Super's the sad truth
October 17, 2008
It's reinforced with each episode I catch... These idiots having children. They have the brains to make a good living, as most of them live in lovely homes. But holy FUCK! They're ALL making the same damn mistakes! They have these unruly little shits who are BEGGING for the proper attention. It's so plain, every single episode. I'm so disgusted. It's depressing that there are actually parents who are this STUPID.

Before this I watched 'Wife Swap'. Oh man, another disaster. The usual, two families on completely different ends of the spectrum. Both unhealthy in some glaring way. These women are all disgusting. One moo on WS was a 'self-proclaimed' NASTY MOO. You shoulda seen her without make-up! And gawd knows what she'd look like if she didn't have $50,000 worth of plastic surgery! UGH! Whatta stupid fucking whore, another California Clone. Her three brats reflected her spoiled nature, of course. Such wastes of life, these brooders of assholes. OH PLEASE! Make it STOP!
moody smiley
Happy Friday, ya'll.
Re: Super's the sad truth
October 18, 2008
you as well, sugar. keep away from the glass teat...
Re: Super's the sad truth
October 18, 2008
Yep, seacreature, these are the same guys who claim thet the child is "Gift from gawd", "miracle of - whatever" and "have end up hiring a top-notch nanny because the moo and dud are stupid to dicipline themselves.
Re: Super's the sad truth
October 19, 2008
Yes I see this too -- different famblies, same old story. Parents literally quaking in fear that their hellspawn might 'hate' them or say something hurtful to them. Oh boo hoo. Bunch of pussies, each and every one. If they'd only stop to ask themselves WHY are they taking the undeveloped thoughts and babyish stunted emotions of a 4 year old toddler as seriously as they would a 40 year old adult, they'd realise how freakin crazy they look to the rest of us.

I remember seeing this documentary about cognitive development by our leading doctor du jour, Professor Lord Winston of Hammersmith Hospital. One experiment tells us all you need to know about toddler-brats and their minds. He had a toddler sit on the floor playing with blocks and cars with his granny. They had a television on mute in the corner of the room (so it was on, but not intrusive). They asked the granny to play with the kid non-stop for 10 minutes, giving all her attention to him, encouraging him to steer his little car around and all the rest of it. Kid was in heaven. They asked the gran to suddenly withdraw her attention -- not to move away or change posture or anything, still stay with him on the floor-- but just to turn her head and silently start watching the television in the corner. She was to keep watching the television for 10 minutes, not letting her attention to be drawn back to the grandson. Well after about 30 seconds the kid is still playing, but he notices he's not the centre of attention any more. He keeps playing and babbling to himself, trying to get gran interested. 30 more seconds and he's still at it, but tears are rolling down his face. Soon he's sobbing whilst playing because he's literally going through addiction withdrawal -- they are addicted to grown-up attention and focus. Few minutes later he's just laying on the floor wailing because gran is sitting there with him but not totally focusing on him every moment-- she's watching television -- and he's like a junkie going through painful cold-turkey withdrawal. Winston said in this programme that for the first 7 years of life, human motivation is ALL about 'what can I do next to get, control and keep the attention of the nearest adult?' Why do parents, who think they know brats SO WELL, not recognise and work with/against this?? It's the key to ALL the behavioural problems.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Super's the sad truth
October 19, 2008
Amethyst: JESUS. Unbelievable.
Re: Super's the sad truth
October 19, 2008
I totally agree that the experiment Amethyst posted about is correct. It depicts the MAIN reason that I detest showing any of my nephews or neice any attention or interest at all, although I would like to, but on my own terms. If you ask about a new toy, or ask them to do the latest cart wheel or summer sault, you have just signed your life away. Kyds will worry the PISS out of you and progressively demand more attention to the point that it's impossible to even carry on a conversation with anyone else in the room. They would STFU and go play by themselves if their mee maws and moomies didn't encourage this needy behavior with the, "Show Aunt Kim THIS toy", or..."Tell Aunt Kim what you learned in Vacation Bible School today...", or...."Show Aunt Kim how you can build a whole town out of your leggos...", or "Get Aunt Kim to let you do a makeover on her with your new pre-teen kiddie make up set"(NO THANKS!!!)

Many kyds today are made to feel that they are worthy of being the CONSTANT center of attention and that only their feelings matter. I am NOT interested in watching their "tricks", or their leggo building prowess, or how they can count to 100, or how they can recite all of the books of The New Testament, or how they can peck out (poorly)Silent Night in the key of C on the piano, or how they can brush their own teeth or hair, go big boy poopie in the big toilet, etc........In my opinion these are average, common, and normal "milestones" that they should be able to do and do on their own without any fanfare. No one in the real world gives a SHIT that a ten y/o can put gas in a lawn mower without blowing himself up, or that a 4 y/o can recite his ABC's by rote, that a 5 y/o can decorate a fucking Christmas cookie, or that a 7 y/o can color a page out of a cheap coloring book and "stay in the lines". A BIG DEAL, none of that is and to pretend that it's equivalent to discovering that infamous "cancer cure" is doing the kyd a grave disservice. IMHO.

I know some adults who still crave this type of constant attention and back patting. I avoid them, HATE to be around them, and quite frankly I find their behavior rather embarassing.
Re: Super's the sad truth
October 19, 2008
Yes, Am and kidless, you've hit it. I am so thankful that I was able to entertain myself. Imagine not being able to keep yourself occupied. Talk about raising a worthless individual. Totally crippling the kid for real life. Great job, stupid fucking breeders. Great job.
Re: Super's the sad truth
October 20, 2008
I too know adults that have meltdowns when it's not about them. horrible to be around.
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