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Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case

Posted by twocents 
Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 08, 2024

I am surprised we haven't commented on this before. I find this case...disturbing in many ways. For me, it just adds yet another dimension to why never to have kids. Some parents are well aware of their fuckturds aspirations and deviations, others are oblivious, some mean well but thoroughly misinterpret their bastards motivations.

And kids LIE THROUGH THEIR FUCKING UGLY TEETH. They know how to lie, prevaricate, and simp shit that fool the psychiatric field. Especially the mentals with their delusions of evil supremacy and disruption.

We all hear about kids whining and bitching about having no privacy. Where does that end, begin, and how does it play in cases like this?? Bruce Rivers, in a very lengthy 'criminal lawyer reacts' finds this case disturbing. What has been done is a totally new can of worms has been opened, muddling the already murky waters of the hellstrom that is rearing little shits. Now parents can go to prison because they failed to notice their angels desire to destroy everything and everybody, and then cowardly blowing what shriveled brains they have out the back of their own heads.

Yet more reason to NEVER HAVE CHILDREN. When people are at the mercy of these lying, whining, shitfaced, entitled little brats, including parents.. the risk(s) ARE NOT WORTH IT.

I can say for myself there was a lot I did not tell my mother, a few cases to my own detriment ..including a sadistic prune of a bitch first grade teacher.

You get some parents where one is worried and aware that the turd is defective or evil and the other just wants to stick their head in the sand and believe in fairy farts and unicorn turds.. until it hits the fan. This case is very very disturbing and forebodes a lot of horror in days to come. I don't think this is going to turn out well for anyone ultimately.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 08, 2024
Someone posted about this on reddit/cf. They mentioned that when the parents realized that the kid was as messed up as he was, probably due to abusive parenting, they bought him a gun. I guess maybe hoping he would shot himself according to the post. One would think things like this would be enough to rethink parenthood, but no one thinks THEIR kid will go nuts.

They had guns in the house also that were easy to get to hoping for the kid to do his own PNA
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 08, 2024
I'm not sure. however, what I am uneasy is the precedent it sets. I haven't listened entirely to the bruce rivers presentation... he finds it a bad precedent and I'm inclined to agree.. but I think I made my point. where it's obvious that the parents stuck their heads in the sand or just were apologists for their little shits behavior. I saw an appalling youtube where this retarded grandma kept simping at the cops, kept following them around mewling about 'talking to this out of control turd..turd was at least 20 or so.. to calm him down.. ... this is the type that should be held accountable. but lying kids could be such chameleons and bs artist they could possibly fool even a lie detector. They LIE THROUGH THEIR TEETH. and can bamboozle even experts.

again, another reason not to have a goddam bastard. one could do what would be regarded as a perfect job, only to be jailed because the bastard was a psychopath. if it had to go to experts, they could be manipulated. and then jailed because I didn't do enough to stop the fucker? no thanks.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 09, 2024
I've been watching the case updates on the story lately, and I'm glad to see the parents are getting the book thrown at them because their awful parenting definitely played a role in the shooting. They may not have been the ones to pull the trigger, but they gave their obviously mentally unwell child access to deadly weapons. They also ignored his mental illness and wouldn't get him any help. If they didn't give him a fucking gun, they wouldn't have been charged with anything.

I'm not sure I agree with the manslaughter charges, though. Because manslaughter means that you killed someone by accident, I think? But it means YOU killed them. Giving someone else access to items they proceed to use to commit murder is not manslaughter. By this logic, if a parent buys their teenager a car and that teenager proceeds to run someone over and kill them by accident, the parents could be charged with manslaughter for providing the child with the vehicle that wound up killing someone. Definitely charge them with neglect at the very least for not getting their kid help. Maybe accessories to murder?

They mentioned that when the parents realized that the kid was as messed up as he was, probably due to abusive parenting, they bought him a gun. I guess maybe hoping he would shot himself according to the post.

That was what I figured too. The Moo lamented in the past about how much she wished her kid was normal, and I'm sure her and the Duh were sick of his mental fuckery. So they probably figured if they gave him the proper tools, he would end his own life and eliminate the burden his existence placed on them. I can't say for sure if the kid was depressed - psychotic, possibly, but I don't think he was depressed/suicidal.

I do feel bad for the kid because he doesn't sound like a spoiled little asshole - he sounded like he was in a very bad place and cried out so hard for help for his legitimate mental issues, and the people who were supposed to care about him and get him help refused to do so. He had enough awareness to know something was wrong, but didn't know how to deal with it on his own. His parents failed him so hard and I don't doubt this could have been avoided if they took him to a shrink and got him on some kind of medication. I'm sure it's not easy to admit and acknowledge when your child has a mental illness, but ignoring it is the worst possible thing you can do about it.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 09, 2024
The problem is that mental health care often cannot be obtained even for proactive parents who do right by their little fuck ups.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 09, 2024
The problem is that mental health care often cannot be obtained even for proactive parents who do right by their little fuck ups.

This and aren't mental health professionals supposed to learn in graduate school to detect the lies these minors tell so as not to be manipulated by them?

If not, then the graduate schools are ripping humanity off.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 13, 2024
THEY HAD BETTER FIND DADICT GUILTY AS WELL!!! otherwise I think this will fall into the category of males dumping their little head prick failures onto the woman. both may be guilty but males??? just look at rusty yates. that mother fucker belonged in jail...

moving on, we point out that many of these little fuckers are out of control because the gonad donors won't parent them. by the same token, other people should also 'discipline' these lazy, entitled, incompetent breeders when they won't remove their shrieking puling shitsacks from movies, restaurants. or won't do anything to restrain their bastards from running around same establishments putting themselves and the staff in harms way. they have their hand out from the village for all the perks they think they are owed, but when the village kicks their ilks little assholes they get mortally offended. it is time to shun these adult asshats and to also just 'dogpile' them out of places when they wear out their welcome

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 14, 2024
I hope he gets charged with something too. Both of these worthless shit sacks blatantly neglected their child's mental health. I recall one article that described how he approached his parents for help and Duh just told him to "get over it" or "man up" or some shit. Sounds like one of those delightful male creatures who think that men aren't allowed to express emotion.

I know it's not easy to get mental health assistance for anyone of any age because there are so many mentally unwell people out there and shrinks are absolutely overloaded. But could they not have Baked Acted him? Surely someone could have seen how bad he was during a 72-hour psych hold and maybe the process of seeing a professional could have been expedited?

Or they could have just, you know, NOT GIVEN HIM A GUN. It's like giving an arsonist a box of matches and a can of gasoline and being surprised when they use those items to commit crimes. Nobody should have to be told to not give a crazy person a firearm.

Nobody wants a mentally ill child, but sometimes that's the hand you get dealt and you put on your big boy/girl panties and take care of your child, or at least try to help them. Ignoring the fact your kid has a huge problem will never end well for anyone. This kid seemed very aware he had problems and if his parents even just listened to him and tried to get him help, that alone may have made him feel heard and cared for and may have reduced the chance of him hauling off and shooting a bunch of students. But nope, they just acted like he was a thorn in their sides.

Let the both of them rot in jail. Their son most likely won't get any help during his life sentence, but at least he can't shoot anyone else now.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 14, 2024
They definitely knew something was wrong with their son, so I believe that they bought him the gun in the hopes that he would kill himself. They were aiming for a late-term PNA, but miscalculated and ended up with a mass murderer.

I’m glad to see the precedent being set that breeders are responsible for what they unleash upon society, but a big part of me is worried that the father will escape conviction when he goes to trial next month. Society still sees raising kids as “wimmins work,” and fathers get all the accolades when something goes right and none of the blame when it goes wrong. I hope I am incorrect.

I was reading about this in the New York Times the day the verdict was announced, and of course 50% of the comments were breeders crying about how unfair it is to hold the parents responsible for the actions of their underage son. While reading their whining I couldn’t help but wonder how the parents of the four dead kids feel. Tell us you’re a shit parent, without telling us you’re a shit parent, I guess.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 19, 2024
I've been doing some thinking on this... and as kids who are coddled and not disciplined or helped when they're toadlers become (usually) out of control shitbag snotnosed teenagers (thanks to moo and duh) I ALSO think the same type of lack of 'discipline' to their lazy and/or incompetent breeders also is factoring into this. You look at these michiganders... weere they also the lazy 'it takes a village' twats who allowed this brat to run around restaurants and then get bent out of shape when the village told them to control their bastard?? this is an unknown. did moo and/or duhtard march down to school that the teacher is biased against their 'widdle snookums' b because he flunked the last test (because he didn't study) and she refused to grade on a curve??

these entitled P's start somewhere as well. There was a time shitty parents were ostracized. and many times their ilk also got kicked out and kicked around as well. not fair but... it happened. they should dispense with 'customer is always right'. they need to stop 'everyone wins' shit. they need to stop teaching kids everything revolves around them.

Again, how many times were these michigan parents catered to, expected the village to hand them everything.... it all starts somewhere.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 19, 2024
race war? look at the KC shooters.. there seems to be some sort of attempt to sweep this under the rug.

I live 50 miles from NYC. these shootings go on constantly. given the prevalence of cameras all over the city, virtually all of the perps are on camera somewhere. 99% of the perps are blacks or some other minority. The violence on asians... the perps were black. That times square shooter was an illegal juvenile from venezuela. (on a satisfying note, he was boohooing and crying like a baby when the cops caught him).

it has been 5 days they are treating them as juveniles (when everyone around them is charges these juvenile shits as adults) .. no names because they're kids.. and some other videos emerged.. and guess what... blacks... NYC media outlets don't seem to have a problem broadcasting their mugs all over for everyone to see...

a month ago or so nyc police were called to a domestic.. some deranged mental (black) on drugs and and perhaps some other problems.. was threatening his grandmother with a knife. the whole incident was recorded and broadcast. this poor woman was on the floor screaming for her life only a foot or two from this batshit crazy.. and this bastard was waving a large kitchen knive .. and ultimately charged the cops. Either way, the police would have shot him if only to protect the woman.

the next day all the professional victim group mouthpieces were out standing around looking solemn about how that poor black guy was shot... it was fucking LAUGHABLE. If one had not seen the tape from the previous day when it was released it would have raised suspicions. AS it was, it went nowhere. The segment was broadcast only once and no one, even in the black community, said a thing. That raises the whole idiocy about mental help but then these same morons shut the hospitals down ..

I know it is off topic but race wars? it sure won't benefit either side. all it will do is play into the hands of those who want to impose total control

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 19, 2024
We need to ban auto and semi-auto machine guns to cut down on the carnage. That won't address the little fuck ups with knives but it would be a start.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 20, 2024
Does this potentially mean that a brat could break into a house in Canada, steal a gun and commit a crime that the renter/homeowner is then charged manslaughter for? Or the same brat could be in their friend's parents' house, steal a small gun safe and force it open?

And even though renter/homeowner/parent didn't pull the trigger, he/she stored the gun and ammu in a "negligent matter" and should be held criminally responsible? Even if the renter/homeowner doesn't ever have dependents in his/her house.

Because that is how I read it. Why not charge her with crimes that actually apply and are specific to her being a parent that was proven to neglect her son's mental health-such as accessory to murder? Etc.?

This just sounds like a really bad precedent to me and I'm a layperson.

In Jennifer Crumbley's case, prosecutors argued that even though she didn't pull the trigger, she stored the gun and ammunition in a negligent manner and should be held criminally responsible for the four deaths.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 20, 2024
A disturbingly common trend is for Moos is to deliberately look the other way when their spawn is clearly suffering from mental health issues or showing obvious signs of sociopathy and violence. I've even tmheard of Moos turning a blind eye to their spawn torturing animals .

My best guess is that they're either afraid of what outsiders would think if word got out that bratleigh has me tal issues, they're too lazy to get help, are too cheap to pay, or they just flat out don't care.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 20, 2024
Odds are there are a lot of parents who don't want to acknowledge that their child could be mentally ill because they don't want to be the one known around town as the person with the crazy child. So instead of getting the child treatment that could reduce their craziness they choose to ignore it because I guess they think it will simply go away on its own like a cold.

And yes, they will justify or downplay all their child's bad behaviors because they are in denial of their child's mental health. These are the same parents who will mainstream their clearly slow awtards instead of putting them in the proper special needs classes. They don't want to be known as the parent with the retard, so they try to force their kid to be normal. Look nobody wants to have a crazy brat, but pretending your kid is fine does more harm than good.

Does this potentially mean that a brat could break into a house in Canada, steal a gun and commit a crime that the renter/homeowner is then charged manslaughter for? Or the same brat could be in their friend's parents' house, steal a small gun safe and force it open?

And even though renter/homeowner/parent didn't pull the trigger, he/she stored the gun and ammu in a "negligent matter" and should be held criminally responsible? Even if the renter/homeowner doesn't ever have dependents in his/her house.

Because that is how I read it. Why not charge her with crimes that actually apply and are specific to her being a parent that was proven to neglect her son's mental health-such as accessory to murder? Etc.?

This just sounds like a really bad precedent to me and I'm a layperson.

It does sound like a bad foundation to be laying because this means any stolen object that is used to cause harm or death to someone else could bring charges upon the owner of the object who had nothing to do with the crime committed. If someone steals a car and gets into a crash with it that kills a whole family, will the legal vehicle owner be charged with something? Hell, if I stole a jar of peanut butter from someone's house and then rubbed it in the face of someone with known peanut allergies, could the owner of the jar be held responsible for storing the peanut butter in a negligent manner?

And it's not like child-proofing where you can keep a kid out of dangerous things with small devices because they're stupid. Fully grown adults or older kids can break open locks, steal safes and lock boxes, and so on. Anything can be used as a weapon and it's going to be an absolute shit show if someone can be legally punished because they didn't keep a box cutter in a vault behind three feet of steel to prevent someone else from using it to stab a random victim.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 23, 2024
it is becoming apparent that breeding is an increasing liability in more ways than one. they extended the infantile state of the little shitbags. mom and dad are now responsible for the shit until they're 26. I know of someone who's drug addicted dirtbag kid is bleeding them dry with all the ambulance trips to the er because he od's. frannkly, I hope he gets a dose one day with enough fentanyl that he stops breathing permanently.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Michigan Mother found guilty in mass shooting case
February 23, 2024
There is no future for the little shits regardless if they are functional or not. At best they'll become Mommy's little basement dweller even if they got straight As.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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