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"Hating" moos and feminism

Posted by cfdavep 
"Hating" moos and feminism
June 11, 2024

They are really going at it today on XChromosomes saying that some CF people hate moos and therefore they can't be "feminist"
They don't like the antinatalist as the antinatalists seem to be against choice, the choice to have kids
Re: "Hating" moos and feminism
June 12, 2024
Meanwhile I'm sure actual feminists would fight to be seen/valued as something other than broodmares.

I'm supportive of a woman's right to choose, which I know encompasses the choice to have kids. However, I do not need to support the special privileges, shitty attitudes and bad parenting characteristic of many women who make this choice.


If you use nasty terms like "breeders" and "crotch goblins" you are demonising women and their reproductive choices.

No, I'm demonizing both male AND female parents - "breeder" is not gender exclusive. "Moo" is specific to women, but I think that's a term exclusive to this forum as I've never seen it used elsewhere.

"Crotch goblins" is also an equal opportunity insult for both male and female children. I am not demonizing their choice, just their shite parenting. Maybe if they were better parents and/or didn't have kids they can't handle, they wouldn't get called names.

Also how come there is no support for childfree women who get all kinds of flack for not adhering to the life script? Telling women they will change their minds about having kids like they're wishy-washy teenagers or implying we aren't "real women" and "don't know what real love is" is demonizing their choice to not reproduce. Telling us we're bitter, resentful spinster "freetards" demonizes our choice to not be parents. If we're gonna play this game, I'll respond in kind.

Oh, but it's okay for people to hate on CFers, especially women. Since it's only acceptable for a woman to choose to have kids, but the choice not to do so is bad. Nice how that works out all nice and neat for the Moos where they get to dictate that they can't be called mean names because feminism, but they can call women who didn't make the same choice terrible things.
Re: "Hating" moos and feminism
June 12, 2024
It sounds like just another way to demonize women who chose not to squeeze one or seven out. I'm pro-choice and I don't really care if someone chooses differently than me, but I hate how they make it sound like once again, we're bitter and hateful against moos. The only time I feel ticked off is when they refuse to properly raise them and then these things are unleashed into society for the rest of us to deal with.

I wonder what else they'll think of to make us seem like heartless monsters? We're not supposed to be pet moms (None of their business really), we're not really feminists (although most of us are if you speak to us), we're bitter and envious (I have to lol at that one for obvious reasons), we're too ugly to have sex with (another lol to that one, especially with some of the wildebeests who managed to find someone to knock them up), among other accusations.
Re: "Hating" moos and feminism
June 13, 2024
That is both hilarious and ridiculous. Like all of you are saying, we hate bad parents/bad parenting, not mothers. We're frustrated by women who lose their entire identities to motherhood, which is a function of patriarchy, the exact opposite of feminism. Women should absolutely have the choice whether or not to have children, as should men. But they don't have the right to fuck up their kids without judgment, and neither do men.
Re: "Hating" moos and feminism
June 14, 2024
I think a lot of people believe being a feminist means that you have to support women, no matter what. I would argue that it shouldn’t be verboten to for a feminist to call out other women on stupid decisions. I hate this all or nothing type thinking.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: "Hating" moos and feminism
June 14, 2024
I think a lot of people believe being a feminist means that you have to support women, no matter what. I would argue that it shouldn’t be verboten to for a feminist to call out other women on stupid decisions. I hate this all or nothing type thinking.

Re: "Hating" moos and feminism
June 14, 2024
I think a lot of people believe being a feminist means that you have to support women, no matter what. I would argue that it shouldn’t be verboten to for a feminist to call out other women on stupid decisions. I hate this all or nothing type thinking.

Very well put. Just because someone is a woman doesn't mean they aren't stupid. I'm not going to support someone for being an idiot and doing idiotic things.

I don't really care what people choose to do with their bodies. If someone's going to have kids though, all I ask is that the parents don't fuck them up. Otherwise their choices affect everyone else, especially the kid.

It's a case of "Just because you can breed doesn't mean you should." There are plenty of people out there who don't think about that.
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