Anonymous User
makes me wonder...
August 01, 2005
Sometimes, some of the rants on the board bring back unpleasant memories.. which I have tried to just forget. No good dwelling on past evils... however, I might as well bring this one up as it added to my list of reasons on WHY I DON'T WANT STINKING CHILDREN.
Almost every loss I've ever suffered, which thank God have not been many, for some reason has always been at the hands of a child.. did not lend to myself ever liking kids.
Some years back me and my now ex husband owned and ran a mobile home court/campground. We had a loooot of welfare ticks and old (and young) drunks in there. One of the younger ones was a couple, both who had alcohol 'issues'. Anyway, the guy was a 'duh' and his ex-moo coudldn't handle their 16 year old snot boy. Like the court needed a problem child, she sent him down to stay with 'duh' for a while. (Maybe drunken duh could straighten him out...) The kid tortured the duhs new wifes dog. (I heard it, the next door neighbor heard it..). among other things..
Granted, this brat had losers for parent, however why they have to take their shitty attitudes out on others is beyond me. We got on him for spinning tires leaving the court and, he also broke a window playing baseball. It was an accident, but his attitude "bet you're gonna make my dad (duh) pay for that."
I had a lovely white cat named George... only about 2 years old.. I loved that animal.. not going to list all his personality traits but he had learned how to play 'fetch' and how to open my kitchen cabinets so he could hide in there. Then he disappeared... I searched all over for 3 days. Finally, the girl who had been dating the above loser snot told me that the @#$%#$ had deliberately run the cat over and thrown him into the local creek to drown. That is ultimately where I found his body.
By the time we found this out, the snot had worn his welcome out with duh and been sent packing, probably back to moo, but don't know, and really didnt' give a damn. Just as well as I probably would have gone to jail for beating the shit out of this little turd.
We almost evicted duh and wife over this.. however, we really didn't have anything legal to stand on.. we did tell them that puke kid was NEVER to set foot on the property again. Not for anything, not even holidays. I wouldnt' be answerable to whatever happened if I happened to catch site of him. (same applied to my now ex.)
Soured me even more on kids.

two cents ¢¢
Re: makes me wonder...
August 01, 2005
That's a very sad story. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Anonymous User
Re: makes me wonder...
August 02, 2005
Thanks.. it has been a long time, but it still hurts if I think about it.
Miss every one of my little furs that have passed...This one rankles.. there is nothing more than I'd love is to get my hands on him...

two cents ¢¢
Re: makes me wonder...
August 02, 2005
Man ¢¢, I'm really sorry for your loss. I LOATHE motherfucking 'kids' like this. I'd love to run HIM over, and let him drown. Except I'd draw it out VERY slowly and painfully on him.
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