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What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40

Posted by freya 
What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
March 27, 2024
This accomplished woman died of sepsis after having a stillborn.
Just from the details of the article she sounds very inspirational.

I really wish the media would just going on about women having kids past 37 and trying to normalize/glorify it.
There are so many risks and also so many casualties such as this one.
It is a HIGH RISK!

Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
March 28, 2024
Nobody will EVER discourage a woman from getting pregnant. Doesn't matter if she's broke, sick, crazy, too old, infertile, at high risk for complications, in an abusive relationship, homeless, terminal or in any other environment that would be unhealthy or dangerous to bring a child into. No doctor in their right mind should give a 40-year-old woman the green light to get pigged up and stay that way. But most of them will anyway because MONEY. Telling a woman to avoid pregnancy means one less patient to give an OB-GYN money for all the pre-natal bullshit and eventual birth. It's not like the doctor will face consequences for encouraging a reproductively geriatric woman to procreate and she winds up dead from it.

I mean, yes, you CAN have a brat at 40 or older, but that doesn't mean you SHOULD. Pregnancy has a massive impact on a woman's body (not a good one either) and it's something that can kill young healthy women, especially in the US where maternal mortality rates have been rising. Not that 40 is old because it's not, but in terms of pregnancy, it's geriatric. Because 40-year-olds are not meant to breed. Adopt if you want a kid that bad at that age. I'm sure this woman could have afforded adoption between being a cheerleader for a professional sports ball team and a software engineer.

From the sound of it, she may have had a prior stillbirth because the article mentions she was preceded in death by an infant son, but the loaf that killed her was a daughter. So the dumbass had a dead brat under her belt already and just had to have another go at it. Just goes to show that you can be smart enough to be an engineer, but too stupid to realize when you shouldn't breed.
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
March 30, 2024
This could happen to any in-pig woman. Breeding is inherently risky business.

If she is 40 now, then she was obviously younger the first time she lost a kid. She just was not a good candidate for breeding if she keeps losing these kids.

We live in society that says you are garbage unless you "give lyfe" to a kid. Being a "moo" is TMIJITW. And no, adopted children don't count in this fucked up society. Though to be fair, a lot of adoptees are insufferable and go running after their bio breeders the moment they hit 18 or 21 years of age.

Childfreedom just needs to become more accepted as an equally valid choice and moo-hood shouldn't be so glorified. TMIJITW my sweet ass.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 04, 2024
A woman I knew in my high school years waited until she was around 40 to have a child. She was married for 3-4 years when she became pregnant and it required lots of effort to conceive. And now she has a child with Down's syndrome and he will likely never be independent because that is the most common outcome.

I can't help but think all of these older women/men who have babies with defects (from older parents) or where the moo dies trying end up either regretting it or with relatives who regret it. Saying that the window of opportunity was missed and moving on would be much better for everyone.
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 05, 2024
I imagine we could see more of this happening because the current crop of young adults can't afford anything, especially brats (not that that stops some people). If they manage to find themselves in a better place financially in the future, they might put off breeding until their 40s or later. This increases not only the potential need for fertility treatments to conceive in the first place, but the risk of birth defects. I think shit like fertility treatments and IVF also increase the odds of conceiving a circus freak.

Obviously birth defects can happen regardless of maternal age, but being "old" by reproductive standards doesn't do anyone any favors. It's like baking bread with expired yeast - it might turn out fine, but odds are it will be fucked up. But unlike yeast, you can't proof a woman's eggs to determine if they are still good.
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 06, 2024
I feel kind of bad for her because sepsis is a horrible way to die. Wonder how long the baby was dead before the stillbirth. HOWEVER, what a shitty idea to try having children at her age! Peace-n-Quiet is right, two stillbirths is a bad track record and sure wasn't worth literally dying for.

Thanks to fibroids, I needed a hysterectomy at 44. My OB-GYN said she needed to know if I wanted to have a kid first (kinda apologetic about it, but still. She'd obviously dealt with geriatric moos).

"Oh hell, no! Why would I want to start now?" That's just asking for trouble! Mom had me at 43 because I was a product of Vatican Roulette, and I have four older siblings. Dad was almost 49. It was hard for them to keep up with a young child and they were very overprotective. I've lived my life on the anxious side, and I learned that from Mom and Dad. Bonus points for being diagnosed with Asperger's in my early 50's. Turns out there's a strong correlation between ASD and older aged fathers. Who knew? shrug

There's just too many things can go wrong with geezer breeding; why anyone does it is beyond me.

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 13, 2024
Saw this update, which has more details

Wow some of the details are weird. She died March 20th of this year. She's previously had a stillborn boy loaf (no mention of how far along) In November 2022. Apparently she had a "miscarriage scare" in December with this pregnancy. (It must have been SUPER EARLY.)

At 16 weeks she had something called a cerclage where her cervix was sewed shut to keep the loaf baking. good idea openmouthed shock And then she started having back pains like she was trying to eject the loaf anyway. The fetus (apparently they already named it "Charlotte") died. Moo started showing signs of sepsis and had "several surgeries" to get the fetus (and maybe the infection?) out of her. Moo went into cardiac arrest due to sepsis and died.

I wonder if keeping the loaf in and not being able to eject it made her susceptible to sepsis? I guess we will never know and nobody will ever admit that because you know Loaves are more important than incubators at this point.

The husband's take on it:

“One of the issues that I guess I have with the system overall is Krystal is 40, and she’s Black, and we’d had a loss before, but even then they say you know, you can’t start a plan with maternal fetal medicine or the high-risk maternity doctors until you get to week 14,” he said.
“Expecting somebody who’s had a loss to go four weeks in between seeing their care providers … that’s the same protocol that’s done for a 23-year-old that’s very healthy,” he said. “It can’t be a one-size-fits-all."

So it's a race thing according to him, but the thing is, it sounds like she did get the appropriate attention at 16 weeks when she got sewed shut. She was also put in "semi-bed rest" whatever that is, for the next two weeks.

I guess I can kind of see his point about making her wait four weeks after the 16 week appointment, but really, what would a two week appointment have done when the fetus died anyway? Once it dies there isn't much anyone can do. And a fetus isn't viable until 20-something weeks anyway. I've had friends who get to the end and the appointments are weekly to keep an eye on things. It would make sense that as you approach viability, you could have an emergency c-section if the pregnancy starts putting the Moo or baybee's life in danger.

I think the bottom line here is that she had a history of later miscarriages and it made pregnancy risky for her and let's not forget HER AGE, which is even more relevant. It's sad that she lost her life, but she apparently she was Hell--bent on getting pregnant again.
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 13, 2024
He says she was denied treatment because she was black, but also that she died because she was receiving the same standard treatment that every other high risk pregnancy gets. Those are two very different complaints. They article also sounds like the couple felt they were receiving top notch care up until the time the mother died.

Reading the article, I’m confused about what else he thinks could have been done. The baby was still alive at the 20 week visit, so it sounds like the four week gap was not the problem. She went to the hospital as soon as she started having problems, and there were several attempts to save the baby and then her.

Ultimately, it sounds like the plan of sewing her cervix shut worked too well because it left her body unable to expel the miscarried fetal tissue. .

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 16, 2024
I wonder if keeping the loaf in and not being able to eject it made her susceptible to sepsis?

I'm gonna say that's most likely what happened. For fuck's sake if your body is trying to evict a fetus before the age of viability (20 weeks, I believe), there's probably a really good reason for it. It sucks if the loaf is wanted, but if the clump is trying to exit stage left, it's not always good to contain it and hope for the best. It's not like stitching the cervix shut would prevent fetal demise - sure it might stop it from coming out, but it's not going to stop it from dying if there's a big problem with it.

From the sound of the update, her body was trying to get rid of the fetus (probably uterine contractions causing the back pain), but since the fetal tissue couldn't actually exit her body, she went septic because it just stayed in there and festered. It does not take a lot of retained fetal tissue to cause sepsis either - if there's the tiniest little scrap of dead clump left in the uterus either after an abortion or a miscarriage, the woman can very easily get sick and possibly die. So having her uterus forced to retain a whole dead fetus, I'd be more shocked if she didn't go septic. Sepsis moves fast too, and it can kill you sometimes even if you get prompt medical attention.

I'm sorry she died, but she made a very stupid and reckless decision to try to have kids when I'm sure she knew it would be dangerous. Especially given her history of miscarriages/losses.
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 16, 2024
Stitching a woman shut in order to prevent her body from ejecting what it needs to in order to survive sounds fucking barbaric and disgusting.
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 16, 2024
Stitching a woman shut in order to prevent her body from ejecting what it needs to in order to survive sounds fucking barbaric and disgusting.

I'm betting you will see it alot in fetus humping red states.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 16, 2024
Stitching a woman shut in order to prevent her body from ejecting what it needs to in order to survive sounds fucking barbaric and disgusting.

I'm betting you will see it alot in fetus humping red states.

Didn't Ma Duggar have this done with at least once?
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 16, 2024
She'd be a candidate for it alright!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 17, 2024
Stitching a woman shut in order to prevent her body from ejecting what it needs to in order to survive sounds fucking barbaric and disgusting.

It does, but women are willing to go to extreme lengths to get and/or remain pregnant and for some goddamn reason, no medical professional tries to discourage them. I don't think this kind of shit would happen with any other health issue. Like if someone has chronic diarrhea to the point of becoming dehydrated, no one would suggest gluing the patient's anus shut to prevent loose bowel movements. And no one would ever suggest stapling the jaws of a bulimic shut as a way to keep them from vomiting.

If a human body is trying to expel something, it's for a good reason. Closing off the exit for whatever that body is trying to remove is typically not going to have a good outcome. Had this woman been allowed to have a miscarriage, she probably wouldn't have died.
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 17, 2024
The part I don't understand is that wouldn't doing things like "disabling the eject button" expose the OB/GYN to a lawsuit if things go septic? Or are lawyers breederific too?
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 17, 2024
mr. neptune
The part I don't understand is that wouldn't doing things like "disabling the eject button" expose the OB/GYN to a lawsuit if things go septic? Or are lawyers breederific too?

If the cow's from a red state, most likely yes.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 17, 2024
I guess I'm afraid that this will be a requirement in red states if they think it's "best for the fetus". I don't understand what's going on in the US right now but it seems that some places are willing to do everything and anything to force a woman to keep a loaf, whether it kills her or not.

**If anyone on this board is in need of a safe place to acquire an abortion, I have a spare room and I'd be willing to help out. PM me if you are in need.**
Re: What can happen to a pregnant woman after 40
April 17, 2024
Women are being stripped of all rights and will again become property of husband and father.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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