Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 09, 2024
They're scared their dogs will get autism. I really wish stupid this severe could be painful.

Sure, we don't see a lot of rabies because of widespread rabies vaccination in domesticated animals. I don't know why this is so hard for people to grasp. When vaccination drops, cases will increase. Then we'll hear about the "rabies epidemic." I know many veterinarians will not even see a pet unless they're vaccinated, but I know all this will do is make people not take their pets to the vet at all.

I hope these idiots are prepared for inevitable lawsuits when their dogs get bitten by rabid wild animals, then the dog bites someone and they wind up dying from rabies. Because rabies can incubate for a while before showing symptoms and someone could easily get infected if a strange dog bites them that they don't know is unvaccinated.


Hesitancy around vaccines has spilled over to pet owners in recent years, sparking concern about the resurgence of rabies, a virus that's nearly always fatal.

Some pet owners argue against vaccinating dogs – over concerns that vaccines shorten the canines' lifespans or beliefs that vaccines can cause autism in dogs. But autism's spectrum of symptoms is uniquely human and experts say anti-vaxxing campaigns among dog owners are especially dangerous considering the public health consequences of rabies.

“While, thankfully, we don’t see a lot of rabies, the consequence is disastrous,” Dr. Rena Carlson, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association, told USA TODAY. “It’s essentially 100% fatal. So having a rabies vaccine for your cat and dog is really, really important on many levels.”

Carlson, of AVMA, stressed how important it is for people to talk with their veterinarians about the vaccine and the risks a pet faces if it does not get vaccinated.

What is rabies?

Rabies spreads when an infected animal bites or scratches someone, invading mammals’ nervous systems. The virus becomes especially dangerous when it reaches the brain. The incubation period can last days or more than a year.

When rabies enters the brain, it causes flu-like symptoms that cause animals to become rabid, and develop brain swelling. The disease becomes fatal when an infected person or animal suddenly loses breathing and heart function.

The risks of not vaccinating for the disease apparently do not resonate with some pet owners.

Matt Motta, an assistant professor at Boston University School of Public Health, calls it a “spillover effect” among people hesitant about human vaccines, a population that ballooned during the COVID-19 pandemic. He worries that "canine vaccine hesitancy" could grow in states that mandate rabies vaccines. If those laws are dismantled, it would threaten decades-old health initiatives that have proven successful.

“We could see a situation where more and more dogs are unvaccinated,” he told USA TODAY. “That poses a public health threat to not just our pets, but all of us.”

Motta and his sister, Dr. Gabriella Motta, a Pennsylvania veterinarian, published a 2023 study that found that nearly 40% of U.S. dog owners believe canine vaccines are unsafe. About 37% of owners thought their dogs could develop autism from vaccination.

The reality, Motta says, is the rabies vaccine is safe. About two in a million dogs get severe complications from a vaccine.

Dog autism isn’t a recognized condition, the AVMA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told USA TODAY. The notion that the human measles, mumps and rubella vaccine causes autism in children has long been disproven. However, it continues to hold sway, causing some people to refuse to vaccinate their children. This avoidance contributed to several recent outbreaks, according to public officials, who issued warnings and said vaccines are vital for community health. The avoidance of pet vaccines follows a similar pattern.

Like they did with measles, health officials worked for decades to eradicate canine rabies, a variant specific to dogs. Successful public health campaigns included leash laws, the use of animal shelters and vaccinations. Rabies variants in North American wildlife still circulate and can infect dogs.

Rabid dogs remain a concern internationally: nearly all people who die from rabies get it from dog bites. There are typically about 59,000 deaths annually.

Dr. Ryan Wallace, the leader of CDC’s rabies program, said about 75 million dogs have been vaccinated over a recent three-year period, which means there doesn’t appear to be a drop-off in vaccinations despite the shift in opinion. AVMA, like the CDC, hasn’t seen a major decline in vaccinations, although the numbers are hard to track.

Wallace said it's important to distinguish between people’s perceptions about pet vaccines, with some expressing hesitancy, and the firm mandates that require dogs to be vaccinated in most states, which pet owners, for the most part, appear to abide by nonetheless.

A common issue in public health is that when systems work, people don’t see problems in front of them. While there are few rabies deaths in the U.S. – about one to three per year – there are 60,000 Americans who have gotten a rabies vaccine after contact with an animal they suspected was rabid. And rabies still circulates among wild animals.

“We focus on how many of these rare deaths occurred,” he said, "but the focus should really be on how often people and their pets are getting exposed to rabid animals. Because they're all over.”
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 09, 2024
I'm taking my dog in tomorrow to get her boosters. Both of us are vaxxed up the ying-yang and neither of us are autistic. Go figure.
I'm concerned because while my dog is mostly a house puppy, I don't want her to get in contact with unvaxxed dogs at the park or on the street.

I can't believe worrying about your dog getting autism is even a thing. I think it's just another excuse to not do the right thing and pay for the vet visit. Besides, even if I was worried about her getting autism (lol) I think I'd be way more concerned about her getting rabies or kennel cough since that shit can kill her.

I imagine these are the same people who don't pick up the poo when they're walking their dogs. Some people shouldn't be left in charge of a houseplant let alone an animal or a kid. It makes me want to disappear in my house and never leave.
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 09, 2024
Isn't vaccination a requirement for licensing a dog? And aren't there fines for not licensing your dog? They should nip this nonsense in the bud.
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 10, 2024
Isn't vaccination a requirement for licensing a dog? And aren't there fines for not licensing your dog? They should nip this nonsense in the bud.

I'm sure people won't let a little thing like laws get in the way of them neglecting their pets. I think the amounts of the fines may vary by state and county, but typically there are monetary consequences for not licensing your dog. But since the people who are scared of canine autism probably don't take their dogs to the vet in the first place, they probably figure they don't have to license the dog either.
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 10, 2024
I keep some people in my FB feed so I can point and laugh. I have a few anti-vaxers who say vaccines cause human autism.

They are anti "Big Pharma" but of course they use cannabis HEAVILY and use all kinds of unregulated herbs and "tisanes" and "poultices." One of them is a nurse and her unvaccinated best friend and her unvaccinated Fundy pastor both died of COVID, well after vaccinations were available. Her pastor kept having in-person services and defied efforts to quarantine his church. His illness was well-publicized because he was on ECMO for a couple of months. (Isn't it great when these morons who don't trust Big Medicine or Big Pharma run to the hospital like little bitches and avail themselves of it all once they get a little bit of air hunger?) Because he was so popular, the local press threw everyone softballs. The latest tactic of these buffoons is for family and friends to say they "didn't know" whether he was vaccinated or not and his BFF also said something about "medical freedumb" so you know what the answer was.

Anyway, when the "nurse's" friend died, she wrote "does it really matter whether she was vaccinated?" and I thought, okay, she's just trying to keep the discussion civil and focus on the loss and not start a political flame war, because surely she believes in vaccination because she's a nurse, right? Wrong. Not long after that she went on a rampage about how "everyone thinks they know so much about COVID." She's had it many times and recently admitted that she has lung damage but of course she's still anti-vax. She is a working ICU nurse--I can only guess they gave her an exemption because they are desperate for nurses.

Anyway, back to topic, this idiocy extends to their animals. One of the group feeds her dog a vegan diet (I guess you could get by with this if you supplement with B12 but cats definitely cannot thrive on a vegan diet) and refuses to give her dog flea/tick/heartworm treatment. Heartworms are a BIG DEAL in my state. I myself would not give the all in one pill if I had a dog, but you can give topicals for flea/tick and good old Ivermectin for heartworm prevention. I'm sure her dogs are not vaccinated for rabies either.

Rabies was all but eradicated in the U.S. but it occasionally breaks out here in foxes, raccoons, skunks and bats. Now we can be like the rest of the world I guess and have all these diseases come back because of morons.
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 11, 2024
Isn't vaccination a requirement for licensing a dog? And aren't there fines for not licensing your dog? They should nip this nonsense in the bud.

I'm sure people won't let a little thing like laws get in the way of them neglecting their pets. I think the amounts of the fines may vary by state and county, but typically there are monetary consequences for not licensing your dog. But since the people who are scared of canine autism probably don't take their dogs to the vet in the first place, they probably figure they don't have to license the dog either.

My former brother-in-law was JAILED for not licensing two dogs in California! He and my late sister had three kids and shit fell by the wayside...


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 11, 2024
Good fucking lord.

If these morons manage to cause a rabies resurgence, they're going to make the rise in measles look like a goddamn picnic.
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 11, 2024
All diseases will be coming back.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 12, 2024
The upside is the anti-vax morons won't get themselves the rabies series in the event their unvaccinated dogs contract rabies and bite them, so the gene pool with get some much needed cleaning. Of course the downside will be potentially large numbers of dogs either dying or being put down that could have been prevented. Or anti-vax parents whose kids are exposed to rabies won't get them the vaccines and then the kids will die terrible deaths because "natchural immunity iz BETTER!" Or they will "do their own research" and learn about the Jeanna Giese case and put all faith in the Milwaukee Protocol as a non-vaccination cure for rabies.

Unfortunately there is no way to stop people from getting their hands on dogs. Sure you can blacklist them from adopting from shelters, but someone is always giving away puppies for free on Craigslist/Facebook or in the classifieds and they don't care who the dogs go to because they likely just want to be rid of them.
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 13, 2024
Look on the bright side - the COVID death rate was something like 15% higher in red states vs blue states. Maybe rabies will be the next method that trumpers use to remove themselves from the voting pool.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 13, 2024
Look on the bright side - the COVID death rate was something like 15% higher in red states vs blue states. Maybe rabies will be the next method that trumpers use to remove themselves from the voting pool.

Amen and pass the virus!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 13, 2024
Isn't vaccination a requirement for licensing a dog? And aren't there fines for not licensing your dog? They should nip this nonsense in the bud.

I have heard that there were fines, but where I live no one ever enforces it. People don't bother to license their pets many times.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 13, 2024
Isn't vaccination a requirement for licensing a dog? And aren't there fines for not licensing your dog? They should nip this nonsense in the bud.

I'm sure people won't let a little thing like laws get in the way of them neglecting their pets. I think the amounts of the fines may vary by state and county, but typically there are monetary consequences for not licensing your dog. But since the people who are scared of canine autism probably don't take their dogs to the vet in the first place, they probably figure they don't have to license the dog either.

My former brother-in-law was JAILED for not licensing two dogs in California! He and my late sister had three kids and shit fell by the wayside...

Yikes. How long was he in jail? How did they find out that he had unlicensed dogs?

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 13, 2024
Why do they always want to play this anti-vax shit with the worst viruses?

Skipping chickenpox vaccine might not be a big deal. But rabies, polio, whooping cought etc is something you don't fuck around with.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Anti-vaxxers are now not vaccinating their pets for rabies
April 14, 2024
Isn't vaccination a requirement for licensing a dog? And aren't there fines for not licensing your dog? They should nip this nonsense in the bud.

I'm sure people won't let a little thing like laws get in the way of them neglecting their pets. I think the amounts of the fines may vary by state and county, but typically there are monetary consequences for not licensing your dog. But since the people who are scared of canine autism probably don't take their dogs to the vet in the first place, they probably figure they don't have to license the dog either.

My former brother-in-law was JAILED for not licensing two dogs in California! He and my late sister had three kids and shit fell by the wayside...

Yikes. How long was he in jail? How did they find out that he had unlicensed dogs?

Someone reported the dogs. California is VERY strict about licensing.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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