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Well he tried

Posted by cfdavep 
Well he tried
January 03, 2024

It must've really hurt smiling smiley
Re: Well he tried
January 03, 2024
He seems to have a breeder fetish so I wouldn't put it past him to try to impig something other than human females.
Re: Well he tried
January 03, 2024
Great article.

Musk is just so gross, littering the world with his DNA and his dumb baby mamas have to take him to court to get him to pay for the kids.

He has so many right wing fan boys too.

There is a gross meme going around with him and Trump and Abe Lincoln (who had more morals and character in his little finger than ten Donald Trumps and Elon Musks) suggesting that real, Right Wing fan boys would turn down $5M to wait on that table. Not a clue what these assholes are about. Wait on these over privileged assholes who would treat them like dog shit on the bottom of their shoes, if they engaged with them at all and want their meals comped and wouldn't leave a tip?

Good Luck with all that.
Re: Well he tried
January 04, 2024
The Onion is really having to reach to make their articles clearly satirical these days. Kinda scary how many of their recent articles sound way too close to reality.
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