Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
A friend of ours, his wife insisted on having babies. He is a bit of a wimp and does whatever she tells him to, so he doesn't have to listen to her bitch.
Last night he just starts spewing about how since the second kid was born, there is not a moment of peace, a minute to himself, no sex, his wife is always bitchy and he is tired of working his ass off so she can complain about how it is not good enough. She insisted on quitting her high paying job to stay at home after the second kid was born, he said when he comes home at night, she is so bitchy and so mean that he can't stand her. She complains that she has to work hard all day and all he does is go to the office and play.
He is hating her and hating family life.
He let it all go last night and said anyone who decides not to have kids is brilliant.

he hates it and says his wife hates it also. He is man enough to admit it, she still puts on the breederific fake pose about how rewarding it is and how much she loves it, even though last time I saw her, she looked like hell.
Anonymous User
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
More jerks who didn't have any common sense and listened to the BS about 'it's different when it's your own' and other breeder garbage.
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
Why has she turned on him?
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
More jerks who didn't have any common sense and listened to the BS about 'it's different when it's your own' and other breeder garbage.

He admits that he bought into the hype and was a total fucking idiot.
He said if she ever mentions another kid, it can't happen he is getting a clip and snip to prevent anymore disturbances to his life.

He lies to her and says he has a late business meeting or dinner, and then comes to our house for some peace. He sits on the deck and drinks a couple of beers with us and we talk about adult issues, not baby crap. He never mentions the kids, he honestly said that he did not find them interesting, so he is sure we would not find them interesting either.
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> Why has she turned on him?

I think she is taking her unhappiness out on him. She made the choice to spew out kids and hates it, she blames him for it,even though it was her idea and she nagged about it until they had a second child.
I guess the first child is a good kid or was a good kid. He became a hellboy once the other kid was born.
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
This happens a lot. The moo is bitter and unhappy. When you are bitter and unhappy, of course you are going to find fault with your man. After all, it's HIS fault you are unhappy. The sun could shine out of his ass and he STILL wouldn't be good enough.

Rose Red Wrote:
> Why has she turned on him?
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
this is another instance where they needed to have THE TALK before they got married- and even that's no guarantee.
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
Sucks to be Duh.

I do have to say that "the talk" before marriage doesn't work if the wife is baby-rabid. My ex's husband made it very clear that he didn't want kids and thought ex was on board with that decision. Nope. Ex wanted baby, "oopsed" him and got preggers. This illustrates the idea that if a man or a woman does not want kyds, then get the snip or the tie.

At least the dude is honest about how he feels. And yes, children are NOT interesting. I don't deal with them because they are simply BORING.
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
My father pressured my mother into having a third (possibly the second, but I was too young to remember) kyd in order to sire the "golden boy" sprog after having had two girls. I was only 6 y/o when all of the begging and late night conversations were going on, but I was an intelligent child and admittedly, nosy as hell. I eavesdropped on many parental conversations and was painfully aware at a very early age that he had wished for a son. I didn't have to guess either because he would say it outright. "This is Kim, she was supposed to be a boy". I had it better than most girls who had fathers who wanted the golden boys because he sucked it up and took me along on "father-son" fishing tournaments and other events, so at least that was something. Most fathers acted as if their girls were porcelain dolls, but mine accepted I was a tom boy as a girl and he seemed to like it.

Late in my mother's 3rd knocked uppedness, she found out with a great degree of certainty that this kyd was a girl as well. Things changed between them after that and some resentment and anger built up. Daddy started coming home for lunch in his secretary's little red convertible using the excuse that he was going to take it to the shop for her, blah blah blah. I don't know what held their marriage together after all of that crap that I witnessed, but I remember that we moved shortly thereafter. Kyds (and the pregnancies) ALWAYS cause problems in marriages even if they are "planned" and even IF they are "good kyds". They cost money, take up time, and basically will put a damper on ANY romance or sex, that's for sure.

I am convinced that my mother would have been a happy CF and would have gone further in her career and much sooner if she hadn't stopped to have kyds. My dad would have been happy to have just ONE golden boy and could have easily lived a happy life without ever having set eyes on any girl baybees.He claims to love us and he has apologized for all of the "supposed to be a boy" comments years ago, but I have reason to believe that he is only sorry that he did not have a son and that I found out/knew about things which I had no business knowing. I think with PNB's especially there are a great deal of emotional problems/let downs in the marriage after kyds because the expectations that society gave them simply do NOT add up or come to fruition. I believe that "the joys of parenthood" is the greatest mass lie that has ever been perpetuated and perpetrated for SO many centuries on one generation to the next.
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
She complains that she has to work hard all day and all he does is go to the office and play.

Right. That's why they give him a paycheck, because he's playing. Not because he's dealing with deadlines that expired yesterday, with a pitbull boss breathing down his neck, with a complaining customer who bitches about him to his boss and makes him look bad despite his efforts to serve the customer. Right.

While she's cooling her heels at home, microwaving some pizza nuggets, and checking out the latest "Maury" trainwreck, little suspecting she's a prime candidate for the next show.

The ungratefulness of moms who get to stay at home, call their own shots, make their own schedule, and answer to no one for 8 hours a day stuns me.
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
"My father pressured my mother into having a third (possibly the second, but I was too young to remember) kyd in order to sire the "golden boy" sprog after having had two girls. I was only 6 y/o when all of the begging and late night conversations were going on, but I was an intelligent child and admittedly, nosy as hell. I eavesdropped on many parental conversations and was painfully aware at a very early age that he had wished for a son. I didn't have to guess either because he would say it outright. "This is Kim, she was supposed to be a boy"..."

Yes that was definitely my situation too -- two kids and still big daddy wasn't happy because neither of us had a penis. The only difference is, my mother didn't cave and that's when things went frosty between my parents and my father basically switched off and opted-out of being my dad in every way except genetically because frankly I wasn't quite what he had in mind as a son.

Parents then have the nerve to try to deceive the rest of the world that it's all about their children. Makes me sick.

And as for Annie's all-too-honest friend, maybe his words will reach the ears of some young singletons who then hopefully never go on to drink the koolaid if they don't want to do so.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
I also do not understand why fathers allow their daughters to be aware that they wish for, no LONG FOR AND YEARN, for a baybee with a penis. It resonates in their chirpy voices when they speak of a friend who just had a son born vs the lamenting tone of if it was a daughter. If they get a girl AFTER having had a boy then they seem fine and genuinely happy. However, if they keep getting girl after girl, then they directly and/or indirectly solicit (and get) sympathy from men AND women that they don't "yet" have a son. The only thing worse for men like this who never get a son is the man who FINALLY got the one son in a set of daughters and the kyd gets killed or dies at an early age. That man will NEVER smile again, even though he still has living children, albeit girls, who still need him. I happen to think that is the MOST selfish man of all, not that he feels that way but that he lets his daughters know it.

I was my father's favorite up until my youngest sister sprogged a boy grandpup 6 years ago. I harbor a lot of resentment for that kyd and even MORE for my father. I hate to be in the same room with him and that kyd and I hate to hear him brag about him, I hate the proud tone he uses, I hate that he loves him so much for no other reason than he is male, and I have secret desires that he will be gay and come out while dad is still alive. Even that probably wouldn't register on his gaydar or ignite his homophobia though, because he is so in love with golden grandboy. It's CRYSTAL CLEAR he is "finally" happy and it does not go unnoticed by me, the other sister, OR the not so favorite sister who spawned the "golden grandboy". I wish that I didn't resent the kyd over it, but I can't seem to help it. It's actually one reason of many that I decided to be CF. I couldn't stand the thought of his gushing over a boychild, even (or perhaps especially) if it was born of my own cooter.
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
Kidless and Amethyst, I wanted to chime in and say I am so sorry your dad was an asshat about the boy/girl thing.

My own father died when he was 35. My mother was a neglective parunt and probably the worst thing she did was marry an abusive, alcoholic after my father died. My life sucked from then on while I lived at home, but I never once doubted my biological father's love for me for a second. I can see that for the blessing that was.

My mom actually asked my father if he wanted to "try for a boy" shortly before he died. He said no, he was content and he loved his girls. It was a good thing, actually because it would have meant more girls for my stepfather to molest
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
I am sorry your dad's were that way.

My Sil called today crying and depressed again, she wants a boy and found out she is having a girl.
What the fuck is wrong with a girl? Do these people want someone to carry on the family name so people won't forget who they are? If so make a fucking donation to a college or hospital in the name of your family and move the fuck on.
It pisses me off that people get so stuck on having a certain sex , shouldn't they be more concerned that thier kid is healthy and happy?
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
Sadly enough, this thread reminded me of something I heard a distant cousin yell during a family reunion at his 4 year old son who was crying because he'd fallen and skinned his knee...
"Would you fucking stop crying???? If I'd wanted a girl I would have stuck it in further!!!"

And this is why we call him "Angry Dad"

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 17, 2008
All this duhds-wanting-sons shit reminds me of King Henry VIII! (Though of course the great irony in his story is that after everything he went through trying to have the goldenboy, his 'useless girlchild' Elizabeth went on to become one of the greatest rulers in England's history). These duhds should pay attention to that story. Ok, so your daughter obviously doesn't have a penis, but she could still grow up to be something incredible (if she doesn't become a breeder, after all Elizabeth I was CF!).
kidlesskim Wrote:
> My father pressured my mother into having a third
> (possibly the second, but I was too young to
> remember) kyd in order to sire the "golden boy"
> sprog after having had two girls. I was only 6 y/o
> when all of the begging and late night
> conversations were going on, but I was an
> intelligent child and admittedly, nosy as hell. I
> eavesdropped on many parental conversations and
> was painfully aware at a very early age that he
> had wished for a son. I didn't have to guess
> either because he would say it outright. "This is
> Kim, she was supposed to be a boy". I had it
> better than most girls who had fathers who wanted
> the golden boys because he sucked it up and took
> me along on "father-son" fishing tournaments and
> other events, so at least that was something. Most
> fathers acted as if their girls were porcelain
> dolls, but mine accepted I was a tom boy as a girl
> and he seemed to like it.

Kim it seems there is a name for this and I call it "failed specimen" meaing that the child meant to be that gender but it came out opposite. Look like you're one of them meaning your parents wanted a boy but you came out as a girl.
To be honest with you I am also one of them too because my mum wanted a girl but I come out to be a boy. She keep on trying to have more babies until it come out to be a girl but unfortnautly I come out to be a boy and because there was a child of 5, the doctor automatically sterilises my mum because she will become a breeder. The doctor said "that's enough".

The truth is there is nothing wrong of being a "failed specimen". Infact they become smart, successful like me and childfree like me or you because of it.

I don't know why parents will keep on try to breed more kids until they get the right gender. In reality parent to be cannot decide if they want a boy or girl. If it pops out a boy, then it's a boy. If it's a girl, it's a girl.
MerlynHerne Wrote:
> Sucks to be Duh.
> I do have to say that "the talk" before marriage
> doesn't work, especially if the wife is
> baby-rabid. My ex's husband made it very clear
> that he didn't want kids and thought ex was on
> board with that decision. Nope. Ex wanted baby,
> "oopsed" him and got preggers. This illustrates
> the idea that if a man or a woman does not want
> kyds, then get the snip or the tie.

This happens to a lot of men.
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 18, 2008
I love how Duhs want the almighty golden boy to carry on the family name when it is highly possible (albeit a little nontraditional) for the man to take the woman's surname in marriage, or for the two spouses to keep their original names. Girls are just as capable of continuing a family name as males - too bad most fathers are too ignorant to realize this.

My mother was kind of disappointed that I wasn't a boy - she told me that when she woke up after her C-section, the first thing she said was, "So where's my Christopher?" That's where her wishful thinking stopped, thankfully. I wonder if she was partially okay with my being a girl because I ended up being a tomboy...she got half of a boy, kind of.

Part of me wonders how many duhs/moos/parents who, in an act of desperation for a boy baybee, either raise their daughter to think she is a male (transgender, I think, is the term), or, if they have the money, get the child surgery to turn her into a male.
Re: Truth from the depths of breederville
October 18, 2008
Maybe that's because it's still considered that girls will one day turn into brood sows who stay at home all day long while men rule the world.eye rolling smiley
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