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Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical

Posted by MerlynHerne 
Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
I understand that I am probably more militantly CF than others, but I find the Mirena commercial somewhat annoying. The moo suggests that just finishing a sentence is a big achievement. Then of course, they go through the whole spiel and illustrate that Mirena is reversible by showing (of course) a loaf. It's probably just me, but unless you are a total dork, by the time you get to that point, you have figured out that said form of BC is reversible.

I guess that I don't see the point of a loaf in a BC commercial since the idea of BC is to prevent conception of said loaf. However on another board I have been accused of being somewhat hypersensitive, so I'll leave the call on this up to you guys.
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
Yea, I saw this commercial too. Fucking disgusting. Everything has to revolve around breeding. I'm so sick and tired of the mindset that breeding is the way to go.
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
That ad makes me absolutely sick- plus she already has like 3 or 4 - plus the ad LIES by showing dad. Gets the thing and then changes her mind? What is is in their lives that after the last one hits like 10 or so they have to have one more? to show they can still do it? To show that they still have sex? What's the point? Why can't they focus on the ones they have?

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
This commercial is ridiculous. I like how the moo keeps running her mouth about "all she wants to get done". Learn a new language? Yeah, right! Because we all know parents of multiple litters have a lot of free time on their hands.

I want to say, "Ok, well, if she keeps shooting out kiddies at the rate she's going, I doubt she'll be getting anything done other than the usual: soccer practice, diaper changes, heating up chicken nuggets, breaking up tantrums, scrubbing shit out of the carpet, etc." The woman in this ad has at least three kids already, then after she removes her Mirena, she magically has another one to add to the pile. Come on, breeders - don't insult our intelligence. This woman isn't getting anything done.

Plus, the ad just panders to stupid people. I half expected them to say,
"Ok moms, are you following us here? Let's go over this one more time:
WITH Mirena! (baby disappears)
WITHOUT Mirena! (baby appears)
WITH Mirena! (baby disappears)

Ok, have we got it now?"

I honestly think you'd have to be completely insane to want more children after even having one. Two is pushing it. Three is just sheer lunacy.
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
Don'cha know? Birth control is only for women who have HAD babies, because what right thinking woman wouldn't want babies? And do notice, it's babIES, because no one should ever fathom stopping at just one.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
Have you all noticed that the first 3 kids are boys and the last one is a girl? I always think they kept breeding until moo got her girl to play dress up with. This ad gets on my nerves, too!
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
Wow, BBG - you're so right! The first 3 ARE boys and the last one is a girl! I didn't pick up on that. Oh wow, and you know that's exactly what they're implying in a very insidious, but subtle way:

"Look, if you've got 3 boys, and you don't want to try right now for the girl that we all know you honestly deserve, use Mirena for a little while and then come back and keep breeding until you get the girl."

Anonymous User
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
I hate to see a kid in ANY commercial or ANY TV show, or ANYwhere else, for that matter. I must be just as militantly CF as Merlyn! And Rose Red, I think they keep having them after the last one hits 10 because they are so accustomed to being nothing but breeding machines, that they don't know what else to do with their pathetic lives after the little shits get out of diapers, and off the tit. I mean really, what else is there to live for??? And a grown woman wanting a 'girl' to play dress-up with just shows the inferior brain-power of these slugs.
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
NAM Wrote:
> I hate to see a kid in ANY commercial or ANY TV
> show, or ANYwhere else, for that matter. I must
> be just as militantly CF as Merlyn! And Rose Red,
> I think they keep having them after the last one
> hits 10 because they are so accustomed to being
> nothing but breeding machines, that they don't
> know what else to do with their pathetic lives
> after the little shits get out of diapers, and off
> the tit.

This. Studies have shown that the brain chemistry changes, and so, after they've had the koolaid, they know nothing else. I don't know any people of true culture AND intelligence who have more than 1 child, and right now I don't know anyone socially with kids.
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
I've seen that commercial as well as well as the pamphlets on this product. The ads state things like "Ideal Mirena users will have had at least one child and are in a committed relationship". WTF???!!! So, apparently they think that single, childless/CF women are sluts with no common sense.

My gyno recommended Mirena to me, but I don't think I can consciously give that company my money. $500 is entirely too much to contribute to blatant sexism and the notion that all women must be broodmares. angry flipping off

In contrast, the pamphlets for Paraguard promote a sensible approach to women's health and freedom of choice. I think I will choose this IUD instead, once I tire of BCP.
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
LucyTrainWreck Wrote:
> I've seen that commercial as well as well as the
> pamphlets on this product. The ads state things
> like "Ideal Mirena users will have had at least
> one child and are in a committed relationship".
> WTF???!!! So, apparently they think that single,
> childless/CF women are sluts with no common sense.

Wow - if that's not fundie propaganda, I don't know what is.
Anonymous User
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
Part of the reason that they recommend it for women who've already had one child is because insertion can be tricky/painful for nulliparas, and the expulsion rate tends to be higher.

I hate slut-shaming, too, but the bit about a "committed relationship" does makes sense; IUDs aren't recommended for women at risk of contracting STDs, because infections in conjunction with an IUD increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease. There are plenty of morons out there who would sleep around but forgo condoms if they're baby-proof.

That said, some gynecologists are hesitant to insert IUDs in women who haven't had children because there is a small chance that it would negatively impact fertility after removal, oh noes!!!!

Personally, I wouldn't want to bother with an IUD. If insertion really is that painful, I'd want to go permanent... which, of course, would never happen, since I'm in my twenties. So glad that the fiance is getting the snip soon!
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
Medusa Wrote:
> LucyTrainWreck Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I've seen that commercial as well as well as
> the
> > pamphlets on this product. The ads state things
> > like "Ideal Mirena users will have had at least
> > one child and are in a committed relationship".
I reacted to that too, finally, earlier this week. The ad came on and I was like WTF? Now you are limiting who can and who can't?

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 30, 2008
I too hate that commercial. I understand why they use the selling tool/medical reasoning that the woman needs to have at least one kyd and be in a committed relationship, but it comes across as judgemental rather than what it should be;standard medical warnings. For instance, they need only say (in the minute long warnings which always follow) that 1)The average cervix/uterus isn't large enough to accomodate the product comfortably until after one birth 2)The product may increase infertility due to stds which would be greatly reduced by limited sexual partners. They choose to explain this in a way that sounds preachy and extremely outdated way, rather than just stating the facts. I also hate how they make such a BIG deal that if adding to your famblee isn't in your plans right now, that this is reversible. THAT should be common sense and shouldn't even need to be mentioned.

They are definately marketing to breeders who wish to space out their nurslings. They have COMPLETELY excluded most single women and CF women from their target audience, as well as future moomies who just haven't sprogged yet. I think that they need to make their fucking product a bit smaller or perhaps adjustable so that ANY woman can safely use their product. If I was a member of their target market I would be a bit suspicious of using something that was so fucking big that a prior baybee was required in order to have room to insert it. It makes their product sound kind of painful to me and possibly dangerous, at least the insertion part. I can't believe that no feminist groups have complained about the blatant sexism of that ad yet with it's "in a committed relationship" comment and all.
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 31, 2008
See, I'm really in the dark about this childbirth thing. how do you guys know this stuff?

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 31, 2008
I hate that commercial. I hate the whole shitling bullshit. I hate that she makes it seem that she is so busy.
Anonymous User
Re: Somewhat Annoying Mirena Commerical
October 31, 2008
I'm using Paragard. They do say it is slightly smaller than Mirena so more women can use it.

I've never had a kid, but I did have an abortion and they said the pregnancy may have made the uterus just big enough for the Paragard. Mine was 8 cm, minimum is 6.

IUD insertion really wasn't all that bad and so far I've had no problems (except for a panic due to uncertainty that I was feeling the strings).
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