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duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids

Posted by redrat33 
duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
April 30, 2024
The post (or at least it's screenshot) is here thread is here
sane person
Ferchrissakes, if he’d given us his word that he was a stamp collector, no one would give a shit. But, “I really want to have sex with children,” is not something that rational people will just shine on. And most normal people wouldn’t count that as an asset on a baby-sitter’s application form either.
Delusional Duh
I didn’t say he’d be my first choice of babysitter, but I don’t see paedophilia as necessarily an automatic disqualifier anymore than being a bestialist means you can’t look after my dog. What I said was if he was a friend of mine (like all my other sitters) and I knew he was an out paedophile, I would still let him look after my kid. Because, call me crazy, but I trust my friends not to hurt my kid (or they wouldn’t be my friend), and anyway, I trust people not to act on their every impulse at any opportunity.

Y’all are treating him like he’d be a junkie in a room full of drugs. I’d treat him like a person with a particular attraction in a situation where that’s not particularly relevant to the job at hand. IOW, I’d expect a modicum of self control from him, just like I’d trust a gay friend who thought I was hot (of which I have had a couple) not to take advantage of me when I’m drunk, or a straight friend not to try and peek at my wife changing her clothes. You know - civilized behaviour?

Just goes to show how breeders are willing to shove their brats on anybody , even a pedo. Honestly parunts like that dserve to have CPS called on them.

Another thread of people saying that they would turn a blind eye to a pedo working with small children right here:
https://boards.straightdope.com/t/would-you-report-a-pedophile-coworker/513022/50 . In other words if they had a coworker who outright stated he wanted to rape the babies in his care (even though he's a daycare worker), they would't report it to anyone because "they don't want to punish him for thoughtcrime"
Here's just a quote from it
We’re not talking about wishing something was legal in a vast generic sense, we’re talking about someone who is responsible for the care of small children telling you he would like to rape them. You’re saying this is a job he should be permitted to keep?
Once again, it’s up to whether he acts on his instincts or not. The flaming liberal in me stipulates that he has the right to his own thoughts, and he is only accountable for his actions and nothing else.

If he is working in a profession where he is in contact with children I’d advise him to find a job where he isn’t tempted to commit acts that will both harm other people, but above all himself (If he’s readily attracted to children, he’s obviously already put aside the thought that he’s doing them harm).
That quote is just the tip of the iceberg.
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
April 30, 2024
It's probably because Duhs want to foist their kids on absolutely anyone they can if it means they don't have to take care of their own children for even five minutes. Moos do it too, it's not just a male thing. Many breeders are willing to endanger their kids if it means getting away from them for a while.

It's nice and all that Duh trusts his Chester friends around his kids, but when you put bait in front of an animal like that, eventually they're gonna take it. And if someone finds out that Duh knew the pedo was a pedo and let his kids near them anyway and the inevitable abuse happens, that would probably be a child endangerment charge at the very least for Duh. He might get his brats taken away too, but most Duhs probably wouldn't mind that because they'd see it as, "Hey I don't gotta care for Junior anymore!"

I mean sure, maybe his pedo friends have some self-control. But why would you want to risk it? If I knew someone shoots neighborhood cats for fun, I wouldn't ask them to watch my cat while I was away.
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
April 30, 2024
Wow, how low can someone's standards go? Obviously this guy doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself and kids be damned.

This is pretty shocking that a duh would think this out loud, let alone write about it online. His kids need to be taken away from him because he has no problem leaving them in harm's way when it's convenient for him.

As for letting someone with a bestiality problem look after my pets? No. That ain't happening. I guess I care more about the health and safety of my pets than he does about his own kids.
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
May 01, 2024
It's probably because Duhs want to foist their kids on absolutely anyone they can if it means they don't have to take care of their own children for even five minutes.

Men who refer to parenting as "babysitting."

You're right, women do it, too, but men seem particularly bad about it. Look at the number of divorced or widowed fathers who are married again within a year or two because "kids need a mother." Again, not *just* men, but...the numbers do seem lopsided.
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
May 02, 2024
Men who refer to parenting as "babysitting."

You're right, women do it, too, but men seem particularly bad about it. Look at the number of divorced or widowed fathers who are married again within a year or two because "kids need a mother." Again, not *just* men, but...the numbers do seem lopsided.

Also probably the same Duhs who fight for 50/50 custody so they don't have to pay child support, and when they get the kids for the weekend, they send them back to Moo unbathed, hair not brushed, diapers filled, food stains all over them, loaded with sugar, cranky and generally looking like little street urchins. Same men who will marry the first woman to give them a chance and make a whole new family with her so he can have multiple kids to neglect.
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
May 02, 2024
I wouldn’t report because I’d think of it as a sick joke first. Who goes around telling other people that? Its much more likely he’s an idiot rather than a pedo.Now if I was convinced he was serious, then it be equally likely that I’d be convinced he was serious about not touching any kids, so either way I’m fine with just ignoring him.

Imagine being this stupid and naive ('He wont abuse any kids because he said he wouldnt'")

Glad to know the kiddies can rely on you.

Well I like to live dangerously :smiley:
I eat rare meat, I go outside without a sweater, and play video games or read while driving the car. :stuck_out_tongue:
What real assurance do I have that its just an offhand comment and not a serious declaration of intent? None. Assuming I believe him, why think he’ll break the law if I thought he was serious about being a pedophile? Take the emotion out of the argument, and you’d have just a co-worker who has an odd taste in jokes.
Logically speaking, it doesn’t matter whether he works with kids or the elderly, because the above statement works either way. So I don’t think its the right thing to report him at all because you’d either be sure he’s joking, or be sure he won’t break the law. Only someone steeped in bias would callously twist his words into the no-win scenario you’ve driven him in to. By your actions, why shouldn’t he go and rape the next baby he sees? Either way, he’ll get the cops on him, probably lose his job, and be ostracized. Might as well indulge, right?

And before you ask, yes, I would totally leave him alone with any kid, even mine. It would be hypocritical for me to display distrust after defending him, and I’d be pretty sure of correctness to the point where I don’t think he’s a threat. Sometimes you just gotta take chances Dio

Gross, It never ceases to amaze me how breeders are so quick to throw their precious spawn to the wolves either t og et away from them or prove how open minded they are

Same men who will marry the first woman to give them a chance and make a whole new family with her so he can have multiple kids to neglect.
Thats because raising cildren and even doing chores is wimminz work dontcha know? A mayunns only job is to act as a glorified sperm donor. That way he can spread his genes and prove his dickwerx while at the same time not having to make any effort or do any work.
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
May 02, 2024
Idiot needs to be flagged by CPS.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
June 06, 2024
where do these brood sows find these gems?? I have a real problem with people who abuse children despite my intense dislike of kids.

there was a post on reddit, forgot what the subject was but I made some comment about what should have been done to the pedo.. and some guy answered me (could have been a sow) about how perhaps chester had a baaaaad childhood and he should be pitied. I slammed that back in his face.. you damage a child, you have crossed a line with me that you never come back from.. but this asshole persisted .. I finally told him he must be a pedophile which was why he was so sympathetic and blocked him.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
June 06, 2024
I fuckin' hate that mentality! Just because someone was SA'd as a child doesn't mean they'll want to do that as an adult. Also, aren't adults supposed to know the difference between right and wrong, and therefore know it's wrong to want to bring that trauma onto another child? I can't stand kids but that doesn't mean I'd want to harm them or see them harmed. If anything, if I knew a kid was having that happen, I'd try to get them help.

It pisses me off so much that people are willing to sympathize with these creeps. I usually think that if you're able to sympathize with someone who does that kind of shit, maybe you're just a stone's throw away from being able to do it yourself.

Breeders can justify almost anything if it means they will get what they want. Even at the expense of others.
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
June 07, 2024

Breeders can justify almost anything if it means they will get what they want. Even at the expense of others.

And yet they have the nerve to accuse childfree people (especially more introverted ones) of being dangers to their sprogs. If i had a dime for every time i heard moos accuse unchilded men of being creeps for existing within 300 feet of their sprogs... Hell at one point they wanted to ban unchilded adults from legolands because apparently childfree adult = perv/predator. I've heard of professional photographers get harassed by breeders even though they aren't taking pictures of their brat.

Now that I think about it, the more a breeder accuses randos of eyeing up their spogs, the more likely they are to look the other way when someone they know is actually molesting junior (Usally their boyfriend/hubby/dick of the week/creepy uncle)
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
June 08, 2024
I love the logic that people who hate kids are abusers. Ummm, no? People who don't like kids will go out of their way to avoid them. It's the ones who reeeeeeeeeeeally like kids to an unhealthy extent you gotta keep an eye on. Also, I can't think of too many instances in the news where a childfree person was arrested for abusing or murdering kids, but there are PLENTY of stories of parents doing those things to their own kids, often on a daily basis. But yeah no, let's worry about the CFers being around kids. eye rolling smiley

But hey if quality and safety aren't concerns for desperate breeders, they can find free babysitters if they just check the sex offender registry for their area. Find someone who is on the list for crimes against children and I guarantee they will be thrilled to mind Junior and Princess for a few hours/days/weeks/months/years.
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
June 08, 2024
I love the Find someone who is on the list for crimes against children and I guarantee they will be thrilled to mind Junior and Princess for a few hours/days/weeks/months/years.

They'll do it for free too!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
August 04, 2024
It's almost impossible to overstate the stupidity/laziness of some breeders. Leaving a child of any age with a paedophile is like leaving a sugar addict in a candy store. These people either don't understand--or more likely just don't care--that paedophiles will, sooner or later, act on their sick inclinations if given the chance. This is simply leaving the kid in harm's way and IMHO is both child neglect and child endangerment.

And secondly, why would someone be friends with an "out" paedophile, especially if they have kids? Am I missing something? That one guy would actually trust his paedophile friend to not harm his kid/s? Is he an idiot or just trying to give me that impression? If you know someone has a history of paedophilia, what decent, caring parent would ever let a paedo anywhere near their kid? Oh, wait, we're talking about breeders, not parents.
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
August 04, 2024

It's the ones who reeeeeeeeeeeally like kids to an unhealthy extent you gotta keep an eye on.

Michael Jackson anyone? I mean, someone who builds an entire ranch and has pajama parties for children?

When you look back into that whole ugly chapter of society (1990s) it's horrifying to me how many parents just turned their kids over to him because he was famous. A man has all the money in the world, and he wants to build a ranch for kids and invite them up there? (Anybody remember, one family got a $4M payout in return for keeping their mouths shut and not pressing charges. And yet I still have a friend who still won't believe he's a pedophile because MJ was a person of color and so is she and she cannot believe one of her idols is capable of doing that. Incidentally, she also believes OJ was innocent but I am digressing as usual.)

It's a tale as old as time. Look at Priscilla Presley, whose parents allowed her to date Elvis when she was what, 14 years old? Frankie Vallie has a similar history, Jerry Lee Lewis, Steven Tyler, etc.

Look at priests, Jerry Sandusky, etc.

I hope society is changing and parents are wising up but the reality is many of them don't care and are just happy to get them out of their hair for a while. So much for how rewarding TMIJITW is, right?
Re: duh says that he'd trust a pedo to babysit his kids
August 15, 2024
I ended up disliking kids because of what the fuckers did to me growing up and in school and I don't think I liked myself much either. it did not help that my somewhat shitty egg donor had deluded notions on raising kids. her own mother shoudl have been sterilized when she hit puberty. I ended all of it by being childfree. I don't knwo if it bothered bitchmouth. all that mattered was her own ass

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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