the villains? Also, it helps them feel smug and superior to look down on a group of people whom they secretly envy.
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