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People having kids and contacting their cf ex

Posted by cfdavep 
People having kids and contacting their cf ex
May 29, 2024

There is someone on reddit cf in the comments who divorced 14 years ago and her ex contacted her years later to tell her he now has a couple of kids. I have no idea why someone would bother to do this:

"My ex-hb is still trying to contact me 14 years after I left him to tell me he’s got twin boys (now 4). Like I know, dude. I’m happy for you but I couldn’t be less interested. I just know he wants to gloat, even though he knows I’m CF by choice. I might just tell him about my recent trek in the Himalayas - he won’t be doing that any time soon"
Re: People having kids and contacting their cf ex
May 29, 2024
No one ever accused breeders of having too many brains.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: People having kids and contacting their cf ex
May 30, 2024
If they broke up because the author was CF and the ex was not, he probably wanted to see if she changed her mind so he could rub it in her face. I'm assuming he also wanted to gloat about his twin brats because not only did he make a goldenpenis heir, but he made TWO at the same time and he probably thinks that's an accomplishment. Or he thought it would make her jealous that he had kids with someone who wasn't her, so she'd know what she was missing out on. eye rolling smiley


Then at some point he asked me if 'I had kids yet'. Which I found quite out of the blue. I said no and that there won't be any. He replied, 'Oh huh so you still don't want them?'

I got similar crap from my ex many years ago when he was still part of our social circle. I mentioned in passing that I didn't want kids now or ever, and I had said as much like ten years prior when I was with him. He said, "Still doing that no kids thing, huh?" Yup, and I will be for the for the rest of my life. He seemed to think it was a bad habit I'd outgrow or something.

It warms my cold dead heart remembering how much he would go on about how he wanted to have a son just so he could name it after himself and he wound up with two girls.
Re: People having kids and contacting their cf ex
May 30, 2024

I got similar crap from my ex many years ago when he was still part of our social circle. I mentioned in passing that I didn't want kids now or ever, and I had said as much like ten years prior when I was with him. He said, "Still doing that no kids thing, huh?" Yup, and I will be for the for the rest of my life. He seemed to think it was a bad habit I'd outgrow or something.

It warms my cold dead heart remembering how much he would go on about how he wanted to have a son just so he could name it after himself and he wound up with two girls.

A part of me applauds, another pitied the behind the couch brats.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: People having kids and contacting their cf ex
June 04, 2024
I don't really see any worthy reason to contact one of my exes. I guess I could understand mentioning to your ex if you happen to run into him/her your successes/accomplishments. Or mentioning a success or two at a high school/college reunion if someone asks. Those make some sense. But if sluicing is your highest accomplishment, doesn't that say it all?
Re: People having kids and contacting their cf ex
June 04, 2024
I got similar crap from my ex many years ago when he was still part of our social circle. I mentioned in passing that I didn't want kids now or ever, and I had said as much like ten years prior when I was with him. He said, "Still doing that no kids thing, huh?" Yup, and I will be for the for the rest of my life. He seemed to think it was a bad habit I'd outgrow or something.

It warms my cold dead heart remembering how much he would go on about how he wanted to have a son just so he could name it after himself and he wound up with two girls.

I don't think your ex will ever grasp that his bragging right is your ultimate nightmare. Bullet dodged!
Re: People having kids and contacting their cf ex
June 04, 2024
Gloating to a childfree person about having kids is kind of stupid and useless. Anyone who would do that to me would get the feigned "Congrats I guess" but inside I'm thinking, "Man, good luck with that."

Why bother trying to make someone feel envious of something they never wanted in the first place? What would this accomplish except to make the breeder sound smug and ignorant. It's an effort in futility and at least in my case I'd be relieved that we're no longer together because obviously that person wanted kids more than they wanted me. Bullet dodged, TYVM.
Re: People having kids and contacting their cf ex
June 05, 2024
Unless the ex was very abusive or dangerous and should be avoided, I can see the allure in gloating about the perks of being childfree to make breeder exes jealous. Doesn't even have to be about anything super adventurous - just say you get to sleep in on the weekend.

Really rub it in, because after all, they are the ones who chose to have kids and a vast majority of them are not happy with their decision. Let them know what they could have had - with or without the CF person - had they not bred.

They'll probably lob bingoes at you as a defense mechanism and to feel superior, but they're fuming on the inside.

Why bother trying to make someone feel envious of something they never wanted in the first place?

They probably figure that you will see how happy they are trying to appear with their lives so you will be jealous and wish you never left them. Like "look at these adorable kids that could have been yours if you weren't so selfish!" Meanwhile the kids are licking a tree. They're so dense that they don't get that this is not a flex. It's like bragging about how you can now get six sewing needles into each eyeball instead of five. Like I'm sure someone's impressed by it, but I'm not. Enjoy your thinly-veiled misery, dude.
Re: People having kids and contacting their cf ex
June 06, 2024
hence shaedenfreude posts. I love watching the breeders take it full on in the face when their haughty arrogant attitude is shredded by their little bastards.

especially the proliferation of cameras.. (aside: anyone who thinks that an out of control population is not inviting top down control should look at the increase of cameras.. they are everywhere.. and the stupid sheeple think 'it's for their protection'.. it is only because people are increasingly incapable of controlling their own behaviour.. ..but I digress)... on the cameras on busses catching the little shits doing everything their gonad donors say they weren't. the cameras on busses to catch people running the overhead red lights. and many of the perpetrators are the same parunts that get up and bitch about red light runners endangering their precious little trophies.

gah, gag me with a spooon. what a bunch of maroons

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
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