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Posted by annie35 
October 27, 2008
MIL is a preachy PIA.
She is always talking about how people who do not attend church ( meaning me and hubby) don't give to charity.
My husband popped off, that our tax money is paying for her next 5 grandkids, and he considers paying for welfare babies, to be enough charity. He shut her up in a matter of seconds.
She can't argue that precious grandbabys are being paid for by us taxpayers, while daughter sits on her ass and does nothing.
Anonymous User
Re: Zing!
October 27, 2008
In the words of Kramer...."GIDDY UP"
Re: Zing!
October 27, 2008
Hilarious the way certain churchy folk try to claim that people have to attend church to prove how good they are. As if it's somehow not possible to be moral, decent and upstanding unless you're preached at (ie threatened with dreadful torture for infinity) for at least an hour each week. It always makes me wonder exactly how close ARE those churchy people to just lashing out and gunning down their own neighbourhoods, had they not been constantly warned to 'be good'.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Zing!
October 27, 2008
Amethyst Wrote:
> Hilarious the way certain churchy folk try to
> claim that people have to attend church to prove
> how good they are. As if it's somehow not
> possible to be moral, decent and upstanding unless
> you're preached at (ie threatened with dreadful
> torture for infinity) for at least an hour each
> week. It always makes me wonder exactly how close
> ARE those churchy people to just lashing out and
> gunning down their own neighbourhoods, had they
> not been constantly warned to 'be good'.

MIL is one of the worst. She always praises God, she said she prayed God would remove me from her son's life. I guess God likes me more than her, I stayed.
She is a total religious freak and loves to tell people how to live.
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