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Dude gets dogpiled for saying most lil sizzler deaths are not accidents

Posted by antisprog 
People who “forget” their babies in the car on a hot day

Summary: a dude posts that he believes that most parents who leave their spawn in hot cars do so on purpose.
He gets dogpiled by a bunch of breeder pleasers/breeders who accuse him of being heartless s d insensitive to the poor parents who Suffered Enough.

The post:
Maybe it’s really obvious to those of you who have children that I don’t, but you will NEVER convince me that those are usually accidents. :mad: I really think that the people who do this are sick of caring for the baby, or are dealing with marital problems that stem from parenting, or any number of other things, and they want to get rid of the kid in a way that doesn’t usually lead to a lengthy prison sentence.
Re: Dude gets dogpiled for saying most lil sizzler deaths are not accidents
January 31, 2024
There is no doubt some of this is 100% intentional but we'll never know what that percentage is.
Re: Dude gets dogpiled for saying most lil sizzler deaths are not accidents
January 31, 2024
I refuse to believe that anyone could genuinely forget their child in the car, and I always love the PSAs that come out in the summer reminding parents to "leave an important item with the child so you don't forget them, such as a purse or a phone." Ummm, isn't the child supposed to be the important item?? Shouldn't it be leave your child with your purse so you don't forget your purse, not leave your purse with your child so you don't forget your child?

Kids are not subtle - they're loud, they smell, they're annoying. How do you possibly miss that?

Also, why is it nobody ever leaves their kids in the car in any other season? Nobody ever forgets Junior in 60-degree spring weather or a mildly chilly autumn day. It's always in the summer when the weather is at its most dangerous. That alone should raise some eyebrows.

Anyone ever notice it's always kids under the age of five who die in hot cars? Probably because breeders know that a child older than that has the dexterity to unlock a door and escape. A toddler might be able to figure it out, but a loaf is absolutely fucked.

Even if it was "just an accident," the parents should still get charged with manslaughter. If they actually, truly forgot their brat in the car in the middle of July, they still killed their child even if it wasn't intentional.

But I'm inclined to agree that a hot car PNA is the "easiest" way to dispose of a child the parents regret having. They can't straight up commit murder because they'll go to jail. They can't give the child up for adoption because their families and friends will absolutely crucify them for it. They only have a month after birth to make use of a Safe Haven. They can't give the other parent custody because then the non-custodial parent will have to pay child support. Death by hot car allows for a legal escape from parenthood because it can be seen as a "tragic accident" and the parents can rake in all kinds of sympathy for their loss.

At least that's how it will be until these people with "mommy brain" start getting charged with murder or manslaughter. Then they'll have to come up with a new method.
Ahh, yes. And let's not forget the article about FoRgoTtEn BaBy SyNdRoMe. Because pathologizing murder just makes it sound so much nicer.
Those idiots attacking him are conveniently ignoring the guy who googled how long it would take and checked his car multiple times before "discovering" his dead kid...you KNOW he's not the only one, he was just the one stupid enough not to delete his search history.
Re: Dude gets dogpiled for saying most lil sizzler deaths are not accidents
February 02, 2024

Ummm, isn't the child supposed to be the important item?? Shouldn't it be leave your child with your purse so you don't forget your purse, not leave your purse with your child so you don't forget your child?

This is what absolutely slays me. It’s pointing out the reality that people’s fucking PHONES are more important to them than their damn kid. drooling stupification

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
I tend to agree that most of this is done on purpose. I guess there are a few bubble-brains that have managed to tune out the unpleasantness that is their kid and forget that the kid is in there, but I imagine that's extremely rare.

I skimmed a couple of the comments and I can't believe the excuses! ITA that even if it is genuinely an accident, the parents (or whoever is responsible) should definitely be charged with manslaughter.

I imagine that there will be a rise in this activity with the war on abortion that's going on in the states. They only care about the fetus and DGAF about the kid once it's out of the hole.

It just doesn't seem that people care about the suffering of these poor kids being boiled to death and care more about the parents.

It's not about the kids. It's never about the kids. It's always about the breeders and what they want.
Re: Dude gets dogpiled for saying most lil sizzler deaths are not accidents
February 11, 2024
Oh we will definitely see a rise in hot car PNAs in the future due to abortion restriction. And with climate change happening, there may even be more months out of the year when hot car deaths can be carried out compared to past years.

But nobody wants to believe that a parent would intentionally kill their child, never mind the fact that there's a good chance you can find at least one headline on any given day about a parent murdering their child. There is a damn good reason why when a kid winds up dead under unnatural circumstances, the primary suspect is the parents.

In regard to PNAs, I also remember seeing something in health headlines last year about how kids who die of SIDS were found to have lower than normal levels of some kind of enzyme. So now an autopsy can prove if a loaf mysteriously dying in its sleep was SIDS or if there was some parental assistance involved in the child's death. Breeders are going to run out of PNA methods eventually when people get wise to their tried and true ones.

No amount of car alarms, backseat weight sensors, text alerts or any of that shit is going to stop determined breeders who signed up for parenthood and are trying to do the reproductive equivalent of cancelling their subscription during the free trial.

I finally got the chance to actually read the originally linked discussion and I love how many people are pulling the whole "YoU mUsT nOt HaVe KiDs So YoU dOn'T uNdErStAnD!!1!" shit. Like you need to be a parent to recognize when they do something wrong. I don't need to be a fucking doctor to know that leaving a scalpel in someone's abdomen during surgery means someone screwed up. I can maaaaybe understand forgetting the kid in the backseat for like a few minutes and your brain going, "Hol up, something's missing." But to forget a kid all day long in the car - again, always conveniently during the hottest months of the year - that cannot be chalked up to "mommy brain." And if your brain is so fried from breeding that your memory is that fucking bad, you should not be in charge of a goddamn dog, let alone a human being.

People in the comments defend hot car PNAs by saying it's normal to forget things, but it's little stupid things like forgetting to bring your umbrella with you when it's raining. A parent's entire life revolves around their kids, so HOW can they possibly forget them? Charge these assholes with manslaughter at the very least. I'll bet if a few of these breeders are charged for letting their kids broil in the car, we'll see a lot fewer hot car PNAs.
Yup, totally agree with this, Cambion. I am not a parent either, but I know where my animals are at all times and what they are doing. I know when they are napping, getting into trouble, what have you. I could never imagine forgetting about them all damned day and not having the idea cross my mind at some point.

As an aside, I always know when Conner is getting into trouble because I always hear him say, "good boy, good boy!" The manipulative little shit, lol.

Once when I was at work though, Conner was out in his room (him and Leah share a huge sun room with temperature control) and when I got home, I couldn't find him. I absolutely freaked out. I finally heard him, the little bugger managed to find his way into a wall. I literally tore the wall apart with my bare hands (it's kind of a natural wood siding) and got him out. I still have to fix the wall but he was totally fine. Now when I go out for any length of time, he has to chill in his cage until I get home. I didn't know there was a tiny gap where he could climb into. It was a one-time thing and now I know to never underestimate a conure.

It seems that I care more about my pets than some breeders care about their own precious children.
Re: Dude gets dogpiled for saying most lil sizzler deaths are not accidents
February 13, 2024
I've had similar things happen to me when I still had cats. If I couldn't find one of my cats for a few hours, I'd be looking all over the house and freaking out thinking they somehow got outside. Then after a frantic 3-hour search of the whole house, the missing cat would manifest. My guess is they would find themselves a little nook in the basement to nestle themselves in and sleep for a few hours.

Once I could not for the life of me find my female cat and turned the house upside down trying to find her. I was in tears thinking she ran out the door and I didn't see her. I found her sleeping in a picnic basket. She figured out that she could lift the lid up and she crawled in and the lid closed behind her. I'm not sure what prompted me to check there, I guess like how people will look for their keys in the fridge - I checked because leave no stone unturned. That was her favorite spot for a few weeks, so I knew from then on to check the basket first.

It seems that I care more about my pets than some breeders care about their own precious children.

Well sure, you're not trying to intentionally kill your pets and make it look like an accident. But then if it was as easy to get rid of an unwanted kid as it is to get rid of an unwanted pet, there would likely be far fewer hot car PNAs and child murders in general.
Oh we will definitely see a rise in hot car PNAs in the future due to abortion restriction.

Forced birthers have crafted their personalities around fighting abortion because women are too eager to murder their own precious children, and by doing so have created a social climate in which more children are going to suffer and die because they're being forced on people who don't want or aren't prepared for kids. If only they were smart enough to understand irony.
Re: Dude gets dogpiled for saying most lil sizzler deaths are not accidents
February 13, 2024
"""I finally got the chance to actually read the originally linked discussion and I love how many people are pulling the whole "YoU mUsT nOt HaVe KiDs So YoU dOn'T uNdErStAnD!!1!" """"

they pull this, I just look them in the eye and say 'it is watching idiots like you so I fully understand.. and why should I emulate you, your parenting ignorance, and other idiocy you conveniently put on display for the world to see'... .. emphasis on 'why should i emulate you?'.. you are implying I'm not smart enough to see the shit and hell you go through, the shit and hell you inflict on everyone...?? I'm smart enough not to have kids after that

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Dude gets dogpiled for saying most lil sizzler deaths are not accidents
February 14, 2024
Forced birthers have crafted their personalities around fighting abortion because women are too eager to murder their own precious children, and by doing so have created a social climate in which more children are going to suffer and die because they're being forced on people who don't want or aren't prepared for kids. If only they were smart enough to understand irony.

Because I guess killing a wad of cells with no brain or feelings is the worst thing a woman could do, but killing a born sentient child who can feel pain and fear is okey-dokey? I'm not sure I get their logic either. It's like saying frying an egg is more cruel than setting a live chicken on fire. But then these are the same people who think birth control is abortion and ectopic pregnancies can be re-implanted in the uterus. People should have to attend human biology classes and pass them before getting to say they're pro-life. Because bodies don't work the way pro-liars seem to think they do.

Or they like knowing that if they strip women of their choice to abort, then when those women turn around and neglect, abuse or kill the kids they never wanted, they will be legally punished for it. The woman suffers either way, which I'm guessing is the intent. Then I'm sure when women exercise celibacy to avoid pregnancy, these same asshats will try to de-criminalize rape so they can get the sex they are "owed."
To add to this, I wonder how many high-profile, rich good 'ol boy politicians have impregnated some mistress and whisked her away for a secret hoover job.

I guess this is only for the "The only moral abortion is MY abortion" crowd.
Re: Dude gets dogpiled for saying most lil sizzler deaths are not accidents
February 21, 2024
Because I guess killing a wad of cells with no brain or feelings is the worst thing a woman could do, but killing a born sentient child who can feel pain and fear is okey-dokey? I'm not sure I get their logic either. It's like saying frying an egg is more cruel than setting a live chicken on fire. But then these are the same people who think birth control is abortion and ectopic pregnancies can be re-implanted in the uterus. People should have to attend human biology classes and pass them before getting to say they're pro-life. Because bodies don't work the way pro-liars seem to think they do.

Or they like knowing that if they strip women of their choice to abort, then when those women turn around and neglect, abuse or kill the kids they never wanted, they will be legally punished for it. The woman suffers either way, which I'm guessing is the intent. Then I'm sure when women exercise celibacy to avoid pregnancy, these same asshats will try to de-criminalize rape so they can get the sex they are "owed."

They don't have to decriminalize rape, they can continue to make it extremely difficult to prove/prosecute.

This is why I'm in favor of abortion up until birth. I'd also like to see states reconsider extending some of those legal time periods for how long after birth a baby can be placed into adoption as long as it isn't neglected with no questions asked. Some states only allow this for 30 days or less and it would be great if there was a minimum 6 mos. period where an infant could be dropped off at a safe haven with no repercussions. It can take time for reality or buyer's remorse to set in.

I do suspect that in red states the numbers of infants dropped off in safe havens are increasing with the abortion bans.

At this point it is either pay for abortions/birth control or pay for unwanted kids (0-18 years old or 0-24 years old) to make it to adulthood. Everyone would be better off with abortions/birth control, it is cheaper and less lives are ruined. Too bad a person can't be taxed based on their stance on this. It would probably look something like this:
  • Pro-life annual tax $12000 (to pay for approx. one birth or one year of child expenses)
  • Pro-choice annual tax $1000 (to pay for approx. one abortion or one year of birth control for three women)

My guess is if they have to put their money where their mouth is, they'll be jumping to pro-choice pronto.

People in the comments defend hot car PNAs by saying it's normal to forget things, but it's little stupid things like forgetting to bring your umbrella with you when it's raining. A parent's entire life revolves around their kids, so HOW can they possibly forget them? Charge these assholes with manslaughter at the very least. I'll bet if a few of these breeders are charged for letting their kids broil in the car, we'll see a lot fewer hot car PNAs.

It just goes to show, that when push comes to shove , most breeders don't love or value their spawn anywhere near as much as they claim they do. All that talk of their spawn being the most precious thing in their lives is a bold-faced lie.

Even when items are forgotten in the car, it's usually for a few minutes, not fucking HOURS the way lil sizzlers are.
How can anyone forget their life's joy in a car (even for a few minutes) before immediately realizing something is amiss?
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